Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Pieman Breaks His Silence

I had my own reasons for not saying what was on my mind at the Board Meeting. For one thing, I wanted to give the new members a chance to apologize. That they didn’t and in fact repeatedly refused to answer questions that were very germane to their being in office tells me that I was overly generous and that Sandy, Robin, Maria and Kieran were fully justified in their comments.

As to the presence of children - bringing them there was the decision of Levine and Haviland, just as it was their choice to hand out that vile flyer. Choices have consequences.

Shortly after the election I met with Levine and asked him to make a public apology. I pointed out that this issue was not going to go away and that it would certainly be brought up, at least as a warning to voters, before every town and village election. I told him that as his kids grew up, they would hear about this again and again and that he might be able to explain it away while they were young, but eventually they would be old enough to think for themselves and to understand corrupt campaign practices for what they were. I told him that he had to decide now how his children would see him in years to come.

The fact that the three of them sat there and, in effect, "took the Fifth Amendment" again and again and again, shows that they have no intention of facing up to their own bad acts - the fact that Bob Donnelly, a pathetic and discredited puppet of Caruso and Burke, continued the malicious and dishonest campaign to smear their opponents - all of this tells me that this group has reconsidered nothing, regretted nothing, learned nothing.

Jonathan Swiller


Uncle Betty said...

People think that everyone is like them. Liars think that everyone else lies. Crooks think that everyone else is crooked.

That Burke, Haviland, Levine and Donnelly accuse everyone on the other side of taking bribes tells you a great deal about Burke, Haviland, Levine and Donnelly.

Michael Aronowitz said...

Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour

Anonymous said...

Who has Burke chosen as his second in command?

Anonymous said...

How many houses did Mike A., Gerry G., Mike Q., and Shelia Conroy approve for Bill Brodsky over in The Junction across from the MW High School? I think it went from 141 homes to 280 homes. Are my numbers correct?

Anonymous said...

Its 451 homes

Anonymous said...

And 130 of them for seniors only with no children and yet paying school taxes.

And seniors can own, not rent, those homes. Something Burke could not explain when asked at a Town Board meeting why he voted against seniors owning their own homes. He was told 2 weeks prior that this question would be asked.

Know what his final answer was--- he didn't read the law.

Wonder what else he has not read and voted on?

Anonymous said...

WP3's 400 acres were contiguous with ACE Farm's 200 acres. If Brodski had not been able to build he would have sold to he highest bidder. That would have been KJ's Vaad ha Kirya. Call that blackmail or economic reality, what you call it doesn't change the facts.
If KJ owned 600 contiguous acres running from Bakertown to Dunderberg there is a strong likelihood that they would have been allowed to annex.
When Burke was asked about this, he said "We've got lawyers."
No one ever told him that KJ has lawyers too.

Anonymous said...

I find it laughable the the people accusing others of supporting developers and "High density" are the very ones who live in actual HIGH DENSITY.

Woodbury Junction= 451 homes
Timber Ridge= 450 homes (where Donnelly lives)

Why is it OK for Bob Donnelly to live in a community of 450 homes and not anyone else?

Next time we'll talk about Manny and his lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sweet Pea:

People like you are the reason why the Burkes, Carusos, Levines and Havilands get what they want. That is because you feign at having some morals which really only underscores your cowardice,weakness (or perhaps something else)and then they get away with their behavior.

Where were you when the previous board was being viciously attacked?
Were you worried about their families? You were not vocal then, which makes your comments now very suspect.

Knock it off, "Sweet Pea"

To the person who wrote the above blog.
What is wrong with you?
Have you not read my past blogs? I'm on the same page as you are. Burke, Levine, Haviland, I think what they did was horrible. They lied and cheated to get where they are.

All I did was have an opinion on children in the audience.

And when Gerri and Sheila, and Mike were getting attacked, I was at the Board meetings supporting them. I helped with their elections. I walked petitions. If you knew who I was, you would know that. You and I are friends, Sandy and Robin. I just never realized just how hateful you two could be. And I don't mean to the men. I'm talking about myself. They acted like asses at all those Board meetings, and you took offence to it then. Are you trying to be just like them? Well congrats! You've done it.

