Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Uncle Cries Uncle

Okay, the Uncle mentions gay marriage and you folks wrangle over Woodbury. I raise the subject of national politics and you folks argue about Woodbury. I print a request for info about Harriman and (guess what) you folks debate Woodbury.

The Uncle's dreams of a blog that dares to pretend there is a universe beyond our borders are dashed.

Have it your way.

Dog Park, pro or con?

A Throughway exit north of Woodbury? Where?

Is a Downtown Woodbury possible? What would it be like?

What would you like to see at Nepera and/or Arden?


Anonymous said...

Well there are so many places to debate national issues...but only one place to debate Woodbury issues. Perhaps, Uncle, why dont you start a 24 hour cable news channel about Woodbury. Then we can all be glued to the TV like we are to the blog. I suggest UBNews24 all Woodbury News all the time. Something with flashy logos that take up the whole screen so you can barely see the reporters. Lots of "Breaking News" alerts about things every 3 minutes. Like..Breaking News alert...John Burke spotted on Ridge he heading to Ralph Caruso's house...we dont quite yet know, but we will be staying on top of this story..lets go to Uncle Betty live in the UBNews 24 chopper over DePalma Drive....

Anonymous said...

Yes of course we should have a dog park; these are the same people who told us we should never fix the pond. I thank the board for doing this and having the guts to sit there each night and listen to these idiots who just find fault about everything. Yes we should have a down town with coffee shops and restaurants just like Tarrytown. The exit should be right past the old Star building.

Anonymous said...

The people questioning fixing the pond may have legitimate questions and concerns. If the Town Board realizes that with the growth of Town certain agencies are now understaffed, is it cost effective to fix a pool that gets used three months a year, over hiring addittional employees for overburdened departments? I would much rather have safe roads and a safe enviroment for my children to grow up in. If I wnat to swim that bad, I'll buy a pool.

Anonymous said...

1.)Yes. Woodbury dog park
2.) Yes. the Woodbury exit
3.)Yes. wonderful downtown Woodbury
4.) Nothing but dirt. Besides we're pushing Harriman out of wild & wackey WOODBURY

Anonymous said...

now that we know were you stand on national politics...

congratulations al queda & uncle betty!

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm pretty sure Al Queda doesn't support gay marriage. But thanks for sharing. :P

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that any town dept is overburdened. I do not feel that Pete or the Chief did a very good job in convincing the Board they needed more staffing.

I think fixing the pond is something that HAD to be done because we cannot continue to let our town facilities crumble! We need to get a new town hall too.
Yes to a dog park, yes to the thruway exit,YES to a new town hall, yes to fix the pond, NO to hiring any new employees.

I would rather pay more money in taxes for the infrastructure and facilities, than to hire another whining town employee who has to roll out of bed to get to work and still complains. Give us tax payers a break!

Anonymous said...

OK- so please answer the dog park questions. Who inforces the rules? Won't that take the hiring of yet another employee? Possibly another law inforcement officer? If licensing and updated vaccinations must be tracked, who will set up that software and how much will that system cost, and again, who will monitor it? Who will clean up the dog park ...and please don't say the owners, because I've seen people walk their dogs in residential areas now, and not clean up the mess. So, again, which employee will have that duty? Or better yet, who will inforce the owners doing it themselves? And finally, how much is the additional insurance going to cost the Town? In a perdect world, the dog park idea may be welcome and work fine, but in Woodbury, it will be a fiasco, just wait and see. Our roads are falling apart...why not put any additional money into that NOW, and save the dog park for a later date?

Anonymous said...

Oh please, you talk like the wheel is being reinvented! Why don't you ask the board or better yet why don't you Goggle dog parks and I bet all your simple questions will be answered.
You are right, only in Woodbury do we make such a fuss over a little dog park!
I was told parkland fees will pay for the park. Besides how much can some wood chips ( free from the highway dept) and some fencing ( left over fence from the building and grounds) cost. Little to nothing.
I have no children so I don't want to pay for any ballfields, and I am not a senior so I don't want to fund the senior center anymore and I do not put my leaves at the curbside, so I do not want to pay anymore for the people who do.
I could go on and on about the services I pay for but do not use, but I won't because I do believe that all the things i mentioned enhances my property and makes Woodbury a better place to live!
Lets share the wealth of our community with the dog owners and stop all this nonsense.
BTW I do not even own a dog. I have to beautiful cats, fish, and one smelly turtle.

