Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Go Vote

Noon 'til 9 PM

Village Hall
(Above the Highland Mills Fire House)


Anonymous said...

Vote Row A for the
Common Sense Party

Mike Queenan
Tom Flood
Tim Egan

Anonymous said...

I won't be so presumptuous as to tell you all who to vote for like the first poster- I will just sk that you exercise your right to vote, considering ALL the candidates.

Anonymous said...

Correction: I won't be so presumptuous as to tell you all who to vote for like the first poster- I will just ASK that you exercise your right to vote, considering ALL the candidates.

Anonymous said...

Vote Row A for the
Common Sense Party

Mike Queenan
Tom Flood
Tim Egan

Freedom of speech....

Anonymous said...

Common sense would dictate that you vote Row C!

Anonymous said...

Written on this bathroom wall,
We find info on a community about to fall,
One group wants power really bad,
The other wants to keep it or they'll be sad,
Is there a difference between either side?
No! they are both just as snide,
Go and give yourselves a thrill,
Vote for common sense and do not kill,
everything for which we have worked so hard,
throw out the fat! or should I say lard?
Don't vote in Ralph's mindless crowd,
Vote for COMMON SENSE! I say it loud!!!!!!!!!
Don't vote for the group with no control,
that is led by the little troll,
Vote for the ones that will do right,
The ones who know when to fight!!!!!
We need leaders to help our village,
Ones who will prevent our neighbors pillage,
Ones who will not try to appease,
Those who will bring Woodbury to it's knees!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is the election from 12 to 9? Is it because the village clerk didn't want to be there all day? And since she is in charge of the elections, WHO watches her? Can she be trusted to calculate the votes correctly if her team isnt winning?

Anonymous said...

Many villages are 12-9 it's just a cost saving measure. But yes I am always concerned in any village ( not necessarily ours or anything against our current clerk) about one person who is appointed by the incumbent village board and who could be fired by a new board overseeing the entire elections process. I think the elections should be turned over the BOE just like town elections.

Anonymous said...

Why is the chair of the Common Sense party an election inspector, and who is watching her?

Anonymous said...

Village elections by law are run by the village; not the BOE

Anonymous said...

Desiree won't be counting the results. The machines will have totals and there are election inspectors assigned to the election. The count won't be a problem. The results, on the other hand, might be a different story.

Anonymous said...

In the previous main post, further down in the comment section, someone said that the Village is already formed so why are people continuing to comment about the lie that forming of a village stopping annexation?

It is simple--- the Preservation Party who started this mess and, yes, did lie to people who signed their petitions and voted for the village on the premise of blocking annexation is still out there lying their way into office. They lied in 2 Town elections and now control the Town Board.

These same forces control both the Republican and Democratic Committees in Town and so can deny people that call them out on their lies a slot on the ballot. Yes, an independent candidate can get petitions signed and even force a primary, but it is hard to get elected with your own party working behind the scenes for the other side.

The Preservation Party is still desperately trying to control the Village government. Why? Because they want their hands on zoning and planning. And their reactionary views will not help us in court or with villages adjacent to us to own land in our community.

These are the same people who went around and got signatures for an illegal referendum on zoning which would have landed the previous Town Board, before John Burke, in big legal trouble and in court---costing us money.

They also are responsible for many of the legal costs associated with creating the village because their sales pitch to the public that the Village government would be a shell and not cost taxpayers much was totally incorrect. By law, there had to be a separation of government functions and working that out cost money.

Remember the saying, those who do not study and understand history and the mistakes from the past are doomed to repeat them.

That is why people keep bringing this matter up.

Anonymous said...

Vote Row D for
Swiller is a Douchebag

Swiller- Head Douchebag!
Uncle Betty - Co-Head Douchebag!
Uncle Moshe - Soon to be in control!

Anonymous said...

So if they lied in previous elections and they are lying now, why vote for the preservation party?

Anonymous said...

Seems like everyone has selectively forgotten that Mr. QUEENAN walked those very Village petitions and addressed the public on the BUDGET for the shell of the Village. Now that he's chosen to separate himself from "those" people, apparently all is forgotten...what simple-minded people.

Anonymous said...

No one on the town board is in the preservation party. the preservation party controls nothing.

Anonymous said...

and the winner is...........


it is very silent

someone post results

Anonymous said...

We all win because all this crap is over now, thank god, please pick up all the signs...

