Monday, September 18, 2006

A Plurality, not A Majority or..... How Ralph Can Win While Losing

A majority means more than half the votes.

A plurarity means more votes than anyone else.

In a two way race they are the same thing. In a three, four or more way race, they are very, very different.

There is no way that Ralph Caruso can get a majority of the votes in his run for mayor.

However, if, say, five people run, it is easy to see Ralph's hard core followers (and those who vote for him because they vaguely recognize the name) getting perhaps 25% of the vote, while no one else gets over 22% or 23%. That's a plurality.

So what? You just have a run off between the two top vote getters.

Un uh!

Not in New York.

Outside of NYC, election law doesn't allow for runoff elections.

One election only and whoever gets the most votes wins, even if it isn't a majorty.

The more people who run for mayor, the greater the chance that Ralph can swoop in and have it all.

And may God have mercy on our souls.

(An avuncular thank you to the Pieman for much of the above info on election law)


Anonymous said...

So???? If we get someone other than from the parties extreme, then we would have compromise candidates who would more than likely be acceptable to all.

What do you say out there....more choices...more choices.

Anonymous said...

Right. The more choices there are the more the vote will be split and the better for Ralph.

Anonymous said...

So Unc, are you saying that Ralph could win either way? I mean if people don't step up to the plate, Ralph could win due to lack of choice, and if people (too many) do step up to the plate, he could still win. Why don't the mayoral candidates, other than Ralph, get together and decide on some common ground, and one good candidate before too many petitions get signed?

Anonymous said...

It will be unfortunate if one candidate gets elected because the "anybody but him/her" votes get split by the other candidates. States like Louisiana vote like we all should - with runoff elections.

Anonymous said...

Well, NY is definitely a strange beast, and like it or not, there won't be any run-off. I'm sure Mr. Caruso is just tickled pink that all this fuss is being made, and energy being spent in trying to beat him, but in the end, all the best intentions may be for naught. While at least four mayoral candidates, besides Ralph, are busy getting their petitions signed, they may just want to listen to the anon poster above and rethink their reasons and intentions, and narrow down the field. Yes, I know we live in America, and everyone has the right to do as they please if they meet the requirements, but sometimes taking a hit for the proverbial team may be what's best.

Anonymous said...

I think before you guys start talking about one candidate to run against Ralph, you need to consider if any of these candidates support your ideals. I for one will not vote for Donna because she has a platform of tighting up our zoning, which tells me she is clueless when it comes to annexation. Tightning up our zoning will NOT help us prevent anexation. It also creates urban sprawl by having larger lots clear cut with no vegatation left.
I would also add that she lives in one of the highest density developments in all of Woodbury! What if Timber Ridge was not built? It can't be now that I am here everyone else stay out. The times of McMansions on 3-4 acre lots are gone. The people living in these homes don't even know their neighbors and can't afford their taxes.
I would support a candidate that supports smart growth(which is what the county has been pushing for years.) Lets have some cluster developments like WP3 with maybe less housing, so that we can preserve open space and get more land donated to the town. Town land cannot be annexed over, so it is important that all candidates keep this in mind.
I do not want to see out of control growth, but we also need to be aware that the town and village boards can shape future developments by working with builders and developers to let them know what they would like to see in regards to development.

Anonymous said...

I too have a problem with the whole "tightning our zonong platform".
If the village rezones certain areas of town that need tightning, we could be looking at a huge lawsuit!
What are we thinking. Lets be smart moving forward and stop putting things in our platform that will just cost us a ton of money in legal fees. Maybe Donna should talk to people like Gerri Gianzero, Lorraine McNeill, Mike Queenan or even Sheila Conroy.
I think she just needs a crash course.

Anonymous said...

She should also be aware of just what will happen to large tracks of land like Legacy and WP3 if the village government's "tight zoning" forces the current developers to pick between ANOTHER round of endless legal battles or simply cut their losses while their heads are still (barely) above financial waters.

We all know this is exactly what Ralph plans, and it goes without say who the only people who'd risk buying the land after that would be. Those who'd expect to be able to take it out of our communities control through annexation, or simply build past any zoning restrictions with loopholes (such as a recent Federal "Rilupa" law forcing towns to allow religious schools w/dorms regardless of current zoning).

