Sunday, October 29, 2006

Best Satirical Writing Of The Week

Vote for Caruso Ralph Caruso has always been one of those very special community leaders who runs because he believes in servant leadership; because it's his right as an American; because he loves his community; because he is a champion for rightness.

He deserves to be elected because he is true. Caruso has helped many others get elected countless times. He is deeply involved and knowledgeable in the running of local government. It's time for the best to be elected. We need his skills and temperament in an elective calling that many believe is seeped in vanity.

Vote for Caruso. We need an honest, astute leader with demonstrated effectiveness who is brave enough to take on the special interests. I urge all of Woodbury to turn out the vote for Ralph Caruso.

Dr. Roberto Calderin
Highland Mills


Anonymous said...

Caruso is now telling people that he has experience getting large amounts of state money for villages in the region.
What he isn’t mentioning is that most of the money he has gotten has gone to only one village, Kiryas Joel.
He’s running for mayor in the wrong village, it’s the voters in KJ that owe him thanks.

Anonymous said...

Mele doesn't know a damn thing about Woodbury. You could tell that by the half-assed questions he picked.
Caruso was an idiot not to have gone. With those dumb questions he could have skated by without having to answer for anything.
The so-called debate was nothing more than a publicity stunt for Swiller.
No wonder Caruso is able to trick the paper into setting up a debate he's willing to go to behind closed doors - they don't have a clue about who Caruso really is or the games that he plays to keep from having to face the public.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Uncle Bill, the Record now only prints letters in favor of Ralph, like he has already been crowned. It would have been nice for them to be objective enough to say that they bent over and kissed Ralph's ass by giving in to his demands and the meeting in private. And to the poster above- those questions came from the audience, so are you saying that we're all dumb? What you need to know is that there were PLENTY of questions asking about the "kit", but without Ralphie there to answer, they went unasked!

Anonymous said...

The way I hear it, Ralph himself will be asking the questions, and when someone goes to answer he will interrupt with his own prepared answer!

Anonymous said...

I was already a supporter of the Community slate, so my mind didn't change. But I have to say I really liked it that when David Sutz said that he would try to reach out to state officials about opening a thruway exit north of town, Stephanie told him that she had already had a meeting with Nancy Calhoun to talk about that.
This isn't meant as an attack on David, but it does show that Stephanie is way out in front and that if she and her running mates win they will hit the ground running.

Anonymous said...

number one, the questions came from us, but Mele got to choose which one's he would ask.
Number two, the Record On Line still hasn't posted McKenna's article about the debate (hmmm!).
Number three, Caruso hasd his people in the audience taking notes so he would know what questions to expect and what the other candidates answered.

Anonymous said...

The Community Party mayoral candidate was the only one who had to read her opening and closing statements. She could hardly answer anything else. And she talked about the thruway exit like she had already taken care of it!! She didn't impress me. The other two had much better answers and didn't have to read. She and Stabile also said they were against the village but would please the people by running it since they already voted for it. And now I read that Berean-Weeks won't do a private question and answer forum. Guess she prefers making a fool of herself in public.

Anonymous said...

in to days THR (10/29/06):

weeks declines invite for the sit down debate this upcoming Monday.

another note from that article is that sutz sign during the debate at MW was smaller than the rest.

More ridiculous stuff done by OCEAN!! BUT HEY AT LEAST THEY SAID sorry!!


Anonymous said...

I am new in town, and went to the debate. I thought it was pretty good and it enlightened me on some issues. The woman mayor candidate did not seem to know much, but Sutz gave some good answers. Seems to me like there's not much difference between the candidates, so I guess it's a popularity contest. I found this link on one of the handouts at the debate. After reading through it, I must say that Woodbury people need to grow up and talk about the issues instead of namecalling, which I find offensive. Maybe I should sell and move again.

Anonymous said...


We are all sick of your "I am new in town..." routine.

Yes you should sell and move out of Woodbury, you and the other Ralph cronies have done enough to ruin our home.

Anonymous said...

Please do, we wouldn't want to cloud your objectivity....Ralph!

Anonymous said...

