Sunday, December 02, 2007

That Busy, Busy Beaver, Burke

Feeling the heat
Woodbury's Democratic Committee head, Manny Mangual, thrust full blame for a dirty campaign tactic aimed at getting Democrats elected to the Town Board on Supervisor John Burke.

Burke, who vacillated between denying involvement and dumping blame on others for a campaign to smear Republican incumbents Michael Aronowitz and Lorraine McNeil, sat by quietly as the head of his own town Democratic Party pointed him out during a Monday committee meeting as the person who wrote, printed and distributed the fliers to 450 homes in Timber Ridge.

Town-house development residents saw their assessments jump as much as 60 percent under former Assessor Roland Tiffany, who retired recently.

The fliers accused Aronowitz and McNeill of supporting the assessment increases, even though neither of them had any part in the decision.

Burke told the Times Herald-Record shortly after the election that he advised Democratic candidate Carlton Levine and committee members to print the fliers shortly before the elections. The supervisor stood by the message, since McNeill was on the board that appointed Tiffany, he said. (Following this reasoning, he apologized to Aronowitz, who was not on the board at the time.)

Mangual's accusation about Burke raised questions about the Democratic committee's allegiance to Burke, as he tries to downplay the impact of the scandal. Even if true, Burke's role in the dirty campaign will not likely result in his ouster.

So, John P. Burke, retired school building, had enough pep, vim and vigor to, personally and on his own, distribute the somewhat misleading (read "lying out his ass") flyer to all 450 homes in Timber Ridge (possibly by coming down their chimneys).

He even took time off to climb into the trunk of the Burkemobile and disguise himself, at various points, as Bobo Haviland and Charlatan Levine.

Wotta guy!


Anonymous said...

John the Martyr. Is he taking one for the gipper? Seems like another pitiful ploy by the Republicrats- too bad it ain't gonna work- I feel about as sorry for Burke as I do for OJ!

Kieran Conroy said...

The fact they can't even keep their story straight, in public or at their own meetings just makes it look worse.

Anonymous said...

John Burke who is the brainchild behind the Idea of creating the Un-Neccesary Village of Woodbury (More taxes) and behind the recent crazy tax Increases for a big chunk of Woodbury Taxpayers and now we learn that he is the culprit of "KJ" tactics in the recent election, WHO NEEDS THIS BUM!! LET'S DUMP HIM!!! Let's start a petition to oust him of his position!!!!

Anonymous said...


Kieran Conroy said...

A petition would be interesting, I heard there were already some people trying to get testimonies from people whose votes were affected in Timber Ridge.

I don't know what a petition could legally do (sure there are experts here), but in the very least its a more powerful and lasting reminder than a few angry meetings they hope will "blow over."

(Just curious though, which of the "KJ tactics" were you talking about?)

Anonymous said...

A combination of voter apathy (look at the low turn out) and corrupt behind-the-scene gutter politics has resulted in what we have.

Burke and Caruso scared people into voting to create a village that will have no effect on annexation--read the law and see that they don't know what they are talking about.

Most favorite moments: Caruso at IBEW meeting about the dissolution of the Fire Commission after a village is created--- saying over and over and over again that it does not need to be dissolved in spite of what expert lawyer on subject said. A few months ago, his boss Senator Larkin tried, but failed, to get special legislation to prevent dissolution of the Fire Commission. It failed. Guess Larkin needs to have his boy/aide spend some time in the classroom learning what the law really says, not what he claims it says.

Hearing at the high school on project across from the high school: Town attorney read the law about what things can legally be decided by referendum. Zoning was not one of them. But Burke, Caruso and cronies had submitted petition to force this illegal action. After town lawyer spoke, Caruso got up and read from the same law, but left out the key sentence stating only those items that are subject to a public referendum.

Burke at a Town Board meeting regarding the Town's audit. He stood up and read from the audit, claiming that the Town had not followed proper procedures. However, he left out one key sentence that said just the opposite.

2005 election: lying flyer (white this time, not yellow) was sent out. It was unsigned and lied about the Board's recent action, claiming that the Board was rezoning land all over town, thousands of acres, to high density zoning. All not true, but scaring people into voting for Burke who won by a narrow margin.

Now this last election with the lying yellow flyer. Again a scare tactic to get Burke and his Democratic majority elected.

Wake up people and see a pattern here. Caruso and Burke are a tag team to control the Town through fear and scare tactics. Lies and upsetting people does not matter. Both previous elections were close and influenced by these underhanded tactics. To Burke and Caruso, the
means justify the ends. Everyone whose vote was influenced by these tactics should be furious as your precious vote was stolen from you.

And as long as the people let them skate by, unaccountable and unanswerable to anyone, it will continue.


Anonymous said...

I think your giving too much credit to the people in this Town to think they will remember anything. Every election the same crap goes out, and like sheep the same idiots change their vote because of it. Then they all complain "I was lied too again". Well ya know what...its your own fault. Wake up and think for yourselves, not what Caruso last minute shit says. Stop whining and start using your brain. Just try and say to your self, Whatever he says is a lie, whatever he says is a lie.
Any maybe, just maybe you'll remember that in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake, things WILL definitely be changing.

Anonymous said...

