Friday, November 10, 2006

The Uncle Continues to Attempt To Piss Everyone Off

President Bush has announced that he is sending the nomination of John Bolton back to the Senate. A year ago, after the failing to get Bolton approved as UN Ambassador, the President appointed him to the post by way of an interim recess appointmnent which expires in January.

You might recall that, at the time, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) responded: "If they make a recess appointment, then I have to say, it's a finger in the eye of the Senate. I think you'd find there would be an awful lot of repercussions from that."


Our bad.

That's what he said in response to press reports that Bill Clinton was about to make an interim appointment to the Federal Bench.

He's OK with this one.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Unc. You didn't manage to piss me off.
I don't think that the map ends at the Woodbury line and talking about State and National politics is ok with me.
If we are all so fragile that the idea of strong debate scares us into thinbking Woodbury will fall apart were in really bad trouble.

Anonymous said...

And who is watching "the watchers"? We all should be.

Anonymous said...

From Today's THR-

Wishes board well
Now that the results are in for the new village mayor and trustees, I surely hope that the new community team headed by Stephanie Berean Weeks will be able to handle the first problem that arises about zoning and taxes, since they were so willing to leave everything as is.

We would not have had to worry about a village in the first place if the current and past Town, Planning and Zoning Boards had not been so willing to change our zoning in the first place, but that was done by scare tactics. So let's see how our new boards will handle things. I sure hope they do it better than simply leaving things as is.

Thomas M. Sullivan

Highland Mills

Well I certainly hope Mr. Sullivan didn't bite his tongue too hard while it was firmly planted in his cheek! Let's give them a chance to settle in before you start kicking them around, ah!?!

Anonymous said...

Is that dancin Hank's son?

Anonymous said...

He reproduced?

Anonymous said...

Yes, and his son seems to have the same angry old man mentality. Did any of you really look at the preservation party's slate? Angry old men and one angry old man's daughter. Someone said that to me and I thought about it and tried to look at it from just a plain old clueless voters stand point. Know wonder they got their butts kicked.
I think most of the people who live here like all the shopping nearby and the diversity that a building boom has brought to this area.
I feel sorry for Adrainne Fuchs because for such a young person she doesn't want any change. It's almost as if her father brain washed her.
Just because they grew up here and liked the town the way it was, the new people like myself are very happy with what this town/village has become. I am a resident here, just like her. I pay my taxes and want to see us move forward with new ideas in planning. I came from Rockland County and now it's to late for them to preserve open space or come up with any creative ideas, because there is not any more land left. I wish they had looked into cluster development years ago. If you go to the Carolina's, Georgia or most areas in the Midwest you will see they have been clustering for years. They are creating Green belts all across counties with beautiful communities within the green belt. It's more like the old days when we had neighborhoods with little mom and pop shops the residents could walk to.
Urban Sprawl gave way to big shopping mecas like walmart and home depot. It defaced 1000's of acres of land to build cookie cutter lots that 30 years later still have no open space eg. The Jones Drive area in Highland Mills.
I would rather give a developer insentive to cluster with some bonus than continue to encourage sprawl!

Anonymous said...

The problem with Hank and his “good old boys” is they never want to see change and would like us to go back to the 70’s. We moved here in 1996 because it’s a great place to live with parks and places to shop. The schools are some of the best in the State and we don’t mind the traffic, we come from Queens so going 10 blocks could take twenty minutes. Please take note Ralph, Hank and everyone else who says on TV I am 35 year Town of Woodbury Resident we new comers are the Majority now and we support all four members of the Town Board. We will not turn on backs on any of them the way you did to all of them. All of you could learn a good lesson from Mr. Aronowicz who stood up for what was the right decision for Woodbury and has won the respect of many. The “good old boys” tried to discredit Mike Q and Gerri last election but we came out to give them the votes and they won too. Last week” good old boys” tried to beat Nancy but we did it again and took Sue down instead. We will not be fooled and look forward to the next election and will support the right candidates and not the “good old boys” for Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

Gerri G and Mike Q do what they think is right. But don't be so sure of Mike A. He agrees with whatever side is popular at the time. When he realized Ralph was slipping, he jumped the fence. If the Town or Village Board start to loose it popularity, you can bet he'll be trading up. Keep that in mind.

Anonymous said...

i disagree with you on Mike A. I believe like most of the current and past members of the board, they had an idealistic vision of politics and Ralph. Ralph is like a drug dealer. He coaches you, he provides you with comfort, he takes care of everything for you. He makes you feel like you are part of a special club. Then you win an election. You believe the only reason that you won is because of Ralph Caruso. If you are a halfway decent person you feel sort of indebted to ralph for all his help on you. after all he made you feel like the chosen one. but you eventually realize that like a drug dealer, he had an ulterior motive. he wanted to control you, thus the board. I believe mike a. had a sense of ob ligation and guilt. he felt he owed ralph. it just took mike a. a little bit longer to figure out ralph. some people have a hard time believing others are evil. mike a. is such a naive sole. give him a break. he has proved his loyalty to the town. whatever, you previous personal gripe is with him, get over it. just my observation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last poster, let us not forget it was just a few months ago Ralph was seen screaming at Mike A when he voted on the ethic’s laws. He works very well with all the other board members and just because he is not on your team anymore “Don” or “Bob” you are looking to discredit him. Last time I checked all elected Republican’s in office do not speak with the Chairmen of their committee and Mike now has joined the rest of them. It was only a matter of time for him to grow up and we are proud of him now!