What it boils down to is that Ralph Caruso is a chicken, and will NEVER debate in public. He wouldn't debate Roxanne in public, and he certainly wouldn't debate 3 others in public. If any of you had had the opportunity to see him fumble though his written speech in front of the county legislature, you would have wet your pants from laughter! When one of the legislators stopped Ralph to let him know that they had ALREADY passed the law that Ralph was discussing, he didn't know what to do...he looked like a deer in headlights, then kept on going until the Chairman told him he had to stop. He tried to keep going, and was finnally ordered to sit down!! He's like a robot, who has absolutely no presence in front of a live audience, and can only read what is scripted. So tomorrow's ridiculous meeting, demanded by Ralph, will be nothing more than an exercise in Kiss the Ring- I AM Ralph Caruso- Aid to Senator Larkin, and Future King of Woodbury! But let's be real Ralph- you're no more than a legend in your own mind!

Anonymous said...

Hey I thought Caruso was about "open government", and now he wants to debate behind closed doors??? Who the hell is that supposed to benefit?? I bet if he and his slate get elected, their village board meetings will be closed to the public too, right?

Anonymous said...

According to Ralph: "The Village of Woodbury Board Members will fight for Orange County Sales Tax Revenue Sharing the same as other Villages receive." Not only will our Village automatically be entitled to tax sharing revenue, but we now know that the Village will get most, if not all of this money, so who's he trying to kid? By "fight", do you mean the same shadow-boxing that you always seem to be doing Ralph?? You also mention some large number that the Village of Highland Falls gets, but what you FAIL to say is that because of special legislation and West Point, they are the ONLY village that has their % based on assessed value of land, NOT per capita. Just another piece of "partial" information that Ralph has used to inflate his own importance and value. Sorry Ralph- I'm not buying it. I'm going with the team that has dared for once to stand up against you, and cut to the TRUTH. Oh, I forgot Ralph, you may have to look up the word TRUTH in the dictionary!

Anonymous said...

After all Ralph has done For Mike A, Gerri and Mike Q and the way they treat him I hope he wins. When all of you ran he helped all of you win and now you turn your back on him.

Anonymous said...

That's because it was only a short time before Ralph's other hand shoved the knife through their backs!!!

Anonymous said...

As the above poster alluded to, all of the members of Town Councilmembers (except John Burke) have officially endorsed the Community Party slate. Perhaps now the factless rumors that Mike A and others are in cahoots with Ralph can be laid to rest.

Anonymous said...

Oops - excuse that blatant typo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At the debate Joanne Stabile said that she wanted to disolve the Village. I guess the community party isn't telling everybody everything. I guess they do have alterior motive!

Uncle Betty said...

You mean that she secretly told the public what her views were?
Now that's tricky.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous poster stating Berean Weeks made a fool of herself, grow up asshole and be half the man your wife is. She won the debvate easily and was the only one to have factual New York law. You and the rest of Ralphs cronies are all chicken shit. But if you like slinging mud, maybe it reminds you of home.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I was at the debate, I heard Joann Stabile say “If the village was not Advantageous” then (she) would be the first to suggest dissolving it. How convenient for you to only hear and remember what you want to hear.

Anonymous said...

I am backing Senior Wenses (Ralph Caruso) and his Amazing 4 Puppet Ventriloquist Act which will be featured on the Ed Sullivan of Woodbury (Don Siebold) Show!

Anonymous said...

Please she didn't win any debate, sutz had the biggest applause and the reason she doesn't do behind closed door interviews is because she doesn't know the questions in advance.We all know the debate was set up by ocean who wants the community party in. They chose the questions thats were answered and she knew what they were. She also left out in the THR meet the candidates how long she has lived in Woodbury. How convienent , she was the only one who left it out. What business did she own since she was 20? That is also a LIE!!!! Other wise she wouldn't be afraid to say what it was? Also, her saying she worked for the bridge authority,lets be honest now Stephanie, you were a TOLL COLLECTOR! Why can't the community just be honest! They jsut keep lying!

Anonymous said...

That comment I read a couple of days ago about her wanted to be Mayor, so her husband Cliff can be Chief of police is probably true with the ways the lies keep coming out of her mouth! SHe has no skill, no integrity and more importantly , NO QUALIFICATIONS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does everyone know that Adrienne Burke Fuchs lives with her parents?What experience does she have?
Stephanie had a hair salon. She has lived here since she married. all of which means squat. Anyone that cares enought to be part of the solution is worthy of the position. We haven't seen YOU step forward. This is a Trial and error situation. Nothing is written in stone to follow. At least Stephanie has the courage to make a difference.

