Monday, August 14, 2006

Facilis descensus Averno


Anonymous said...

Vexilla Regis prodeunt Inferni

Anonymous said...

the brick wall is quite appropriate

Uncle Betty said...

And who exactly is the king of hell?

Anonymous said...

Regis Philbin?

Anonymous said...

I love to go to town board meetings to be humored. Last night was no exception. I hope only that the future Village Board meetings will bring us such entertainment.

I was surprised last night, to learn after the voting on the creation of our new village that we have a new excuse for why we have created this new little governmental adventure.

It appears according to Mr. Haviland that the reason why we had to create this village is because THE TOWN BOARD IS NOT DOING THEIR JOB!!. YES! apparently, according to Mr. Haviland, 78 percent of the electorate think the Town Board is not looking out for our interests. Wow...thats a new one!!

Its odd I don’t recall during the course of the campaign hearing anything about the Town Board. I heard allot about KJ, and annexation, and little KJ's and little Carusovilles and little Sieboldville's and so forth but nothing about the Town Board.

This of course is more smoke and mirrors. Maybe now because the village is formed...ya know..the village that WONT protect us from annexation or from appears that the Committee To Protect US from the Evil Town Board has to now started the excuses for why this wont protect us from KJ. Maybe if they start telling people the village was formed for other reasons they wont look so foolish when high density condos and apartments are being built on Ace Farm.

What I found to be so humorous was that before Mr Haviland enlightened us about why we have a new village, he spoke at length about how dismal voter turnout has been. He is certainly right about that.

But, Mr. Haviland, and everyone else, do you know why voter turnout is so dismal?? Because voters don’t understand what the hell it is they are being asked to vote on. No one knows where they really live. They live in the hamlet of Highland Mills, which is really part of the Town of Woodbury which is also part of Orange County, and partially in three different legislative districts, and the town consists of a fire district, which doesn’t include Harriman, which is partly in Monroe but is served by a school district that contains parts of 5 different towns, etc etc.

Voters are too busy paying for all of this government. Its not an excuse for why they are not voting. However, when a father needs to get up for work at 4:30 in the morning to catch a train out of Harriman by 5:30 to be at work in the city for 12 hours a day, and does not get home till after dark...maybe just in time to see his kids before they go to bed, the last thing he is concerned about is voting. He doesn’t care...because he knows, that whomever is running whatever its still gonna cost him more to live here next year.

So how do we help John Q. Public...we'll we create another layer of government for him to have to pay for. Why...because the evil town board isn’t doing their we need 5 enlightened individuals (perhaps Mr. Haviland) to rescue us as a Village Board.

That’s odd..becuase i thought that we had elections in this community. So, if 78 percent of the electorate thought the Town Board wasn’t doing their job they would have had an opportunity to remove those from power next year. We did not have to create another government to do that.

I also find it odd that people, like Mr. Haviland, part of Woodbury's unelectable elite would make such a statement. Perhaps he is a bit jealous, like some other unelectable people that just don’t go away that he is not in power.

Folks, we all know why we have a village. Because people like Mr. Haviland, and others associated with him scared everyone in this community about whom...KJ!!! Evil KJ is coming to take over a piece of property near you, and if we don’t form this village they are going to be taking over your property next and throwing you out on your ass!!

Is KJ something to be scared about..YES!! Will this village protect us NO!! Soon we will all learn this first hand.

Its interesting to see the effort to disassociate themselves with that whole KJ thing is already taking shape.

Anonymous said...

Had Haviland ever said about the perils of KJ before? I don't recall.

Anonymous said...

well isnt he with that donnely person?? isnt donelly tied to caruso? was haviland active with the pro village side? If so I think the point can be made even by guilt by association. I think the statement made by the previous person brings up some interesting points.

Anonymous said...

Haviland is a member of the current Woodbury Democratic committee. Since he's lost two elections, maybe he and Ralph will team up for a 3rd try with the Village! Can we say L for Losers???? Who was that woman that got up? Mary something...She talked like she was fresh out of the Ralph Caruso school of marbled-mouth drones! Another potential trustee?

Anonymous said...

Well according to the law of New York state KJ is able to annex if we are a village but they are unable to change our village zoning( village zone is the same as town for at least two years and the village government is set up) so I think this helps us by being a village. But if we were a town KJ could annex and use their village zoning or create a new village. I looked up the law before the vote...I felt I was uniformed and I needed more answers so I looked it up myself. And as for Mayor nominate some of the old timers Carl Abbio, Donald O'Dell, Stan Liberatore, Joseph Marshall, People who worry about their taxes because they are on fixed incomes and they worry about their town because thats where their children grew up and tey still live and care about it.

