Tuesday, August 08, 2006

News From The Sea

Here's what arrived in today's email:

To the People of Woodbury
The Vote on the Village of Woodbury
August 07, 2006

On Thursday we are facing a vote which may change Woodbury forever. New factors have arisen on an almost daily basis. The amount of misinformation in circulation is overwhelming and disgusting. And fear is everywhere.

The people who put all of this in motion have brought about a situation where we are now faced by two unhappy alternatives.

If we form a Village of Woodbury:
Our taxes will rise. Anyone telling us that the tax rise will be minimal is trying to treat us like fools.
The current setup of town services - police, fire, highway, water and sewer, etc, - could be drastically changed. A village may well choose to put in their own departments.
It is most unlikely that the village board will be a shell, passing along all authority to the town board. No group of people who have power in their hands will choose to sit back for long and let someone else make decisions.
The threat of annexation will remain.


If we do not form a Village of Woodbury we now face the very real possibility that a new village, closely allied to the leadership of Kiryas Joel, will be created.

We have said that a NO vote leaves our options open to react to changing events. Now, new events have made it necessary to reexamine those options.

We still feel that creating a village is a dangerous idea; however, not creating a village presents its own, very real dangers.

Some of you are looking to us for a definitive answer. We cannot give you one. Each path has its own pitfalls and we have neither the wisdom nor the right to make the choice for you.

We can tell you this:
Beware of anyone who tells you that there is a simple, risk-free choice. Life is not so kind.
Beware of anyone who tells you, with certainty, that the village will do this or do that. No one can possibly know what decisions will be made by a village board that does not even exist as yet.
Beware of anyone who has lied to you. He is certain to do it again.

If a Village of Woodbury is formed, we must be very, very careful about who will run this village.

Look for truthful, thoughtful candidates with no ties to the people who forced all this on us.

The town board, employees, uniformed services, and all of us who make our homes in Woodbury must work together to create a slate that has no hidden agendas, no history of lies, no secret alliances.Become involved.

Ask questions. Verify answers. Control your own destinies.

Jonathan Swiller


Anonymous said...

Oh......So now Mr. Swiller and friends see that things are not going their way and they now want to run the new village so they can implement their plans ( which include a friendly annexation of Woodbury lands to our neighbors ) Mr. Swiller is not to be beleived !!

Anonymous said...

the only way to go is to vote for this village. you can present all the worst csse scenarios that you want, the bottom line is t his: if you don't vote for this village now you lose the opportunity to ever protect woodbury again. kj has already moved in over 200 people. there is something like 400 living within town. how long do you think it will take for them to form their own village. if the do so, you can forget about anything else in woodbury. it just won't matter. fire dept, highway dept, police dept, water dept. it won't matter because kj will control all of it. do you really think that there will be any improvements to our ponds, parks, libraries or town hall after kj is in control? look what happened to monroe's library. it was shot down because kj didn't want. wake up fools. vote for the village. fight about who will be on the village board after it's in place. don't fight about a village. that is the one obvious thing we need.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Mr. Swiller can be accused of is being brutally honest - too bad the same can't ever be said for Caruso, Siebold and company. The bigger man in this situation, Mr. Swiller, is not afraid to say that when faced with all the FACTS, and disgarding the lies and misinformation that Caruso and company have distributed in their Campaign of Fear, he is willing to accept a village. He does go on to state firmly that the residents still must be careful of who they choose to run the new village, so Caruso and company, don't start popping the corks just yet!

Anonymous said...

swiller changes his mind and the name of his organization often

i have lost all faith in his information

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Swiller is drowning in the OCEAN !!!!

Anonymous said...

While either path is dangerous enough that each person has to make up his or her own mind, I will say how I am voting.

I am voting "no."

I continue to post using my name.

Anonymous said...

Trying to blame Swiller and the other Town Board members of supporting a friendly annexation was Ralph and Co.'s strategy from the start, via Revelle and Baranowski's pathetic letters. I'm sure we can guess who posted the first comment in this thread.

Trying to demonize people of who spent months, even years of their lives fighting tirelessly against annexation is a low blow and just pathetic. Grow up, or at least get better at lying.

Anonymous said...

To suggest Mr. Swiller works for KJ or would favor some annexatin; well, YOUR NUTS. He did have some meeting with the KJA(a smaller Kj power group) and he and the then town board got them to drop a annexation bid from our town. But thats it.Funny how people can spin lies. Jonathan & Joe Ferguson we're the ones who started everything with the "PIPELINE" when everyone thought nothing could be done. And they WON. This town, only then felt it had a chance. Do you think KJ likes Jonathan Swiller? Do you think Mr.S would give "one inch" (his posters all over town last year) to annexation. If you ask me I would keep my eye on the Hon. Mr. Larkin , whose record shows he's very giving and turns a blind eye to KJ's illegal activity.For years. For thier voting bloc.If we do become a village I hope someone who works for Mr.Larkin is not in charge. (Ralph Caruso) Because if KJ ask "Can we just have ACE farm and the area around IT (just a slice)? And we"ll forget the whole thing." Hmmm! That would make Bill Larkin a happy man

Anonymous said...

I agree that Johnny boy may be seeing that he has bet on the wrong horse and thus losing even more imaginary influence in the area.

I also agree that Larkin isn't helping any either. Come November, you can fix that by voting him out of office or is that too drastic for all of you out there.

Curious George

Anonymous said...

Whether you like Jonathan Swiller or not, he is 100% honest. You may not agree with all he says but he has never and will never lie to you. How many other people can say that?
Jonathan's mission is to protect and preserve Woodbury and Orange County. His actions are never self-serving but often self sacrificing. To portray him in any other way is mean spirited and dishonest.
If all the pseudo leaders of Woodbury had Swillers character, Woodbury wouldn't be in the predicament they're in now with so much infighting they can't unite to save their town.
You jerks make me want to puke.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of deprogramming; You certainly need some. Swiller may speak the truth but it is only a half truth. He says just enough to make it plausible but he omits those portions of the truth that may conflict with his wishes/plans/whatever you want to call it. I call this propoganda.

Anonymous said...

Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black!!

Anonymous said...

What half-truth have I put out?
Why are you hiding who you are?