Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Is Swiller Getting Soft?

Nothing like a little shared outrage to bring enemies together.

For almost two years now, any public forum in Wood-bury has brought out a battle-hardened crowd of activ­ists, divided roughly in half and pounding away at each other over the Brodsky development proposal and other matters.

Never has there been a more fractious place. But a curious thing hap­pened last Monday. Town Hall filled up withpeople, and they were all on the same side.
Everybody wanted to quash a tax break for the soon-to-be-built Hampton Inn.

All differences were cast aside, at least for this occasion.The harmonious mood was evi­dent as Jonathan Swiller listened thoughtfully to his sparring part­ner, Ralph Caruso, who stood at the lectern and administered a few lashes to theproposed tax break. And when he finished, Swiller applauded.

(Times Herald Record, Sunday, September 3, 2006)


Anonymous said...

That's because Swiller has manners, whereas Ralph has none. Because Swiller cares about Woodbury, whereas Ralph cares about himself and his own agenda. Because Swiller works for the common good, whereas Ralph works for Larkin...etc, etc, etc.

Anonymous said...

I guess this camaraderie had already ended eh slick??

Anonymous said...

Tweedle (Ralph) Dee & Tweedle (Don) Dumb (sorry, Dum) were both again in Town Hall yesterday 9-5-06)going over the names of who voted at the Village election. Don't be surprised when you get a letter from the "Village People" to come out again to vote for them (the candidates who are incogneto). Don't forget your Village tax bill (as per the Village People) will only be about $100.00. So, if I were you, if it's more I would mail it off to Ralph and have him pay the balance over the #100.00. Can't wait to see who they put up to run. Should be interesting and funny.

Anonymous said...

But since Mr. Caruso told us that his manifesto, I mean Preservation Kit would be adhered to, doesn't that mean that his people are automatically in?? How else could he state that in the newspaper? Or, maybe he's just going to have a session where whoever gets in will have to spend an hour staring into those dark glasses of his, and the mind control will be complete????

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should contact the Senator's office and see why Ralph has so much time on his hands. Do our tax dollars pay Ralph's salary? If so, I want my money back!

Anonymous said...

Genial dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.