Anonymous said...

What got into Mike A last night?

Anonymous said...

Answer to last post- he grew a pair and finally severed the ties from RC. As far as the post before the last one, are you saying that once KJ annexes land, they can't apply their own zoning? I think you're wrong their pal...why annex if they can't do what they want with the land?

Anonymous said...

Any land annexed into a vllage becomes part of that village. The annexer, in this case KJ, would decide zoning.

Anonymous said...

Aequam memento rebus in ardus servare mentem!

Anonymous said...

what about the town having to comply with GML article 239 with the county ....

Uncle Betty said...

If you can keep your head, while those about you are losing their's and blaming it on you, you probably have not grasped the seriousness of the situation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This argument will continue, unfortunately, until KJ pushes ahead with their annexation, and the flood gates will then open. Multi-story buildings will sprout up overnight, with no attention paid to the water or sewer, and then, as routinely seen, KJ will demand water, sewer and whatever other utilities they need. Their cart is ALWAYS before their horse, and we, yes WE, are left scratching our heads and paying through our noses. Senator Larkin, with Caruso at his side, will waive his mighty wand, and through OUR tax dollars, even plusher grants will be bestowed upon KJ. Woodbury will continue to shrink, and there will be a mass exodus of Woodbury Town (Village) residents until there is no one left to fight. Pretty grim future.

Anonymous said...

The people on this board act as though annexation would not happen if we did'nt become a village. Annexation will always be on the table, town or village. It is up to the elected officals to protect the interest of Woodbury. Those four on the town board would just give our land away. That includes Shelia Conroy. She spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for a new comprehensive plan that would kill this town. She paid the lawyers, consultants,and planners my tax dollars and for what. A plan that is a total failure. The four current town council members all belong to the LETS MAKE A DEAL CLUB. Thank goodness Burke is a professional administer. He does not get bogged down with their B.S. or the antics of the ---- He realizes he has a town to run. It's a shame he is in there alone.

Anonymous said...

The previous post was brought to you by the Ralph Caruso, Alternate Universe Society

Anonymous said...

I would bet $10 000 that if you opened up the anonymous doors you would not find Ralph Caruso behind any of them. I think you might find the same few people. I have only blogged three times including this. Uncle Betty, I think there may be two of you. Uncle Betty Door number 1 or door # 2 Let's see the truth.

Anonymous said...

uncle betty doesn't know what the truth is . since this BS blog started there's been political bias spewed all over . Nothing but been nothing but mistruths and inflamiory statements .

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right- Ralph Caruso is not the author of any of these...that's what he has Siebold, Mullooly and the rest of his little followers for. He won't allow his own hands to be dirtied. If you don't know that, then obviously you don't know Ralph. It's amazing how Ralph feels he wields so much power and authority that he can write a letter to the Photo News regarding the formation of the new Village and it's board, and state that he and his new group "will participate in the process to ASSURE that the proposals as presented to the residents in the Preservation Kit will be fully adhered to, fulfilled and implemented."!!!! Now how the hell can he say and/or do that??? A-Don't we all vote ??? B-Won't it be up to the NEW Mayor and Trustees to develop their own budget and positions??? and C- Has he made some kind of back-room deals with someone, perhaps Mr. Burke??? I believe Ralph has finally put himself on a pedastal that's a little too high, and will soon be falling off! But please, do answer the question... when KJ wins annexation due to that wonderfully published assault on them known as the Preservation Kit, won't they be able to apply their own zoning?? Perhaps you'd like to answer that one Ralph?

Anonymous said...

2nd to last anonymous poster- how long have you lived in this Town? Ralph Caruso is the master of political bias, back-stabbing, etc and set the stage for this type of behavior when he and Marty Stanise took over rule of the Republican committee years ago, and have perpetuated this type of atmosphere ever since. Only difference is people now have a forum to fight back!

Anonymous said...

i'm voting for henry (hank) sullivan for mayor

he promised senior discounts at the monroe theater

Anonymous said...

I just read Ralph Caruso's letter to the Photo News for 8/18/06, and am also puzzled as to why he thinks that whatever HE says goes. Will this new mayor and board be puppets of Mr. Caruso? It certainly sounds like that is what he's saying. Who died and left him in charge?

Anonymous said...

common sense