Friday, October 20, 2006

Want Honest Elections? .......... Then Work For Them!

The Uncle has heard some stories.

Are they true?


But I sure as hell want to know.

So, you're all deputized. Have you heard anything about these stories. The Uncle wants to hear who is saying what.

There is a lie making the rounds that Stephanie Berean-Weeks is pro-KJ. That is to say, according to this bull, that she would sell out Woodbury to Szegedin and Weider. This sounds like pure Caruso crap. But is it being said, and if so, by whom?

If you have heard anyone repeating this lie, please drop the Uncle a line at

The second story is a somewhat differently colored horse, but again, the Uncle is looking for confirmation.

Fact, at the Fire Company's forum at the IBEW, the attorney who was making the presentation, Frank Simeone, attempted, repeatedly, to explain village law to Ralph Caruso. Simeone, quoted from legal statutes, Caruso didn't care, Simeone, gave specific cases as examples, Caruso, didn't care. Caruso kept saying that he was right and the law was wrong.

OK, so far no big whoop. That's just Ralph being Ralph.

But, now, it is reported that Ralph Caruso has told a number of people in the senior center that after the after the forum, the attorney came over to Ralph and said "My mistake, I was wrong and you're right."

This part NEVER HAPPENED. In fact, if you were there you know that the attorney left before the forum ended.

So, the important question is: is Ralph telling people this story? Is Ralph actually claiming that the attorney (who had already gone) said to Ralph "You're right, I'm wrong."???

If Ralph never told this whopper to anyone, then that should be made clear.

And if Ralph really is spreading this manure - everyone ought to know so that he can be exposed.

Please, have you heard this story? If so, from whom?

If your town (and now village) matters to you, make sure that people know the what's true and what isn't.

Send all info here to Uncle Central, once again, that email address is


Anonymous said...

Hey Unc- why don't you contact the attorney himself, and have him either write a letter to the paper stating that he DID NOT speak with Ralph and that he DID NOT affirm Ralph's bullshit. Or, better yet, ask him to write the letter, and have the Community party pay for an ad to make sure it gets into the newspaper!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope some eyes and ears for the Community Party plan on attending Ralph's little love fest tomorrow! No doubt he'll be spewing his crap yet again.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like 100% pure vintage Ralph. Given the attempts to spread rumors that honest, hard-working councilwomen and mothers were being smeared as taking money or SLEEPING with developers last election, nothing would surprise me.

Anyone who wanted to could have simply looked at Sheila's fundraising records- which are probably the most pristine and cautious on the face of the planet. I'm not even going to grace the other with a comment, it made me so sick.

How can anyone keep falling for Ralph's tricks? When he runs out of facts he goes straight to lies character assassination, which of course is a bitch to prove because its word of mouth. I beg the people of Woodbury to ask questions, search for facts and VOTE FOR TRUTH this election.

Anonymous said...

Agreed- given the history of this town I think any event Ralph holds, and possibly his morning walk to the toilet needs to have "Truth Monitors" following him around.

Who's with me for Saturday?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ralph is now looking for help for his campaign on his website....getting scared Ralphie boy? I find it incredible that a man who wants to run the world, oops, I mean village, doesn't even know proper English...from his website..."There’s no greater strength then people working together!" Shouldn't the correct word be THAN???? Moron!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey-that is a common mistake usually made by Mike Aronowitz! Is that is who behind Ralph's website???? So could it be true that Mike A never really left Ralph's bed? I knew you couldn't be trusted Mike A!

Anonymous said...

It makes sense. Aronowitz has the computer knowledge. Ralph can't even come into the 80's with the way he dresses, so he sure as hell probably knows nothing about the computer. Aronowitz has always been a snake in the grass.

Anonymous said...

What's the address of Ralph's website?

Anonymous said...

To answer the original post, as I understand it, The whole community party is neither pro or anti kj, just as they are not pro or anti republican, democrat, independant or conservative. They are in fact pro-Woodbury. Pro-not letting one family lose their homes to higher taxes, the are anti-losing services, diminishing our quality of life, and anti-untruths, false information and unsupported scare tactics. Wake up people, do you really think these people would sell out Woodbury to anyone? They have just as much at stake as everyone else in Town, do you think they want to lose their homes?

Anonymous said...

Not that I like putting it out there but it's

Anonymous said...

I don't think it'd fair that you bash Aronowitz. He works well with the whole town board and Has made ammends with his enemies. Give the guy a break and stick to bashing the Preservation Party.
One of the posters said they were sicked by the rumors in the last election, so why would YOU put out more?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this information Uncle Betty, I'll be openning an investigation over at Woodbury Confidential to ensure this gets the technical scruitny that it requires.

Actually, I've been on top of a lot of this for a while; I dumped the entirety of Caruso's website to a hard drive for analysis the other day... unfortunately, nothing of interest (particlularly not their platform... snicker).

