Saturday, September 09, 2006

Come Home Little Ralphling, It's Time For Your Meds

Anonymous said...
"What's a friendly annexation ? Oh I know the answer. That's when KJ petitions the town for our land and Lorraine Mcneil, Gerry Genzaro, Mike Queenan and Mike Aranawitz all vote yes and John Buke votes no. "


Does this one even make sense?

We know Ralph hates Gerri and the Mikes because they don't listen to him in the adoring way that they used to before we had they kidnapped and deprogrammed. And they hate Lorraine on general principles (she's so sassy!).

But, at least make the accusations sound slightly plausible.

Like working for al Qaeda.

How about aiding and abetting the Lindburgh baby kidnapping?

Loitering, vagrancy and mopery?

Lese majeste? (Which is Ralph's real complaint.)

In point of fact, the danger of annexation would have been greater if the Brodski property had been put on the market (and you know who was lurking in the shadows to snatch it up).

And the only board member who voted to force Brodski to sell was, guess who, John Burke (or is it Buke?).


Michael Aronowitz said...

Dear Anonymous:
My name is spelled "Aronowitz" thanks

Uncle Betty said...

I think that anonymous is talking about a different town. Unlike Woodbuy, his board has people named Gerry Genzaro, Mike Aranawitz and John Buke.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"What's a friendly annexation ? Oh I know the answer. That's when KJ petitions the town for our land and Lorraine Mcneil, Gerry Genzaro, Mike Queenan and Mike Aranawitz all vote yes and John Buke votes no."

Hey kids! Isn't it funny that this message is posted so soon after Lorraine states, at the town board meeting this past Thursday, that some of the current members of the town board actually negotiated to prevent an annexation!!!

Mike A, Mike Q, Gerri and Lorraine NEVER voted for an annexation. Lies, Lies, Lies!!!!

What a town we live in!

Anonymous said...

WOW did you know that the town board actually was involved in the Brinks robbery?

And one of the town board members is reputed to be a member of Soliloquy gang that goes around at night poking fun at Shakespere and Chaucer!!!!

And the male members of the town board are forming a new dance troupe!!!

And the female members of the town board are going to become contract mime artists!!!

and Uncle Betty has left the building....

Anonymous said...

To Lies, Lies, Lies!!!...Lorraine didn't say VOTE, she said NEGOTIATED...check the record pal...FYI, I believe she was referring to speaking with the dissindents of KJ, and them rescinding their request for annexation, which did actually happen. Just goes to show how you Ralphlings play the game...take an honest statement, twist a word or two like "negotiate" to "vote"... and voila, you now have a lie! Well, yes, but the truth is YOU are lying, NOT Lorraine!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In your dreams!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, Ralph, is getting desperate again.

Smell the flop sweat?


Anonymous said...

The only way at this point Brodsky would "flip" his property would be if somehow the Ralphlings found a way to stop his project from happening. If he could not build on that overinflated piece of property, than why would he keep it?
If he could not build, and he sold his piece, then we would only have the people who made him sell to blame!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine McNeill, Geraldine (Gerri) Gianzero,Michael Aronowitz, Michael Queenan and John Burke.
Please use this as a guide for quick reference when spelling their names.
Wow! Cant you people spell.

Anonymous said...

know it all uncle betty goofed. a grammatical error. shame shame. SOMEBODY HIT A NERVE!!!!! somebody hit a NERVE!!!!! or did somebody hit the truth. let's see who buys the first dozen homes at WP3. does this project have sidewalks? is this a gated community? bill the buider will make millions of dollars as well he should because this is just busisnes. the four little weasals GERRY LORRAINE MIKE and Mike A. will be left scratching their heads are they that dumb? or maybe they will leave town with smiles on their faces. only time will tell the truth. i guess the four little weasals are willing to do busisness with anybody. Who needs a village, who needs annexation when you have the four weasals in your pockets.

Uncle Betty said...

One little question please - what the flying fricasee are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

I guess the last poster did not use my guide to the correct spelling of Town Board members names.
One of the four weasels as you so lovingly put it is still spelled wrong. I tried to help you out, but you are just an illiterate fool.
(Gerri not Gerry)
And by the way, I do not think anyone believes what you post.

Anonymous said...

This is my first post. For some time,I have been reading and mostly appreciating (especially news articles etc.)the posts on the Uncle Betty Blog.

I have a couple of observations and maybe a couple of useful suggestions.

From trying to control growth through local law changes to accomidate development with less density than KJ to adding a redundant layer of local government; our community after the sale of Ace Farm has yet to recover from an emotional reactionary spasm.

We need to come together and find common ground as has been demonstrated with the recent rescinding of the tax giveaway by the County.

It doesn't serve anyone to bash without constructive critism.

I feel with the coming election, we are soon to launch a new phase -stemming from reactionary emotions- that could be even more destructive than recent experience.