I want nothing more than to see those men pay for what they did. I hope no one lets them forget. And they should be reminded everyday just how we all feel about it.

I guess we should realize that heaven forbid we disagree with Sandy or Robin we'll be banished. Hey isn't that the same thing Ralph does?

Be very careful ladies. Glass house.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Robin and Sandy for having the courage to stand up to their fellow democrats. We all deserve answers as to who is responsible for that ugly flyer. How appropriate that it was "yellow", just like the gutless wonders that created it. Heaven help Woodbury! We have a majority of dishonest new people on the board who can not be trusted! Woodbury deserves BETTER!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea- why do you assume that Sandy or Robin are the ones writing on this blog? Do you know something the rest of us don't about who is posting as "anonymous"??

Also, you made the comment that they are both hateful people. Wow, that is a mighty strong word to be tossing around. I watched the meeting on TV a couple of times and didn't see anything hateful about what anyone said, especially Robin or Sandy. To me it seemed like frustrations are growing over Mr. Burke's hypocrisy in that he says he stands for open government then lies to get his pals on the board and then none of them answer questions about the lies that got them there?

Also you said "I guess we should realize that heaven forbid we disagree with Sandy or Robin we'll be banished." Do they have some club that you were part of or something and they tossed you out? What are you being banished from? From what I've seen over the years, Robin attends a ton of meetings and is kind of a political watchdog. I heard Robin, Maria and Sandy have been involved with local politics for years and really have a good sense of how things operate, so I can't fault them for keeping the pressure on Mr. Burke, Mr. Haviland and Mr. Levine-reorganizational meeting or not.

One last thing, you said that "those men should be reminded everyday of what they did." Well, by all those people speaking out at that "special" family attended meeting, I guess that's one day that will stand out in there minds forever. And you know what- maybe, just maybe, if one of there kids ask them why it happened, maybe then one of them will find there conscience and decide to put the whole thing to rest by finally explaining what happened.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm, helped with campaigns, walked petitions and didn't mention Lorraine........could little Miss Sweet Pea be an elected official who works for both the Town and the Village?

Better be careful yourself, young lady!

Anonymous said...

Since Sweet Pea said she/he's friends w/ Sandy & Robin, and is obviously very upset w/ their actions, why doesn't she/he do what friends normally do and confront them, rather than slander them on Uncle Betty? Word to the wise Sandy & Robin, better question who your friends are!!

Anonymous said...

Why was Levine named Deputy Supervisor when has has like ZERO experience? I guess these guys really are just playing politics instead of trying to provide the residents with good, educated strong leadership. Poor Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

Regarding question on second in command, he picked Levine. He has the answers for most questions--"I decline to answer that question"

Anonymous said...

tell me again how 451 is better than 150

Anonymous said...

OK Sweet Pea, I am the one who told you to knock it off and I am NOT Sandy or Robin. And to call them hateful people DOES show that you have an ulterior motive, pretending to be on the side of decency while serving another purpose.

I bet you are the town/village clerk and you better be advised, Desiree, everyone is wise to you playing both sides of the fence.

Why is it the the likes of Ralph and his cronies attack and act badly and no-one says anything about them? And when someone merely stands up for what is right they are wrong "because of the children"? In politics, people use "the children" as a politic tool all the time and we are not falling for it this time. We need people like Sandy and Robin who have the courage to speak out, even if someone is using "the children" to their own political advantage.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, all this "sweet pea' said was that he/she felt bad about the kids at the meeting. Lighten up!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea = Pete Stabile. How clever to reverse your initials.

Anonymous said...

Hey- for once you could be on to something!

Anonymous said...

It has been 2 months since the Woodbury election and people still have no answers about the fraudulent yellow flier that definitely tipped the election to the Democratic majority. Why would people be upset that after 2 months, the Democratic have provided no answers to origins of the piece of literature that won them election?

Come on, guys, take credit for your "glorious" victory and give credit where credit it due.


Mr. Donnelly, you live in Timber Ridge. Don't you want to take credit for "helping" your neighbors vote the right way? Otherwise, you would have been jumping up and down with rage that your fellow Timber Ridgers were taken advantage of and lied to. Guess your silence tells a great deal.

