Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nemeless on Hudson

The village still doesn't have a name.

Yeah, we're the Village of Woodbury by default, but we have an opportunity here folks.

Come on you villagers, put on your thinking caps.

Also, where should village hall go?

What are the village's official motto, flower, tree, insect, micro-organism and flag?

Who is the official village idiot?

And no, the Uncle is not backing away from pissing people off with subjects other than Woodbury. But we do have these loose ends to tie up.


Anonymous said...

I went back thru some of the posts from this past week. Here is some of what was said. We can judge for ourselves who was lying and who got it right.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is so much intensity and lies being said to keep Ralph Caruso from being elected tomorrow.
Well, I guess Jonathan Swiller has met his match!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Isn't the information age wonderful?

For the first time in Woodbury's history, an election has been run where every lie, every deception and every mean trick
can be blasted across the web in the blink of an eye. Rumors can be called out and dispelled while the perpetrator is
still walking down the block spreading them.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow? All that can be said is that we fought one hell of a fight, and that Uncle Betty was there for the TRUTH every step of the way. Thanks Unc, for making this place possible and, to sign off in the tradition of another great champion for truth in the face of fanaticism and scare tactics:

Anonymous said...

Since we have enough names floating around Woodbury as is, Highland Mills, Central Valley, and for you old timers out there Woodbury Falls, and the really really oldtimers Baileytown, i think we should just stick with Village of Woodbury, especially since the town and village basically almost share the same boundaries.

As for Village Idiots, there are so many to chose from. It is possible to have a Village Board of Idiots....or some type of commission, they would be for entertainment purposes, and to show the people of woodbury they made the right choice when they voted for the Community Party.

Anonymous said...

Did Ralph ever concede?

Uncle Betty said...

As far as I know neither Ralph, David nor Tony ever conceded.

Anonymous said...

Why not let the four loser board members who sold out the town name it Brodskyville!

Anonymous said...

Let's congratulate Nancy Calhoun on her victory last night. It was close, but Nancy pulled it off. She had alot against her. All the lies Randazzo was saying about her and her own people( the Republicans eg. Larkin, DeProspo, Bonacic and Caruso working behind the scenes against her) sticking the knife further into her back like a bunch of cowards and yet she still won.
The power was with her and she was able to rise up against those forces and win. Sorry Larkin and DeProspo, go bully someone else! Calhoun can stand on her own.

DeProspo has lost total power in this county and he should only know how much he is blamed for the shift in power in the last few elections. Look at the county legislature. It's only a matter of time before the Dems take over.
I am only pointing this out because I am a registered Republican and have been ever since I'm 18 years old and yet in this election for the first time I voted for more Dems than Republicans.
I know from the numbers alot of people voted the same way I did. The county and local republican chairmans should be taking the lead to bring back trust and loyalty to the Republicans, but they are not.

Anonymous said...

I hear you brother, (or sister) and I agree.

Anonymous said...

Ralph has certainly lost any respect I ever had for him. He has been playing that crossover game for years now, all for his own benefit. Every woman that has EVER stood up to him has won...Roxanne (x2), Geri, Stephanie and now Nancy. Get the hint Ralph???? You think you're a big bad ass bully, and really you're nothing more than an old story in a bad suit. You best step aside and let one of your other loyalists try to clean up your mess. And as for DeProsp, another first rate loser, your time is just about here as well. The next time you decide to mouth off to the papers about a fellow lawyer who happens to be a woman, just watch what happens! Maybe the two of you can start a whole new party...OC LOSERS!

Anonymous said...

I see that Ms Hunter had a hissy fit last night at the Town Hall. She had another tantrum and walked out. How many times are you going to do that? Remember when you did that at the Planning Board meeting? All the tears and theatrics. Don't you know people are laughing? Remember the Ambulance Corp? You pissed everyone off there too. Tsk tsk tsk. When will you learn?

Anonymous said...

Did Hunter have a hissy fit Yvette? Buddy? Charlie? Don? Pat? or did she speak the truth last night?

I didn't see any tears or a tantrum.

Let's bash more volunteers in Woodbury who give of their time and energy, while the critics sit at home on their backsides and point fingers.

Anonymous said...

Let's not pick on Maria. She was just giving her opinion. She knows and respects all the people involved in the heated discussion last night.