We need to develop a common platform that all boards can share.

I propose the following for elected representatives:

1)Both boards will support and defend the comprehensive plan and current zoning laws
2)Both boards will explore ways and means to absorb or jettison the piece of the Village of Harriman that exists in the Town not the Village in order to obtain a coterminous (enable single board) Village.
3)Both boards will fund a growing and well publicized "war chest" to fight any action aimed at diluting current zoning (item #1).
4)Both boards will fight for a fair share of County Sales tax revenue in the next round of negotiations and secure early support.
5)Both boards will assure Town employees and fire commission that they are fully supported and appreciated and changes will be for Village compliance purposes and no other agenda.

Anonymous said... that you???

Anonymous said...

bob it's not manny

Anonymous said...

How's it going Ralph?

Anonymous said...

Finally someone that makes sense! Please do not make fun of or minimize what this person has to say. He/she has the right idea. Hopefully anyone who is running for village election or our current town board members will read that post.
I am in favor of the five local laws that passed last year, it will certainly create less havoc and money that a new village, but we are stuck with it, so lets get people in there that will work with the town board and make the transition as smoothly and as inexpensivly as possible.

Anonymous said...

To the author of the proposal, are you saying that the new Village board should reinforce the change that the super majority voted for with regard to the change in zoning? And are you saying that there should be no change to the current fire, police and town employee departments? If so, i'm behind you all the way, as this Village baord should mirro the hard work of the Town Board with ABSOLUTELY NO changes!! If however, you are saying that the new Village Bd should debate the 5 new zoning laws, and that there should be changes within the current deaprtments, I think you're out of your mind. You need to be more specific in your wording, so that your meaning is clear, and that nothing is left open for argument.

Anonymous said...

I am saying that the new village board should support the five local laws and work together with the town board to ensure there are NO changes to police,fire or any policies, laws or contracts.
I made a typo in the second paragraph which changed what I meant to say. "That" should have been "then".

Anonymous said...

what is done is done...

the five laws have enabled 2 developers to advance their projects. they'll go forward no matter who gets in and tries to do whatever.

where we reside will be governed locally by Village law which has certain requirements. no matter who gets in and tries to do whatever.

my earlier post (platform proposals)acknowledges the contributions of the people who work hard for the benefit of this Town i.e. employees and volunteers. we need them to continue through all this political non- sense.

i tried to put on this blog a few ideas around which people can agree and maybe we could get information that we can agree is accurate also.

where do we go when things are broken and how do we begin to fix the problem?

the problem is we have become a fearful community thinking we bought greater security with another layer of government when in fact we have merely divided ourselves even more than before.
we need unity. we need focus. we need a common platform.

thoughtful concerned people and ideas have to bubble up before mistrust rules on village election day.

Anonymous said...

Again I agree with you. The candidates who come forth need to commit to keeping things the same as much as possible, but more importantly I think the Town Board should speak to the village candidates and find out if they are truly committed to working together to minimize impacts to the taxpayers.
From what I have seen and read, Ralph Caruso has proven to me and my neighbors that he strongly disagrees with the Town Boards policies. If it's true and Ralph is running for Mayor, and George Peterson is running for trustee, how can we believe them when they say they will work with the Town Board when Ralph called four board members weak links and George Peterson said we have a lets make a deal board.I saw the last town board meeting on channel 22 and was appauled by the accusations in Ralph C and George P letters. I am glad that Mike Q brought this information out, because I do not usually read the local papers.(except for the obituaries)
When Ralph was running last year for county legislature, he came to my house and I did ask him questions about the town and those local laws and he started talking badly about Sheila Conroy mostly but also hinted negative things about Gerri G and Mike Q. I did not like that. I voted for all three and was sorry to see Sheila lose her election. I supported gerri twice and my husband and I are very happy with the job she has done. We have called her on several occasions with concerns and she has always taken the time to answer them or get back to us if she didn't know the answer.

We have lived here for a long time and have seen some nasty politics. It has mostly generated from Ralph Caruso. I don't like it and the people in this town deserve better. Lets get some good people on the village board!

Anonymous said...