And Manny Manguel --you also live in Timber Ridge and are head of the Democratic Committee. How come you are not outraged that you neighbors were lied to about their reassessments? Guess your job as Committee Chairman to get your candidates elected and advance your own political future out-weights being honest with your neighborhood.

Come on, we are all adults. You did it because you wanted to win and you didn't care how you accomplished it. And now you are upset because people are calling you on it?

You have stacked the Democratic Committee with Burke's relatives, neighbors and friends---all novices in government. The first loyalty is to each other and to winning not to what is right or good for Woodbury.

And you really thought this would just blow over and people would not be angry? Just shows you what novices you are.

Anonymous said...

I have not yet watched the last Town Board meeting to know how people spoke. I would hope that the public was respectful. But people do have the right to question this Board about the election which by any standards was won by fraud.

And since people have stood up at every meeting asking who produced the flier and the newspaper has even called for the resignation of Burke, Haviland and Levine, it should not have been a surprise that the questions that have never been answered are still out there.

Mr. Levine has attended only 1 or 2 meetings since his election. Neither he or Haviland who has sat silent at the meetings he has attended have responded to the questions about the flier.

They all ran on a ticket of open and responsive government, according to their own hand outs.

Guess that was a lie, just like their yellow flier.

Anonymous said...

I also have not yet seen the last meeting, but will watch it.

It is hard to believe that Burke, Haviland, Levine, Donnelly, Manguel and the rest don't understand why people want answers about the yellow flier.

They got caught cheating and are being called on it. And they just sit silent hoping it will all go away.

It won't and it shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Please don't let those behind the flier divide those who appear to be trying to do the right thing. Those people who are standing up to the Democrats and their lies are the ones allowing me to sit home and go on with my comfortable life so I don't have to attend the meetings.

Sweet Pea, sorry, but you seem to be speaking out boths sides of your mouth, and why aren't you calling out Queenan, Conroy and Hunter? Are you better "friends" with them, or as someone else stated, are your motives suspect? Do you have a vested interest in trying to cast doubt and negative impressions about Robin and Sandy because they are calling out the "new majority" on the board? I think those who believe that you are one of two elected officials who don't sit on the board may be on the right path. If so, and Sweet Pea is Desiree or Pete, then I pity the one who it is for having to stoop so low as to calling their "friends" hateful people. Sweet Pea needs to look up the definition of FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

People are angry about the flier for a number of reasons.

1) The first and most obvious is that it was such an outright lie. In elections, unfortunately, people feel the need to attack their opponents and sometimes hype themselves, especially those with few qualifications or little experience. But this flier went way beyond that and outright lied.

2) The flier deliberately "targeted" a specific area of Woodbury whose nerves were still raw from the reassessment. It did not go out to the whole town, only to that area. By sending it right before the election, with no time left for a corrective response, the intent was to inflame these voters and get them to turn out for the Democratic ticket. It worked.

3) It is shameful that the chair of the Democratic Committee (Manny Manguel, and Bob Donnelly, a former chair of the same Committee, live in Timber Ridge. In effect, they victimized their own neighbors a second time. Boy, people of Timber
Ridge, aren't you glad to have these people looking out for your interests.

4) Mr. Burke, in an obvious effort to make this go away, took "responsibility" for the flier. Guess, since he ran unopposed, thanks to his good friend Caruso, the chair of the Republican Committee, it was felt that the least damage would be done to the party if he took the blame. But right after that, he said on TV that he did not write, print or distribute the flier which means we still don't know who did.

5) At some point, before the election, some body or bodies had a strategy meeting and decided that they needed to insure extra votes going their way from somewhere. Somebody came up with the idea that with lots of Democrats in Timber Ridge and feelings there still angry about the reassessment, why not send them a mailing that blamed that situation on Lorraine and
Mike A. It was not mailed, but stuck in people's doors.

It is also interesting to note that Burke's name was left off the flier and it was sent to benefit Levine and Haviland. Burke was running unopposed so perhaps that was the reason. Or perhaps, because Burke was on the Town Board at the time of the reassessments, it was thought that it was best to leave his name off the flier and just concentrate on Levine and Haviland.
This is mentioned because it is the only part of the campaign in which they were not running as a threesome.