After watching the meeting on TV I have a few of my own comments about the budget. The police Chief talked about how crime is going up and he needs another Investigator.
But Gerri pointed out that the Department has 22 men and their salary line is 2,100,000.00! That's almost 100,000 an officer and nobody talked about what they get in benefits. She also said that they were worth every penny and maybe they are but that number is astonishing. I think the board has a reponsibility to us the taxpayer to hold down the costs of the budget.
The Highway Super also got up and talked about cutting services because the board did not give him extra men. Well cut services if you have to, but on any given day we see three men in a truck picking up leaf bags, why can't you have two?
Go into Jay's Deli at 7:00 am. But then at 9:00am you will see them again! When is their morning break? Is time being utilized properly in the highway dept?
If the town has to tighten their belts then the departments should find ways to adjust.
Why can't we use the state troopers to assist on investigations? We pay for them also. They have a whole BCI team.
The town of Monroe doesn't even have a police Dept, they use the services of the state police.
Not that I want that for Woodbury, what I am saying is possibly ask the troopers for assitance on investigations. Or maybe there is some other solution, roll up your sleeves and Cheif and Highway Super and figure it out.

Anonymous said...

To Not Hunter....

Did you see the meeting? It was laughable. I'm all for the volunteers in Town, I commend them. But she has a huge problem. I hope she watches it, because after she stormed out (again) you could hear giggles and laughing. Thats what people think of her little outbursts. Get you point across without getting hysterical. If nothing else, she keeps me amused.

Anonymous said...

Last night Burke and the board should have all been thanked for keeping our taxes so low, but Hunter, Pete and Bob K should be taken to task for what they tried to do. Please tell me why my taxes are spent for men going around picking up leaf bags. Hunter was tiring to make the board look bad saying things like “why fix the pond I don’t use it”! Listen up Hunter on average 300 - 400 people a day use the pond and Pete if you would manage your men better maybe more would get done. As for the police we have over twenty officers and he wants more give me a break, maybe its time for him to retire and let some new blood manage that group. It is wrong for Town employees and elected officials to use the TV to humiliate the board. I would like to thank the board for doing a great job and keeping my taxes low next year.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last blogger. The Town Board held their tongue last night. If they didn't, Pete and Bobby could have looked even more foolish. Pete stop crying about your men. There is more down time than work time if you ask me. I passed Dannys Deli the other day and saw a Highway truck. I passed by 25 minutes later, and the same truck was sitting there. That was from 10:15am - 10:45am. What were they doing? I see them at Jays at 7:30am, and again at 9:00am, and again at 11:30 and again at 12:30. How busy can you be? Try to actually make them work. And Bobby, I never see your men running all over Town. Their just better at hidding than the Highway guys. From all those thousands of call you say you've gotten this year, how many came from the Commons? Let the Comons use the State police for all those shop lifters. I'm tired of paying for their lack of security. Maria, you need to go away. YOur a whiner. You complain about everything, and when someone tries to respond to your nonsence, you storm away. Can't handle the answers? We have had enough of you. This Town needs an enema. Flush out the crap and the dead wood.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Know-it-all,
Even if the Commons had 100 security guards it would not change the fact of needing some police services, can security guards make arrests? I'll bet your friends with ole donnie boy, another disgruntled dienchanted retired city cop. You have all the answers, but I'll bet you have never done anything to help in your Town.

Uncle Betty said...

I believe that the Common pays Woodbury for the police service that it gets.

Anonymous said...

Such fun...watching the sour grapes from the Citizens for the blah, blah, blah now try to disgrace those who backed the CommUNITY party. You people ALL need to grow up! By gones will NEVER be By gones in Woodbury. It will always be those involved with one party against those involved with another. Typical bullshit, and the reason why things don't get done, but cost us more! Wah, wah, wah to both sides!

Anonymous said...

I did watch the meeting and read one of the last posters said Mrs. Hunter did not use the pond and many residents don’t either so we should not fix it? I have lived here over twenty years, my kids are grown but I have no problem with the board spending money to rebuild it. Tell Pete we voted down a four year term because we see to many trucks at Jays and its time for him and the Police to not to use the TV to try to make Mr. Burke look like a fool. I thank the Town Board for all there hard work on keeping spending down and not giving in to these attacks.

Anonymous said...

Last night, the Town board held its public hearing on it preliminary 2007 budget. As a resident, taxpayer and town employee I do admit that Supervisor John Burke and the Town Board did an exceptional job in allocating funds to meet the demands of our Town/Village. They had to make some very tough decisions in prioritizing what was critical and needed to be done concerning our Town’s infrastructure with an eye towards long- term solutions versus the Band-Aid approach while keeping in mind the taxpayers wallet.

