Friday, August 11, 2006

Village Of The Damp

So, the Village of Woodbury is created. The vote is 17 gazillion to 3 (it seems that someone other than Booth and Swiller voted no).

Now what?

Well first, if the number of challenged voters is greater then the margin of victory the machines will be sealed and the official announcement of the vote will be held in abeyance pending resolution of the challenges.

It aint.

Next, the New York State Secretary of State is given official notification of the creation of a brand spanking new village.

Then KJ Mayor Wieder denounces everybody and threatens to sue someone.

Next Town Clerk Desiree Potvin appoints Desiree Potvin as Village Clerk.

Next Village Clerk Desiree Potvin places a notice in the Town's Newspaper of Record announcing an opening for a village idiot.

Then our taxes go up, the village goes bankrupt and we hang Ralph in effigy or in Strawtown.

Damn, Schenectady is a long way to go for a beer.


Anonymous said...

I nominate Ralph Caruso for Village Idiot.

Hell...he has been doing such a wonderful job as Town Idiot for the past 20 years or so, i figure lets stick with what we know.

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle- As far as the existing Town Clerk appointing herself, I believe you are wrong there. She must appoint someone else, who in turn will set up the elections. Once the Village Board is elected, they may opt to keep the same Village Clerk, or appoint a new one, which at that time may be the current Town Clerk, if she so chooses to throw her hat in. I believe that is what the law states, or perhaps you could check with Ralph, "the Expert". The burning question that I have for you is what slate of characters will "the Expert" offer up, and just how do you get nominated. Will it be like a regular election where each political committee endorses their candidates, and/or will you have to walk petitions?

Anonymous said...

Well, the People have spoken....I just wonder how long it will take for them to realize that they have just put in place the beginning of the end of our Town. Perhaps it will be when they get their first Village tax bill.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know that when all of our taxes go up up up, will all the YES voters wonder why? I can hear it now, "BUT RALPH SAID THEY WOULDN'T BE SO BAD, HE DIDN'T LIE TO US DID HE? Will you go screaming at either the Village Board of the Town Board for justification? Will you say you were duped? Well of course you were. You were foolish enough to listen to a man who has tried over and over again to get elected to the Board in this town, and he has failed miserably. So what does he do, he creates his own little Village so he can feel important. Make no mistake YES voters, Ralphs motives were strictly for Ralph, and I would love to see yhour faces when you finally wake up. Unfortunately, its too late. You've already sold us down the river.

Anonymous said...

I was very concerned when i awoke this morning to learn the village had passed.

I wanted to know right away...who is actually governing us now, and how the village and the town will work together?

However, someone just faxed over to me the schedule of how everything will work out, and we will all live happily ever after.

Apparently, a deal has already been struck between the town and village.

The village will govern us on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The Town Board will rule us with an iron fist on Tuesdays and Thursdays. EXCEPT on Thursdays between 3 and 7 PM on days ending in an 8 and during a hail storm...during that time we will be under the control of the City Council of Shanghai, China.

Saturdays were supposed to be governed by the Village Board. However, Ralph Caruso needs his beauty rest between the hours of 10 AM & 10:53PM..during those hours the village will contract for One Dollar a year with the Village Board of West Haverstraw to govern us during those hours.

Sundays will be Anarchy one will govern us and we will be free to do whatever we want.

I know this all sounds confusing now...but dont worry...son we will all be under the control of the Village Board of Kiryas Joel and none of this will matter...have your cyanide pills handy??

Anonymous said...

Gee, there must be a special at the local supermarkets on sour grapes. You all don't seem to expound on the fact that the village carried on an almost 4 to 1 margin.

Do you think that Ralph has ALL of the them in his pocket. Even Swiller can't do that.

THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN (well at least those that took time to vote). GET OVER IT.

Curious George

Anonymous said...

No Curious, no one is doubting our fine democratic traditions this morning or alleging that Ralph has all 2,000 people in his pocket. What Ralph did is scare everyone in this town in to thinking that KJ was waiting in the bushes on their property ready to seize their property in the name of KJ. Just like I never saw people give a standing ovation to a town board after approving a major development...usually as well...2000 people don't vote to raise their tax bills to a still yet undetermined amount, unless they are fearful of something. Sadly, what these 2000 people were was duped in to voting for something that WILL NOT protect them.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a job well done to Ralph,Carol, Don S., Bart & John Burke.... Our prayers are with you. Szegedin,Vaad & Moses

Anonymous said...

Prior to the vote, I took the time to do my own research, and found out exactly where Mr. Caruso and his Preservationists were not telling the truth. So, I voted no. I also listened to many people on line to vote yesterday talk about how creating our new village would prevent annexation. Curious, I asked several people why they would think that, and their appalling answer was "Because that is what that person Ralph Caruso said!" So Ralphie boy, as Colin Powell told George W, "You break it- you bought it!" We'll just have to sit back now and watch where this horrific ride will take us.