Woodbury Resident

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Judging by how long it taking, it looks like we have a new Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Its a Common Sense sweep

Anonymous said...

From record online....


Michael Queenan
451 Votes

Ben Meyers
432 Votes

Stephanie Berean-Weeks
411 Votes


Thomas Flood
491 Votes

Timothy Egan
467 Votes

George Pedersen
413 Votes

Fred Ungerer
413 Votes

Sandra Capriglione
408 Votes

Fred Lindlaw
385 Votes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are there any absentee ballots still floating around that haven't come in?

Anonymous said...

No I believe under village laws, the absentees are all opened and counted the night of the election

Anonymous said...

Eleven Percent VOTED!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh shut up

Anonymous said...

To the poster who said the Preservation Party controls nothing.
Hate to burst your bubble.

Ralph Caruso, John Burke and their supporters created the Preservation Party. Ralph Caruso ran on that line, controls the Republican Party and has tried, in the last 2 Town elections, to leave the Supervisor line on the ballot empty so that John Burke could run unopposed.

John Burke's daughter ran with Ralph Caruso on the Preservation ticket. Would you let your daughter run for election on the same ticket with someone you can't stand? Doubtful.

John Burke's group, with close ties to Caruso, runs the Democratic Committee.

John Burke benefited from a lying flier that arrived the day before the 2005 election. No protest from the Republican Committee or its chairman, Caruso.

John Burke and his running mates in the 2007 election sent out another lying flier that helped them win that election. Burke ran with no Republican running against him. Again, while the Republican candidates for the council seats were being maligned, silence from the Republican Committee and its chair Caruso. This election was so corrupt that even the newspaper called for Burke, Haviland and Levine to resign and hold a new election. From Caruso and his committee--- not a sound.

Caruso and Burke are the Preservation Party accompanied by their supporters. They helped to create the village based on lies about annexation. And they work together behind the scenes with their supporters who attack anyone who disagrees with them.

Remember the televised meetings when Burke, Caruso and their rude backers would attack Conroy and the Board? Notice that since Burke got elected, no such attacks occur. It is not because he is doing such a great job. It is because his supporters, including Caruso and his people, were the attackers and their goal was to take over the Town government which they did with lies.

The majority of the Republican Committee that supports Caruso and the the Democratic Committee who supports Burke are the same people that run the Preservation Party. They overlap and inter-connect with each other.

And it is about control.

Anonymous said...

Why is the chair of the Common Sense party an election inspector, and who is watching her?
3:30 PM, March 18, 2009

The Chair of the Common Sense Party was not an election inspector today. He was on the ballot therefore not an election inspector.

Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Mike Queenan, Tom Flood and Tim Egan of the Common Sense Party!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Queenan will resign from the Board or will be stay on? If he decides to stay on, would that be legal?

Anonymous said...

Legally he probably could. Joe D'Onofrio over in Highland Falls served jointly as Mayor of HF and as Highlands Town Supervisor for a time. However, I believe Mike Q has said he will resign.

Anonymous said...

congratulations to common sense party. I just hope they can deliver thier promise to the voters. If not, I see a alot of grief coming their way.

Anonymous said...

Who is the town board going to appoint to fill Queenan's seat?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When does the Mayor take office? I'm curious how much of Mike's term is left.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm personally relieved with the results.

Now that we have a competent Village Board, the Village of Woodbury can finally progress forward and get things done; all the while saving money and working in union with the Town at the same time.

No more inflated egos or self-righteousness getting in the way of progress and what's good for the whole of Woodbury, instead of the few.

Finally things will be business friendly again while maintaining a good quality of life for the residents as well.

Congratulations to Mike, Tom and Tim on their success. This is at least one truly grateful and happy (as well as relieved) Woodbury citizen here.

Anonymous said...

He said he would resign. Lets hope he keeps his promise. I have no doubt he will go through the motions of trying to create a coterminous village but he already knows it's smoke and mirrors. I think his real goal is to dissolve the village. I just can't figure out why? All the elected officials have been a disappointment. They loose their purpose because they fall pray to the experts / consultants. They get manipulated by them. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

It is not that elected officials are manipulated by experts/consultants.

It is simply that people who have little knowledge of or training in government run for office thinking it is an opportunity to do whatever they want and follow their ideology regardless of legality. Most learn that there are rules and laws controlling what you can do. A supervisor is one of five board members and things are done by majority vote.