Anonymous said...

hey last poster. ever hear the phrase time and material? nothing is free. It cost you to move the material and put it in place as well. you may think that everyone that works for the town is just sitting waiting to do stuff. but you are sadly mistaken. I am not an employee. but I know some and they are not all whining as they roll out of bed at all hours of the night to make your roads safe. water and sewer running and so on.

Michael Aronowitz said...

Some Dog links
Dog Parks

Dogparks are gaining in popularity, and dogs certainly know why - there is nothing as much fun for a dog (and its human) as to run around off-leash, and play together in a nice park.

Those of us fortunate enough to live in a community where dogparks exist know that they are a wonderful way to exercise and socialize our dogs and ourselves - for many of us, it is a primary form of people recreation!

We think that it's time for the virtual world to experience dog parks, so we're opening dog parks in Second Life. We'll still enjoy our time in dog parks in the real world, but concentrate on being off-leash, on-line and in-world.

For this world, we've got some suggestions for good dogpark behavior, and some compelling reasons why dogparks are an important and legitimate use of county and city park facilities and budgets.

It's an all-dogpark celebration, so enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you did not get the full scope of what I was talking about. If I have to pay for baseball/soccer fields,swimming areas including summer staffing, renovations to the pond, senior center/trips,food etc., leaf and brush pickup then WHY NOT a dog park. I do not complain about all the other things I have to pay for because I live in a community that offers great services to all.
Why complain about it? A dog park could only enhance what the town already offers.
I highly doubt that a dog park will be the reason why we need to higher another police officer or more highway or park personnel!
Just listen to how silly that sounds.

Anonymous said...

i would like to see a thruway exit by the star expansion north of town, in the nepera/train station area they should think about some sort of commuters community with sopping and housing,the village should buy the arden property, YES to a dog park (maybe people will have them shit there instead of on my lawn).

Anonymous said...

The Village should buy the Arden Property? Who the hell is going to pay for it? Do we have a couple hundred million laying around? And as far as wanting a dog park, sell your condo you cheap shit and buy a house with a yard, moron!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A downtown Woodbury is a wounderful idea. I can see it now. quaint little Hoboken shopping and entertainment, close to the train. We can start building downtown woodbury around the modern 6 story Hilton Hotel behind Khols, only a stones throw from Woodbury Common. Sorry, I got carried away there for a sec. I just remembered it is only a Motel 6 or something like that beacuse the Zoning Board of appeals denied giving them another floor that would have made it moe appealing to a bigger hotel chain. I can see why they squashed the idea though, who would want a beautiful Holidome like hotel in the lowest part of town, easing the residential tax burden, a place we would be pround to send our guests. What are our choices now in the area? It will take a very modern V&T Board to get that done, but would be worth it in the long run.

Anonymous said...

OK- So at this dogpark link we find the following info...

Promotes public health and SAFETY.
Provides a tool for REALISTIC enforcement of dog control laws.

The Ideal Dog Park is Designed to Include Concern for the environment.
One ACRE or more surrounded by a 4’ to 6’ fence.
Entry - double gated.
Shade and water.
Adequate drainage.
Parking close to site.
Grass area; routine mowing.
Covered garbage cans with regular trash removal.
Pooper scooper stations.
Wheel chair access.
Safe location, not isolated.

Things to Consider Before Developing a Dogpark Appropriate site selection.
Maintenance and health concerns.
City support.
Supervision of park.

The Role of A Dogpark Group:
Raise funds for amenities.
Monitor use.
Serve as communications liaison with city, neighborhood and dog owners.

How can you not think that we are opening up a giant can of worms? The Town should NOT have to provide a shady, maintained, area with water for dogs to run and play. What are the homeowners of Brigadoon going to think when the dogs are yelping and barking at all hours of the day? (And please don't tell me they will be muzzled!) All these "happy little things" are the OWNERS responsibility, or DON'T have a damn dog.

And what about this...
Dogpark Etiquette for People
Once you and your dog get to the dogpark, it’s tempting to just stand back and watch all the activity. But everybody will have a much more rewarding time if you observe some basic rules. Dogparks aren’t a right, they’re a privilege. - please don’t let bad behavior ruin things for everyone else.

