Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fill In The Blanks

Carlton Levine, ______ ___ _________ ______ . ______ ________ _ ______ ______ ___ ________ ____________ ___________. ____ __ ____. ___________ __ ____ ___ ______. ___ ___ _____ ____ ____.


Anonymous said...

He's Bo's running mate for Town Council.

Anonymous said...

What's the matter Unk? Can't find any dirt on the guy? Oh dear, what will you do? I know...Make it up as usual!! Then say it over and over again until the ignorant will take it as truth.

Himler lives

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...thats who he is. OK i get it.

Carlton Levine, Ralph Caruso's latest puppet in his quest to have Democrats take over Woodbury even though he is the Republican Chair entered the race recently. No one knows who he is.

Anonymous said...

Since he is a blank slate, why not give him a chance? I am not saying vote for him, just be determined in your efforts to find out exactly who he is. I know I will. As voters, insist that he attend candidate "meet and greets", and make him attend debates. Don't allow him to just say "Here I am now vote for me". Anyone remotely involved with the politics of Woodbury would recognize him if he's attended board meetings, etc, and since that doesn't seem to be the case, then he's got some catching up to do. Hey all good Democrats, when he knocks at your door and asks for your signature on his petition, use that opportunity to ask him pointed questions. Above all, PLEASE don't vote for him "just because"....

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sound advice. What are you doing here in this biased chat room??

Uncle Betty said...

I have no interest in slamming someone that I know nothing about.

However, since he is running for Town Council, I thought it might be worthwhile to ask who he is.

Anonymous said...

Should have found out the info first before "designing" and posting your thread.

Uncle Betty said...

The thread says that he is currently a blank, an unknown. What is his background, what are his issues, what are his qualifications?
I want to have the blanks filled in.

Anonymous said...

A previous poster said:

"What's the matter Unk? Can't find any dirt on the guy? Oh dear, what will you do? I know...Make it up as usual!! Then say it over and over again until the ignorant will take it as truth.

Himler lives"

Hey, isn't that what Ralph and crew are doing to Mike A and Lorraine, making stuff up?
I can hear it now: "Ralph said it so it must be true- Mike A and Lorraine do nothing"

Stupid people will get what they deserve: Bo and what's his name.

Uncle Betty said...

By the way, Anonymous # 3 (Lord, it would make things so much easier if you folks just made up names like "Big Louie" or "Mr. Weasel-Penis"), Heinrich Himmler (two "m"s) was head of the SS and the Gestapo, the secret police.

You probably mean Joseph Goebbels, head of the Ministry of Propaganda.

But that's only a guess. Trying to follow your stupidity through the murk of your ignorance is difficult.

Should we assume that you are comparing the Hitlerian "Big Lie" to my saying that a man who is running for town board is a blank slate whose positions are, as yet, unknown to us?