One of the casualties of the budget was the hiring of additional personnel to meet the Town’s growing demands. It’s not that they do not understand the need they do and I made an error in judgment last night and did a disservice to our Town Supervisor, John Burke and our Town Board by speaking out against the decision to hire additional personnel. I failed to properly express what I had intended to say and for that I have personally apologized to the board members. I take full responsibility for my misplaced comments and I did deserve the rebuke given by the Town Board. I will take the beating for my error and move on in my continued service to our Town/Village.

Having said that, I have complete confidence in the men and women our department that they will, as we have every year since 2000, adapt and find a way to continue to Promote, Preserve and Protect our Quality of Life on a 7day 24 hour 365 days a year basis while living within the approved Budget.

Lastly, let me say that this web site started out as something good and was a positive venue to openly express ones’ opinion. We can and should be able to express those opinions without character assassination or bitterness. Such conduct is counter-productive and achieves little. The residents of this Town/Village need to band together parking our personal agendas for the common good of all.

Chief Robert J Kwiatkowski

Anonymous said...

The problem was not Maria H. She was only stating her opinion.

My take was that the Bob K and Pete S were way out of line. I like them both and thought up until now they did a good job, but by their own admission they claim they can't manage their departments. You never see any of the other department heads saying that.
I highly doubt one more man will make a difference in the public saftey of this town/village. Why make us believe that?
I elected the town board members to look after me and my family. They have a fiscal responsibility to the tax payers to make these sometimes hard descisions for what is best for all.
G. Gianzero called the chief and Pete S. out last night by pointing out that they were using the camara to manipulate the public.

It appeared that way to me also. I find it hard to believe that this was not discussed at the budget meetings the board said they held over several weeks.

It's hard to watch the public participation segment normally because you see people get up to the mike trying to embarress the board but only make a fool of themselves. (some just like to see themselves on T.V), but now the employees are doing it. Shame!

Anonymous said...

I sit here watching th ereplay on channel 22, The only thing I see, is the Town Board hurting their arms from patting themselves on the back so much. Yea!!, "we did an amazing job with the budget, yea us!!! Did they mention how they knew so little about employee contracts that they actually signed a contract that gave all part time employees the same benefits as full time employees? The same holiday pay, vacation time etc etc. An employee can work 4 hours a week and still get all the benefits as a full time employee...yea you!!! amazing job!!!How much taxpayer money have they spent on lawyers fighting things for the employees that would have cost a fraction of thier legal expenses? Same old bull*%@#. Come on Village Board, save us all!!

Anonymous said...

What raises did the Town Board give themselves?

Anonymous said...

A 3% raise. They gave the rest of us 4.5 %.
Whoever just posted, you sound like a disgruntled employee. Sorry bud, I'm an employee and I am happy with my raise!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm all warm and fuzzy because you're happy with your raise. I'm not an employee, however I don't like people trying to put themselves on a pedestal beacuse they did what they get paid to do. And along that line of thought, if it is true that the Village will control 7/12 of the money, because they will control roughly 55% of the servicess zoning and planning issues, etc, etc, then does it not make sense for the Town Board to give up 55% of their pay? They will be doing less, they should get paid less.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wathced the "show" on channel 22, and I don't see what all the fuss is about. Maybe I'm wacky, but I don't think the Police Guy did anything wrong, he was spectful and it seemed to me just trying to let the Board and the publi he protects know that as the Town grows, so do the calls for service and the Town's needs. I think he is obligated to let all of us know how we stand.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said
Wow, I'm all warm and fuzzy...

The Town will still be taking care of business. You sound like you haver been talking to David Sutz.
Here's one for you... your employer needs to higher another employee but you have to give up part of your salary to pay for the extra help.

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle apologizes.
I deleted the duplicates of the post that began "Channel 22 was created..." and I accidentally removed the original as well.
Please feel free to repost (just don't do the same post 4 times, ok?).

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the broadcast of the meeting yet.

I don't know if Pete's and Bobby's comments were out of line or not, (Bobby's apology suggests that he thinks his might have been).

But I do want to throw in my 2 cents. Pete can be a royal pain, but generally that is due to his total commitment to making the Highway Department as good as possible.

Bobby's department speaks for itself. I don't know of any other small town with such a completely professional police department. How much of that Bobby created and how much he inherited and maintained, I don't know. I do know that we are lucky to have him and his officers.

