Friday, January 11, 2008

Bo Noes and Videos UPDATED

Brand New - We Got Movin' Pictures Down At The Bottom!

So what is the plural of "no?" I've seen "nos" and "noes" and "no's." The Uncle opts for the middle ground.

In any case, when it comes to "no" Bo has got a lot of them.

...No proof that the lying flyer had an effect on the election.

...No connection between Bo and the flyer.

...No more discussion of the matter

Photo News > Opinion
A thank you note to the people of Woodbury
Published: January 10, 2008

To the editor:

I recently attended a function at a local restaurant and was approached by a constituent who had gone out of her way to congratulate me on my being elected to the Woodbury Town Council. I, to say the least, was deeply grateful for her kind words.

It then occurred to me that I hadn’t publicly thanked those who saw fit to come out during election time and voted for me. I wish to rectify that with this public acknowledgement (sic) of my gratitude for all of you out there who felt that I am the right person for the position of Town Councilman for the Town of Woodbury.

I also wish to thank the town’s Democratic and Conservative parties who believed me worthy of this job by endorsing my candidacy.

As I take the oath of office, I wish to reiterate that it is still my goal to get the biggest bang for every dollar spent while obtaining the needs of the Woodbury (sic) at the level of quality requested, to plan and execute a continual improvement of the town’s infrastructure on a yearly basis in a way that it (sic) will be affordable to the taxpayer, to favor those plans that will result in controlled communal growth and to resist any action that would jeopardize our rural way of life from either external or internal forces.

I welcome any recommendations or comments on how I may accomplish this vision during my time in office. If any of you wish to contact me in order express questions or concerns, please do so at I will do my best to answer all genuine inquiries in a timely manner.

Finally, there has been some controversy concerning apparent misinformation that was introduced into the past election. Unfortunate as it was, there is, to date, no intrinsic data that this misinformation had a direct effect on the overall outcome on the results (sic).

However, I want to say publicly that I personally ran my campaign solely on the issues noted above. I, at no time, personally engaged in the creation of or the dissemination of any misinformation or derogatory information upon (sic) my opponents.

This will be the last time I will respond on this matter.

Again, I thank all those out there who believed in me enough to vote for me. I will always be eternally grateful.

Amidee T. (Bo) Haviland III

Woodbury Town Board

So Bo, you'll answer those emails that contain "genuine inquiries."

I take it that a genuine inquiry would be Grace Gerard asking "how is it possible for a mere mortal to be as fine and generous as yourself?"

A non-genuine inquiry is one that asks you to be accountable to the people of Woodbury.

The Uncle proposes a contest:
Send a question to and let us know if your inquiry was deemed "genuine."

A few other points, Bo:

"Our rural way of life" ended long before you, Levine, Burke, Mangual, Donnelly and Caruso moved into to your 1/2 acre (or less) properties.

That aside, did anyone ever mention to you that the Town Board has nothing to do with planning and zoning? A basic working knowledge of the function of the Town Board may come in handy at some point

By the way, as to "obtaining the needs of the Woodbury." The Woodbury (as you call it) already has plenty of needs, why don't you go to work on obtaining solutions to those needs?

As to those noes:

"no intrinsic data that this misinformation had a direct effect on the overall outcome on the results."

How about some extrinsic data, such as the signed statements Mickey O'Brien has collected from Timber Ridge residents stating that the lies changed their votes?

Further, are you saying that it's fine and dandy to lie to the voters if the lies are unsuccessful? If the people realize that you're lying and ignore you, then you did nothing wrong?

By the way, there is a bit of a difference "some controversy concerning apparent misinformation" and a full blown scandal (remember the Times Herald Record demanding your resignation?) about out-right lies.

"I, at no time, personally engaged in the creation of or the dissemination of any misinformation or derogatory information upon my opponents. "

So, someone sent out lies, signed your name to them and then, when you found out (whenever the hell that was), you never felt it was worth looking into? When your running mate took responsibility you saw no reason to address that publicly - even though it made you look like a liar? You saw no reason to make a statement to the people who were lied to in your name?