Always keep your eye on your dog. Mischief can happen quickly.

Never leave your dog unattended.

Always clean up after your dog. Most parks have poopbags or scoopers, so use them. This is a primary reason that dogparks get complaints, so pay attention and pick up the poop.

Make sure your dog is current on her shots and has a valid license.

Don’t bring dogs younger than 4 months to a dogpark. They won’t have had all the necessary inoculations that allow them to play safely with other animals.

Don’t bring a female dog in season. Spayed/neutered animals are recommended.

Don’t bring more than three dogs. It subjects parks to overuse, and if they’re not your dogs, you may not have full control over them.

Keep your dog on-leash until you get to the off-leash area. This is not just respectful to other park users, it’s much safer for your dog.

If your dog becomes unruly or plays rough, leash him and leave immediately.

If you must bring children to a dogpark, supervise them closely.

Don’t smoke or eat while at the dogpark. Cigarette butts and food wrappers are tempting treats to dogs, but bad for them.

Always observe all of the rules posted at your local dogpark. Each town has its own set of regulations, so please follow them.


I agree with the others who have said if you own a dog, either provide for it on your own, or simply don't have one. I pay taxes, and my kids snowboard & skateboard. Does that mean that the Town needs to provide me with parks for them to do their thing as well? I think not, although other Towns do, and it would be VERY nice...perhaps we SHOULD look into that as well...why can't parkland fees be used for that??? Any answers??

Anonymous said...

I took Mikes's advice and I too went to the link provided for the Dog Park. After readng it thoroughly, I too feel that the Town should not be entertaining this idea, for the following reasons:

1)There will be an expense to creating and maintaining this park. I understand that Parkland Fees may be used, however, I feel that those fees should be used for things that enhance our parklands for the majority of the community, not just a select group.
2)If the park is created, and is found to be too costly to run, either due to the maintenance, rules enforcement, or lawsuits, it would be very difficult to stop.
3)What if a dog attacks someone? What will the emergency response be? According to statistics,4.7 million people a year get biten by dogs (, so there is a good possiblity that at least one of those could occur in a Town-run dog park. Sure, the owner may be held liable, but what if they have no insurance. The victim of the bite may end up suing the Town, which could affect the Town's insurance rate, and thus the taxpyer when the Town's rates increase, or their carrier declines to renew their policy due to the loss history.

I feel it is in everyone's best interest if we leave the health and happiness of our dogs up to their respective owners, and not make the Town and taxpayers responsible.

Anonymous said...

I think this last blogger needs to get out a little more often. Dear, if you don't have or want a dog, or don't want to come and see the dogs or have an aversion to dogs, or perhaps had a bad experience with dogs, by all means, don't go to where the dogs are. Will this little section of ground really effect your quality of life? Will it keep you up a night, giving you nightmares? Will you have to sell your home and go running off in the night? Really, listen to how ridiculus you sound! As far as the people of Brigadoon are concerned, they chose to move directly next to a park, and lets not forget a GUN CLUB, which I think just might be a tad noiseier than a barking dog. Its because of neuotic, paranoid, killjoys like yourself that make doing the simplest things so difficult. Why don't you take all that energy you have about a DOG PARK and put it to better use, like say, oh I don't know, maybe look into the mental Health facilities. I know we can build it next to the dog park. We'll call it "The Nut Park". We can have drool cups, and butterfly nets for when you get visiters, have straight jackets ready for the unrully in the group. And tranquilizer dart if anyone starts to bite. See how stupid that sounds, (or mybe not).

Anonymous said...

To the last comment...The people of Brigadoon have complained repeatedly about the park and the gun club...obviously they didn't give possibility of the noise, lights or tresspassing by their own neighbors to enter the park any thought... when these issues became bothersome, guess what? they complained to the parks dept. and the town. The homes near the rear exit wanted the parks dept. to foot the bill for their fencing...and they didn't want chain link either.
Yes, perhaps the hundreds of dog parks work well in OTHER locations, but this is Woodbury, people are know to sue at the drop of a hat.
Dog owners that use this proposed dog park should have to have liability insurance that lists the town as certificate holder so that if the dog owner cancels his insurance,the town will be notified and he/she and their beloved pet will be unable to enjoy the park.

