Saturday, September 02, 2006


Anonymous said...

As Anonymous No. 19 i would like to accept the uncle's offer to serve on his slate. I am proud to present one of my main my platform ideas:

First by making Woodbury better i propose we make a deal with KJ. If they promise never to bother us again, we will allow them to annex certain parcels of land in to KJ. Those parcels would be:

Ralph Caruso's House and the houses of everyone associated with him on the Republican Committee, Democratic Committee, and on the Preservation Kit 'o Lies Committee. He'll these people want to sell out our town to them...let them go live with 'em and leave us the hell alone.

Once we remove these preservation claiming KJ loving elitists wannabees from our community i will immediately bring a vote before the new Village Board to begin the process of abolishing this ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.

I'll post more at another time..

Anonymous said...

I am happy to accept.

Does this mean I can ride in a parade on a fire engine?

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Arnold S. Softwagger. I wanted to take this oppurtunity,on this blog to announce my running for village mayor.My platform will be hard nose,no special interest,no back room deals,no nonsense politics. I have asked Uncle Betty to be vice-mayor and my mistress.He has agreed. Henceforth; at all future meetings, any one who talks to long or is boring will be shot in the back of the head with a paintball,anyone who says anything stupid will shot in the head with a paintball.Any developer who strays 1 inch off the zoning will be shot with a paintball in a area lower than the head.For your entertainment; henceforth; every saturday heavy metal & punk rock will be played loudly on the property of one of my future council's property who lives next to Aces farm.All village meetings will be based on what is written on this blog. I look for your vote. Arnold S.Softwagger

Anonymous said...

While all this joking is quite humorous UB, we MUST be steadfast in our task at hand...and that is to secure an electable slate of officers to fend off Ralph and his Preserves.....I mean Preservationists...or maybe Preserves IS the correct word. Anyway, all kidding aside, once the new clerk sets the elections, you can bet your booties that Ralph will have his slate's signs and petitions at every voter's doorstep. So I'm hoping that our super heroes are waiting anxiously in the wings to take Ralph and his jams and jellies down!!

Anonymous said...

For all you Red Dawn fans, "the chair is against the wall", repeat "the chair is against the wall".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... So I'm hoping that our super heroes are waiting anxiously in the wings to take Ralph and his jams and jellies down

So again we have someone sitting on their ass waiting for someone else to do something. Ooooo..I hope someone is going to run for office OOOOOHHHH! I hope someone will save us from the evil ralphlings, what are we going to do whah whah whah!

Are you an adult?

Uncle Betty said...

The bearded fish sleeps at midnight

Uncle Betty said...

Dear Me,
What a great looking poster. You really have artistic flair. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Hey pal, I am an adult and I'm not sitting on my ass, I just don't feel qualified to do the job. I, for one, wouldn't want just anyone in that position to stop Ralph. I want someone with knowledge of government and who can work with the current Town Board to keep taxes and services in line so as to not bleed the taxpayers dry. I want someone in office that can actually work WITH people to do what is best for Woodbury, NOT Ralph and his people who only kiss Ralph's ass and do as HE says. Ralph wants to run the Village for one reason, and one reason only- to change the zoning. That way Brodsky may sue, then sell, and Larkin can then deliver his promises to KJ, and Woodbury loses even more. So, going back to your original statement...I am NOT sitting on my ass, but am more than willing to help Ralph's opposition kick his ass!.

Anonymous said...

Dear last anonymous,
The resistance is very strong and getting stronger and larger everyday. Stay tuned, if you really want to help, there will certainly be ways you can.

Anonymous said...

On another topic- what's up with those water towers?

Kiryas Joel Administrator Gedalye Szegedin argues that state law allows one municipality to build inside another without seeking planning board approval or a building permit. He said he plans to submit the paperwork to Woodbury for comments, but only as a courtesy. In his view, the only agency that needs to sign off on the plans is the Orange County Health Department.

So, is this true? If the land is within Woodbury, don't KJ officials need to appear before our planning/zoning boards? Can anyone answer this question?

Anonymous said...

Good Grief,

Sounds like Shelia Conroy is coming back. Based on that poster, it sounds like the way she did business

Anonymous said...

she'd look good with a bag over her head standing next to no other than james galvin, john keleman , frank palermo, and james west . with their campaign manager Johnathon swiller in the background

Uncle Betty said...

"The way she did business"

As I recall, one of the main things that lost the election for her was that she held the vote on the 5 laws just before the election instead of waiting until afterwards.
Lousy move as a politician, but it showed that she believed in letting voters know where you stood.
No, the real hidden hand in this town is still Caruso and his flying monkey brigade.

Anonymous said...

Shelia passed those 5 laws because she had to secure the deal for Mr Bill. That women is the biggest fake. She has no courage. Mike A. is the boards new Shelia

Anonymous said...

Last Anon- Your ingnorance is evident...learn how to spell and configure a sentence, or perhaps, stop having Ralph dictate to you. You're probably another graduate of Ralph's school of morons!!

Anonymous said...

Look at your input slick and practice what you preach!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me- IGNORANCE! At least I know the difference between woman and women!

Anonymous said...

Time for a new entry Unc.

Anonymous said...


Maybe "women" IS the right word. It would answer a lot of questions such could one person be so two faced or have a different story for every one she talks to.

Anonymous said...

She got to the point she didn't know what the truth was and made it up as she went along ... Her policies are the reason for the huge problems in Woodbury today .......don't forget she was previously the chairperson of the planning board that approved all the developement in the south part of town that has caused all the traffic problems that are with us daily !

Uncle Betty said...

Yes, Ralph. Certainly, Ralph. No doubt, Ralph.

Thank God, you had nothing to do with the problems facing Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

Can someone be that stupid. ALMOST all the commercial and residential development that has happened recently had been approved before Sheila's time. Just because she was on the Planning Board when it finally made its way there, is not her fault. She did a great job of controlling it making sure things were done properly.

Too damn bad you don't like WP3. That's your problem, not ours and stop blaming Sheila for things she had nothing to do with!!!!!!!!!