Anonymous said...

Now that Ralph has finally won something, can someone PLEASE buy that man a new suit? K-Mart called and they want his back!!!

Anonymous said...

I think there is a line item in that phony 120,000 village budget to buy Ralph a new suit.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, we, the taxpayers will be making up for Ralph's inability to do the math! Did he ever stop and think about insurance costs, legal costs, etc? Oh, I forgot- he and his group are perfect, so there won't be any need for either insurance or legal fees, right Ralphie?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Will the short pier that you want us to walk off of be erected by the village or the town? Where will this pier be erected, at the reservor?

And, if this pier you speak of will be erected by the village, was that also included in your phony budget?? Or will we also have to add that to the growing list of inaccurate information?

Anonymous said...

To the take a long walk off a short pier author....Just like you and your group, posting idiot chatter like that. The simple fact is that you lied and got people to vote for this silly venture. I wouldn't want to be any of you when the tax bills come out, you and yours will be ran out of town. Oh, and by the way, just in time for the village elections, a litle surprise will be arriving, maybe some files from the city. Ah never mind, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Toodles for now.

Anonymous said...

This just in...

We have learned of some changes already being enacted by the new Village of Woodbury.

Woodbury Community Day will now be called Bubbles Family FunFest Day. On that day it is a law that you must be perky and happy and make absolutely no sense when you speak, otherwise you will be shot.

Route 6 is now to be called Carol Mulooly Parkway

The town has been evicted from the Town Hall, which has become the Village Hall.

And..with 10 of 10 districts now reporting. It was a close one, but Don Siebold has edged out Ralph Caruso for Village Idiot. Town Clerk Desiree Potvin will conduct a recount tomorrow, but we are confident the results will stand

Anonymous said...

i still cant believe that there is 2000 people that live in woodbury that would be crazy enough to say yes to somthing that has no definate answers... big set of balls on them.

Anonymous said...

All of this is very humorous, but the fact still remains that an evil cloud now envelops the Town of Woodbury. We must do our best to make sure that honest, fair people are elected to the Village board and as Mayor. I do not believe that anyone from the Preservation of Woodbury gang should be elected, nor should Swiller and OCEAN. I think that this slate needs to be made up of decent human beings, free of any preconceived agenda, and ONLY working for the betterment of Woodbury- NOT for their own political agenda. Now, how do we find those people??? And Uncle- will potential candidates have to interview with the two "fake" committees run by BD and RC and be endorsed? Will any interested person be able to run if they get enough signatures?

Anonymous said...

OK, I agree, as the anonmi who posted some of the humorous antedotes on here today I concur we must move on and be serious now. But, the humor was much needed today. However, it will be much more humorous on Village Election Night seeing the look on Ralph & Co.'s faces when they DONT control the new village cause we beat their asses 4 to 1 in the elections...wont that be sweet? Any names of good people we can run??

Anonymous said...

BD and RC shouldn't haven't anything to do about candidates. One needs to read the laws again. There are no party affiliations when it comes to village elections. It is only individuals. One can be from the Communist Party and it wouldn't matter. You vote for the person, not a party.

Curious George

Anonymous said...

That is incorrect, there can be major party nominations for Village Elections. The Village of Otisville nominates based on Rep and Dem. Allot of villages in Rockland and Sullivan counties do as well. Orange seems to be one of the few counites where major parties usually stay out of the process. I agree thats the way it should be. Woodbury Village should do it the way all others are doing it in OC. Let candidates create their own parties and slates.

Anonymous said...

Swiller & OCEAN do not want to be elected. BELIEVE it or not there are good people out there who don't have big egos. But only want what is up-front honest,good for the town or village,best & brightest person for the thank/less job.Without the dirty politics.We miss you Shelia

Anonymous said...

SOMETHING DIFFERENT; Can anyone tell me~~~~~~~~~~How many voters are there in Highland Mills and Central Valley ? I know some people are on vacation, but that turn out seems low.

Anonymous said...

SHEILA CONROY VS. RALPH CARUSO FOR MAYOR!!! in the biggest smack-down drag em out come from the the depths of defeat election campaign ever seen. Sheila will crush Ralph and get full revenge for the disgraceful way he and his drones on the GOP committee treated her. Ralph will wish he NEVER secretly (although not all that secretly) backed John Burke.

Anonymous said...

ok, enough of this nonsense. there are five openings now on the village board. does anyone have any legitimate candidates they would like to see elected. people who will respect what this town board has done with regard to wp3 & legacy ridge. instead of bashing ralph, why not come up iwth some ideas. obviously some 2000 people spoke and decided they want a village. speak now as to who you would like to see run it.