Anonymous said...


The ralphlings must be really scared if they have to attack Stephanie with thier usual crap!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ralph, WHICH SUNY campus did you get your degree from, huh?

It is funny that someone is attacking Stephanie for her qualifications but those in glass houses shoudlnt throw stones, does this look familiar:

Reading Teacher
Masters in Education, St Thomas Aquinas
Associate in Business, Graduated with Honors
Married with 2 Children
Resident of Woodbury - 34 Years

Look its a bird, its a plane; its John Burkes daughter, Adrienne Fuchs!!!Is she qualified? Wow she has lived here for 34 years (and she is about 34 years old)

By the way, I have lived in Woodbury for 190 years, so does that make me President?

Anonymous said...

The simple fact is that Adrienne Burke Fuchs cannot in good faith take the oaths of office: To do so she would have to agree to act for the good of the Village and the village's legal legitimacy is unhinged by her very nepotistic presence. ANYTIME anyone did not like how either she or her father (John Burke, Town Supervisor) voted, they could automatically call an investigation of nepotism and hold up the Village government in court for weeks, regardless of whether they were right or not.

Honestly, we all know I don't like Caruso, but Burke-Fuchs should really step down if she wants to even give him a fair chance. What she's proposing by running as a candidate at all borders on illegal. We're not a monarchy and she'll have an innappropriately personal relationship with the Town Supervisor from day one. I really can't imagine what she was thinking by running at all.

More details on my blog.

...and YES, she IS 34 by her own admission (the same number of years she claims to have lived in the town), and she also HAS NO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE by her own admission in The Record.

Anonymous said...

Two key dates in Woodbury if we are to survive any longer.

November 2nd---Elect Stephanie Berean-Weeks and the CommUNITY slate.

November 7th---Elect Chris McBride State Senator 39th District.

Lets get rid of Ralph and Larkin in one swoop and send them back to the hole in the ground they crawled out of.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of nepotism. If elected, everytime Stabile or Weeks made a decision the same conflict will arise as you are declaring about Fuchs. If you are going on the offensive, make sure you cover ALL fronts bucko.

Anonymous said...

Umm, EXCUSE me "Bucko", but I'm afraid your mistaken. What makes the Adrienne Burke Fuchs problem SUCH a problem is that in a complete ehtical breakdown she and her father could combine their power to damn near run the entire government however they chose... even in a worst case scenario, the same is not true of Weeks or Stabile's situations.

Now I'll admit, the truth is that politicking has gotten SO dirty in this town as to have scared off most of our more experienced candidates, which is part of why we're having questions of nepotism, but consider this:

Adrienne Burke Fuchs has never previously shown interest in local politics. In fact, I speculate that she's on Caruso's team for a couple reasons.

1 - She was available for consideration because her father is in Caruso's pocket, something people have claimed (and shown evidence of) for years.

2 - She's young and I'll even admit she's pretty, she helps to capture the youth vote, bringing to the party votes from classmates, old teachers, friends, and neighbors.


3 - SHE CAPTURES THE SCHOOL VOTE - This is the greatest asset she brings to the party. She brings current teachers, school staff, and parents, so many parents, to the party. THIS is why Caruso really wants her on the ticket.

Anonymous said...

Let's face facts. Everyone vote for someone other than Ralph and let the rest of the party in. It would be kind of funny to see Ralph with his hand in four peoples backs making like the puppeteer!

Anonymous said...

It would be kind of funny to see Ralph with his hand in four peoples backs making like the puppeteer!

Have you been watching town meetings for years? This is what Ralph does all the time and, unfortunately these people happen to be his most die hard minions, the people who stand up meeting after meeting to spout his misinformation and antics. Running our town?

God help us all...

Anonymous said...

Ms Stabile could easily simply recuse herself from any vote concerning the highway/publics works office (and should, ethically). But a village council person avoiding a conflict of interest with the executive of the town? That's a bit of a stark difference... and the two are likely to need to work together MUCH more frequently.

Anonymous said...

It appears the other two mayoral candidates have sold out and have joined the paper in supporing a closed debate. Looks like the CommUNITY party is the only one willing to stand for their principals of honest, open government and stay out of it.

I just pray people remember this on election day.

Anonymous said...