Anonymous said...

The dog park that's being proposed is no where near Brigadoon. Before you post idiot why don't you at least find out where they want to put it.
On another note another misstatement on this blog was regarding the hotel behind kohls. It is not a cheap hotel/motel being built there, it is a very nice Hampton Inn. Let's not try to mislead people. I do agree that it should have the third floor, but the zoning board of horrors denied them after harrassing them for several months. They should show applicaints respect just as they would expect.
A little downtown Woodbury would be lovely! A place where small business thrived and people could park their cars and shop. I hope the Village and Town board look into creative ways to make that happen.

Anonymous said...

I know where the proposed dog park site is...and it takes an idiot to know one.
I was trying to make a point of how people don't consider how they will be affected by their surroundings and then want others to make their world better. (You live in an apartment and have a pet that should have regular excerise but there is no place for that pet to run safely) It will only be a matter of time that the very people who have requested this park will be complaining about
it. Rest assured, unless there is a full time employee taking care of this area, it will become a nightmare. Who will care for it? The Building and Grounds Dept. can just barely make ends meet now.

Anonymous said...

I understand what your saying, but you are overthinking the situation.
Why would you talk about the people in Brigadoon being affected by barking dogs when it is far enough away that they won't hear barking dogs if there where any?
Sorry for calling you an idiot but don't mislead people when it's not true. Eg. The Hampton Inn.
Let's stick with the facts and then we can have open and honest discussions.
I do not own a dog but I think that people should be able to enjoy a dog park. It should not be a political issue like some want to make it. Our community is growing and we need to grow with it.
I have enjoyed the Woodbury Parks for years and even though my kids are grown, I now walk with some friends at the Rez a few times a week and I am thrilled that the Town is spending money (80,000) I think on a walking trail around Coach Wilson Trail. Do we need a walking trail? No, but some residents will make good use of it. Others will not. So be it. We could say what it someone trips and falls. Will the town be sued? What if someone is walking on the trail at night and gets assaulted by some assilants hiding in the woods. What if a piece of the moon falls from the sky and hits someone while their on the walking path. Is it the towns fault? Is the town covered under their insurance. We could look at every facility the town owns and come up with all different insurance concerns, but I do not spend my days and nights worrying about what could possibly happen. Let the town's people enjoy whatever services the town could afford to give them within reason. As far as Bobby's Dept, he has been understaffed for years, but unless you run the town I wouldn't make assumptions that the buildings and grounds dept is going to have to police the dog park!

Anonymous said...

"Dog owners that use this proposed dog park should have to have liability insurance that lists the town as certificate holder so that if the dog owner cancels his insurance,the town will be notified and he/she and their beloved pet will be unable to enjoy the park."

Better check the basic rules of personal insurance policies pal. Unless the Town has an insurable interest in the home, apartment, condo or co-op, the insurance companies will not issue a certificate. You're probably thinking of a commercial policy. Lots of luck trying to enforce THAT requirement!

Anonymous said...

Who is trying to make it a political issue? I just don't think that at a time when Woodbury, Town and Village, may be facing some larger issues (battling annexation, repairing, maintaining and hopeful upgrading the infrastructure)that any additional luxuries should be proposed.

It's been said that parkland fees will fund this dog park. Does that mean that any additional insurance costs and employee salaries and maintenance will also come from the parkland fees- or do the parkland fees just pay for creating it??

And just because these parks have worked elsewhere doesn't automatically mean that it will work in Woodbury. There are so many scenerios of things that could go wrong, just because even as owners, do we ever know with any amount of certainty how our dogs will react if faced with a strange dog in an unleashed area? People are one thing, but dogs are entirely different. They have reactions to the scent of other dogs and the dispositions of other dogs without warning (even the friendliest dogs may turn suddenly if they feel threatened).

And for the record, I am a dog lover, and I have grown up with dogs and currently own two...but do so only because I have a large piece of property that they may run on. I would not have dogs if I couldn't give them their freedom on my own property.

Simply, I believe the Town Board should not proceed with this.

Anonymous said...

Parkland Fees may be used to create the park because it is NEW. Parkland fees can not be used for maintenance or employees.

