Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bella Donna

James Skoufis said...

The Donna Colombo for Mayor campaign and the CommUNITY Party issued a joint press release this morning stating that Donna has dropped out of the mayoral race and endorsed the entire CommUNITY Party slate of candidates.

I can say that Donna got well over the required number of signatures to get on the ballot and already has hundreds of supporters - through her ballet school, from door knocking, and from being a neighbor in Highland Mills for a dozen years. Despite this, as many of you have rightly pointed out, she feels it is more important that she unite behind another candidate so that others, who may have personal agendas and motives, do not get elected, and that people who have the best interests of the village in mind do.

I speak for myself when I say that, as a political novice and without going into specifics, I was astonished at the first-hand and third-hand politicking and under-handedness that I experienced in our small town in the short few weeks that Donna was on the campaign trail. I know that Donna entered the race in large part because she didn't want to see a "politics as usual" attitude to the new village and wanted to offer an option to vote for someone who wasn't involved in any political circles. I feel that we successfully shrugged off any attempts by the politicos to influence - often times adversely - our campaign. Despite this, I know Donna was extremely disheartened by the lies and underhandedness that she personally experienced while campaigning. She feels she could have won and I certainly feel she would have won, but it is in the best interest of the village that she step down and support the CommUNITY Party which both she and I can honestly say is made up of thoughtful, honest, and good-willed people. Thanks everyone and lets make sure the right people win in November.

You'll be able to read more about the endorsement in the THR and Photo News later this week.


Anonymous said...

I would also like to thank Donna for a very gracious and selfless move. I am truly impressed by the genuine concern she seems to be showing for the good of her community, definately a breath of fresh air in the oft depressing politics of our town. And I'm honored to be supporting the CommUNITY party alongside someone like that.

Piece of advice Donna? Don't give up your desire to make a difference in this community yet. Woodbury sorely needs people like you, and I'm sure you'll have another chance. And I would definately consider voting for you, should that day come.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above statement, when the village officials take office, do they need to appoint a planning or zoning board? I think Donna would make a great, honest choice for any of these positions.

Anonymous said...

Ah the Planning and Zoning board questions...perhaps that is yet another reason why Ralph is running for mayor...isn't his term on the zoning board up in December? Chances are, he WON'T be reappointed, so he needs to secure his control of the town (village) in another way. You really have to pity the guy...NOT. What we need to do is let him know, yet again, that he is NOT wanted as dictator in this town (village). While I'm on the topic, can anyone with a good memory of the town's political history tell me when and how Ralph originally got on the Town Board all those years ago, and did he get re-elected, or was one term of his power grabbing ego enough? Would love to know. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I believe that Ralph served one term on the Town Board. I believe he was elected in the town election of 1979 and was defeated in the elections of 1983. He has never won a regular election ever since. I guess as you say once was enough for the people of this town to learn all they needed to about him.

The only thing that concerns me now is that Ralph has been succesful in getting people to believe that he has saved Woodbury with this village. I have heard of people who hate Ralph with a passion who have said they will vote for him now becuase he has the interest of the town at heart. PLEASE DONT BE FOOLED!!! Ralph only has HIS INTERESTS at heart. Thats it. Ralph planned this whole thing to get elected.

You will be paying more taxes next year, our fire district will be abolished, many services could be affrected in ways we havent even yet to imagine yet...all so Ralph can be king of Woodbury. And that my freinds is the truth!!

Anonymous said...

You don't really belive that KJ would send a letter asking people to vote no on the Village if they didn't really want people to vote yes, do you? Reverse psychology, people think Kj wants a no vote, so they vote yes. And why you ask? Because Kj could not afford to have a dissident Village sprouting up, that would give them competition for all those fat grants that Larkin and Ralph have secured them. Also, Village to Village annexation is easier than Village to Town annexation. Unfortunately we as residents in Woodbury are just pawns in Ralph and Larkins' games to help KJ. believe it or don't, all you have to do is foil all the grants that Larkin has secured for Kj over the years, while Ralph has been Larkins aide. Do you know that there are actually people out there that do not know that Ralph works for Larkin? Talk about being uninformed.

Anonymous said...

Oh for Pete's sake - enough with the KJ - Caruso conspiracy paranoia!! It didn't make sense when it first came out it doesn't make sense now.

Anonymous said...