And, what about the fund raising letter that your campaign sent out accusing your opponents of being puppets of the developers. Your name was on that lie too. Aren't you getting at all tired of your allies putting out falsehoods and signing your name to them?

And, two years ago, when you accused Sheila Conroy of taking bribes, was that actually the act of an evil ventriloquist?

At what point do you begin taking responsibility for what goes out over your name, or publicly take to task the evil-doers responsible?

As to this being "the last time I will respond on this matter," your bosses may have something to say about that. Or have you forgotten that you work for the people of Woodbury?

It's nice that you "will always be eternally grateful." That is so much better than temporarily being eternally grateful.

Nonetheless, it was very nice of your wife Lynn to take time out from her meal to congratulate you.

And Now For Home Movies.

Tonights show is "The Fifth Amendment Follies." Count the number of times Burke, Haviland and Levine refuse to answer questions (hint - pay particular attention to Queenan's, Capriglione's and Crouse's snippets).

Queenan Demands An Answer

Haviland and Levine Are Grateful

Swiller Demurs

Conroy Instructs

Capriglione Questions

Crouse Asks and Suggests

Gerard Gushes

Hunter Is Disgusted


Anonymous said...

Hey Bo, you don't tell your bosses what to do, we tell you! You work for me and 10,000 other residents in "The Woodbury". Remember, we pay your salary, that means we are in charge. Ralph can't help you now.

Anonymous said...

Bo might want to take a basic English class before he starts talking &/or writing...In response to Mrs. Crouse, Bo stated:
"It is not the right VENUE to DISCUSS (the flyer) at this time..."

So, the definition of VENUE is:
1. a. the place of a crime or cause of action.
b. the county or place where the jury is gathered and the cause tried.
c. the designation, in the pleading, of the jurisdiction where a trial will be held.
d. the statement naming the place and person before whom an affidavit was sworn.
2. the scene or locale of any action or event.
3. the position taken by a person engaged in argument or debate; ground.

And the definition of DISCUSS is:
1. to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.;
2. to make known; reveal.

Seems to me that use of common English language would mean that Bo is saying he is willing to talk about the matter at a different location...
Exactly where would that be BO??

The Photo News certainly isn't a VENUE to DISCUSS, as it is one-sided.

Is the next Democratic Committee meeting the place to DISCUSS the flyer since you obviously believe you'll have "home field" advantage? Once again, I think it BEHOOVES us all to be at the Democratic Committee meeting on 1/28/08. And Bo, just in case you're reading the blog that you claim you never read, BEHOOVES means:
1) To be necessary or proper for.
See you then Bo for a nice little chat!

Anonymous said...

What a putz!

Anonymous said...

He makes his statement right on cue,
Another sign that he knows not what to do,
He denies with the forcefulness of a sheep,
That is why he is Woodbury's Little BO peep!
He sits there with Carlton and Burke,
But it is obvious he doesn't know the work!
Instead of putting out a message so sour,
He should spend time learning what's in the town board's power!
Little BO peep what is your game?
To sit there for four years and shift the blame?
Or will you do the honorable thing?
Then, and only then, your praises we'll sing!!!
You know what to do so start writing what you'll say,
Shed some light on Woodbury's dark day!
Get yourself on the right path,
Forget about John and Ralph's political wrath.
Remove yourself from their evil sphere,
Or is that what you hold so dear?
So Little Bo peep show us what you are made of,
Is it a turkey,a hawk or a dove?

Anonymous said...

So, if Carlton obviously knows NOTHING about town government, why in hell would Burke name him as his deputy? Is Burke that stupid??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Burke dosen't give one sh-t about woodbury, you, me, or anyone else, look at the guy, he walks through life like Mr Magoo, when I see him out and about he looks like a senile old man with a dumb blank stare, the guy should be in Hollywood, What an actor, and now he has a supporting cast!