Anonymous said...

To the people who do not want a dog park:


Anonymous said...

Again stop overthinking a dog park. If you want to worry about all these things, go ahead I won't stop you!
The town already allows dogs in most of there parks. What would make it different with a dog park! If the town is covered for dogs in the rez, then they are covered for a dog park.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, the only people that will really use the dog park are single men and woman, or couples with no children. They think their dogs are their children, because they have no one else in their life. These people use the dogs to meet other single desparate people. There will be a few dog owners that have children, but i'll bet that most have kids that are grown and out of the nest. Let these people find others just like them.

Anonymous said...

I am not stating a pro or con on the dog park issue because i do not know enough about it to state a pro or con. I know that is revolutionary on here, because lots of people like to post about stuff they have no clue about to begin with.

However, this is to the moron who posted above about the dog park being only for single "pathetic" people or elder citizens who children have grown up and moved away.

The purpose of community services is to provide a diversity of programs that will benefit different segments of the population. As a single "pathetic" person as you label me, i will say first and foremost there is not enough done around here to assist single people with meeting other like minded persons. This area sucks for that.

Apparently, the poster is someone who has found marital bliss, although my condolences go out to the poor sap that has to live with such an ignorant person as you

Maybe all the single pathetic people like I should stop paying school taxes. The schools dont benefit me in anyway. I dont have kids in them. Or, maybe all the youth activities at the rez and the pond should be suspended. They dont benefit me but i am paying for them.

We need programs that reach out to everyone in this community, not just closed-minded NIMBY's like you.

Uncle Betty said...

The uncle is swayed by the list of possible unintended consequences of the dog park.

In fact, my horizons have been so widened by this high level of discourse that I have decided to apply this same discerning analysis to other aspects of village life.

If we continue to allow cars to operate in our village we must deal with the following:

the need to pay town personnel to assure that various driving rules (speed, safety, not driving across people's lawns, not purposely across people) are enforced.

ditto to seeing that proper licensing and registration are maintained.

what will we tell the people of Brigadoon when un-mufflered cars, with loud horns and stereos disturb their sleep?

will the town be sued if a car attacks someone?

who will clean up the air soiled by these cars?

roads must be maintined at a cost that may be well over several hundred dollars a year.

not everyone wishes to have or use a car, but all of us will be burdened by those who do own and use them.

This is just a preliminary list, but obviously if we allow cars into Woodbury we are just asking for problems.

Anonymous said...

To the blogger who called me a moron. You proved my point about the no children theory. I bet you'll be at the dog park every day, looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right. Maybe if you spent less time on Uncle Betty, you'd find a husband, or wife.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "you don't know enough to state a pro or con opinion? How didicult is this for you. Its a f%$#@ing dog park for petes sake. How intelligent do you have to be to either want one or not. I'd hate to see you have to solve a real problem like, which way sould toilet paper face? Now thats a tough one.

Anonymous said...

I think the dog park is a wonderful idea! Now I have a place to bring my little muffy to play and frolic with her piers.
I think once the park is established, I will start a play group and have birthday parties for her at the park with all the new furry friends she will meet.
Thank god for open minded people who see we really have a need for a dog park!

Muffy mom

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Dear I think you spend way too much time with "Little Muffy". You are talking about a dog, aren't you? And Birthday parties, for crying out loud! Next you'll want a hot tub and spa for your "Little Muff". These dog people are out of control.

Anonymous said...

Are you insulting my little Muffy! HOW DARE YOU. You have no idea how big a part of our life she is. You people have no compassion for dogs or anything else. I bet you own a fur coat!

Anonymous said...

Considering your still single, i'd say your Little Muffy has been insulted quite a FEW times. If people insist on getting animals that they cannot aqccomidate with adaquate space, they have no busines getting one. Don't rely on me and other tax payers to reserve a spot for your MUFFY, while I pay for it. Your probably some Liberal from California, who hates the Government, but insists on making us pay for all your idiotic ideas. Thanks for MUFFIN!

Anonymous said...

And yes I do have a fur coat. Its Mink. Jealous?

Anonymous said...

I have never been so insulted in all my life. I am married and my husband loves our muffy just as much as I do.
I bet I'm paying for YOUR children's stay at the county jail!
Or at the rehab center. Why don't you stop posting on here and take care of your beasts.