Can people at least give themselves a nick name and always use it on this blog? Its really hard to respond to anonymous all the time. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm guilty of the same thing, but from now on i'll use my nick name.

Anonymous said...

I am sure McNeil and Araonwotz will not forget.

Anonymous said...

Will Old Man Seibold (the brown nosed yes man) be running for a seat on the Village Board? Or will Ralph try to find some new blood?

Anonymous said...

It will all blow over!

Anonymous said...

As the sign on Serras' (another idiot) lawn states, IMPEACH!

Anonymous said...

"Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying..." you three better be doing alot of that!

Anonymous said...

I was told last night that Mike A showed his face last night but Lorraine didn't. Hey Mike you loser I told you we would make sure you that you lost. That’s what you get for leaving John out to dry on the WP3 vote. As the other poster said “we never forget” and John didn’t either. If it wasn’t for Ralph you would not won the first time!

Anonymous said...

Let's put all our b*** s**t rhetoric aside for once and pray for a speedy recovery for Geri.

Anonymous said...

To the person who wrote about Mike A. First of all, go back to school and take a grammer course Bo Bo. Or maybe its Don, who knows their both idiots.Mike A's big crime was disagreeing with the big boss Caruso? Every single person who disagreed with Ralph becomes his enemy. There is no room for personal opinion when it comes to him. You either agree with him or else he spreads lies about you. Case in point, Little Yellow Fliers. Don, Bo Bo, Carol, and the rest of them just haven't had the guts to express their own opinion yet. But one day maybe they will wake up, and realize that Gerri, Sheila, Mike A, Mike Q, even Charlie Serra, Lorraine were merely expressing opinions that differed from Ralphs and thats why they were banished from his kingdom. Think about that you robots.

Anonymous said...

Forget expressing opinions- the list that the last poster identified with Mike A, Sheila, etc- they were doing what they believed was RIGHT for the residents. It's Ralph, John and now Bo Bo & Carlton that will be expressing THEIR opinions rather than doing the job for the RESIDENTS. Cauro and his posse need to get the hell off their pedastals and realize that their collective opinions don't count for crap!

Kieran Conroy said...

"Hey Mike you loser I told you we would make sure you that you lost. That’s what you get for leaving John out to dry on the WP3 vote. As the other poster said 'we never forget' and John didn’t either."

*Sigh* Can't even resist kicking Mike when he's down. Well, thanks for reminding us what you're all about.

INTIMIDATION, then REVENGE, SMEARS and LIES against anyone who doesn't play puppet.

Took my mother a week in office before one of Ralph's little "phone calls" told her just where her ethics stood in your political machine. History has shown its only a matter of time before any honest candidate makes an independent choice and gets stung for it. I say we should rally behind anyone willing to show that kind courage, regardless of politics.

Plenty of people, Lorraine, Mike Q, Gerri and the Village trustees included have already won elections without Ralph and John's special brand of "help." And I expect after the travesty you made of this election, even fewer will want it.

Good riddence, I say.

Kieran Conroy said...

Thank you for mentioning Gerri. I wanted to keep this separate from any political post, but our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family.

Strength of heart, healing of body and peace of mind enfold her and all her loved ones in this troubled hour. Blessed be.

Anonymous said...

Yes but in the end Mike A went down because Ralph had the votes behind him to remove him from office.

Anonymous said...

NO! Mike & Lorraine went down because of one man and his unscrupulous conduct- Ralph Caruso. His lack of moral fiber has become like a poison, and has infected anyone who gets close to him. For those that are easily swayed, like Burke and the majority of the Democratic committee, Ralph has become their addiction. Caruso is morally bankrupt, and for those that follow his lead, they too end up employing desperate measures in order to win POWER and CONTROL. Ralph's handbook must clearly state that for one to join his team, they must leave conscience and any ounce of decency at the door.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Gerri?

Anonymous said...

Democrat or Republican. Both Committees need to look long and hard at who their leaders are. Both men, Manny, and Ralph need to be removed from the Chairperson seat. They do not have the parties best interest at heart. Does anybody know if Chairmen can be removed by the County if inappropriate behavior is found?

Anonymous said...

§ 2-116. Committee [Committees]; removal of member.
A member or officer of a party committee may be removed by such
committee for disloyalty to the party or corruption in office after notice is
given and a hearing upon written charges has been had. The hearing shall be
held by the committee, or a subcommittee thereof appointed for that purpose,
which subcommittee shall report its findings to the full committee.

Anonymous said...

Oh good.. you gonna remove Swiller and crouse??

Anonymous said...

Oh good.. you gonna remove Swiller and crouse??

What the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think they meant "Oh good... you're gonna remove John, BoBo and Carlton."

Anonymous said...

IDIOT, I meant the Chairmen of the Rep. Committe, and Dem. Committee, Ralph Caruso, and Manny Manguel

Uncle Betty said...

Can't we all just get along?

Anonymous said...

"IDIOT, I meant the Chairmen of the Rep. Committe, and Dem. Committee, Ralph Caruso, and Manny Manguel"

Lighten up, we all knew what you meant...we're just poking fun at the good ole boys.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, idiot and moron seem kinda warm and fuzzy after all the "dick" flying around last week. :P