Obviously, this was another part of the decision about the flier. Perhaps Levine and Haviland or their campaign team saw Burke as a liability in Timber Ridge and decided to go for the votes there without Burke pulling down the other 2 people on the ticket. This again was a calculated move, but by whom?

So someone had to have come up with the idea to do this, actually write the flier, approve it, print it and have volunteers (not the postman) deliver it to the "selected" audience.

Levine and Haviland have some responsibility since their names were on the flier. Do you want us to believe that you were so uninvolved in your own election that you did not see this before it went out? Hate to tell you this, but must since you don't seem to get it---you are responsible.

But equally important is who came up with the strategy and produced, printed and distributed the flier.

These questions will continue to be asked until the truth, not some public relations lob, comes out.

That, Democratic majority, Committee, and Caruso's Republican Committee is called ACCOUNTABILITY.

Anonymous said...

I also don't like disrespect and hope that people speaking at the last Town Board meeting were not disrespectful.

To the poster concerned about the families of the newly elected officials": what about the families of Lorraine and Aronowitz when they were smeared in the mail and in Woodbury by Levine's and Carleton's flier?

And more importantly, what about the 4 years of abuse that Conroy, Gerri and other Board members took. Guess their families didn't matter so much. Saw Haviland on TV sitting in on some of those meetings (usually only when he was running for election) and he never stood up and objected.

Conroy, Lorraine, Gerri, Mike A. never pulled these types of dirty tricks to get elected. They ran clean elections and never lied about their opponents.

Conroy was attacked at the very first Town Board meeting by Serra. The attacks were clearly staged and organized by Burke supporters who can be easily named and documented.
It was all a grand political game to get him elected and it worked.
When Conroy, Gerri and others did not do what they were told by Caruso, his team also went after them. Now look what we have.

Anonymous said...

again, 451 trumps 150 how?

Anonymous said...

To the people who keep asking why the Town allowed approval for 451 homes on land across from the high school instead of 150, here are a few questions first:

1) Did you vote to create the Village of Woodbury because you were told and believed it would prevent annexation? (It won't)

2) Did you vote for the village believing that it would be a "shell" of a government and only cost you $100-$200? (Check your tax bill to correct that error)

3) Did you believe Caruso and his group when they said the Fire Commissioners/District and other special districts in Town would not have to be dissolved when the village was created? Wrong again.
Senator Larkin, Caruso's boss, tried to leave fire district and other special districts under the Town by introducing special legislation, but it failed. (Guess Caruso never spoke to his boss before making his wild claims).

4) Did you sign Burke's and Caruso's other petition to have a referendum on zoning for Brodsky's property? If you did, you were asking the Town Board to do something illegal which could have gotten them sued and cost the taxpayers lots of money.

These questions are asked because if you believed any or all of these, you have been told untruths by the same people who are now telling you that 150 homes could have and should have been built on the property by the high school.

Why is that unlikely to happen? The reality of land in Woodbury and basic economics.

How about a hypothetical situation with you being the landowner of this 400 acres? You have been holding this land for some time and are ready to retire or move or want to liquidate your land for money for college for your kids.

Whatever the reason, you put the land on the market. Who are you going to sell it to? The highest bidder seems reasonable.

So a bidding war begins for your land. Developers bid on it with the potential of building 150 homes. But there are other bidders out there who see the land with more potential, such as a neighboring community which perhaps owns the adjacent land and needs to keep expanding its boundaries. Under their zoning, they could develop the same land with 7000 homes and so they can afford to pay more for the land than a developer who can get 150. Guess who wins the bidding war?

Another hypothetical situation: you are a developer trying to buy the same 400 acres offered above, perhaps from one owner or a number of owners--all of whom want to get the best price they can.

You can possibly build 150 homes. The bank or investors will loan you a certain amount of money figuring out reasonable land costs, building costs for houses and wells/spetics, roads, etc. and what profit each home will generate.

But as the price of the land keeps going up in the bidding war, the return on each of those 150 homes shrinks to the point that lenders and backers and the developer himself sees that each of those homes will be sold at a loss. He pulls out and the highest bidder with the possibility of building up to 7000 homes walks away with the land.

One last hypothetical: A developer involved in a bidding war for land, asks for additional homes to be built in exchange to millions of dollars of benefit to the community and its taxpayers. Some benefit him as well, but also generate benefits way beyond his project and save the costs of needed improvements to the town's infrastructure.

