Saturday, August 05, 2006

Pie Man's Evil Nature Revealed

Wowie Zowie

Remember way back when, you know, when we thought that Swiller was Sweet As Pie?

Well, it turns out that he is actually the devil incarnate.

Just take a look at the Photo News.

Swiller is a poisonous, hate-filled spoiler whose preachings have forced the Satmar to unite to protect themselves - Moses Witriol, KJ’s head of Public Safety says so.

Not only that, but he also represents KJ’s interests, is bent on advancing KJ’s agenda and is making "pieces of any united effort to prevent the expansion of KJ into" Woodbury. Just ask Bob Donnelly - Chairman of Woodbury’s Democratic Committee and left-hand-man to Ralph Caruso, Chairman of Woodbury’s Republican Committee.

Where does Swiller find enough hours in the day?


Uncle Betty said...

Homeowners association: New village would ‘add a hostile layer of bureaucracy’

To the editor:

We, the homeowners of Southwest Woodbury, announce the formation of the Southwest Woodbury Homeowners Association.

The association was formed to address the needs of area residents, such as zoning accommodations, tax assessments relief, sanitation pickup schedules, pedestrian safety measures such as street lighting, sidewalks and mass transit, and utility improvements such as water and sewer to help maintain the residents’ quality of life.

Certain groups, such as SOCA at Work-OCEAN, who claim to speak for all Woodbury residents, have in reality been preaching messages of divisiveness, which forced us to unite and to counter their hate-filled messages. Area residents have worked well with Town of Woodbury elected officials and with their neighbors before the spoiler groups poisoned the atmosphere.

We are happy to continue to work with the Town of Woodbury elected official and with our neighbors. We are, therefore, strongly opposed to the formation of the Village of Woodbury since it will only serve to add a hostile layer of bureaucracy that will do nothing positive but will increase our property taxes.

To date, better than 300 area homeowners have joined the association.

The members elected Moses Witriol as president, Nikki Crawford as secretary and Martin Lichtman as treasurer.

As its first order of business, the association has launched an ongoing voter registration drive so that the Woodbury residents will be eligible to take part in all elections. On July 31, the association will be submitting to the Orange County Board of Elections 210 completed voter registration cards to be eligible to vote in the Aug. 10, Village of Woodbury referendum.

Members of the newly formed association reside mainly on Schunnemunk Road, Serpi Lane, Melville Lane, Seven Springs Road, Forest Road, First Avenue, 2nd Street and 4th Street.

Moses Witriol, president

Southwest Woodbury Homeowners Association


Vote yes to ‘keep Woodbury a family community of residential home owners’

To the editor:

The Aug. 10th vote for or against a village for most of Woodbury almost came and would have gone by quietly if Mrs. Campbell had not gotten her view in the Times Herald-Record. We finally have an issue that is nonpartisan.

Forming a village will be a defensive action against an otherwise unbeatable combination of political unity and money held by the Village of Kiryas Joel. So finally Woodbury voters of any stripe can rally around a vote which keeps some parts of our zoning laws and general character in tact.

The public has been getting e-mail messages “warning’ voters that the village is bad and expensive. This secret effort to derail the village vote has the fingerprint of the Jonathan Swiller’s SOCA, which have been representing the interests of KJ. As a “peacemaker,” Swiller has in fact been making “pieces” of any united effort to prevent the expansion of KJ into our town.

It is my view that the “lamb of peace” is just a wolf bent on moving the agenda of KJ and the developers forward. Ironically, Mrs. Campbell did advance the KJ agenda by voting for the Brodsky project’s local law changes. Mrs. Campbell served KJ by supporting the five local laws which increase density for the Brodsky project and anyone else holding 120 acres or more in Woodbury. Ace farm is 140 acres. Bingo! KJ wins again. Looks like Mrs. Campbell is positioning herself to run for office. Could it be mayor of the village of Woodbury?

The Woodbury Democratic Committee was and still is on record against the local laws that open up large tracts of land to intensive clustering and “builder’s math.” Without exception, this committee remains committed to preserving Woodbury’s character, which is so envied by potential home buyers that our market values have gone through the roof. Say no to the village and that market value will diminish as real estate speculators buy homes on the cheap from now on.

So now the Woodbury voter - regardless of party affiliation - has the opportunity to vote yes on Aug. 10 to stay the course and keep Woodbury a family community of residential home owners.

As too the cheering crowds at the labor hall on July 6, the audience was stacked with construction workers who don’t live here and, of course, the real estate salespersons who make money when houses turn over fast.

I urge every thinking voter to say yes to the village and reject the inane propaganda of the SOCA bunch.

Robert J. Donnelly

Chairman, Woodbury Democratic

Uncle Betty said...

Oh, and we forgot, Caruso sent Bo up to the podium at Thursday's Woodbury Town Board Meeting to denounce Swiller there too.

We'd tell you what Bo said, but we have no idea what language he was speaking.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
MINDY forgot to tell everyone she sold her house and now rents the same house. I wonder who her landlord is? She does'nt have a care in the world. In fact, I think she's laughing all the way to the bank. So please vote YES for the village and maybe Mindy wll buy her house back. Vote yes to preserve the value of YOUR home and the impact of your vote (remember Monroe and the BLOCK VOTE problems). Politics in Woodbury will work itself out.

2:33 AM

Anonymous said...

Yep, politics will work itself out, led by Ralph's character assassins.
By the way it's "bloc" vote, numbnuts.

Anonymous said...

Um, hope you realize that since pretty much all of Mindy's neighborhood was bought prior to her own eventual sale, along with Ace Farm right next door, and COULD STILL BE ANNEXED REGARDLESS OF ANY VILLAGE OF WOODBURY that plan seems, um, a little weak.

