Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Did Caruso Actually Say It?

The Uncle has now heard from two sources a most remarkable thing. We are told that Caruso has said:

It wouldn't be so bad if KJ got Brodsky's land. Since only the men drive, there would be fewer cars.

Any other folks hear this? Or is this a Suburban Legend?


Anonymous said...

Can't say I've heard it, but it seems to fit with Ralphie's rationale. MORON!!

Anonymous said...

The meeting Thursday night says it all. The town would rather take its chances with Brodsky. Yeah, both Brodsky or KJ cutting up that mountain sucks.Let's pray Brodsky isn't the ultimate asshole and flips it like Cordst(rumor-yeah,right) a local did.Most people get it. For those who don't and follow Caruso listen up:
KJ wants that side of town
KJ owns Larkin
kj tells Larkin to get it
Caruso works for Larkin Caruso is told to clear the way for KJ & he can move up in the Larkin army
KJ gets the land
KJ annexes
What would be your next battle cry?

Anonymous said...

ralphie and donnie boy whatcha gonna do now. the town revoted and you lost. boo hoo. maybe you can get the people in cornwall to put up the big bucks and sue woodbury. oh but doesn't cornwall have their own problems. they seem to be having all kinds of things in front of their planning board. whatcha gonna do now. try to sue again. ralphie can't get elected to dog catcher and donnie boy probably lost his cash cow. the money has to stop now that kj ain't getting the property. wouldn't it be nice if they finally cashed in their homes and left. maybe they can move to cornwall. my oh my, whatcha gonna do now.

Anonymous said...

Roses are red violets are blue
Hey Mike screw you!
Hope you enjoy your next year on the board
Now that you have cut the cord
You know this term will be your last
Because you have just lost all your support real fast
You may think you are now part of the fantastic four
But all you are is a sell out and rotten to the core
We know you took cash
So when will you dash?

Anonymous said...

Hey- Aronowitz really does have a pair! Way to go Mike. Nice to see you can think on your own without Caruso giving you hand signals, or Siebold mouthing-off. I hope this means that you're thinking for yourself now.

Anonymous said...

If you are going to accuse someone of taking cash, you should identify yourself and show us your evidence. If not, shut your filthy pie hole!

You people have been accusing the town board members of this since WP3 started and you continue to use this reputation bashing as a way to discredit OUR town board. Nobody believes this lie. Why don't you use some new material.
If Ralph is the one who told you to use this form of bullying, I suggest that you look at his clothes and his house. He is stuck in a time warp. His manuevers are from the 1970's. People are smarter then that these days. Please go back to him and get some material from the 90's, at least most of us remember those day's.

Anonymous said...

There are some people that will never have class,
they are doomed to be forever crass,
Wallow, they will in the muck and mire,
trying to ignite a political fire,
Name calling and subtrifuge are their motto,
I will pay for them to move if I win the lotto!
And to the poet who suggests Mike takes cash,
Think before you speak and don't talk through your ash!