Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thank You Note

The Pieman suggests that we should take a moment to thank those who have done so much for us.

He posts:

By the way, don't ever forget that this particular Christmas present to the town (Burke, Haviland and Levine) was engineered by Ralph Crauso, and, through him, by our good friend in Albany, Senator Larkin.
If any of you want to thank Uncle Bill directly here's his address and phone number:

Senator Bill Larkin
Room 612
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455-2770

The Uncle is certain that there is nothing that would please the Senator more than to hear from his beloved constituents about how happy they are with the work of his aide, Ralph Caruso.


Anonymous said...

May as well write to "Cousin Bill" DeProspro as well, and let the county Republican leader know how comfy his boy Ralph is sleeping with Manny and the Dems.

On a side note, I hear Burke wants to leave the Town employees a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking by way of a very skimpy contract...seems "Scrooge" Burke feels it's better to TAKE rather than GIVE. Not only is he TAKING from the Town employees, he's also TAKING from all of us taxpayers by virtue of TAKING his own fat raise, while doing less of a job!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Burke is still upset that his son was not hired as a full time Town of Woodbury Police Officer, is this payback time to the Town employees?

Hey, Burke go back to your parking lot in Rockland, maybe they can use you full time.

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho Ho.

Anonymous said...

Burkes' son ended up with a higher paying job in rockland anyway, maybe Burke should ask his son what the starting pay is for a rockland police officers and advise the the rest of the council members when the police re-new their contract!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, if that doesn't sound like one of Mayberrys finest! Don't you have anything better to do on christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey pal, take a look in the mirror- why are you reading and responding??? Don't YOU have anything better to do on Christmas??

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle can think of no better way to spend Christmas than with his beloved nieces and nephews (oh Dear Lord, the Uncle needs to get a life).

Anonymous said...

First thing you have written that had some resemblance of intelligence!

Uncle Betty said...

Thank you.

And, I believe you mean "semblance."

Anonymous said...

Don't bother contacting Bill Deprospo, he was too busy getting judicial appointments for his wife and he just doesn't care.

Don't bother contacting Jonathan Jacobsen, he's too busy pissing in the wind.

Is this what passes for leadership in Orange County?

Anonymous said...

That's why Ralph and Manny feel they can get away with whatever they want- including lying, cheating and stealing. Their children must be so VERY proud of them!!!

Anonymous said...

Caruso and Siebold have always had a dislike of Town employees, including the police. Surely they tutored Burke to the same tune.

Remember Burke admitted at a public Town Board meeting that he voted against seniors owning their own senior housing because he "hadn't read the law". He simply mouthed and voted what Caruso told him.

It is strange that Burke has so little regard for the Town employees considering how ill prepared and unknowledgable Burke is and how much he needs them to keep the Town functioning.

But then people who live by twisting the truth evemtually come to believe their own lies.

A good point is being made though that here is Caruso, chair of the Republican Committee, working behind the scenes to get Democrats elected because he has more control over them than over his own party.
At this point, considering the lying flier, it looks like they all have a couple of things in common"

1) Lie or do whatever it takes to win.

2) Follow the leader--Caruso.

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle must disagree with the poster who wrote:

"Don't bother contacting Bill Deprospo, he was too busy getting judicial appointments for his wife and he just doesn't care.

"Don't bother contacting Jonathan Jacobsen, he's too busy pissing in the wind."

DeProspo isn't that busy. With Eddie Diana doing anything Bill asks, getting jobs for his wife takes no time at all.

As to Jacobson, I don't think that he's pissing in the wind. The last I heard, he was pissing up a tree.

Anonymous said...

I thought the main goal of both the Democratic committee and the Republican Committee were to get THEIR own registered party people elected. So why the hell isn't Ralph jumping up and down about the Dems and this flier?? That in and of itself is CLEAR evidence that the two slime balls (Ralph & Manny) are working together! Deprospo should definitely be working on that!

Anonymous said...

Don't you get it??!!!
Deprospo will NOT do anything because he is only there to further his own agenda. Just like Ralph won't do anything because he is there to further his own agenda.