Typical- factual evidence is referred to as "conspiracy paranoia". OK Bob, whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

Are you denying that Ralph is and has been Larkins aide for many years? And do you deny that together they have secured millions upon millions of for KJ?
You might as well deny that Fuchs is John Burkes daughter.

Anonymous said...

Ralph will even go one step further and say that this election isn't political!

Anonymous said...

Lets tell the future...if Ralph becomes Mayor...Shall we?

Ralph gets elected. This will be after KJ denounces him just before the election and "ironically" states that he is anti KJ and that only with the CommUNITY slate will KJ be able to "make peace" with Woodbury. Woodburians buy the propaganda just like they bought in to Abe Weider's letter before the village vote.

Not too long after Ralph is sworn in, KJ, attempting to protect its interests from evil Ralph will submit annexation requests to Woodbury.

Ralph looking like the defender of Woodbury will instruct his cronies on the Village Board to vote no.

Lawsuit central begins.

Woodbury near bankruptcy over legal bills begins to "explore" a resolution.

Citizens panicked by their town and village going bankrupt and tired of the ever increasing taxes to pay for this legal mess, while money suspiciously pours in to KJ to help them with their legal bills, begin to listen to the explore other options rhetoric.

Ralph now will propose that we just give KJ "just a little bit" by changing the zoning there to allow for high density at Ace Farm.

A tired Woodbury electorate reluctantly trusts their supposed savior of Woodbury...and that he knows what’s best for Woodbury.

KJ agrees to drop their annexation requests...as Woodbury agrees to alter their zoning under the crushing weight of lawsuits.

Almost as quick as lightning after the change in zoning on the land to high density KJ begins immediately with building condos.

Soon, many KJ residents begin pouring across the border to live there...and also now vote in Woodbury village and town elections.

Soon, Woodbury becomes like Monroe and Woodbury residents lose their say in elections and are outvoted by KJ residents.

Ralph remains Mayor for life, has undisputed control of Woodbury...no one can muster the opposition to defeat him...but isn’t that Ralph's plan to begin with??

If you think that this sounds like a conspiracy theory...then go back to bed you living in a dream world

Anonymous said...

It does make allot of sense if you think of it. Many might say it is conspiracy theory. However, people in Monroe would have told you the same thing when KJ was created back in the 1970's. Look at the mess Monroe is in today. Candidates can win EVERY single district outside of KJ and lose in KJ and be defeated. Thats not democracy!

Anonymous said...

Definitely is definitely not spelled definately. Never has been and definitely never will be.

Uncle Betty said...

You shure?

Anonymous said...

IFFF this conspiracy theory is in fact reality, how is the anti-Ralphs going to deal with it. Your scenario can be played out regardless of who is in power/control.

Anonymous said...

Well even if so...would you trust Caruso who along with his bsso is in bed with KJ...or someone that isnt in their pocket to handle the situation we might find ourselves in.

Anonymous said...

that should be "along with his BOSS"

Anonymous said...

Hot off the presses, Ralph will tighten zoning and close all loopholes...........translated: will make sure developers can not build so that they will sell their property to Kj. Great idea.....I would much rather have KJ swoop in and buy Brodsky's (and others) property in town, than to have a well planned thought out gated community among us...........NOT!!

Anonymous said...

I can't help wondering if you people sit in a circle and entertain each other...THERE IS A NAME FOR THAT...Please get a life.

Anonymous said...

OK Ralph....anything you say Ralph.

Anonymous said...

From today's THR-
The creation of the village represents a new opportunity for Ralph Caruso and his political allies, who lost their fights to stop plans for a 451-home gated community and WIN CONTROL of the Town Board that approved those plans.

Caruso, who campaigned for creation of the village, is now running for mayor with a slate that vows to revisit Woodbury's zoning. He said yesterday that they want to close loopholes and remove ambiguities, but declined to offer specifics.

"I would say that all zoning is up for review," Caruso said.

PAY CLOSE ATTENTION..."win contol"...the MOST important part of that article...Ralph CARUSO wants CONTROLL!!! Absolute CONTROL, and absolute POWER! Why do you think he has such weaklings running with him. What the hell does Adrianne (Burke) Fuchs know about running the Village, other than what Ralph and John tell her. The rest of that slate is totally under Ralph's CONTROL as well. What is Woodbury going to become? A dictatorship?