When I have things to complain about I am far from silent. When things are done well we should speak up about that too.

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed the budget mtg and was impressed with both the town board and the department heads wrestling for dollars.

we would be greatly benefited if the town and the village boards hired a single manager not emotionally tide to anyone, in order that they can impartially negotiate salaries, hire and fire personnel, coordinate and manage employees and apply comparisons to other municipalities (salaries, benefits and services).

I know other places that use the state police for public safety and don't pay for police services. that's not us but it shows how layers of services are built and taxpayers foot the bill.

other places have public works departments that utilize personnel for multiple tasks.

With another layer of government soon to be in place- there's an opportunity to get effiencies implemented.

other places like monroe are desperately trying to combine and share services and we are in a position to have what everyone else is looking to accomplish.

or we could be setting ourselves up for more expense without any appreciable benefit.

Anonymous said...

Once on their feet, I expect the Village board will try very hard to work in conjunction with the Town board and all departments to minimize the cost to the taxpayers and keep services running efficiently with little if any change.

Anonymous said...

Of all the post I just read and I understand both sides. I am impress with Chief R. Never met him. But after the beating he just took, I thought he stood up pretty well.

Anonymous said...

To the blogger who saw the town's crew at Jay's deli for 25 min. Was it lunch? Be careful what you print. But if they are abusing down time and not accomplishing a full days work. People will notice,they will complain,as they should and some changes will come.Especially nowadays.

Anonymous said...

I passed Dannys Deli the other day and saw a Highway truck. I passed by 25 minutes later, and the same truck was sitting there. That was from 10:15am - 10:45am. What were they doing? I see them at Jays at 7:30am, and again at 9:00am, and again at 11:30 and again at 12:30. How busy can you be?

That to me pretty much explains it all. Someone needs to get a grip on the Highway Dept.

Pete needs to reign in men your men and lay down the law.

I do see a huge improvement since Pete has taken office and I think he works very hard. Maybe he should have someone under him that could be in "charge of the men". It seems to be the biggest downfall of the Highway right now. People do talk about it.

I think money well spent would be a deputy to the highway that could manage the crew when they are on the road. This way that person will be responsible for the work and Pete could run all the administrative functions of the Highway.

Anonymous said...

To the last post- there is a deputy and his last name is John Jones. What makes me laugh is that after being here for almost 30 years, these are the same complaints that the public lodged under former Highway Supers George Weyant, and Bill Tannery, and I'm sure the same thing was probably happening before them. They are civil service jobs, and when the public and the board tried to crack down years ago, they didn't succeed due to the lengthy procedure it took to reprimand and dismiss. They knew there were those who would find a place to nap, or leave early for another job, etc, but it was too difficult to do anything about. As with every work force, there are those who will work hard and those who will slack off. For the most part, Pete and John seem to work hard and try to motivate the others to do the same. By today's standards, and given what it costs to live here, the wages aren't terrific...but the benefits are pretty damn good, considering that they don't pay into their health insurance, like many other jobs require their employees to do. There's some history for you, and in comparison to some other towns, our Highway Department doesn't seem to be that different.

Anonymous said...

Life in Woodbury has been so tense for the last year, that it's a wonder it took this long for the Board to come to blows with some of their most loyal department heads. It's time to chill people, and realize that you're all working for the same thing...the betterment of Woodbury. Each one of you, in your own unique way, is an asset to Woodbury, so please don't let these difficult, confusing and somewhat bizzare times divide you (Lord knows the Village elections did enough of that). Step back from it when it seems to get the best of you, and by all means, like Chief Kwiatkowski, don't ever be afraid or too pompous to admit you may have been wrong...and then to apologize. Hats off to you Bob for that! PLEASE keep trying to work with each other, and DON'T use that stupid camera to insult or belittle. It's unbecoming to ALL of you (on BOTH sides of the dais) when you do! Hold on to what you've got...

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Swiller, I noticed you referred to Chief Kwiatkowski as Bobby !!!! Sounds a little UNPROFESSIONAL.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a professional, so I don't see any reason to sound like one.

Anonymous said...

The commons may pay for some of those police services but what about the overtime that pad their pensions for the rest of their lives . And the taxpayers have to fit the bill forever.

Anonymous said...

The Commons also pays into their retirnment through the BID. They also pay for dispatch on the weekends, interpreters, and half the money for a new police car.

Anonymous said...