I am upset that the Record would go further with this closed door debate and give in to this. I also find it highly unethical for one of the candidates (Caruso) to contact the other candidates by mail and ask them to participate in this closed door debate after he refused to participate in an open debate moderated by the same Record reporter. I am happy that Stephanie is standing up for the voters and not letting herself be bullied by Caruso and his closed door tactics

Anonymous said...

To the early poster about Gerri and Mike Q. being ungrateful to Caruso for helping them run for election.

Boy, are you out of the loop. Caruso and his majority on the committee, which meets behind closed doors (see an pattern there, folks)did not endorse Gerri for re election last year. Gerri was vice chair of the Committee, but was not endorsed. Hank Sullivan, whose wife got on the committee last year, was endorsed. Mike Q. was endorsed, but Caruso did not help work for him. The only person he worked for was Hank Sullivan, getting signatures so he could have another line on the ballot in case he lost the primary. Did he help his other endorsed candidate, Mike Q., in the same way?
Did he carry a second petiiton with Mike's name on it and get it signed at the same time as Hank's? NO. Why? Because he wanted John Burke and Darlene Revelle to win--people who believe he knows everything and will follow him.

Gerri only got on the ballot because she waged her own petition drive and won the primary.

You are right, they should be grateful--for Ralph dumping them so that people know they want nothing to do with him.

Anonymous said...

Caruso and his team did not want to appear at an open debate because people would ask questions about their preservation kit misinformation.

But now he wants a closed debate, outside the public view, without his weak team.

Why is that so objectionable? Because the people deserve to hear and see the candidates, not just read answers. Seeing yesterday's misinformation in the Record about the forum convinces me that we will not be informed correctly. Mele did not catch the mistake with the size of Sutz's sign; it was OCEAN itself.
And the sign was only a slight bit off--easy to read regardless. But they caught it early in the forum and ASKED Mele to announce it and apoligized. Why is this important?
Because the private debate may also be mis-stated leaving us without reliable information and subject to the paper's interpretation. I resent the newspaper's role in this. Debates should only be before the public. Mele does not live here or vote here or pay taxes here. How come only he hears the answers and decides what to put in the paper?

Anonymous said...

I resent that Caruso organized his own deal with The Record for a CLOSED debate. We will not see or hear his answers in order to make up our own minds. And we will not hear his team because this is only for mayoral candidates. So we are being asked to consider 4 people on his slate who have not spoken to us as a community. It is not just what a person says, but how they say it. Are they shifty? Do they appear sincere or insincere? Are they a HOT Head? None of this will come through in a closed session. The Village has the ability to take almost all of the power of governoring from the Town and yet we don't get to see any of the Preservation Team publically? People should be up in arms and very concerned about candidates who will not speak directly to the voters.

Something else bothers me about this.
Caruos's people were surely at the forum and now know the questions and the answers of the other candidates.
Does it not bother people that he has had four days to prepare his answers? The other candidates did not know what the questions were and had to answer on the spot. Talk about the stacking the deck in your favor.

Anonymous said...

Try as he might, Ralph is still a LOSER no matter which way you slice it. If he wins the election, we all get to put his feet to the fire, meeting after meeting. If he loses, we get to watch him finally disappear. As far as today's meeting, I believe that Mele will do his best to report accurately, and I also think that those who do attend will not back down to Ralph like he thinks they will. Let's just hope that Ralph FINALLY has to answer all that misinformation, inaccuracies and lies in that kit.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is up with the Record...printing ONLY Ralph & co support letters over the last couple of days? I know there are others that have been submitted for the 7 other candidates. Did Larkin pull some strings, or what?

Anonymous said...

On a different note, Ralph and slate now refers to the CommUNITY party as using "mean scare tactics". What is he, 3 years old??? Does little Ralphie's feelings get hurt when he hears the truth? What about the fact that Ralph is 100% repsonsible for the BLATANT FEAR TACTICS used to create the damn village. It's quite clear that Ralph forced this mess down our throats, and now the only way out is to cut him off at the knees, say enough is enough, and NOT let him get his controlling grips into another layer of government.

Anonymous said...

Ralphs 4 Trustees must feel like real idiots. "No boys and girls, you can't come to the PRIVATE debate. Children should be seen and not heard. You might misbehave, or say something that I haven't approved yet. Someday i'll let you speak, but not today. Just trust Daddy. I'll bring you back some lollipops."

Anonymous said...