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if any of the candidates agree to have a "meet & greet & answer questions" night, these are the TOUGH questions that need to be asked. It's easy to have a "nice nice" platform, but when you cut past all that, where do any of these people really stand, and how well will they really work with the current town board and the town employees and volunteers? History has proven that Mr. Caruso, for one, operates behind smoke and mirrors, so it is absolutely logical to NOT believe anything that comes out of his mouth, or anything he dares to publish. What is unclear is what all these other candidates for mayor and trustees really know, understand and will stay true to. Any progress with an open forum before the vote Mr. Swiller?

Anonymous said...

How about a new topic UB? Like where has Don Cyborg been? You know him, half Ralphling, half weasel. Hey Donny, Ralph couldn't find any room for you on his slate of losers? At least he knows that putting you and C. Maloony and Bubbles and Bo on the ticket would be a nightmare. Keep them in the closet where they belong. Not that the slate you have is much better. Ms Adrianne (Burke) Fukes will have alot to talk about with Daddy (John Burke, Town Supervisor)over dinner. And when Bill M and Carol M are in bed, will Ralph be in the middle telling them what to do? Oh I can't wait to see the fall out.

Anonymous said...

Sorry fore the typo in the previous. Fuchs.

Anonymous said...

Let's give credit where credit is due. The proper spelling of the little anklebiter is Donald Siebold. That said, it seems that George Pedersen has taken his place as Ralphie's go to man. George has been known to do his share of double-crossing so he fits comfortably with Ralph's gang. I wonder if Ralph has taken the time hand out crying towels!

Anonymous said...

I know his name is Siebold, I was making a joke. I guess it didn't fly.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone that is running for Mayor had better get together and pick just one person. If everyone is in agreement that Ralph cannot get in, then yhou better think long and hard about whats going to happen.

To Stephanie Weeks, David Sutz, Donna Columbo, Anthony Cirigliano: The four of you need to decide which of you should run, not all of you. If you all run, Ralph will win. Whats more important to you? Winning this election, or letting Ralph run away with it. Please think about it.

Anonymous said...

To respond to some of the previous comments:

Donna has been meeting with many of the towns officials as well as many of the residents of Woodbury, and she is learning about zoning as well as other aspects of the town that she admittedly was not an "expert" in - and I think it is unfair to expect that she be an expert. Traffic, congestion, overcrowding of our schools among other things are directly related to zoning - there is more to it that preventing annexation. All of those factors will play into our platform. Instead of name-calling, perhaps you could constructively talk to Donna about your views.

What we should be critical of is Ralph Caruso's apparent clarevoyance in predicting how much our village is going to cost us in tax paying dollars. He claims it will cost us under $30 without hesitation despite a) the village was not even formed yet b) the village board was not yet elected and c) no one yet knows what services, if any, will be duplicated.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Skoufis- there is indeed alot to learn, and you're right in that name-calling isn't going to teach anything. Mr. Caruso believes in what he wrote for THAT very reason- HE wrote it, so that is what HE expects, when HE is elected...see the theme here. Ralph believes he now has a mandate due to the village being created, and feels that we all should bow to him and let him have his way. FORTUNATELY, our town does have concerned citizens, like Donna, Stephanie, Anthony, etc and they are NOT putting themselves out there for some political conquest like Ralph...they simply care, and for what appears to be the right reasons. Since a run-off is not an option, I think the author of one of the latter posts is trying to say that from the four others, perhaps they can agree on one strong candidate to beat Ralph.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that anybody expects Donna or the other Mayoral candidates to be experts, it's just that there is some very important issues regarding zoning before the town board and for Donna or any other candidate to say they will tighten the zoning in my opinion is reckless. First examine the zoning in all areas of town and see what makes sense. Increasing zoning is NOT the answer to our complex problems. Again Donna should talk to board members like Gerri, Lorraine or Mike Q, but from what I understand she has not reached out to these people that she would have to work very closely with the first year of her term should she win!
You say she has been reaching out to the officials. Who may they be?

Anonymous said...

As said before- zoning is just ONE area of many that will need to be addressed, however I, for one, would like to see a mayor go through the learning process with the help of the current Town Board, rather than see someone like Ralph, with his own agenda, abuse the office just to get what he wants. I truly believe this is just a stepping-stone for a higher office, and for stroking Larkin. Larkin throws us crumbs when it best suits him or Ralph...Bill should be the next one we throw out of office!