I also took the liberty of obtaining Caruso's full DNS records... some interesting stuff there, check it out at my site. Suffice it to say that Caruso DOES have some very suspicious similarities with Kiryas Joel... it's actually possible that one of THEIR group is running his website or that he's obtained technical advice from them. Yes, I realize what I am saying and for now, I'm just saying that it looks REALLY suspicious.

So far as 'Truth Monitors" are concerned, does it make anyone feel any better that I've set up enough traps that Caruso and his ilk can hardly click a link in Woodbury without me hearing about it?

Arrangements are already being made to get additional commUNITY support at the meeting Saturday. I suggest that you all be there, with questions in hand; you will be FAR from alone. Can I also ask that as many people as possible bring cameras and possibly even a video camera? My sources show some bad stuff is slated to go down at this meeting, but hopefully not.

That's enough cloak and dagger stuff for now. I remember Caruso's smear campaign from the last time... I'd like to point out that the reason he said what he did about Conroy is that he COULDN'T make anyone believe that she was sleeping with developers. I swear, like her hate her, you've got to admit, she's squeaky clean.

Michael Aronowitz said...

Dear Anonymous:

I would ask you when you make statements like this either sign your name or show me proof. As for the “snake in grass” posting please show some guts and say it to my face!

Anonymous said...
Hey-that is a common mistake usually made by Mike Aronowitz! Is that is who behind Ralph's website???? So could it be true that Mike A never really left Ralph's bed? I knew you couldn't be trusted Mike A!

Anonymous said...
It makes sense. Aronowitz has the computer knowledge. Ralph can't even come into the 80's with the way he dresses, so he sure as hell probably knows nothing about the computer. Aronowitz has always been a snake in the grass.

9:18 AM

Anonymous said...

Funny, I just read the preservation website, how can they openly lie and continue to state that they will contract services for a dollar? Do they think people are stupid and do not know about the 8 million dollars they will control? That the town wont be able to afford the services anymore? I believe they are becoming pathelogical at this point.

Anonymous said...

Mike A really shouldn't be picked-on, since he did back the five laws, but come to think of it, I haven't seen him supporting Anthony, David or Stephanie. Are you still supporting Ralph, Mike? Just so that I'm being fair, I'm supporting Stephanie. I realize your vote is your business, but it would go a long way to alleviate any mistrust issues.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Mike did sign Ralph's petition.

But I agree we should try and keep things civil here, and also focus on the issue at hand. The CommUNITY party is doing everything they can to run a honest, clean campaign. If Ralph is spreading such blatent misinformation, who else is willing to make a show on Saturday to help them?

Michael Aronowitz said...

Dear Anonymous:
I will answer everyone one of your questions when you are willing to say who you are. As for who I support my record speaks for its self I do what is right for the people of Woodbury and because of that I now have many more enemies which I am sure you are one of them. You are part of the problem of mis-information and who has nothing better to do but go after the working people in office and the volunteers who try to better the community! Here call me if you have any guts 845 228 8901

Anonymous said...

Mike A,
Just thought I'd let you know you have a new found At least you have the guts to place your name on your post. Your decision on who to vote for is your business and no-one else. Now back to my original thought, the preservation people make a big deal out of living here for 35 years, yea!!!What the hell have you done that has been for the good of the Town in all those years? Sue the Town on different issues that have cost me and other taxpayers alot of money. Wow, 35 years of being a resident, 0 years of doing anything useful.

Anonymous said...

Mike A. I agree with the last poster. Who you vote for is your business. I happen to think you and Gerri and Mike Q, do a great job. Don't listen to these idiots!

Why would people on this post lie about elected officials who are on our side? Mike A. has proven that he no longer answers to Caruso and the weasel Don.

Mike, the majority of the people who post here has no problem with you! The few that do probably have an axe to grind. Get over it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If Mike A is working so well with his fellow board members why were they bashing him the other night saying he is still working with Ralph? In fact I heard Mike Q say he can never be trusted and Gerri agree.

Anonymous said...

And you can take my word for it, after all I'm an anonymous poster so there's no way that I'm actually a Ralphling making mischief.

Anonymous said...

Ralph is an HONEST, HARDWORKING individual, who only has the town best interest at heart. No one better start crying if they make the mistake of not voting for him and someone else gets in and screws everything up. Thats exactly whats going to happen! Lets make sure the better and more qualified candidate gets in! JOIN ME NOVEMBER 2 AND VOTE FOR RALPH CARUSO!!

Anonymous said...

On November 2, VOTE FOR THE PRESERVATION TEAM! The only clear choice!

Anonymous said...