I strongly object to the closed debate being held by The Record. It is so inappropriate and unfair to the voters of Woodbury. Caruso clearly wanted some excuse to avoid dealing openly with the community he wants to represent. If he was fearful that Ocean would be baised, he should have come and let us, the public, see that. We could have (daughter running) treated some of the Board members over the past few years, I do not believe they will work with the current Board either. Now instead of needing 5 people to get along and governor well, we need to have 10 people do this. If you can't face me at a public forum, I will not vote for you, especially when you hide behind the closed doors of the newspaper office. Worse, Mr. Caruos prevented his running mates from appearing at either forum. Is he ashamed of them or concerned that they will perform poorly? No votes for those who won't answer our questions publically. We don't even know if you can talk and think properly. Reading prepared flyers--prepared by whom?-- and prepared text in the newspaper that could have been written by a team is not enough. It's easy to hide behind those tools---the forum last Thursday was an important test and you failed to even respect us by showing up.

Anonymous said...

I find it strange that people seem to think that how long you live here is a job qualification. Some of the candidates who claim thay have lived here for 25 or 30 years seem to feel that that means they have some special qualification for being elected to govern us. Isn't it more important what you have done since you have been here? I would prefer someone who has lived here only a few years, but who has volunteered and done things for the community over someone who has lived here for years or even their whole life and done nothing.

Anonymous said...

I also love how Ralph claims that becuase he is this and that and has been this and that for 20 years that qualifies him.

I ask what has Ralph done for Woodbury in this 20 years he has been doing this and that.

Why didnt he push for a review of zoning or tightening the zoning back 20 plus years ago when KJ was starting to become big?

Why didnt he even do that when he was ZBA chair

And so forth...

Its not how long you have been doing nothing Ralph is what will actually GET DONE when the Mayor takes charge. Stephanie will be getting results when she takes office. You will continue to accomplish nothing if you get in.

Anonymous said...

I hear that Caruso really kicked ass at the debate and that both Sutz and Cirigliano said that Ralph would make a better mayor than Weeks.
Everyone also agreed that the OCEAN thing was a setup job and that Ralph was the smartest one of them all for not going.

Anonymous said...

Wow Ralph, you got on the computer quick eh? How was the debate?... none of the questions too hard for you I hope.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dont worry i highly doubt Cirgiliano and Sutz said any of that...and the debate was closed, so whomever posted that line of crap has to be Ralph

Anonymous said...

I suggest that if people want the truth about what really took place, ask the other candidates what transpired. It was quite the opposite of the last two posts.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Mr. O, genius, nepotism would not pertain to a duly elected official. Nepotism (favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship; according to Merriam-Webster)only occurs when an elected official appoints a family member to a position.
No legal problems, period. Ms. Fuchs has as much right to run for office as any other citizen in Woodbury. She could run for the Town Board if she wanted and if the people elected her there is absolutely nothing illegal or unethical about it.

Anonymous said...

So, The new is out and Ralph sayeth, "vengence is MINE". Read the article on line that will appear in the THR.

Anonymous said...

looks like the th-r will endorse caruso as they feel weeks is too inexperienced in management

they do rip into the ralph's whole village idea though but say of the two party candidates, he's more qualified to run it

Anonymous said...

Vote Row D
The CommUNITY Party
The Bottom Line
Truth, Integrity and Intelligence

They don't makeup answers to hear themselves speak.

They are wise enough to know that lying to the public will only spell disaster in the end.

If they don't have the answers now, they will do the research to get the RIGHT answers.

Not one of them had any political aspirations prior to this election, and therefore are truly committed to the BEST interests of our community.

All five are independent, creative thinkers, who respect one another and the voters. They do not allow one man's voice and agenda to speak for them all.

All five have walked countless miles over the last several few months visiting as many neighborhoods as they could, so that we, the voters could question them and search their faces for answers. Sadly, several of the other slate stayed mum.

We have created a new Village.

We owe it to ourselves to make sure the stewards of its government are five individuals with no masked agendas.

We need the village government to work cooperatively with the current Town Board. The Preservation team has inferred that they are 100% against four of the current Town Board members. How will there be cooperation if they are elected?

It is time to search your soul and cast your vote for the five individuals who have not hidden themselves, but have stayed true to us.

It's time to elect the CommUNITY Party.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Having a little trouble finding the article though... is it hidden away someplace?

