Friday, October 13, 2006

Fresh From The Pieman


Anonymous said...

Right. I can really see Ralph taking part.
Caruso will never, never, be at a debate, a question an answer session, a forum, whatever you want to call it, that he doesn't control.
Remember his little sessions at the Senior Center a few years ago? Hank Sullivan yelled at anyone who asked too many questions or who said they weren't getting answers.
Ralph will respond to this by holding his own little forum where he controls what goes on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and that will most likely be at a televised Town Board meeting where he can have John Burke intervene on his behalf and allow Ralph to orate from the bully pulpit! Just watch...these next few weeks will be very interesting watching the dog and pony show that John and Ralph will provide for the viewers! Too bad the TV camera doesn't stay on the two of them AFTER the meeting, where Ralph ALWAYS goes and stands by the flag, and John goes rushing over to their huddle. Makes me want to puke! Ralph wants to run the show, and he doesn't care if he has to sacrifice the whole damn Town to do it!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Ocean (Swiller) siding with the Community Party?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Ralph to be EXPOSED for the outright lying he has been doing. Ralph is banking on the fact that everyone is going to take what he's been saying and writing at face value. People need to use their brains and question Ralph's so-called facts, as well as that Preservation Kit. Just go line by line and compare what he's said from one kit to the next, and you'll see how his stories change. Hell, the lawyer's fees that will be incurred by this new village in the first year will probably be double that flimsy budget he's suggesting. Take the time to question, because if you keep the blinders on, Ralph is going to lead you right over the cliff!

Anonymous said...

OCEAN has not endorsed any candidate. We may do so after the forum.
I have met, informally, with the Community Party, with Tony Cirigliano and with David Sutz and hope to schedule formal meetings between them and members of OCEAN's Executive Board.
I have written to Ralph and said that we would be happy to meet with him and members of his slate.

It is true that Ralph Caruso and I have frequesntly been on opposite sides politically.
That is one of the reasons that OCEAN has turned over TOTAL control of the format, the content and the moderating of the forum to the Times Herald Record.
There will be no favoritism.

Anonymous said...

we wouldn't exspect anything else from ocean or should i say swiller

I really don't know who is worse swiller which is the same as OCEAN or Ralph and his Preservation Group??

Anonymous said...

are you an idiot?

Anonymous said...

Ralph lied about annexation, lied about not changing zoning, lied about taxes, lied about the fire district, lied about most of the members of the town board, works with Larkin who is in KJ's pocket and sued the town.

Swiller had a big part or led the way in getting the legislature to vote against the pipeline, getting the dissidents annexation attempt dropped, stopping the Gonzaga water towers, getting people free help on their tax grievance forms, and getting us the one debate on the village that we are going to get that is not one-sided.

I don't see how you compare the two of them.

Anonymous said...

Its a valid question. Which one is worse, Ralph, who has lied and lied and lied, had public shit fits when his puppets don't do exactly what he wants, sued the town, and tried again and again to control this town through lies and fear or Swiller who has protected us from KJ again and again and never lied to us.
That's a hard one, but I think Id have to say that Ralph is worse.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first guy who said hes an idiot.
Why do you even answer him?

Anonymous said...

Possible Radio Station Coming Soon!!

Anonymous said...

Ralph has stated in his new Preservation kit that he will fight for additional sales tax dollars and he compared the Viilage of Highlands and the Village of Chester to the Village of Woodbury, but because he is misinformed and did NOT do his homework (yet again)he did not understand that Woodbury Town or Village will only be recieving ONE check. Now the question is will the Town be recieving it or will the Village. NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE.
Now to really make you understand the magnitude of our finacial situation our tax collector Carol Herb is not sure if she has to hold back 7/12 of the tax dollars she collected for the village. If so it leaves the Town of Woodbury about 8 Million Dollars in the red on their 2007 budget.