Muffy's Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you've been insulted numerous times. I'll tell you what friend, I think you've been at the Cat Nip a little too often. Maybe think about getting some help. I can only imagine that poor dogs home life. Do you dress her up in tutu's, and baby doll pajamas? I bet you have a subscription to Dog Fancy and get a thrill looking at the pictures. As for my "BEASTS" as you called them, all charges were dropped. But thy're still hooked on drugs.

Crack Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh dear,your cruelty never ends. You are probably one of those cranky people that I see on channel 22. The ones that complain about everything! Maybe a good warm body instead of that plastic toy you use would put you in a better frame of mind and help you get help for your kids.

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you something, my little plastic toys do alot more for MY Little Muffy than you do for yours. Maybe invest in some, and you'll have something else to do, besides worship a dog!

Anonymous said...

Hey I want a skateboard park. Think Mr. Burke and Mr. Aronowitz and the others will accomodate me and my friends? Other places have them, and they have no problems. We won't bite anyone, and I'll ask my mom, but I'm sure I have all my shots, otherwise M-W wouldn't let me go to school there. So how about it? That would be something new, so I bet Parkland Fees could be used for that too. I have older brothers and a sister and I'm sure they'd even volunteer to chaperone the kids who want to use it. So, what do ya think? I bet we could have a kewl one and not even take up that much space. We could all go before we leave home, so we wouldn't need bathrooms or anyone to clean up after us either. And we could all have our parents sign somthing so the Town wouldn't get sued either. Sound like a good idea?

Anonymous said...

Sure! It's a great idea.
Let me know where I can sign up.

Anonymous said...

Just like the Roller Hockey Rink. The opposition said all the same things.
What about the isurance! What about the liability if someone gets hurt! It's going to cost a fortune!
Meanwhile it's a great facility that many kids play Roller Hockey on. In the Summer the parks have a skating night with music.
It gives the kids something to do. Big deal if it costs a little bit of money each year to maintain. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Everything Starts with Attitude
By: Thomas Wood-Young, MBA

The most important decision we make in our lives is the attitude we choose to express each day when dealing with people or circumstances. This critical choice determines success or failure in sales and in life. The key is the realization that we choose. That’s right. You purposefully choose your attitude. Choosing a positive state of mind will lead to virtually unlimited success in your career and your life. A negative attitude will lead to unhappiness, poor relationships, difficulty at work and ultimately, poor health. In fact, the most common causes of death in the United States are heart disease and cancer, which are related to stress. Stress is a result of a negative attitude, carried out via perceptions, choices and behaviors.

Where Does Attitude Come From?
One of the most powerful questions I ask during training sessions is: "Where does attitude come from?" Often the group will think for a moment. Many will respond with comments such as, "Work," "People," "Traffic" and other examples. Finally, a brave individual will announce, "Attitude comes from within us." This often leads to a chorus of ah-has as people begin to realize the power in that statement. You determine your attitude. We may blame others, circumstances or events for our situation; however, the key is our response to those things or people.

As you read this article, think about your day. We usually have a series of encounters with things and people whom we feel cause a reaction in us. In fact, we choose that reaction. We can choose to respond in a positive or negative way to these challenges. Your challenge, especially in sales, is always to respond with a positive attitude.

Consequences of a Negative Attitude
A sustained negative attitude will kill you. By far, the worst side-effect of a bad attitude is stress and the top fatal diseases in this country are caused, in large part, by stress. Stress turns quickly into anxiety, depression and ulcers. Now that you know you have the power to choose, why choose negative attitudes? Sales people with negative attitudes struggle and have difficulty closing sales. One common statement coming from negative salespeople is, "I’m not negative, I am realistic." This is an excuse for being negative. Reality is what you make it. Make it positive.

Rewards of a Positive Attitude
People like to be around positive people. In sales, customers like to buy from positive people who have confidence in what they are selling and help their customers enjoy the buying process. People do not want to be sold, but they love to buy and own. Having a positive attitude will improve your relationships, make you happier and lead to success. The rewards of a positive attitude are enormous, if you are willing to keep your spirits up over the long term.