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked there are two other board members, do you think that only those three run the town? Maybe she has spoken with Mike A and John.

Anonymous said...

Listen, some of the candidates may not have all the knowledge or answers on all zoning, planning etc. issues facing Woodbury. However, they, like everyone else before them will learn what they need to know. I will surley take my chances with any one of the candidates, before I would ever support Ralph or any of his cronies. I believe all the new candidates are running to do what's in the best interests of ALL of us, unlike Ralph who is out for himself and his ever over-inflated ego, just has he has attempted to do for the past 20+ years. Wake up form your dream state people, Ralph cares about Ralph and Ralph alone. He is a political loser who could never win any election, so he perpetrated and manipulated this whole Village vote as a final grasp last ditch attempt to power grab.

Anonymous said...

I ahte to give Siebold or Sullivan any credit, but I didn't see their names on Ralph's super-slate, could it be they too have learned what everyone else who has ever associated themselves with Ralph has learned? That he is a liar, a sneak and out for himself? Just like every other professional politician.

Anonymous said...

I know Donna has met with at least John Burke and Gerri Gianzero.

Anonymous said...

So what's up with John & Mike A not wanting a "candidates night" to be taped and on channel 22 for the whole viewing public?? Everything else is on 22, why not a debate? It certainly WOULD be serving the Town's best interest!!!

Anonymous said...

Given that Adrian Fuch is John Burke's daughter, I'm a little skeptical of ALL the candidates having Woodbury's best interests in mind.

Has anyone considered the possibility that at least some of these candidates may have been "put up" by Ralph to split the vote? It would certainly be well within his style, esspecially given that so many people distrust him and he has only a small block of fanatical people behind him.

But that block could lead him to victory if the, what is it now FOUR other candidates split all the votes between them?

Anonymous said...

I am sure Ralph told is boy Mike A not to put it on TV.

Anonymous said...

Well since Mike A mentioned that contract with cable, I'd really like to see it, and to find out why some ads from things that are happening in Monroe and other towns can end up on channel 22, but not something as important as the questioning of the Viallage candidates cannot be aired. I though Mike A was done with Ralph?!?!? Although more and more, it's seeming like they all go home to roost sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Channel 22 only airs TOWN meetings which include Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings. They do NOT tape school board meetings a tape is given to the Town clerk and she puts it in the rotation.
The bulletin board on channel 22 with weekly announcements has various events listed. Mike did not say no to posting it on channel 22.
I thought Mike brought up some good points, so let's see the cable contract. It would make sense that the town would be reponsible for that very expensive equiptment. It should only be used for town meetings. Do you realize how many groups would love to have their meetings taped. The town doesn't even tape their parks meetings or beautification meetings. Those meetings are for the public interest. Why don't the village pay!!!!!!!!!
After all it's for their election.

Anonymous said...

I do not want my taxpayer dolllars spent on OCEAN events! Go ask MW to use their equipment.

Uncle Betty said...

Good idea Ralph.

Anonymous said...

We do not need to see more staged events,putting this on TV will only add to that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Moron, you stated "why don't the Village pay?", don't you realize that we are all the Village now? They is us!!!!! Sure, make the village pay, my taxes aren't high enough already, throw in a few more dollars. Just like everyone who voted yes for this village, you are sadly misinformed, misguided and unaware of what is going on in your own backyard.

Anonymous said...

What I meant is that the village should pay out of their already in the red budget. At the town board meeting the town clerk asked the board members to fund the village election machines which has to be serviced after the election, then ask the village board to pay back the town! Of course it comes out of our pockets either way, but the point is there will be plenty of unexpected costs FOR THE VILLAGE which comes from a smaller tax base then the town because we have to exclude harriman. EVERYTHING will be more costly. AGAIN MORE MONEY BECAUSE IT IS A SMALLER TAX BASE!!!!!!!!!! So let the village pay for it.

Anonymous said...

And if we had all only voted no...

Anonymous said...

So will the Preservation of Woodbury party be putting out another newsletter with even more helpful bullshit, since it's doubtful that they'll participate in anything else?

Anonymous said...

Is The Uncle suddenly practicing censorship?

Uncle Betty said...

