Friday, January 25, 2008

Polluted Political Poltroonery, Seen and Unseen

This past Tuesday the Woodbury Republican Committee met.

They tend to do that when no one is looking.

And when they met, Chairman Ralph Caruso told the committee that one of its members, Roberto Calderone, had informed Ralph that he was moving and so would be resigning from the committee.

Ralph also announced that he had received a letter from former Town Supervisor Bob Till, asking to be appointed to the vacancy.

Ralph was asked when Calderone had given Ralph the news. "This morning."

Ralph was asked when Till had sent the letter. "January 4th."

Amazing! Finally, proof that clairvoyance exists. The committee members would be fools not to snap up a member who can foretell the future.

And yet, when Ralph and Little Miss Echo (AKA the Ankle Biter) put forward the idea that this savant should be accepted immediately, there were those present who actually wanted to wait until any other interested candidates had a chance to apply.

Ralph took a look around the room, did a mental vote count and told the assembled Republicans that Mr. Till’s request to join this august body should be acted upon at once.

And then, a second amazing thing happened. Ralph’s motion failed and the seat was left unfilled until other applicants could be heard from.

It is reported that Ralph’s head then exploded.

But wait, there’s more.

Mr. Peter Stabile then had the opportunity to inquire as to why, when Burke and the Dem’s stole the Town Board election through lies and deceit, Republican Committee Chairman Caruso had had nothing to say?

At this point Ralph’s head, only just reassembled, exploded again.

He ranted, raved, screamed, denounced and expressed in other ways that he was peeved by the question.

"Where were all of you when I lost my run for Mayor of Woodbury? That campaign was filled with lies too," said Ralph, forgetting that he was the one who had been telling those lies.

He then turned his attention (and the remaining shards of head still attached to his neck) towards Gerri Gianzero. "You backstabber!!" he began. He then launched into a litany of complaints which moved Ms. Gianzero to suggest that the Chairman should attempt auto-insemination.

Ah, such entertainment wasted on such a small audience. The major networks, crippled by the writers’ strike, saturated with reruns and searching hither and yon for yet one more reality show, must be contacted. Such theater must be shared.

Thank God, the Democrats are more generous with their performance art. Their shows are open to the public.

And, guess what, there’s one coming up this very Monday.

So, if you feel deprived of entertainment by those closed door Republicans, come on down to the Senior Center this Monday (January 28th) at 7:45 PM and attend the Woodbury Democratic Committee meeting.

Bring popcorn.


Anonymous said...

I just heard some sad news. After a long illness Adrienne Burke has died.

The Democrats may cancel their meeting out of respect.

Anonymous said...

One would certainly hope so...and out of respect for the residents, perhaps they may see their way to telling the truth as well.

Anonymous said...

Sympathy to the Burke family. One hopes that after such a tragic loss, John realizes what truly is important in this life. I am curious if this will affect John's abilty to tell the truth. Will he realize that Ralph's control of Woodbury is but a tiny matter in terms of the universe? Will he realize after the loss of his wife of many years, that perhaps being Supervisor is not all that it is cracked up to be and that it wasn't worth the lies to get control?

Again, Sympathy to the family.

Anonymous said...

Nothing has changed on channel 22- is the meeting still on? Should we e-mail Bo- or would that not be deemed a "genuine" question??

Uncle Betty said...

The latest word is that the Dem's will be meeting tonight.

Anonymous said...

I see that geri, lorraine, queen, and comapnay has broken from the ranks. Reminds me of the movie title."Rebels without a Cause"...or more like "Rebels with a made up Clause."

Anonymous said...

What's the matter? Jealous?

I think it's a great thing and I may join!
I believe one of the requirements for joining is being able to spell, so that rules you out!

Anonymous said...

Can't write and can't spell= obvious Ralphling!