Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Emperor's New Clothes

A number of posters seem to find fault in Ralph's Wardrobe.

Here at Uncle Headquarters we are always responsive to our readers' requests, and so we offer two possible makeovers.

More shall certainly follow, but darn, we are getting tired of using and reusing Ralph's official head shot. If any of you fine folk have photos of our friend please send them off to cuzzincookie@hotmail.com.


Anonymous said...

At least Uncle your providing some much needed humor to this whole situation. I would like to see one with Ralph as a greaser from the 1950's era, white t-shirt leather jacket blue jeans, holding a pack of chesterfields or something. Kinda goes along with that slick greasy hair he has. I hear he has often been referred to by people at the county level as the "greaser" becuase of that. Sort of a code name.

Anonymous said...

i didn't know that the ub took requests?

Uncle Betty said...

I am a full service Uncle.

Anonymous said...

I think you've got it! Lies, threats, intimidation...it SUITS him perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Control is the name of the game for Mr. Caruso. For years, he has helped to orchestrate attacks on Board members he does not like, cannot control or controls for a period of time , them loses as they wise up.

Profile of how to get and use Ralph Groupies
1) Be polticially naive
2) Be inexperienced
3) Great way to hook them is if they have a complaint about something-- tell them that current Board, except people that are controlled, are no good, will not take care of the problem, are responsbile for the problem even if it happened years ago. By stoking the anger and frustration, they never actually do their work or research.
4) Find people who hang on and beleve every word inspite of proof, documentation to the contrary. The more expert the opposing opinion, the more Ralph is believed. Perfect ecample--the
Preservation Kit which is crumbling under examination. Imagine if the inaccuracy of their statements had come out after the election?
5) Keep people upset or scared so there is no down time to think and figure it out. Tell them only they, working with Ralph, can save the Town, oops, Village.
6) If they finally do figure it out, throw them overboard, attack them, discredit them and seek new recruits.
7) Hold onto those already on board that will never wise up because they will never jusp ship. Use them to as recruit new innocents.
8) Divide, Divide, Divide. Spread stories about opponents, spread stores so distrust builds among possible deserters and so they work against each other, never knowing who to trust. Always control at least one member on every Board so that there is access to information that can be distorted and so that person can help create division. Tell a Board member that another Board member is working against them, is setting them up. Keep that divisive action going.
9) Prepare groupies before televised meetings to get up and attack--even have them prepare written statements to read--sound familar? Mr Sullivan and Mr. Burke?
10)Never appear in a situation that cannot be controlled---such as a forum for candidates where exposure is too great.Find any excuse to avoid.

Ask those who have been thrown overboard and they will tell you how the system works. Perhaps that is why so many people have strong feelings for Mr. Caruso.

Anonymous said...

As one who been Ralphified and then
DePalphified--- you got it right. I still have the scars to prove it.

Anonymous said...

How does the saying go" Beware of the wolf in the sheep's clothing"?

No outer appearance can change what lurks beneath.

Anonymous said...

So even if Ralph loses, be careful who else you vote for because he could still be a power behind others.

Example: He controls 3 members of the Zoning Board, one of whom is running with him.
Bill Mulolley, now running with him, was his source on the Planning Board until not reappointed.

Town Board--he controlled Dobson til he left. Other board members appeared to be influenced by him off and on. Aronowitz was in deep with him--main job, go after Conroy who didn't march to his tune. Aronowitz left Rakph for now, but will go whichever way the power shifts to. Watch carefully.

And there can be no doubt that John Burke and Ralph are real close. Some saw it coming when Ralph's majority on the Committee put up no candidate for Supervisor last fall--hoping Burke would win by default. When Conroy forcrd her way onto the ticket, she got no support and at least one committee member had a John Burke sign on his lawn. Why Burke? Because he could be controlled and agrees with many of Ralph's outdated and erroreous ideas. Of the two, who do you think tells the other what to do? The only other candidate Ralph worked for was Sullivan--to get him another line in case he lost the primary. Remember him walking with Sullivan to have people sign those petitions?
Did he offer the same help to Queenan, his endorsed candidate? No way because Queenan was not fully in the fold, and, in fact, left the fold.