Ohh it gets better. The commissioner of finance of Orange County also claims he may have to give part or all of this last quarter mortage tax and sales tax checks to the village because it incorporated on Aug 28th. That means that if he determines that he can not give those checks to the town, the Town of Woodbury will be short about $500,000 if not more in this years budget. You and I will have to make up for the loss of money in the town's budget!!!!!!!!!!
Now after speaking to Gerri Gianzero she assured me that all this may work out, she said that the county is unsure what to do at this time and maybe the town could collect their money, but she said there is a good possiblity they may not.
I feel that Ralph Caruso and the preservation party should have done the research on this before the village vote, but Ralph only puts out the bogus info he wants us to believe.
Food for thought. If the Village gets the Mortgage Tax checks and a large portion of the sales tax check, and most of the Property tax that pays for our services, how can the village who has almost all revenues coming in lease services for only a buck from the town. They would have to pay the town Millions to cover services and salaries because the Town will not be collecting the money to run town departments.
One last bit of info, the Town assessor has to renumber EVERY LOT, BLOC and SECTION NUMBER for the village. What will happen to the town lot-bloc and section numbers? If he renumbers them then I can only assume that the village will be the Government collecting the taxes, not the town.

Anonymous said...

Wow was that last comment complex. Good show! Good info! - Yeah, so as usual, the Preservation Party is anything but. This sort of thing tends to confirm my suspicions though, Ralph probably isn't evil or actually paid off at all, he's probably just incredibly ignorant and power mad. Can I propose a Ralph education week? We could all stop by his house with mini-lessons in government and offer tutoring free of charge.

Anonymous said...

so what does this mean? are you saying that come January, the town will have no money. how are we going to pay for the highway department, police department, water department, sewer department, tax department and all the other town services that we need. how long will we not have any money? are our taxes going up? people can't afford what they are paying now. who is going to get all the tax money? are we going to have to lay people off? i don't like the thought of layoffs, but before my taxes double we might need to t hink about it. damn ralph caruso.

Anonymous said...

i don't believe for a second that ralph carso is that that dumb. i am sure that he was well aware of the mess that we are in. after all, didn't he say that "I wan't things to stay the same". Everyone knows he has a hardon for the police and highway department. how easy for him to say things will remain the same when he knew all along that the town of woodbury would become bankrupt and have to close departments. this makes the current board look like the bad guy and he can come in smelling like a rose. meanwhile all his dirty work was done for him. don't believe for a minute that he didn't know the tax implications of the formation of a village.

Anonymous said...

And don't think for a minute that Ralph doesn't have this blog read to him (as we all know he has a hard time reading unless it involves section numbers from town codes), and is formulating his "escape" explanation. Sure he'll blame it on the Town officials. Far be it from Ralph to admit that the whole Village debacle was ill-conceived and hastily proposed...HE pushed this Village, using the SAME EXACT borders as the entire town, as a knee-jerk reaction to the purchase of Ace Farms. Instead of doing his homework, and contacting INFORMED people, he used his own knowledge (which is obvious lacking) to shovel this thing down our throats. He has LIED TO and MISLED the residents of this town, and will hopefully be held accountable when people go to the polls and turn their backs on him by voting for someone else. WAKE UP Woodbury- start DEMANDING ANSWERS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

"...Now after speaking to Gerri Gianzero she assured me that all this may work out, she said that the county is unsure what to do at this time and maybe the town could collect their money, but she said there is a good possiblity they may not."

Question: did you really speak to Gerri or are you just trying to sound important?

Anonymous said...

You really want to be impressed?
I personally met Don Siebold.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury Radio Station Coming Soon!! More details coming soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you showered afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Hell, I showered with him!

Anonymous said...

will the public actually get to ask questions of the candidates at the forum or will chris mckenna make the headlines say whatever he wants?

Anonymous said...

will i get to wear my white pointy klan hat?

Anonymous said...

In an act of shameless self promotion, I'd like to point out my in depth investigation of the minds behind

Just wanted to mention it since it isn't getting any love over at my blog and I really am trying to keep up with new material.