John Burke was in a panic after his election about how to do the budget. And it is ironic that he most wanted to control zoning and planning, but the very village he help to create with misleading information took it away from him.

For some it is an ego trip. For others it is an attempt to control others and is a power trip. Thank goodness civil service protects the day to day government functions so that the daily business gets done without politics.

It was funny that Burke and others sat through various Board meetings and yet understood very little about government. A separate budget officer runs the public hearing on the budget while Burke sits there and says little. When zoning was still with the Town Board, I am told that Burke had to take the planning consultant with him to regional meetings while other supervisors and mayors did not. Yes, he was new at the job but boasted that he was ready due to all the meetings he attended. But he filtered what he heard through his ideology and through Caruso and so really was in over his head.

Sitting in the audience and playing to the camera is not the same as actually having to govern and do the work of government. For too many it is more about politics than public service.

The result is unqualified and untrained people running the show and having to rely on experts to assist them. And those experts likely keep us out of big trouble and law suits with big settlements.

Don't blame the consultants. Blame the process that drives away qualified people and attracts those not qualified. And blame us the voters for not being informed and/or apathetic. And blame the small voter turn out which means that the votes of the few who do turn out carry more weight than they should.

Michael Aronowitz said...

Way to go Mike Q!

Anonymous said...

You think those experts keep us out of BIG TROUBLE & LAW SUITS? The elected officials need to change the lawyer, the engineer and planner so we get a NEW start for2009 perspective.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Mike Q should resign from the town board. Why let Ralph and Burke appoint someone and then have that soemone run as an incumbent? It's only a few months anyway. Stay on the town board for now Mike! and then maybe communication between the two governments will IMPROVE!!!

Anonymous said...

YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!Hooray for Common Sense!!!!!!!!!

Just imagine, if Stephanie had won re-election, Cliff would have been even more obnoxious than he is now.

Just imagine, if Ralph's team got in, we would all be serving the Dark Overlord. I wonder what Larkin is thinking now......

Anonymous said...

I want to thank Stephanie for doing her best for Woodbury.

She was willing to take on the job of starting up a new village that we were stampeded into creating.

It was no easy job and I know that she did it honestly, for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Stop with your stupid excuses why YOUR team didn't win!

And another thing... To my knowledge Mike Queenan never said he would resign from the town board. He said he would forgo his TB salary.

You put out false info all the time.. we do not buy it!

Anonymous said...

I guess you never read his website or his literature.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, how's it going?

Anonymous said...

I've read everything asshole....

More lies and sour grapes. Get over it!

I have never seen such sore losers. It makes the candidates from both losing parties look bad.
It may not even be them posting on here but it is a reflection on who supported them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To: "It may not even be them posting on here but it is a reflection on who supported them."

get ready for may just be UB or JS or anyone else that wants to cause trouble or incite the absolutely contemptable nonsense written on this site. There is absolutely NO justification for blaiming it on the losing candidates or their supporters.

For example, just say candidates X,Y& Z win, and their supporters decide they haven't had enough of bashing the losing candidates. So they post (on this "very credible" site) derogatory things about their own winning candidates, and then post again in defense of their own candidates- same people doing both posts just to make others look bad. I'm convinced that this is what happens ALL THE TIME on this "very credible" site!

Anonymous said...

I would like to thank all the candidates, family members, friends, agencies (if any) or anyone else responsible for the removal of most of the campaign signs, the election is over, spring has arrived and it's time to move on. Thanks again to all.
God bless Woodbury, God bless America.

Woodbury Resident

Anonymous said...

Maybe Nancy Calhoun & Larry Delarose would be so kind as to send someone out to get the remainder of her signs from last year??

Anonymous said...

someone said:

For example, just say candidates X,Y& Z win, and their supporters decide they haven't had enough of bashing the losing candidates. So they post (on this "very credible" site) derogatory things about their own winning candidates, and then post again in defense of their own candidates- same people doing both posts just to make others look bad. I'm convinced that this is what happens ALL THE TIME on this "very credible" site!

2:50 PM, March 20, 2009

OMG you really are paranoid!

Anonymous said...

Lets start attacking EVERYBODY!!!

They all stink!!!!
You all STINK!!!!
You are all corrupt!!!
He is corrupt!!!
She is corrupt!!!
And no one does anything except for selfish reasons!!!!!!

Maybe in your world that's what YOU do! and I am glad that I don't live in it!

Woodbury resident