Go back to the top and see if you believed any of the earlier questions. The same people who told you the wrong answers for those questions are telling you that 150 homes could have been built on the land across from the high school. You decide.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr/Mrs/Ms 451- why don't you EVER list what comes along with that 451? Why don't you, or any of your other "believers" list the benefits to those who are living outside of WP3 that the project brings? Why don't you ever talk about if zoning remained unchanged, and ownership went to KJ, how the Town/Village would pay for the fight against annexation? According to Burke, he would sacrifice all road, sewer and any other infrastructure projects to hoard the moneys needed to fight annezation. Stands to reason he will also go after the salaries and benefits of the employess to build his war chest, but allowing for his own salary increase.

So Mr/Mrs/Ms 451, you answer my questions, and I'd be happy to answer yours.

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the benefits to our infrastructure that these homes generate. is brodsky paying taxes on this land, or is he claiming sewer, wetlands, etc. exclusions. and how about those people by the egg farm that sold to kj and rent. they got their money, then they're gone, and we live with the aftermath. and i voted for the village, but i knew there were no claims that it would prevent annexation. never saw that in either group's literature. blame the preservationists all you want, but it was queenan who originally got the ball rolling on the village idea. how about we move forward instead of always looking back. there are scumbags on both sides of the fence. we don't need kj to divide us. we are killing ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Clarification for Grace Gerard: you thanked Burke, Haviland and Levine for "volunteering" their time- they aren't "volunteering"! They now hold PAID (and handsomely I might add)positions. Only in politics can you lie, be seemingly proud of it, not have to be held accountable for it, not have ANY experience, and be guaranteed a paycheck of over $8k annually plus benefits!! Way to go Bo & Carlton!

Anonymous said...

There is some benefit to looking back if you learn from the errors of the past or if new information added to wisdom from the past helps you to make better decisions.

Am glad that previous poster did not vote for the village thinking it would prevent annexation. Unfortunately, a lot of other people did vote for that reason.

I am going to ask people to look back for a moment and remember how they felt when the newspaper article came out that Kiryas Joel, through a front, actually had purchased Ace Farm People called Town Board members asking why didn't they stop that from happening? Why hadn't they worked with developers and rezone the land if needed so that this sale did not happen.

What if the same thing had happened to the 400 acres across from the high school? What do you think would happen to your property values and your taxes if the town were involved in a long and expensive legal battle to try to keep that land in Woodbury and under its zoning?

What if, in addition to the 150 acres of Ace Farm, 400 more acres are tied into an annexation law suit?

If the annexation into Kiryas Joel were to be successful and over 8000 units were to be proposed on the 150 acres plus 400 acres and it sits right in the front yard of the two schools, what do you think will happen to land values in Woodbury?

Wonder how fast Mr. Burke, Mr. Haviland, the Mulolley's and others living right down the street would sell out.

That is not a criticism of them---with all of the money all of have tied up in our homes, could we afford to hold on and hope their value does not go down while the news is covering an annexation battle?

Read the earlier posting of the economics lesson. It makes sense.

If anyone believes that there was not a bidding war going on for those 400 acres,driving up the price of the land, I have a bridge to sell you.

Anonymous said...

The previous poster was correct about one thing regarding the past---people can learn from the past, but they can't live there.

Burke and Caruso and company want Woodbury to go back to the 1960's or 1970's when they came here. It is possible that the people living in Woodbury at the time weren't happy when they came and wanted to return to Woodbury of the 1940's and 1950's.

But reasonable people understand that can't happen. And Caruso and Burke just saying no to developers and annexation, thinking that will work, are living in a dream world of the past.

Life in Woodbury has and will continue to change. You need to educate yourselves how best to make that change benefit those already here and those to come. You cannot legally say, no more people can come or they can only come on 2 and 3 acre lots when you have others willing to pay very high inflated prices to buy up land and hope to annex it out of your community.

Live in the real world and be able to make decisions that reflect a changed reality.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of annexation: didn't Monroe just lose a court case with the Village of Harriman last year?

From the newspaper accounts, it appears that a property owner in the Village of Harriman wanted to annex land from the Town of Monroe to combine with adjacent land so that he could build senior housing.