If, for some unexplained reason, you find yourself voting for Ralph, then please at least BALANCE the board by voting for the rest of the Community Party slate. Remember, GREAT government should always have it's checks and balances. Voting in Ralph and his entire Preservation Party will lead to uncontrolled changes for our Town/Village, all at Ralph's whim and pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I thought the Village was just going to keep everything as is? With nothing being affected? Isn't that what Ralph promised everyone before the Village vote? No all of the sudden he's going to change zoning........hmmmm....great idea, ask Airmont that worked great for them.oh wait a minute, no, it BANKRUPTED them!!! Ralph's ego is getting ahead of himself again.....wake up Woodbury, and save yourselves from a meglomaniac before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Question: Didn't George Pederson sue the Town over a street name? Wow that get's him my vote.

Anonymous said...

Hey, to the spelling teacher. SHUT UP

Anonymous said...

Now that Ralph has finally gotten himself into the limelight and is being quoted in the papers, he seems to be tripping over his tongue. He's gone from maintaining zoning to reviewing everything???? Sounds like a man who is thirsting for power. Woodbury BEWARE!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, if Caruso gets in and then wants to "review ALL zoning", isn't that going to add alot more $$ to his Village budget? I think we were sold a bag of lies with that Preservation kit, and that was his intention from the start. I feel foolish knowing that I voted for the village, and am having serious doubts about what I did. I know one thing for sure now that I've had time to actually read up on things and listen, I WON'T be voting for Ralph Caruso. I think people WITHOUT some hidden agenda would be best.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article in the THR today about Montgomery and their zoning problems...seems their board rushed into adopting some exclusionary zoning, only for the developers to fight back, sue and guess what....the developers (plaintiffs)WON!!! According to what was in the THR, since they won, read what might happen next...
"In November, the plaintiffs will ask the judge for compensation of attorneys' fees of about $750,000."

Now, if Ralph and his preservationists start messing around with the current zoning, do you think this type of suit from a developer or KJ might happen here??? ABSOLUTELY!!! Since Ralph's imaginary budget was $150,000, where in the hell would $750,000 come from??? That type of suit isn't covered by insurance, so WE, the lowly taxpayers would be hit, and hit hard!!! Can anyone say BANKRUPTCY??? At least our present Town board LISTENS to their attorney's advice and does their homework. We need a Village board who will work just as co-operatively and do what is necessary to save our Town/Village...not someone who wants to march in and turn years of planning and zoning around, just because he doesn't like a certain approved development!!! SAY NO TO RALPH CARUSO!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think this is such a position as a speeling teacher, I think it should probably be referred to as an english teacher.

Anonymous said...

"this is such"

Anonymous said...

"speeling" Moron SHUT UP

Anonymous said...

Ralph is the one who is scaring Woodbury...look what hysteria he's already caused...a Village???Yea, we needed that. Why is having a Village any better than just having a Town? KJ can STILL annex land, and it seems that by the mere fact that we created a Village, KJ's attorney's would have enough ammunition to waltz through court and get everything they ever wanted and more. Gee, thanks for NOTHING Ralph.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, the blog is hot tonight! So Ralph, when can we expect your little bats to fly around and release your next piece of trash???

Anonymous said...

Here is a perfect opportunity for Ralph and his merry men to prove they have no ill intent and that this whole Village idea was not a power grab. If in fact they didn't want anything to change, then why don't they pull out of the election and let someone else run this new Village? Wouldn't that make sense, and finally prove that this whole Village was not orchestrated to finally attempt to put Ralph back in a position of power. I mean he did such a stellar job as councilman, after one term he was never able to win any election again in Town. And do you know why? Just ask anyone who was here during the late seventies and early eighties, or go look at his record while he was on the board. That should be enough to finally show the truth about our "savior".

Anonymous said...

Why is John Burke siding with Caruso? I thought John Burke was an intelligent man, why would he tarnish his reputation by getting involved with a lying, egotistical, dreadful dressing meglomaniac?

Anonymous said...

Curious George,
what's the matter? Dog got your tongue? Under his ass?

Anonymous said...