Mike, don't waste your time waiting for the phone to ring, it won't happen. People in that camp are chicken shit. Plus your much nicer than me, you're waiting for the phone to ring, I would be ringing theirs. You and I know who the posters are, and they know that we know who they are. If you need a tag team partner, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the only clear choice.............If you're looking for a power hungry group of trouble makers and sue happy egomaniacs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, clear choice I said! I see I have to talk slower for you! The only ego maniac is Jonathan Swiller who is hiding behind his stage name of Uncle Betty! Come out of the closet!! It's got to be lonely in there!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vote row A for a bankrupt Town, higher taxes, employee layoffs, and last but not least the end of our Town as we know it. Nice pictures you have on the packet, I wouldn't buy a vacuum from that crew, let alone let them decide my families future.

Anonymous said...

I think you should buy a vacuum and clean up YOUR lies! Don't you ever stop telling lies, or is it an addiction? You know they have help out there! Ralph and his team are running an honest campaign! Just the facts! The Preservation Team is the way to vote!


Anonymous said...

I have discovered lies and misleading information that the other group have been posting and passing out to the residents.

I have been doing my own research and speaking with the Community Party Team, I'm voting for:

Stephanie BEREAN-WEEKS for Mayor

Neil CROUSE for Trustee

Patrick KINNEY for Trustee

Michael KLING for Trustee

Joann STABILE for Trustee

The team that will keep the Village/Town together,
now that is the bottom line!


Anonymous said...

You have discover nothing! STOP LYING! Vote for the honest team!!






Experienced individuals who are honest, hardworking and will keep this Village/Towns best interest at heart!!


Anonymous said...

Did Ralph give you all your assignments this morning to post your garbage on UB??

Anonymous said...

Hey, here's a great slogon for the Perversion Team: VOTE FOR US OR WE'LL KEEP YELLING HOW HONEST WE ARE (while never answering one single question).

Anonymous said...

Ralph's motto: If at first you don't succeed, LIE, LIE again!!!

Anonymous said...

Vote for the honest team!!






Experienced individuals who are honest, hardworking and will keep this Village/Towns best interest at heart!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, they just keep proving our points. Hilarious. I'll bet its the same person hitting the key over and over.

When the preservationists run out of their short list of facts they post misinformation. When they run out of that they just post the same rant, over and over.

Name one honest thing about Ralph and co., and we'll be happy to entertain you.

Or maybe they're just baiting us in hopes we'll ask all the tough questions before the debate.

Good luck with that Ralph. The list is long enough to give Santa Claus a migraine. We'll see how you fare, assuming you show.

The Preservationists have plenty to answer for before they can start chanting "honesty."

Anonymous said...

Well, there is plenty of evidence regarding the "honest, hard work" of the Preservationists. But its equally obvious why they don't want to talk about it :P

The new Village of Woodbury will need to do things RIGHT, with the advice of a lawyer not a simplistic "kit" from a man on record for arguing with his own lawyers.

As for that evidence, the eloquent Mr. Booth:

To the editor:

As a longtime Woodbury resident, I implore my fellow Woodburians to join me on Thursday, Nov. 2, in supporting the Woodbury CommUNITY Party ticket led by mayoral candidate, Stephanie-Berean-Weeks.

Woodbury is, without a doubt, at the most pivotal crossroads in its long and storied history. Whether you were for or were against the creation of this village, voting for the CommUNITY ticket is the right choice.

Why? Because I believe that those who created this village (mayoral candidate Ralph Caruso and his allies) did not think though all of the sticky issues that we now face thoroughly enough. We now find out that creating a village will not stop annexation, to the contrary of what were told before the vote. We learn that there will no longer be a fire district as we now know it, contrary to what we were told before the vote. Now we learn that this village may seriously effect the ability of the Town of Woodbury to remain financially solvent.

It appears that the new village may now inherit the town’s share of property, mortgage and sales taxes. This will result in the loss of millions of dollars of much needed revenue that helps keep our vital and highly cherished town services fully functional.

This new development makes it virtually impossible for the village to lease town services for only $1 a service as has been promised by Mr. Caruso.

Mr. Caruso also promised that no town employees will lose their jobs. However, an article in The Times Herald-Record of Oct. 17 says that the town may now have a problem with paying its employees because of the loss of revenue to the village.

There is so much more we have been mislead on as well. For Instance, Mr. Caruso also told us originally that there would be no changes in zoning laws. Now he tells us that there will be changes.

I am starting to see very clearly why Mr. Caruso was only a one-term councilman and why he has soundly been defeated by the citizens of this town for any other office he as sought since.

Too much is at stake in this new village. We need leaders with a solid and trustworthy plan. We need the team of Stephanie Berean-Weeks, Neil Crouse, Michael Kling, Patrick Kinney and Joann Stabile.

We need the CommUNITY Party slate to ensure a smooth and effective transition for our town and village.

Jim Booth

Highland Mills