Monroe's land was not zoned for that but for commercial use. Monroe argued in court that they needed the land to remain in Monroe because they needed commercial land to provide a solid commercial tax base.

The courts said Monroe had commercial ratables elsewhere and senior housing was needed more so the land was annexed out of Monroe and into Harriman.

It does not seem that annexation is such a hard thing to convince the courts about if you find a good argument.

Do Burke and Caruso know about this when they say Woodbury just needs to say no to annexation and all will be well?

Anonymous said...

With all that has just been written about history, annexation, etc, doesn't it just give you a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing Haviland and Levine are now in office- excuse me, I think I'm going to be sick...

Anonymous said...


Looking at all the posts here, this is probably the wrong place to ask for assistance to help another human but I am going to give it a shot. A volunteer firefighter from Salisbury Mills has been diagnosed with myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow). His son, who happens to be a Boy Scout, has come up with an Eagle project to help his father. He is holding a blood/red blood cell drive and bone marrow screening on January 26 at the Salisbury Mills Fire House on Rt. 94. If you are interested in donating, please email Ian at Thanks for your consideration and letting me put this advertisement out there.

Anonymous said...

To the poster asking about the 451 homes instead of 150. Give up already, WP3 is here to stay. The two boards involved that decided the approval for WP3 did the correct thing.

Having 451 homes is better than condos having a total of 7000 homes. Condo owners pay less taxes so all of Woodbury's residents would lose. The 7000 homes that could have been built would have more sewer waste, use more water and no green space.

Anonymous said...

your making a leap that 7000 units would have been built. fear is a powerful driving force.

Anonymous said...

And you, one of the "Vote Yes for a Village" people should know just how powerful the fear factor really is, right??

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Aronowitz and/or McNeill are going to file a libel suit against Burke? He has said several times that HE is responsible for the information in that flier. Since it was definitely in writing, Burke acknowledged the lies, why don't they nail his ass?

Kieran Conroy said...

Two points.

1) I disagree with Sweet Pea, but don't like seeing her attacked for her concerns. Point out the problems with her argument, fine, but let's try and be civil. There have been trolls and shady posters in the past here, but if we jump down the throat of everyone we look just as bad as the other side.

2) On the 451 homes issue, others did the "economics lesson" for me. So all I'm asking, as at the meeting is what would you have done differently? What plan do you have which would have protected Woodbury's interests in the wake of Ace Farm, an existing annexation attempt (which was thankfully negotiated away), and hundreds of people afraid of losing their homes if more land went just next door?

Its all too easy to avoid giving solutions if you just criticize others. This has been Burke & Caruso's tactic from day one.

So I ask, what would you have done?

Anonymous said...

If the land was annexed, with the Ace Farm chunk just next-door, Woodbury would have lost ALL control over zoning. Period. That's the way it works. Not our town, not our decision anymore.

That's not fear, that's seeing the facts. Someone was going to buy it, and time was running out.

Anonymous said...

Libel fears might explain why they're not talking. Burke was on the board, for god-sakes, he knew how the assessment had gone down.

Anonymous said...

Seeing all the times that Swiller is called a "dick" and worse here, he's shown a lot more decency, respect and restraint than the other side has ever shown to him.

Michael Aronowitz said...

A tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men, elected by no one, and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government.
Spiro T. Agnew

Anonymous said...

Why do people believe all the lies that this small group of people have produced?

They have found the perfect spokesman in Burke who people find likeable.

Never mind that he admitted he didn't even read at least of one of the 5 laws he opposed about Brodsky's project.

How can you take a public stand on something and vote against it when you don't even read it or understand it.

Now he is responsible for the lying flier but he didn't write, print or distribute it.

Beginning to see a pattern here.

Anonymous said...

People also believe the lies because they are repeated so often that people believe them.

Also people believe because they want things to be the way the liars are telling them they can be. Just say no to annexation and it will go away.

I'm here now so close the door to anyone else coming.

Those here before me paid to have my 2, 3, 4 kids educated but now that my kids are out of school, I don't want to pay for other people's kids to be educated.

Reactionary people can be very appealing. They appeal to people's self interest and fears.

