Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Where It's At

Friendly Mr. Fireman is hosting an informational meeting on how we are screwed whatever we do at the IBEW (Interesting Bunch of Eccentric Wirers) Hall at 67 Commerce Drive at 7 PM.


It's now Tuesday.

August 8th.


Wake up!

For those of you who have no idea where the IBEW Hall is, the Uncle is posting this neato map (The hall is the ugly red welt center, bottom):


Anonymous said...

Uncle- I fear you have hit the nail on the head- Woodbury, as we know it, IS screwed no matter what. It's like we're in the chess game of our lives, and no matter where we move, we are in checkmate. We will pay higher taxes, undoubtedly, with a new Village, and many will be forced out. I wonder just who will be buying their homes?!?!? If we vote no, and KJ does create a second village, our taxes go up since that property comes off our tax rolls. Oh, which is the lesser of the two evils? We really do need your guidance.

Uncle Betty said...


Anonymous said...

In chess, and war things always get bizzare at the Endgame...

Tonight's meeting is probably our best hope for some solid information. The firemen are bringing in their expert, and there will hopefully be some other sources of information there as well.

We must do all that is left to be done at this point- get as much information as we can, from sources that can be trusted, and each make the best decision we can on Thursday.

Praying also couldn't hurt, if one is so inclined. I plan to, like a madman.