Thanks for trying, though.

Anonymous said...

Does Moses really speak for all those people out on "Melville" Lane?

Anonymous said...

Annexation is a long and expensive road that the KJ leaders would prefer not to travel down. They want to take the village path which is easy and carefree.

Make no mistake about it KJ wants you to vote NO for the village so they can create their own. What would Moses call it - The Village of Southwest Woodbury?

Vote YES for the village NOW before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask Mr. Moses Witriol one question; How do you stand on annexation?

Anonymous said...

That is a fair question. Since Moses has attacked SOCA/OCEAN in a public newspaper. By the way,a group who never claimed to represent all residents.I do not believe in preaching hate. But I do believe in fighting for what little land, what little water we have. As you said Moses, you want to "maintain residents quality of Life". KJ's zoning is far different then Woodbury. It would change the area completly. It is not a hateful question. You have taken on the responability as President of SWHA. So please' Mr. Witriol answer. What do you feel about annexation?

Anonymous said...

i'm really confused

after reading the photo news, everybody sounds like an antisemite

perhaps you are just two opposing factions of power-hungry bigots

Anonymous said...

That's not fair. Not everyone who's power hungry is automatically a bigot.

Anonymous said...

chris mckenna is trying to confuse us

he wants us to vote no so you-know who-can start their own village and he gets a juicy story

Anonymous said...

i like bacon and large villages and i'm voting yes

Anonymous said...

i heard from several people that a village board could allow for the recent property tax reassessments to be pulled back to 2005 levels without an expensive lawsuit against the town

vote yes. it's a win-win

Anonymous said...

I know I promised NOT to respond to the annoymous @##%^& who keeps making disparaging remarks about me but I cannot stop myself! If you think I sold my house and live rent free...go to Goshen and check the records on house sales! Oh you didn't know that home sales are for public record? Why don't you keep your vile and uneducated mouth (and fingers!) shut if you do not know what you are talking about! Anyone who is willing to say negative things about ANYONE and hide their identity is not someone I would want to associate with anyway so, if you were my neigbor, I think I would move!!!!

Anonymous said...

looks like you better move. ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Simple question- If KJ may STILL annex land within a newly created Village, why create the village?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1. More taxes
2. Does not stop annexation
3. People without water and sewer will pay for water and sewer tax, as all are taxed equally in a village.
4. Abolishment of ALL districts ie: Fire District, Lighting Districts, Water district, Buisness Improvment Districts
5. Another layer of political turmoil.

Pros: Sorry, can't think of a single one.

Anonymous said...

pull back the tax reassessments!

vote yes!

Anonymous said...

Now I have heard ecerything, do you really think that by voting yes, the tax assessments will be pulled back? You have to be dumber than Seibold usually sounds!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

of course the reassessments will be rolled back. you will be dealing with a new assessor selected by a mayoral candidate who wants to win

how many people combined in brookside, strawtown & the timber ridges?

a few thousand, no?

vote yes. it's a lock.

save woodbury

Anonymous said...

If we are bored debating whether the new village will: stop annexation, stop little villages, role back assesments, provide more elected offices for ralph to lose elections in, abolish special is one...

I have never heard of hamlets exsisting inside of a village...

Therefore, come Thursday night when and if this debacle passes...will we cease to live in Highland Mills or Central Valley??

Even though hamlets arent legal entities...thats a very interesting of many we will be asking come friday morning...our first day as citizens of Carusoville, USA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
of course the reassessments will be rolled back. you will be dealing with a new assessor selected by a mayoral candidate who wants to win

how many people combined in brookside, strawtown & the timber ridges?

a few thousand, no?

vote yes. it's a lock.

save woodbury


I thought the new Village was supposed to exsist in NAME ONLY?? I thought NOTHING WAS GONNA CHANGE...i thought NO ONE WAS GETTING CANNED...i thought ALL decsisions were gonna still be made by the Town Board???

We'll if so then how are the assessments gonna get rolled back...and who is this assessor that is going to be appointed by the Mayor???

Anonymous said...

If we fail to create a single Incorpated Village for the Town of Woodbury do you think The Southwest Woodbury Homeowners Association will petition the town to become a village? Could part of their village boundries include EARL RESERVOIR? Can these smaller villages take our parks and recreation? VOTE YES August 8 to preserve Woodbury.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Campbell, Seibold, Sullivan and this what retired city cops do? Act like idiots and try to grasp political power by lying and deceiving people? I know I sleep better knowing these four are not entructed to protect anyone anymore.

Uncle Betty said...

Campbell's letter, unlike the (ahem) thoughts of the Ankle Biter, the Rump Roast or The Dancin' Fool, had her opinion and the facts that she felt backed up that opinion.
The Uncle has no problem with that.
The others lie as easily as they breath.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that McKenna's actually doing the right thing and showing how sketchy Ralph and his croonies budgeting is.

Woodbury may very well need this village... but they deserve to know just what they're getting themselves into... and remember just how "helpful" the Citizens for the Preservation of Woodbury have been in sharing the truth.

In any case, I encourage people make the forum at 7pm in the Highland Mills firehouse. Might be our last chance for some decent answers.

Uncle Betty said...

The forum has moved to the
IBEW Hall on Commerce Dr

Anonymous said...

Hey Unc- Does Caruso and his group have an attorney on board advising them? They seem to be putting out an awful lot of info, but never mention anything about a legal expert??? Perhaps they don't believe in the law, and perhaps that's why they didn't even take legal fees into consideration in their imaginary budget!!

Uncle Betty said...

My Guess is that they hired Big Bad Bart Bloom. That way they can pay him with Monopoly money and he wouldn't notice the difference.