The teaming of Ralph and John Burke took place long before last November's election- why do you think Ralph and his Republican committee did not endorse Sheila, or any other Republican...they HAD to make SURE that John would win....and why do you think the Woodbury Democrats would actively campaign for Roxanne Donnery...because they HAD to make SURE that Ralph won the legislative position. Too bad they couldn't see the forest for the trees, and didn't understand that Ralph leaves an awful taste in everyone's mouths. Watch the tapes of the Town Board meetings...whenever Ralph is there, he sits out of the camera's view and just peers at John, and then they ALWAYS huddle up together after the meetings. "Did I do a good job Ralph, did I, did I?" Poor John Burke...has become another of Ralph's little Robots. Heck, when Ralph wants to talk about "off-limits" subjects, he just by-passes the board members and addresses John directly, like John has the authority to grant him his wishes..sorry Ralph, the MAJORITY still rules in this great land of ours!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, left out a key word...the Woodbury Democrats would NOT actively campaign for Roxanne Donnery....

Anonymous said...


My tongue is right where is should be...well within my head as yours should be. I admit that Burke's daughter being in the balloting is an eye opener but I don't here anyone complaining about Joanne Stabile being on the ballot. There is apparent nepotism on both sides and both candidates do not appear to have any political savy without consul from their elected connections.

On why Burke is siding with Ralph, if that is what he is doing--Look at the ballots people. It's the WP3 and Legacy Ridge zoning all over again. The vote will again come to this.

I agree what was said before by someone in regards to lawsuits and what is happening in Montgomery. If it does happen, don't blame the Ralphings. Blame the parties that put us into this mess in the first place..Aronowitz, Gianzero, Mcneill, and Queenan.

Curious George

Anonymous said...

You left out the most important and distructive person who started this whole mess about zoning ......The former supervisor Shiela Conroy !

Anonymous said...

Great insight Curious george,
Don't you realize that if Legacy Ridge is stopped, then WE, all Village residents will have to pay for the 12 million dollar upgrades to water and sewer that they are offering to pay for? You see in a Village there are no seperate water and sewer districts, so all expenses are evenly distributed to everyone in the entire water and sewer district. As for WP#3, who do you think will buy that property if Brodsky can't build and flips it? As for the wonderful attitude of Ralph and John, "we'll take them to court", tell me of one lawsuit we as a Town have ever won. We the taxpayers will be forced to pay not only the legal bills for all the litigation, but the millions of dollars that we are SURE to lose in court. Now imagine this, the Town and Village get into a squabble over some matter, You and I will have to pay for a lawyer for the Town and for the Village, to in fact fight ourselves. I think we do a fine job now fighting with ourselves for free.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Keep giving into the builders? Now I see your thought process, keep all the land undeveloped that will generate no tax base, that way us taxpayers can keep paying higher taxes, gee great plan. I bet YOU live in a house on property that someone gave into the builders to build. Strange, I can remember these same fights against Timber Ridge, the New section of Valley Forge, The Greens of Woodbury, Highland Lake Estates, Brigadoon etc etc. Great plan, don't ever generate any new tax base, now I see your wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Hey UB,
Have you asked Ralph to prove that he is not up to no good by stepping down from the election? Seems to me this would be the perfect way for him to shed his power hungry, controlling, meglomaniac image he has done so much to foster.

Anonymous said...

Yes Great Insight Slick. If the town government had set up a long range plan for yearly infrastructure maintenance and improvement instead of letting them sit and rot to its current condition then we wouldn't have this 12 million dollar bill you talk about. Their inaction, Shelia included, forced them into accepting this extorsion (though I don't how much was actually extorsion or just pure acceptance for whatever reason).

Another possibility for this neglect is possibly the sewer system in that area was under a HOA and not the town's problem until it was transferred over to them. This is just another reason that new developments should be public from the start and not "gated"/private. Eventually, they will revert to the town.

Curious George

Anonymous said...

Curious George,
What happened in Montgomery was a law firm(same one that represents KJ sued the town on the bases that the zoning in the new Comprehensive Plan was exclusionary and did not allow for more affordable housing in certain areas. The same areas that before the Comp plan was passed allowed for more affordable housing. The town LOST BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT REZONE AT 3-4 ACRE ZONING IF YOU DO NOT ALLOW HIGHER DENSITY ZONING IN OTHER AREAS OF TOWN!!! So to face reality the town board actually helped the town of Woodbury's case(which we all know is going to happen) because they rezoned the WP3 property from 2 acre to 1 acre showing that the town is willing to be flexable with it's zoning and not trying to exlude affordable housing like Montgomery did. Ralph's brillant plan to tighten zoning is the same thing Montgomery did and will have the same result.