How so?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Tick-tock, tick-tock...3 more days before those petitions need to be filed. Is everyone prepared to find another piece of trash attached to their garbage can? We should all keep our eyes peeled to see which vampires in Ralph's army actually have the chore of delivering his nonsense...tick-tock.

Uncle Betty said...

Swiller isn't the only one whose stuff I'm willing to put on the main page.

Send me something interesting and I'll post it.

Anonymous said...

The Donna Colombo for Mayor campaign and the CommUNITY Party issued a joint press release this morning stating that Donna has dropped out of the mayoral race and endorsed the entire CommUNITY Party slate of candidates.

I can say that Donna got well over the required number of signatures to get on the ballot and already has hundreds of supporters - through her ballet school, from door knocking, and from being a neighbor in Highland Mills for a dozen years. Despite this, as many of you have rightly pointed out, she feels it is more important that she unite behind another candidate so that others, who may have personal agendas and motives, do not get elected, and that people who have the best interests of the village in mind do.

I speak for myself when I say that, as a political novice and without going into specifics, I was astonished at the first-hand and third-hand politicking and under-handedness that I experienced in our small town in the short few weeks that Donna was on the campaign trail. I know that Donna entered the race in large part because she didn't want to see a "politics as usual" attitude to the new village and wanted to offer an option to vote for someone who wasn't involved in any political circles. I feel that we successfully shrugged off any attempts by the politicos to influence - often times adversely - our campaign. Despite this, I know Donna was extremely disheartened by the lies and underhandedness that she personally experienced while campaigning. She feels she could have won and I certainly feel she would have won, but it is in the best interest of the village that she step down and support the CommUNITY Party which both she and I can honestly say is made up of thoughtful, honest, and good-willed people. Thanks everyone and lets make sure the right people win in November.

You'll be able to read more about the endorsement in the THR and Photo News later this week.

Anonymous said...

Donna & James, I've been listening to you.I wanted to find out more about you.But hearing how the field is spread too thin. (and there will be that Hank Sullivan I hear.) I realized we must consolidate the field. Let me be the 1st to say............Donna is truley an honest person, who wants what is best for the village. I have no desire to get politcal, but only tell Donna "I will not forget what you did. A regular Highland Mills bloger

Anonymous said...

Can anyone answer the question if it's true that Sutz is a "Ralphling" and only running to pull votes away from other candidates, the ole' splittin' the vote ploy?

Anonymous said...

I applaud Mr Skoufis' response. No matter which side you are on, rumors and ineundos(sp) appear to be the norm. I suggest that everyone write-in my dog Rex for Mayor and my neighbor's cats; Snowball, Missy, Casey, & Shadrack as Trustees. They all are honest and won't stick the proverbial knife in your back. I even think they more intelligence than anyone else out there or even on this Blog.

Curious George.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to thank Donna for a very gracious and selfless move. I am truly impressed by the genuine concern she seems to be showing for the good of her community, definately a breath of fresh air in the oft depressing politics of our town. And I'm honored to be supporting the CommUNITY party alongside someone like that.

Piece of advice Donna? Don't give up your desire to make a difference in this community yet. Woodbury sorely needs people like you, and I'm sure you'll have another chance. And I would definately consider voting for you, should that day come.

Anonymous said...

Congradulations Donna, you understand that the only way to beat Ralph is to have one mayoral candidate.
I hope that you do stay involved and help the new village board, and maybe the town board move forward together for the good of the taxpayers and not Caruso's personal agenda's.

Anonymous said...

To answer the Sutz question-I hear from a reliable source that he is indeed an honorary "Ralphling". So if you want your vote to count, please don't consider him a choice.

Anonymous said...

Your reliable source is either a moron or an idiot. David Sutz has absolutely no ties or affilation to Ralph Caruso, he's just a concerned citizen who wants to make a difference. He is a bright guy and will make a great Mayor. It's bad enough you have to constantly defame Ralph and his group but smearing an independent like Sutz is just a low blow.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It already fell.....

Anonymous said...

Curious George,
Can you please tell the people, have you ever done anything worthwhile for the Town?, or do you just sit on your computer trying to rev people up? I would vote for your dog, but I'm sure you, him and a jar of peanut butter have more constructive things in mind.

Anonymous said...

Geri, is that you. Sounds like your modus apparendi.

Anonymous said...

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