There is a very simple solution to getting an honest, hard-working Village Board elected, who will work hand-in-hand with at least four of the five Town Board members to preserve what we currently have at this point in time regarding our zoning and our Town servicces and employees... and that is to REJECT any and all of the Preservation slate of candidates. Both the Republican Committee and the Democratic Committee are seeking candidates who will work AGAINST Geri, Lorraine, Mike & Mike. John Burke is working hand in hand with Ralph so that together they can try to revoke the 5 recently passed zoning laws. Sorry already got two bites of the apple, and that is already one too many. I'm sure a solid, worthy slate of candidates will unite and rise to the top, and when they do, the Town of Woodbury will unite to say NO to Ralph Caruso ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

i think the present board has been honest and hard working without exception. John Burke has been a reliable administrator and the 4 anti Caruso Republicans have tried to answer the challenge of the Ace Farm flip with a controlled growth agenda that fuels the anti-growth, anything to stop KJ mood that Caruso and gang rides until they are asked to steer in another direction at the behest of politicians outside this community.
it's instructive to note that Mr. Caruso has not been able to secure the votes of locals who know him well in the general public and on his Republican Town committee. He owes his loyalty to his employer, Mr. Larkin whose support is secured by votes outside this community.
in the past, parties have played a major role in the Town elections. And after the election, party chairs try to influence decisions with varying degrees of success- of late- ending with boards acting independently. with a Village election that will not necessarily be the case. that's why i come back to the platform idea vs. this vague notion of against a particular slate of candidates.
again parties matter less. ideas matter more. And presently, the prevailing mood is anti-growth, anything to stop KJ; easily manipulated (by KJ and shrewed pols)emotional sentiment that can only be productively and positively channeled with bold ideas openly discussed and commonly agreed upon.
without this approach, i believe we are in for a long period of legal wranglings and in fighting that will only serve the interests of communities not within our control.
i hope a constructive dialog begins long before we have to vote.

Anonymous said...

Your view of what would be best for the Town/Village is a positive one- however, we must not let our guards down when it comes to Ralph Caruso. True, he has been unable to secure the solid backing that he, himself has needed to move forward with his political aspirations, but, with his newly formed Preservation Party, he has surrounded himself with his most ardent fans in his wife, Mrs. Quercia, Mrs. Mullooly and Mr. Pederson. Ralph's agenda, which IS to overturn the newly adopted zoning laws, and to rid the Town's government of any of his opposition, appears to be supported by, unfortunately, our current supervisor, and his Democratic committeemen. With Mr. Burke over-stepping his office by publishing a letter in Mr. Caruso's Preservation newsletter, Mr. Burke has clearly given the residents of the Town/Village of Woodbury a reason to question him and his commraderie with Mr. Caruso. Although your platform idea is one that would benefit the future of our Town/Village, I believe it is also too idealistic given Mr. Caruso's character and ways of conducting business. So again, I would just recommend that ALL voters seriously question everything that the Preservation Party says and does from now until the vote.

Anonymous said...

Wow, alot of good stuff on here lately.I am interested in #3 & #4 of the anon's proposal. For #3, sounds good, but obviously funds can't be co-mingled between the two governmental layers, can they? And #4, truly a good idea, but with the 3 cities and 19 of 21 legislators not giving a rat's butt about Woodbury and our split of the sales tax, how would you propose we accomplish this? Eddie Diana can say he's all for it, but his opinion doesn't count when it comes to this issue. What do you have in mind???

Anonymous said...

Has a date been set for the Village election yet?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Village election is set for Thursday, Nov. 2nd, 2006. Should be interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Ralph and his little lings haven't been door-to-door with their petitions!!

Anonymous said...

After reading the letter below, let me this guy running for a Village seat? Please...if he's telling me that he BELIEVED everything in Ralph's ragsheet, then I sure as hell don't want him running the Village of Woodbury. I think I better strap on my hipboots, as this Ralphing Lovefest is going to get pretty deep between now and November 2nd!

Times Herald Record 9/15/06
Thanks to Woodbury
I want to thank the residents of Woodbury for their overwhelming support of the creation of a village in the Town of Woodbury. I saw many people patiently waiting on line for a half-hour for their turn to vote to preserve the quality of life in our area.

I would also like to thank the members of the Citizens for the Preservation of Woodbury and Chairman Ralph Caruso for all the hard work they did compiling and distributing the needed information in the Woodbury Preservation Kit. The information was straightforward and clear, answered many questions I had, explained the village creation process, dispelled some mistruths and identified specific criteria and goals that we should be heading toward to assure a continued quality of life we have all grown accustomed to.

I know the Citizens for the Preservation of Woodbury and its members will continue to work for the support of the concepts they proposed, so those ideals can become reality. I am looking forward to a cooperative relationship between the new Village Board members and the present Town Board members, knowing they each represent the same constituents.

Steven Musich

Village and Town of Woodbury resident

Anonymous said...

Where in the world is Uncle Betty? On vacation?

Uncle Betty said...

Treading water.

Anonymous said...

I hear it's official, Ralph IS running for Mayor! Oh my word!

Anonymous said...

Where did u hear that? I hope it is true...would love to see Ralph go down to defeat...AGAIN

Anonymous said...

I think it's in one of the papers, either the THR or the Photo News. Apparently the whole slate is in there! Better get on it Unc!

Anonymous said...

OK Uncle time for a new post...the slates have been announced & new parties are being formed time to get this thing going!!!!!!!

Uncle Betty said...