Anonymous said...

Ralph Caruso plans to settle socres?

Well, at least he's finally honest with his whole reason for creating the village.

Raised hands, who wants to vote in a blank check to the man who just promised to start an intra-municipal war at taxpayers expense?

Anonymous said...

Jere is the article

Woodbury mayoral candidates face off
October 30, 2006
By Chris McKenna

Woodbury — Three of the four candidates running for mayor met in a debate today that touched on Woodbury's volatile zoning issues, its partisan bickering and the uncertain costs that lie ahead as their new village comes to life.

The debate took place at a Times Herald-Record office in Blooming Grove at the request of Ralph Caruso, a mayoral candidate who — along with his slate of trustee contenders — boycotted a forum last week organized by OCEAN, the Woodbury citizens group, and moderated by the Record.

Caruso was joined yesterday by David Sutz and Anthony Cirigliano, both of whom took part in last week's debate. Stephanie Berean-Weeks, the fourth candidate for mayor, declined to participate in what she referred to as "Mr. Caruso's closed-door tactics."

In addition to the mayoral candidates, eight people are running for four trustee seats on Thursday in the first Village of Woodbury election. The village, created by voters in August, is 36.8 square miles and encompasses all of the Town of Woodbury except its portion of Harriman.

Caruso, who led the charge for the village formation and has been a combatant in recent development battles, made clear he regards the election at least partly as an opportunity to settle scores with a Town Board that until now has held all the cards.

It's too late to stop 451-home Woodbury Junction. But Caruso said that, if elected, he would oppose granting similar accommodations for Legacy Ridge — a 281-unit project on the opposite side of town — and abandon the proposed Comprehensive Plan on which the town has spent at least $150,000.

He also said he wants the new village to exclude from its zoning rules — which will replace the town zoning — the cluster-housing law that applied to both Woodbury Junction and Legacy Ridge.

"We would not adopt it, so it would not become part of the village law," Caruso said.

Sutz and Cirigliano both said they would defer to the wishes of residents on both the cluster-housing law and Legacy Ridge. They also agreed they wanted to use at least parts of the Comprehensive Plan.

Both men used their appearance to raise their profiles in a caustic race dominated until now by Caruso's group and the rival CommUNITY Party, each of which is fielding full slates with five candidates.

Sutz underscored his political independence and questioned if the candidates on the Caruso and CommUNITY Party slates would recuse themselves from votes involving town employees to whom they are related. (At least three have such ties.)

Caruso, who has come under attack for the information he and other supporters put in their literature prior to the village referendum, stuck by his claims, including the modest $153,979 budget he projected for the village.

Sutz and Cirigliano weren't buying it.

"I don't think it's a realistic budget," Sutz said.

Told that the budget included $52,530 altogether for consultant fees, Cirigliano questioned whether that would even cover the attorney fees required to get a new village in motion.

"I don't see any attorney working for $50,000," he said. "At least the first year, it has to be lot more than that, especially if there are zoning issues."

Have comments or questions on this story?
Tell us!

Anonymous said...

CommUNITY Party Mayoral Candidate Stephanie Berean-Weeks will be a guest this morning (10/31) on WTBQ AM 1110 on the Bossman & Lorraine Show. The show starts after the 9AM news on 1110 on your AM dial or listen live on the internet at Call in with your questions at 651-1110

Anonymous said...

The Preservation Team did not stoop to lies and deception of the people of Woodbury like the community party did! Do not be fooled, they want nothing but to disolve the Village! Do not trust the community party!
The Preservation Team has stated the truth and only the facts!!
Join me tomorrow and:







Experienced individuals who are honest, hardworking and will keep this Village/Towns best interest at heart!!


Anonymous said...

Another election almost in the bag, and true to his nature, Ralph has continued to lie to the end. The mistake you have made Ralph is that people do not forget. All the years of treating so many so badly will once again come back to haunt you. The CommUNITY party has withstood your challenge and their honesty and truthfullness to the voters will be appreciated at the polls. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The Preservation Team did not stoop to lies and deception of the people of Woodbury like the community party did! Do not be fooled, they want nothing but to disolve the Village! Do not trust the community party!
The Preservation Team has stated the truth and only the facts!!
Join me tomorrow and:







Experienced individuals who are honest, hardworking and will keep this Village/Towns best interest at heart!!


Anonymous said...

No thanks!