As the lies keep building up and the same small group is responsible, hopefully, people will wake up, plug their ears to their lies and tell them to get lost before they do more harm.

But that had better happen soon because Woodbury is facing another election in a few months for the Village Board. (Hey, that was another cost that Caruso, Burke and the Preservation Team did not tell us about. Having more elections costs more taxpayers money).

YOu can bet that with the sweet smell of victory from the Democratic majority getting elected to the Town Board, regardless of how fraudulently and dishonestly it was done, they are looking for a repeat at the Village election.

They will probably return to their previous strategy during the Conroy election and send out a last minute lying flier without identifying who sent it this time.

Like a previous poster said earlier in the week: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. We are already past the twice mark and they are still lying to us but it only works it we let it.

Anonymous said...

You go out of town for the weekend, and alot happens...where to begin...was able to catch the latest Town Board meeting, and after reading all the exchanges here, am having an uneasy time with "Sweet Pea".
1)I understand his/her concerns, but am curious as to why he/she was naming only the 2 women, and not the Board member or the other two audience participants who questioned the new board members and John.
2)I note that he/she gives quite a bit of information away about who he/she really is, and it seems likes it's almost too much whoever is behind Sweet Pea might be wanting to direct people into thinking he/she is someone else.
3)I must agree that if this Sweet Pea person is truly a friend, then rather than posting anonymously, with such vicious words such as "hatefeul", they would have contacted the 2 women in question and have a heart-to-heart. Neither woman seemed unreasonable or hateful in their statements.
4)Finally, I would hope that all involved would see both the danger and necessity in using a blog. The danger is that in posting as anonymous or some made-up name, reality is blurred, and there are no boundaries. The necessity is that there is no other way to express your opinions without fear of retribution.

Enough said. It's good to be back!

Anonymous said...

blah, blah, blah, blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah!

Shut up already!

Anonymous said...

Go to hell.

Anonymous said...

You people are ridiculous! I've been reading these blogs, and it seems there are an awful lot of people who have absolutely no life, and nothing better to do but sit and whine. The previous blogger at least said something intelligent.

Blah blah blah. Shut up!

Anonymous said...

Who's asking you to spend your precious time reading THIS blog then. Go find someone else to say "shut up" to!

Anonymous said...

I heard that Jonathan Jacobsen the chair of the county dem committee, was at the last town board meeting. Does anyone know why?

Anonymous said...

To see the "Lying Trio" get sworn in.

Anonymous said...

So, thinking ahead just a few short months,will the REPUBLICRATS
release their joint "resolution" condemning the current Village board for the whole KJ Water Tower agreement? At the last Democratic committee meeting, Mangual insisted that the Democrats changed their resolution at the urgence of his fellow Republican committeemen, when in fact it was most likely at the COMMAND and DEMAND of Ralph. Mangual also stated that it was sent to the Record back in November 2007, so why hasn't it been published??? Probably because he's lying yet again, and both resolutions will be released just in time for the Village elections- lets see, do you think it will be:
a) in the TH-R newspaper
b) in the Photo News
c) taped to your garbage pail
d) stuck in your door in the middle of the night, OR

since they are so brazen, perhaps they'll just put it right out there on Channel 22!!

I'm getting the sinking feeling that I'm living in the Russian Federation!!

Anonymous said...

To the person who said ,

"Go to hell"

We are already here, the town hall it starting to smell like brimstone, So my fellow blogger,


Anonymous said...

Mike A. Do you have anymore secret meetings at your house? I guess you'll be inviting Lorraine & Sheila. Gee, I remember all those nasty things you said about them. And I mean nasty!! But you always did lack courage untill you were backed into a corner and then you folded.

Anonymous said...

How 'bout those not so secret meetings at Ralph & Don's house!!! Guess they'd be at Donnelly's house, but living on a postage stamp sized lot, he doesn't have the room!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Burke/Caruso meetings!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Uncle Betty have a photos of the Burkemobile at Ralphs?

Anonymous said...

There's a difference between a private meeting and a secret meeting. The Constitution gives us the right to assemble. Sounds like you're upset that you weren't invited.

Uncle Betty said...

Gee, it was during working hours for the Town Supervisor. I guess it was public. They just forgot to tell us.