Don't believe it? Burke's daughter is running with Ralph and there is a Ralph and company sign on Burke's lawn. Burke and Ralph got village signatures together, ran 2 worthless forums about what the village would and would not do, Burke put a letter of support, as Supervisor, in Ralph's Preservation Kit and in the newspaper--supporting inaccurate information on the budget, zoning, fire district disolving--it goes on and on.

I agree--beware of wolf in sheep's clothing. There is more than one lurking.

Anonymous said...

The wolf in sheeps clothing is the community party! I just saw the community party hand out and its real funny how Mike Cling said he's a member of the fire dept, but conviently left out that he is a FIRE COMMISSIONER!! That is very deceitful to the public!!!!

Uncle Betty said...

Holy crap.
Mike Kling works with the voulunteer firemen who protect our homes?
How dare he!

Anonymous said...

To the blogger who criticized Mike Kling for only saying he was a volunteer fireman---mind sharing what you volunteer for? In addition to being a volunteer fireman who gets up in the middle of the night, leaves his family's dinner table, is interrupted from family events and any work he many try to do at home, can be called out on holidays, weekends, in storms---in addition to all that, he also volunteers (umpaid) on the Fire Commission. which is an elected position. So he gives doubly to the Fire Department and to the community. Somehow you think that makes him look worse? You seem to be one of the deeply embedded groupies--- see list above--. But thanks for putting it out there so that people can see how much Mike Kling cares about the community and gives and gives and then gives more.
Please do share your volunteer work for the community so we can see what you give. Or perhpas you are one of those who complaint about those who volunteer but actually gives nothing.

Anonymous said...

You mean like Carol Mulolley, wife of candidate Bill Mulolley, who complained all the time about the previous Board and when offered a position on the Parks Commission, said she didn't have the time. But somehow she had the time to come to all those Televised Board meetings and get up and complain and then stay after to try to indoctrinate any newcomers. If you clocked the time she spent doing this, she could have put in many hours volunteering to help. But then, of course, she too would have to be accountable. So much easier to throw stones at others than actually roll up one's selves and do the work.

Anonymous said...

To ananymous who said Kling did not share that he was a Fire Commissioner in addition to being a volunteer fireman: clearly you are misguided Preservation Party groupie.

According to the Preservation Party followers:
It is deceiptful for someone to be both a fireman (and tell people), and to be a fire commissioner (and not tell people).
I guess, accoriding to you, the Fire Commissioners are a deceiptful group so Kling should have revealed his association with them?
Or it somehow makes him less of a candidate because he doubly volunteers?
Or maybe you prefer that non-firemen, who don't know anything about fire fighting and have no training, be on the the Fire Commission?

Yes, that's right, the new Village, as created by the Preservationsts, would do away with the Fire Commission according to State Law.

But according to Law Caruso, which overrides State and any other inconvenient laws such as an illegal referendums on zoning, the Fire Commission stays the same.

Another lost groupie. Such thinking should drive people to the Community Party. Glad you shared your confused thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Boy, how desparate can you get? Complaining about some who is both a vonteer fireman and on the Fire Comission (also unpaid.

It is clear that you are a Preservation Party follower--trying to shift the focus from your own deceipt and misinformation in your so-called kit, but how low to go after someone who volunteers so generously.

Anonymous said...

Being that he is a Fire Commissioner, he should definitely have the CORRECT info on the future of the departments. I would trust him over the Preservation people to give out the correct information.

Anonymous said...

I thought the village was formed by the voters, not the preservation party. anyone notice that mike queenan hasn't said boo since he yelled at everyone in public because they asked about the cost of a village? He was one of the biggest promoters and now he can't be found. and he wants to lengthen his term? for what???? so we can have more years of incompetence?

Anonymous said...

we dont need kj to rip us apart. we're doing a good job of killing ourselves. get a life, deal with the issues and move on.

Anonymous said...

Where have YOU been?? Mike Queenan has been VERY visible. He's finally faced down Ralph the demon, and admitted that the whole Village thing was ill-conceived. Obviously whoever you are, you don't get out much nor read the newspapers. You might also catch the letter by Colleen Campbell who also has denounced the Preservation Party's beliefs!