Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Foundering Father


Anonymous said...

How do I decieve thee? Let me count the ways;

You said, the Village,

1. Won't affect the Fire District, it does.

2. Would stop annexation, it won't.

3. Would not change zoning, you will.

4. Will contact services for 1 dollar, you can't.

5. Will cost taxpayers 84 dollars per year, you forgolawyers, insurance, rent, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Ralph's motto: If at first you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!!!

Anonymous said...


back it up what you say!!

How will it change the fire district??

Why can't the village board lease out services??

The village is here the effects of that will be the same know matter who gets in!!



Anonymous said...

Under Village Law, the Fire department is now run by the Village Board, not the Fire Commissioners. Everything must be approved by the Village Board. Unless the new Village Board has someone with Fire Dept. experience, it won't have a clue on how to run a Fire District let alone what is required in regard to the constant training and safety upgrades needed to keep our fire fighters safe.
We could possibly lose all of our town employees if certain people get onto the Village Board. The current contracts might be in jeopardy of being overturned, and the employess and their families will be on the street.
Lease out services? Are you kidding? That could cost us a fortune! Ralph wanted to do that 20 years ago with the Police Dept.

Anonymous said...

The Fire District is not only changed, it must, by law, be abolished. There can be no joint fire district as promised, not in a coterminous Village/Town. How does that effect the residents? Any change in manpower, equipment, means of notification, availibilty of water on board, rules & regulations, just to name a few, have a direct and profound effect on the Fire Districts ISO rating. The higher the rating number, the higher everyone pays for fire and homeowner insurance. Right now the Fire District has an ISO rating of class 4, 3 and under are reserved for departments with 24 hour staffing on sight as well as a few administrative issues. There are only approximately 12 or so ISO class 1 Volunteer Departments in the entire country, so you can see a 4 is exceptional. Hope this clears up any questions on how the Fire District will be effected.

Anonymous said...

The village is here the effects of that will be the same know matter who gets in!!

No one is saying that the problems will just go away.......The issue is Why certain people lied and manipulated the public into voting for something that not only afforded 1 single benefit to residents, but now has created what could possibly be the financial ruin of the Town and it's services.

Anonymous said...

as said above that the fire dep. would be ran by the village (if that is correct)!! Then it doesn’t mean that we won't have one or that it can't be upgraded.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sorry, has anyone ever known Ralph to do anything good for the Town? NOT

Anonymous said...

i don't see what the big deal is with hasidim building houses. they don't bother anybody

if you want to know about problems, move to freehold where drunk day laborers walk the streets all day and violent crime is skyrocketing

Anonymous said...

Who has a problem with hasidim building houses?
But I would have a problem with Hasidim, Amish, Stamp Collectors, Left-handed People or anyone else clear cutting the land and building tenements at densities that make midtown look barren,

Anonymous said...

tenements? midtown density?

methinks you're exaggerating

if we chase a quiet religious community out, what kind of element do you think will move in to these houses?

if woodbury residents put as much time into demanding woodbury common tax revenue from goshen as they do hating on a family-oriented religious community, we would be swimming in the dough instead of threatened with bankruptcy because we voted for the creation of a new bureaucracy built right on top of the current one

but fear makes people hateful and stupid, eh?

Uncle Betty said...

You certainly prove that last point, Bunky.
"Chase out"? "hating"? methinks you are exaggerating a teeny tiny tad yourself.

Anonymous said...

I have a concern that perhaps by engaging the Ralphites (or KJers for all we know) who are accusing us of hate mongering, we just help them by turning the conversation to that topic. Rather, I think a strong message that we don't care who or what they woship and moreover just don't want to be annexed should suffice and that subsequent cowardly anonymous accusations of hate mongering should simply be deleted. I mean, let's not get off topic.

Anonymous said...

Agreed... anyone who keeps calling us hate mongers obviously hasn't given anyone the respect of reading why people here feel as they do.

Back to the flowery subject of Ralph's genius, where does he plan to get the money for all the lawsuits his illegal building moratoriums will bring? Or his wonderful habit of arguing with town lawyers publically?

Anonymous said...

"Our opponents are Kiryas Joel ... the population spawning behemoth in black coats"

"I'm not an anti-semite"

-Mr. O, Woodbury Confidential

Anonymous said...

What's your point? Unless the men of KJ have suddenly switched over to labcoats or frock dresses, I stand by my statement. It's not my fault if you are too poor of a write to recognize the necessity for vivid imagery in a persuasive monologue, no wonder you're posting anonymously instead of actually doing something by campaigning or running for an office yourself. This is exactly the kind of idiocy that the over charged political correctness movement of the 90's created: just because it is wrong to treat someone diffently because of their race or creed, does not make all differential terms offensive. Hispanic is a racial term, but not considered offensive. Jewish, Hassidic, and Satmar are all religious terms, but that doesn't mean they should be considered offensive.

Now, unless as I said there has been a change in dress code over at KJ that I don't know about, how about you take your dog and wag it elsewhere? KJ is trying to annex everything in sight, Caruso's innacurate preservation package has moved Woodbury into a position of financial insolvency, and quite frankly, we don't have time for your shennanigans.

Mr. O

Anonymous said...

Also, as referenced in nearly every encyclopedic definition of Kiryas Joel; KJ has one of the fastest growing populations in the United States with a median age of 15. Why? ...a combination of socio-economic and largely religious factors that basically can be summed up as: they have many many children per couple. It's a fact, something which I don't think you're very familiar with, so get over it and come up with a real argument. NOW, I'm done addressing your waste of time.