Anonymous said...

How about Woodbury moving forward in a positive manner? The election is over, you said we can't do much about it, so how about becoming more involved and working together for the good of the town/village. Learn from our mistakes and move forward. Harboring hate, resentment, resorting to name-calling, etc. is non-productive.

Anonymous said...

As long as a corruptly elected board remains in power the corruption continues. We may not be able to remove them, but we can point out this continuing perversion of democracy each time that they meet.

The minute that we begin to pretend that nothing bad happened is the minute that corruption triumphs.

Pointing out their unfitness for office may seem to accomplish little, but little is better than nothing. Some price must be paid.

I'm afraid that John Burke is a lost cause, dishonesty has marked every one of his campaigns.

But maybe Haviland and Levine will finally stop hiding from the truth and will begin the difficult process of addressing the issue. Perhaps they will attempt to work to repair the damage rather than dismiss it. Doing so wouldn't be easy, nor should it be. But it is necessary and the sooner they start the better.

But if they come out of this as if nothing wrong had happened, then we are guaranteeing that it will happen again and again.

The Village elections are two months off. If we allow these lies to fade away, you can be certain that this group will act the same way during that campaign.

Anonymous said...

They've already laid the groundwork. If you don't think for one second that the Republicrats are holding that joint "respolution" condemning the Village until just the right time, you're kidding yourself. The Dems stated that it already went to the TH-R and they "don't know why it hasn't been printed yet", however we both know that its a load of crap. It will come out as some big newsflash when they believe the time is right. That's why the public needs to know NOW what a bunch of conniving, twisted individiuals they really are, how they are definitely conspiring to take over the Town and the Village Boards, and that they are doing irreparable damage to Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

There is another price we will all pay for corrupt and dishonest elections--- good people will not run and we will get more corrupt and inexperienced candidates. Why would anyone want to put themselves through this? If they are not part of the Burke--Caruso team, they can expect to be lied about and be attacked with no proof provided.

It is hard to believe that Bo Haviland can say, with a straight face, that the flier did not affect the election outcome.

Look at how close the election was.

If the flier was not intended and planned to get out angry voters in Timber Ridge, then why was it only sent to a select group of voters.

As the newspaper said when it called for Burke, Levine and Haviland to resign: either they didn't know what the tax assessor's job was (meaning they were incompetent for the job) or they knew and they lied in order to win.
Neither bodes well for Woodbury government.

It is hard to believe how low the Town government has sunk. And now we have a village election coming up which up to this point has not been tainted by Caruso and Burke. Unless people wake up fast, we will watch a second government in Woodbury sink into the gutter.

Anonymous said...

Question to someone who knows this sort of thing:
How does corruption like this (and the newspaper editorial it generted) effect our bond rating if the town has to borrow money?

Anonymous said...

Is It True Rich Jackson is running for Village Trustee.

Anonymous said...

If Richard Jackson is running for Village Trustee, we should let him know he has our support.

Keep caruso's people out.

Vote for Jackson!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rich JAckson is running. Together with Neil Crouse, they make a great team and need our support. Rich brings many fine qualities to the board...years of experience in dealing with the public in an official capacity, knowledge of the fire district, and the ability to work with others. Thanks Rich for accepting the challenge!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see who the Preservation Party puts up!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Swiller, find a new topic! Your crap is getting old, your like a broken record, Its to late, the election is over, You know that nothing will happen to teflon John, Bo, or Carlton, shut up already about the dumb flyer and please talk and write about something useful, your just wasting everyones time! enough already!

Uncle Betty said...

Dear Don, Bob and Company,

Why are you so unhappy about our refusal to allow the corrupt election to just fade away?

Weren't you the folks who predicted, months ago, that Woodbury would just "take it like a dog?"

Perhaps you forgot that some dogs bite.