Thursday, June 14, 2007

Running Out The Clock vs Believing In Nothing

OK, here the Uncle goes again, off the reservation, talking about the universe outside of Woodbury.

Down there in Never-Never-Land (aka Washington, D. C.) the Democrats see themselves as less detested than the Republicans and are scared to death that they will step wrong between now and November of 2008.

So, their bold decision is to try and do as little as possible that will offend anyone.

Now that's leadership!

As for the Republicans, they prove everyday that they believe in absolutely nothing.

The best new example is the clamour for a pardon for Scooter Libby.

Sure he lied to Federal Investigators and perjured himself under oath, "but," we are told, "there was no underlying crime."

Let's put aside the small matter of revealing the identity of a covert CIA agent during wartime (say, isn't that sort of like treason?).

Aren't these "Beg Your Pardon" folks the same people who impeached Boxer-Shorts Bill Clinton for - ready for it - lying under oath?

And what was the underlying crime there? Adultary? Priapism? Dirty-old-man-hood?

Did any of them cry large, greasy tears for Martha Stewart who went to prison for lying to Federal Investigators?

If we get the government we deserve, we must have been very, very naughty.


Anonymous said...

What I can't stand is the "my guy's great, your guy sucks" attitude.

Any Democrat who denies that Bill Clinton was a philandering dirtbag is full of it.

And any Republican who pretends that the same isn't true for Guiliani, Gingrich, Delay, McCain and Bush Senior is also full of it.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about Bush Junior!

Anonymous said...

Politics, arrogance and deceit will forever walk hand in hand. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, there is a very big difference between Clinton and Libby - Clinton was never found to be guilty of lying under oath...Libby was. End of story.