Anonymous said...

One nagging question though...why did Mike A sign Ralph's mayoral petition if he's so "done" with Ralph?

Anonymous said...

Oh give it up! I sign many petitions for people running for office and I do not vote for them. It's a nice way of getting rid of someone.

Anonymous said...

yes, i must say that mike a. has come a long way. i understand that you seem to have a personal gripe about him and that is your right. but, hey give him credit for his turn around. listen, you don't have to vote for him but please stop making it your life's ambition to destroy him. the current town board needs his vote to upseat john burke and ralph. why don't you focus on them. they haven't proved themselves. why not try practicing the art of turning the other cheek. as for him signing the petition. i agree with the last poster. we sign petitions simply to get rid of people. or maybe a friend asked us to sign them. isn't holly a good friend of mike a. maybe, he didn't want to hurt her feelings. who the heck knows why he signed it. better yet, i don't give a sh t. what i care about is his vote. he seems pretty consistent with that

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. I have no personal gripe with Mike A, however, if he cut the ties with Ralph, then a true testament to that would have been to deny Ralph the signature, and even better, to sign one of the other candidate's petitions. Consistency has NOT been one of Mike A's strong points while on the board. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it was only a year ago that he was working mighty hard to get BOTH Geri and Sheila unseated. He still has alot of time between now and his own possible re-election bid, so I, for one will be keeping a close eye on him and his statements.

Anonymous said...

I understand you do not like Mike A for his past sins, but please explain to me why he changed his vote knowing he would become the outcast of his group? The same goes for Gerri, Mike Q, Colleen, Pete etc but you still can’t get over the fact he is no longer on your side. He has been busting his butt for the Town on the budget, Dog Park and other issues for improving the Town.

Anonymous said...

Back to that letter, Mr. Thomas Sullivan sadly follows the Preservationists and many others in ignorning the most basic of facts in his attack against our town's zoning policies.

Such as the fact that Legacy Ridge's land was already moving towards development under existing 3 acre zoning, development which would have clearcut trees on all 700+ acres, preserved NO open space and likely put a heavy burden on the the watershed with hundreds of wells and septic tanks, rather than a single, clustered sewer network. All of this was fully allowed, required, actually, for any developer on that property until our town's government instituted the clustering options.

Were you in favor of projects like this Mr. Sullivan? Have you actually READ the comprehensive plans you are attacking, and educated yourself on the history of these issues? I would seriously advise you to do so if you wish to make a real contribution to public discourse in the future.

Anonymous said...

Don't even mention that ridiculous dog park notion. Can't believe it's actually being contemplated. Our infrastructure is falling apart, and the Town is entertaining a dog park? First of all, who is going to inforce whatever rules come with this thing? Will it be for Woodburians only? How is the Town going to make sure that all dogs visiting the park are properly licensed, vaccinated and insured? Yes, insured...or is it the Town that will pick up the liability when a bite occurs? Many renters don't carry insurance, so if they happen to have their dog at the park, and that dog bites (especially a person in the face)then who pays? The biggest insurance policy pays, that's who, and that would be THE TOWN's! Hell if they're gonna have a dog park, then why not a motor-cross park, and a skateboard park, etc. I just can't believe that the board is giving this foolish idea a second thought. Why should MY taxes pay for those who want dogs, but don't have the area to take care of them. Woodbury is really going to the dogs...literally!!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but do you live in Woodbury, dogs are allowed in the park now so get a life! Why don’t all you anti anything people just move out of town.

Anonymous said...

What a moron...we're talking about the NEW specifically created dog park. The one that the Town Board is trying to figure out how to develop and fund for people, obviously, like you! Are you going to volunteer to sit there and check passes, or licenses, etc? Or are you going to be gracious enough to fork over the $$ when someone gets biten? They're talking about a confined area where people can bring their dogs to mingle. What if there's a bitch about to go into heat, and the owner lets her loose in the confined think that's not going to create a stir? And that a male dog won't bite someone trying to get him away from her? Let's be real here. If YOU want this type of freedom, then you should either fence in your own back yard, or better yet, why don't you move to Ossining where there is ALREADY such a park!

Anonymous said...

Allowing a developer to build 450 homes instead of a 150 homes does not perserve quality of life nor is that limited growth. The issue is not clustering !!!!! The issue is the enormous increase in the amount of homes being clustered. CLUSTER ALL YOU WANT BUT CLUSTER ACCORDING TO THE 1988 ZONING CODE. What bonus donated by a developer would be worth 300 extra homes. Now here comes act two Leagacy Ridge!!! By all means cluster but why increase the amount of homes to be built. The trade off does not make sense. I know Act three will follow shortly!!! We will regret these choices.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph, Don & Bob...enough already...the Village has shown that they're tired of your rhetoric. You're trying to bait people into saying things that will only be used against the Town/Village, and you've already done enough of that yourselves. Go entertain each other elsewhere, will ya?!?!?