In regards to a previous comment, what DO people think of Chris Mckenna's reporting? I notice that he's written most of the articles about the KJ / Annexation situation... some seemed more biased than others. Do people find him to be generally even handed or moreover biased most of the time?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to go back to the issue of "name calling". JS has pointed his little finger at me saying shame on you for name calling. I went back thru past blogs, and johnny boy, or your alter ego Uncle Betty. I have found that under both your aliases you have used the terms, idiot, moron, rump roast, shill, jerk, stupid, lier, evil devils, anti-christ, cheat, *&^%!, and &*(). So please don't use the "children lets be nice" card.

Uncle Betty said...

JS can answer for his or herself and so can Swiller.
As for the Uncle, you left out Toad and Anklebiter. Also I tend to spell liar correctly.
And I don't mind name calling. But I do think that false accusations of felonies may well be actionable and so, I do believe I'm going to delete that disputed post after all.

Anonymous said...

I previously posted under James Skoufis (my name) while I was Donna Colombo's campaign manager, but figured I did not need to disclose my name and posts after she dropped out from the mayoral race. But because some people here are anonymous cowards (you) it seems I can't even go by the alias JS without being accused of things I did not say or do. Perhaps next time you should do your homework before you "point your little finger at me."

Anonymous said...

Uncle, can you please tell all the residents, is it true that the Town of Woodbury may in fact be bankrupt in 2007 due to the fact that 8 million dollars that would have gone to the Town now must by law go to the Village? Not to mention the roughly 1/2 million the Town has lost this quarter from sales tax that now must be saved for the Village?

Anonymous said...

regarding the forum, when do we get to burn the crosses?

Uncle Betty said...

Actually, my understanding of the forum is that it will be a chance (the only one, I gather) for the citizens of the Village of Woodbury to ask questions of all the candidates' (at least all the candidates willing to show up and answer questions).
As to burning crosses and wearing pointy hats, I'm afraid that you must be somewhat confused. You seem to equate voters wanting to know candidates positions with promulgating hatred. That is a bizarre, perhaps psychotic, leap.

On taxes for the Town of Woodbury, that is an open question. Usually sales tax revenue is shared between towns and villages. The open question is - how is the sharing done.

Take Monroe for example, does each of the three villages get a share -perhaps based on population - with a share going to the town based on the population of the unincorporated areas. If that's the case then it looks like the Town of Woodbury is screwed, because Caruso's village map leaves the Town with no unincorporated areas. Meanwhile, it appears that the Town has to hand over 7/12s of the land tax to the Villages of Woodbury and Harriman and so - yeah, that would mean a real cash shortfall.
Now, the Village might contract with the Town for services and give some of that money back, but that can't even be considered until there is a Village government, so in the meantime, what does the Town do for money.
Pass the hat anyone?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Uncle Betty said...

Well, there's a well argued response from the "pointy hat" poster.
He wants to accuse the forum of being some sort of cauldron of anti-semitism and so, to make his point, he posts anti-semitism.
Sorry friend, sell it elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Yea, thanks preservation people, we'll all be bankrupt soon, great plan..............jackasses.

Anonymous said...

For those with tax distribution questions -- You have to remember that a village IS NOT a unique scenario in this state nor in this county. There are precedents on how to proceed. Additionally, the two town/villages in Westchester went through the same thing. Has anyone of importance (or think they're important) thought to ask them on how it was done????

Uncle Betty said...

Woodbury is THE ONLY non-coterminous town/village with absolutely no unincorporated lands.
Coterminous town/villages (there are about 5 of them) are a special case and we should only be so lucky.
All other towns, ALL, every one of them has no villages, one village, many villages AND unincorporated land outside those villages.
Carusoville was done as a quick and dirty and so it includes every square inch of Woodbury outside of Harriman.
That's why we are in trouble.
Yay us!