Why not just call out every individual who gets paid through our tax dollars? How about the teachers and school administrators who don't pay anything into their health insurance, and what about our federal government workers, and the postal workers, and the.....come on, enough is enough. If you don't like the services you're getting in Woodbury and have an issue paying for them, put out the FOR SALE sign and MOVE!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, most school personnel does pay into their health insurance. As a matter of fact if you look at most civil service jobs over the last ten years you will see that across the state the workers are contributing.
Go cry to someone else!

Anonymous said...

For the record, Pete Stabile is not a department head. He does not answer to the Town Board, he is an elected public official, same as the board members, so if anyone was out of line at the meeting it was the board members talking to himlike he wiorks for them. He is given his budget by them, but that's it. he answers to us, the taxpayers, not the board.

Anonymous said...

Hey, all of you out there who don't think that people use the cameras to put pressure on the board to get what they want, are just plain stupid. Using the cameras to try to embarras the board or get them to do something because they will look bad if they don't is a classic Ralph move and it was disgusting to see Pete Maria and the cheif use it last wednesdy. The cheif realized this and apologised! Good for you Cheif!

But, we have gotten off track, this is supposed to be about naming the new village. So why don't we name it:


because this is what Woodbury seems to be about, harassing people. And it has Ass in it, that seems to fit.

You are asses and I'm moving.

Anonymous said...

A couple of thoughts -

After observing the meeting on the preliminary budget on Wednesday night, I was very impressed with our budget officer, Lorelei Pitt, who offered answers from questions posed by the board members as well as the public. I was not impressed with our Town Supervisor, John Burke,(Chief Fiscal Officer) who appeared to be clueless about the whole process. Lorelei had to step in. I was disappointed in both a couple of our board members as well as Department Heads regarding the exchange that occurred regarding their particular departments and the push for additional money. Neither side was right in their approach. I found the rudeness to both the Department Heads as well as the public to be uncalled for. The time for this discussion was during the budget workshops(open to the public) that were previously held. If they had additional concerns, they should have approached the Town Board for additional meetings to hash things out further. I don't blame either men for trying to do the best for their departments. They of course will do the best they can with what they are given. Remember, they are taxpayers also.
On another note, I believe the school district's faculty, staff, as well as the administration pay into their health benefit coverage. I agree with the last post - most workers at this point are. As a final note, if there was ever a time to work together, the time if NOW!

Anonymous said...

What's in a name...

I believe the Village does a name. We are now the Village Woodbury in the Town of Woodbury. Check the incorporation papers. They are FOILABLE.

Anonymous said...

After reading this blog. I think the VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED is not a bad choice..

Anonymous said...

I think we should have the water tested. This town/village is a bunch of idiots governed by a bunch of morons.
How can so much stupidity end up in one area?
Hmmm, must be some way we can blame it on Ralph.

Anonymous said...

At least the town and village officals take the advice of their experts. Consultants that spent much time researching and checking the law and interpreting the law based on facts and their educationas attorney's, engineers and planning. Many years of education and experience went into their advice.

Ralph Caruso and John Burke base their "expert" advice on their interpretation of the law with no experience or education to back it up. Now maybe some of you think that a retired civil service worker and a high school principal are experts in the areas of law, engineering and planning but I feel more comfortable with our elected officials who take the advice of real and educated experts.

I will give you an example, Ralph led the charge for a public referendum for the local laws regarding WP3. Law clearly shows that a refurendum regarding zoning is NOT APPLICABLE. But Ralph's wrong reading of the law (because he thinks he's an attorney) caused Mike A to go out there on a limb and look like a fool.
Ralph believes that tigtning the zoning will help in a fight against annexation. Talk to some of our friends in Rockland County.That will only lead us into a law suit costing possibly millions(Village of Airmont).

So if you want to listen to some self proclamed experts in the law go ahead.

I will continue to trust the advice from experts that the town depends on.

Anonymous said...

To the previous poster...Well said.
Only those that have studied for years can and should interpret the laws. Since none of residents that have these areas of expertise have stepped forward to run things, we need the legal and educated individuals to guide the less educated so that they in turn can educate the rest of us. Unfortunaely this is very costly.

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever wonder why Desiree didn't run for Mayor?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, it seams to me that the only (woodchucks) people that are using this website are the same ones that always show up at the meetings, defend thier departments, push political agendas, why don't your grow some bal-s and just admit who you all are. stop the double talk and for gods sake go have a drink!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think at least one of them has had a drink already, usually about 3pm