...of course, if you learn anything, I'll consider it worth my while.

Anonymous said...

Mr. O does not represent the good residents of Woodbury.
People like him, Caruso and Swiller have turned us against each other and our good neighbors in Kiryas Joel. Their rhetoric has led to baseless hatred and uninformed voting patterns which will only lead to bending to the will of outside developers (Brodsky) and higher taxes (the Village).

Anonymous said...

Hmm? You are who now? Come on, have some chutzpah... by the way, the way things are going, you might want to memorize that word and some others too.

No, you really don't have a point though, name or no name. Good neighbors don't rape the environment you're trying to live off of. They don't run their wells dry, then come for yours. They don't try to annex your homeland, an act of war as much today as in the time of monarchs. They don't try to use your schools and other facilities without paying taxes.

Don't you understand? In some very strange and horrible way, KJ has stolen the sky. I say this and you think I'm crazy, but where there was once green and blue, now no more. Only those awful townhouses and that horrible office building crouching like a beast over the bend in the road. They have no respect for the land or its inhabitants. They've done in 30 years to the land, what WE have not done to Woodbury in 200.

Rhetoric is a spinning of words, a manipulation in meaning, but my words are as clear as an unmuddied stream: KJ breeds, KJ worships, KJ expands, but KJ has no love for us nor the land they see now only as a resource to be tapped.

My friend you are misguided. I thought you were just a jerk, but I see now that you are just ignorant. They will come for your home just as they come for everything else, heed the writing on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, your position is just so untenable... I was searching for a quote I saw before to show you and I finally found it. Tell me THIS is a good neighbor, tell me this isn't someone out to do the residents of Woodbury harm:

"(In regards to Woodbury's village vote) Wieder's letter called the incorporation move "a blatant attempt at 'zoning out' Hasidic Jews from Woodbury."
"This unlawful proposition will not succeed and we are prepared to take whatever actions are necessary, including civil rights litigation against these individual applicants, to defend the Hasidic community," said the letter addressed to Conroy. "I would hope, however, that no extraordinary actions are needed and that you, as Town Supervisor, will reject the petition as unlawful and deficient as a matter of fact and law."
Conroy said it isn't apparent which category under village law Wieder's objection fit into. She said the town attorney would look into it further."

FROM: http://snipurl.com/zr10

You really need to get on Google and get educated. If you really aren't sure what to think, call up Caruso, Conroy, or Burke (all in the whitepages) and ask one or all of them why so many people seem to be concerned about KJ. I'm sure they'd be happy to explain it to you, while vying for your vote.

Anonymous said...

...at any rate, if you really want a flame war, let's be cool and take it outside so these nice folks can have their political discussion: http://snipurl.com/zr1z

Full analysis of your flaws in logic after the link.

Anonymous said...

hey Mr.o,shut up already huh??

Anonymous said...

Or what? What are you going to do? Go run back to Ralph little Ralphite, looks like you got beat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Don,

The Community Party had an open house last night and a crowd showed up. Why do you think that is?
People can not and will not vote for Ralph. Just because HE claims he created the village( which is not true. Nancy Calhoun gave people the idea and Mike Queenan ran with it) But even the people who voted for the village, who believed the lies, they WILL NOT VOTE FOR RALPH. Ralph has preyed on the good seniors in this town, but the ones who showed up last night were there because their is NO WAY they could vote for him. Unfortunalty Ralph is only a legend in his own mind.

Anonymous said...

Dear Children:

While it may strain you to even try to think, you really must try.
OK, think about this:

Is it possible that someone or somegroup might be saying something, apparently in support of a group or party, because they know that their support will actually drive voters AWAY? Yes it is!! Look at the election in Monroe where our neighboring village "supported" a certain group with the result that people believed the neighboring village and then voted opposite the recommendation and in reality, voted the way our neighboring village wanted them to!!!! And sadly, this is what happended with the village vote in Woodbury, The neighboring village said "Please don't vote for a village, we're very nice" resulting in a big turnout to vote FOR the village. Because that's what the neighbors really wanted, a village of Woodbury, led by Raplh.

Thinking yet?
Vote for the Community Party Row D

Anonymous said...

OH! and P.S.

Mr O from Woodbury Confidential might be that very type of thing: apparently supporting a group with the plan of really decreasing the group's support.

You better believe that there are real nasty people out there, actually lying right to your face!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ralph is an HONEST, HARDWORKING individual, who only has the town best interest at heart. No one better start crying if they make the mistake of not voting for him and someone else gets in and screws everything up. Thats exactly whats going to happen! Lets make sure the better and more qualified candidate gets in! JOIN ME NOVEMBER 2 AND VOTE FOR RALPH CARUSO!!

Anonymous said...

The best is always on top!
Vote ROW A!
Preservation Team!

Anonymous said...

I have discovered lies and misleading information that the other group have been posting and passing out to the residents.

I have been doing my own research and speaking with the Community Party Team, I'm voting for:

Stephanie BEREAN-WEEKS for Mayor

Neil CROUSE for Trustee

Patrick KINNEY for Trustee

Michael KLING for Trustee

Joann STABILE for Trustee

The team that will keep the Village/Town together,
now that is the bottom line!


Anonymous said...

You have discover nothing! STOP LYING! Vote for the honest team!!






Experienced individuals who are honest, hardworking and will keep this Village/Towns best interest at heart!!