Anonymous said...

The simple, but sad, truth of the matter is that if Ralph wins and at least two of his slate also win, Woodbury as we know it will die.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, those who condemn Mrs. Conroy know absolutely NOTHING about zoning or planning. You're so very ignorant.

Anonymous said...

If Ralph wins and even if all the rest of the CommUNITY slate win Woodbury is still dead...Mayors have executive power...Supervisors dont...this is not like a town board majority outvoting a weak non executive Town Supervisor...who has no power that the town board dosent give him. Mayors can make executive appointments and decsisions that dont require board approval.

Ralph MUST NOT win...regardless of the board make up

Anonymous said...

So, why then are there 4 trustees? What the heck do they do if the Mayor has all the power? Am I understanding your correctly?? Why do they vote on anything if whatever the mayor says goes?? If this IS the case, then voting for Ralph is even MORE dangerous than first thought...boy, the papers should definitely do a story about that, and SOON!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Village Board does play a role...but it would be equal say to a State legislature or Congress...there are executive and legislative branches in village government...the Village Board does approve of things but the Mayor has allot more executive authority to hire and fire, appoint department heads, and make more decsisions than say John Burke who can not do ANYTHING (even though he seems to forget that) without Town Board approval. There is only a legislative branch in town government. The Supervisor is not an executive.

Anonymous said...

the people on this blog need to get their facts straight before they comment with false and misleading comments !! this blog has NO credibility in the community !!!!

Anonymous said...

Then why do you read this blog if it has no credibility?

Anonymous said...

Why do you go to the bathroom. To get of the crap you've accumulated of course.

Anonymous said...

the people on this blog need to get their facts straight before they comment with false and misleading comments !! this blog has NO credibility in the community !!!!

There is nothing worse than people who say people are wrong without giving any facts to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Don

Anonymous said...

Tell us Don, what information is incorrect. What facts do we need to know? Quick go check with Ralph so he can tell you what to say.

Anonymous said...

I would assume the people currently threatening us for giving into the builders are the same people who so graciously wrote into the Record claiming that the 1,000+ plus honest citizens who signed that petition supporting the conservation cluster, or at least the hundreds who showed up at the meeting to support the vote were all "developers and real estate agents." And the same people who immediately wrote in claiming the village was a "referendum on the town board." Completely changing their rhetoric and twisting the facts as soon as the vote is through, just like Ralph is doing now with his zoning statements. Its insulting.

On the sewer stuff, don't forget the Sheila was actually only supervisor for the last 4 years, with no budgetary power before that (save her MUCH earlier stint on the Town board). She spent those four years working very hard and getting, amongst other things an offer which made developers foot that whole bill in the little time she had- while facing non-stop televised attacks from Caruso, Burke and all the other ussual suspects. I know she did fight hard to hold developers to the fire on all her years on the planning board, particularly on sewer and drainage issues in that part of town which have been a disaster because Valley Forge's earlier developers did a completely shoddy job and many people's homes still flood today.

As for traffic issues- she is on record as the minority dissenting vote against all the deals cut for Woodbury Commons, without a doubt the #1 cause of our town's problems in that department. She and the late Mr. Gubernick, I believe were quite vocal in fighting against a project they believed was shortsighted and had no real benefit to the community- something which holds out after all their years of tax breaks, the mess they make 32 every weekend and the burden they place on our police department.

She can be blamed for zoning issues up to high heaven, but the fact of the matter is that the lands are still (for the moment) held by people willing to work with the town, instead of the hands of KJ. Its clear how things would have gone, as soon as Brodsky and Pine started buying land a MASSIVE bidding war ensued to drive up the price. At $100,000+ an acre (the current price range near WP3/Ace farm), how can the town expect anyone else in their right mind to try and buy and develop it? Esspecially if a village leadership gets in that's hostile to ANY development?

Anonymous said...

Curious George,
There is no reason to complain about Joann Stabile running. Unlike Ms. Fuchs, Joann has been active in the coummunity for many years, including politics. Joann is a genuine and caring individual who asks for nothing in return. She is more than capable of standing on her own two feet without any help from her already elected "connection".

Anonymous said...

Volunteering is one measure of how much a person cares about their community. Mrs. Stabile has volunteered for years, even before her husband was elected. I have yet to see any volunteering for Woodbury in Mrs. Fuchs resume'.