Saturday, June 23, 2007

How's This For Staters?

Anonymous said...
Dear Unc:

What is so bad about the town right now, except for the stupid village?

Route 32 - It’s Woodbury’s “Main Street.” It’s also a two-lane state road that is the only North-South through-route within miles. All Thruway bound traffic from New Windsor rides right through the middle of town.

Centerlessness - We have no town square.

Unneighborliness - We’re right next to a village that is in the tight grip of an inner-circle that has never shown true regard for its own people, let alone the rights of its neighbors.

Crappiness - We have a lousy state senator.

Traffic -We’re right at the confluence of the Thruway, Route 17, Route 6, Route 32 and everyone who wants to go to Woodbury Common.

Apathy - We are more and more a bedroom community with a growing percentage of the population who vote straight party tickets without knowing the first thing about what goes on here.

Certainty - We have too many politicians who know what they know and can’t be bothered to question their own views.

Disinterest - not enough good people are willing to put up with all this and run for office.


Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle:

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or is the glass always half empty?

Yes, we have traffic problems and there is tons of apathy, just like most other places.

Yes we have some crooked politicians and we are working to get rid of them or not let them get into office in the first place.
With that thought, there are a group of citizens that DO care and are willing to pitch in.

And we have the best parks in the county.

Centerless? have you been to Jays deli, the unofficial center of the town?

Sure we have problems, but that is like everywhere.

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle was asked what was wrong with Woodbury. Those are some of the things that make the list.

On balance, what's right out-weighs what's wrong - otherwise, when I got kicked out of the Presidential Palace all those years ago I would have settled down somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to change the subject, Unk.
But I had to give a high five to Monroe's mayor John Karl for stopping low life Abe Goldberger from illegally tapping into thier water supply. How many times has KJ been caught doing that. And their response always is " A mistake was made". I don't blame John one bit for losing his temper. I hope everyone follows this and supports Mr. Karl

Uncle Betty said...

That's why Karl did it. He knew that facing off with anyone identified with KJ was a natural vote getter in Monroe.

Anonymous said...

Nah, they have a history of fighting. I think Karl got pissed off. I just hope all the sneaky crap KJ keeps pulling continues to fall before the public eye. For example, they just got permission to build one level higher.From 3 to 4 floors. But they don't mention that they are putting apts. in the basements.In the real world that is a 5 story apt. building.

Anonymous said...

yeah, your all so smart!! why don't you ask the big hero (asshole) John Karl what really happened that day, after 5 hours of back room deals with Karl, Goldbergers lawyer and the state police all charges were dropped and Karl walked free, do you think Goldberger is dumb, drop the charges and reap the spoils later when all this crap dies down, he's got the village of monroe by the balls!!