Everything is a Learning Experience
Everything that happens to you in your life is a learning experience. This is positive. We may have hoped for a different outcome, but face the facts in a positive light and move on. Let yourself become stronger from the experience, rather than weaker, full of doubt and stressed. Experience is just another word for mistake. Learn from these experiences by choosing a positive attitude that prepares you for the next challenge in life, which is right around the corner.

Avoid Negative People
One of the tragic parts of negative attitudes is that misery loves company. Negative people will search out others and attempt to bring them down to their level. This is how negative attitudes spread. Their negative influence feels powerful and they use it as a self-esteem boost. People do this in attempt to feel better about themselves, but the end result is short-lived and unproductive. In sales, it is hard enough dealing with rejection from your prospects and customers. Find positive people and let their attitudes stick to you.

Being Positive is not Easy
In my work as a manager, I have found that there are basically two kinds of people -- those who take responsibility for their lives and those who blame others. People who take responsibility for their situations are positive people who see the world as a good place. They have made the conscious decision to be this way. This is not easy; however, understanding these basic principles about attitude are the first steps. Keep in mind, choosing your mental attitude is the only thing you can control in your life. Learn and practice a positive mental attitude, and enjoy the rewards.

Tom Wood-Young, MBA is a marketing consultant helping companies increase revenues.

For more information, contact Wood-Young Consulting:

fax: 719-481-4907
31 North Tejon Ste. 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Anonymous said...

Ain't that the truth! Live life to the fullest be happy, help others and you will be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean we can have a skateboard park too?

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that we could have a permanent 3 ring circus up at the Rez. The Dog control officer can take care of the elephants and use the plastic bags from the dog park to clean up after them.

And then we need a place for middle aged people to go. Everyone is talking about kids and dogs, what ablout middle aged people? They need somewher to go and if they don't have some kind of center like the seniors or a park like the kids, then they might get up to no good.

A Middle aged persons center please!

Anonymous said...

Another great idea! Join me up!

Anonymous said...

This blog is a joke. What the hells wrong with you people?

Anonymous said...

Do the parks stay within the Town's jurisdiction or do they too get turned over to the Village?

Anonymous said...

They stay under the control of the Town.

Anonymous said...

If the people of woodbury didn't vote for the village of woodbury incorporation the park would have been in the new village of KJ-2 along with cromwell lake and shadow lake .

Anonymous said...

Thank Goodness we formed a village!!! Now,

1-Miraculously, KJ will not be able to buy land in Woodbury, because villages don't allow anyone to sell their property, including all you homeowners
2-The parks now belong to the village, because when a village is formed the title to all of the town owned properties automatically goes to the village, whether it be the village of Woodbury or the Village of KJ
3-The formation of a village stopped another threat to Woodbury and that is Stupidity on the part of residents

If you are reading the above 1-2-3 statements and believe that they are true, would you please move to another area?

Anonymous said...

Some food for's time that we move on with this whole Village debat. It's done, and with us for at least two years, so we need to make the best of it, and gloing forward, we need to put all our negative energy into making it work.. A good starting point would be for the Seibold, Mullooly, Caruso group to be part of the solution instead of a continuing part of the problems...they need to cease with the divisiveness and learn that even losers can be winners if they join the right about it?

Anonymous said...

Let's at least take abreak for the Holiday-

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!!!

Anonymous said...


While reports and rumors certainly abound
And reason tries to run them aground
The very thing that you try to protect
Is the very thing that your actions reject

Remove your ego and your pride
Try not to sit there and look so snide
While panning for the camera seems a plus
All you do is create a muss

Muddy the waters and stir the pot
Lies and bad rhetoric is all you’ve got
Take all of this and remove it hence
Instead try to rely on goodness and sense

Anonymous said...

Well said.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Anonymous said...

you people all suck, get a life

Uncle Betty said...

"Get a life"

It seems that that is the favorite rebuke of those whose lives are so full to brimming that they have little better to do than read a blog they appear to despise and tell those who post there that they suck.

Now there is an enviable existence.

Anonymous said...

are you all serious when you say that Brigadoon complains about the park and gun club?

that has to be a joke. if you cannot research who your neighbors are before you move in, TOUGH!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Betty, aka(chuck-D), please retire and leave the area, take your crappy website with you, loser!!