Anonymous said...

I nominate Pete stabile.. He seems to be the most inteligent person for the job..

Anonymous said...

I saw at least two names earlier that seem respectable...James Booth and James Galvin. Galvin still seems somewhat interested in politics, since he did want the judgeship. And Booth seems to have the knowledge for good government. How about it men?

Anonymous said...

Could anyone please answer the question, how does one get on the ballot? Do you need to walk petitions? And if so, where do you get them and how many signatures do you need?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how the current town board feels about our new village. I for one was happy to see most of them stayed out of it and let the people decide.
We all need to move forward now, whether we voted yes or no and support our town board in helping the newly elected village board make a smooth transition. It will take time to sort it all out, and we need to be patient.
I supported the village, but I for one DO NOT want to see Ralph or any of his people run for village office, nor do I want to see Bob Donnelly or any of his people. They are like poison on this community and they need to stay out of it!!!!!!!!!!.

Jim Booth said...

Anonymous said...
Could anyone please answer the question, how does one get on the ballot? Do you need to walk petitions? And if so, where do you get them and how many signatures do you need?

Mostly in Orange County village elections do not involve the two major parties. However, it can occur if the village decides to use that system. But, in most villages candidates circulate petitions and create their own independent political party. Some candidates often form slates with a Mayor or another Trustee. Villages can either run their own elections, which is usually the case, or can contract with the Board of Elections. If the village runs their own election, the Village Clerk would be in charge of all election activities, such as, distribution and then filing of candidate petitions, campaign finance, absentee ballots, etc, etc.

Anonymous said...

how about mickolewchec (the guy on the zoning board),. robin crouse, wayne cortes, colleen campbell, the other guy on the planning board - not that george sewett, chris scibelli, john monaHAN, brenda suffern to name a few.

Anonymous said...

then we have james booth (republican committee member), james galvin - former board member, charlie serra - frank palermo - john kelleman - maria hunter - bob donnelly - raplh caruso - don siebold sandy capriglioni,

Anonymous said...

To the 2500 who voted yes:

Just look what you did, you fools!

Anonymous said...

foolish or not we now have a village and we have to live with it. so lets start working at it and stop crying about sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Who are Chris Scibelli, John Monahan, Brenda Suffern and Sandy Capriglioni? Are they part of the Preserve Woodbury people? Part of Caruso's group or Donnelly's group? Are they currently on any of the Town's boards or committees?

Anonymous said...

John Keleman and Jim Booth are two good candidates to start with. I hope you were kidding with Campbell, Serra, Caruso and the rest of that silly slate. Might as well throw a few more kooks in the mix just to make it interesting.

Anonymous said...

I voted against the village and was upset when I heard it passed, but today I am actually quite buoyed come to think of the oppurtunities it may provide for some good people to get in to the ring. Jim Booth, James Galvin, John Keleman and others are people who would work closely I think with this current Town Board. We need people who are going to ensure that everything Ralph promised us was going to happen eactually does. People who will PROTECT the town employees, make sure the town services are not effected, contract for only a dollar a year with the town. And, even though Ralph's budget was BS, make sure that it stays as low as humanly practical.

Anonymous said...

What!!!! Someone wants Wayne Cortes(Corts) to run for village election. Cortes the guy who flipped Ace farm to kj & started all this mess. The only running he should do is out of town.

Anonymous said...

lets take a walk down memory lane shall we. john kelleman was on the town board years ago along with frank palermo and james galvin. while he was on the town board he did absolutely nothing to protect this town against anybody. where was his insight into our situation. don't tell me they didn't know. if they didn't then they are just plain stupid. if they did, how come they did NOTHING. they could have been working with ace farm to create a buffer. they could have attempted to put into effect the same situation they have in warwick, where we buy it but you can continue to work your farm. they were all about big business and what is best for them. they put forward a proposal to buy back a building they sold off to a super developer and then tried to get the town to repurchase it ten fold for a new town hall. while in office, taxes skyrocketed yet nothing was done to the infrastructure. now we have parks falling apart, sewer systems busting at the seems, sidewalks breaking up and a town hall falling down. go ahead and blame sheila conroy but this couldn't possibly have happened in just four years. she inherited this mess, not to say she didn't contribute but the blame lays before her. now I hear you want to put back in office the same mopes who got us in this trouble, has this town gone completely nuts. hey, while you may hate ralph, stepping back in time ten years is the worst thing you can do. sorry about blasting galvin, he really wasn't such a bad guy, he just got caught up with the rest. don't forget that there was a mutiny and jay gubernick took over. then you had holly and sheila and gerry. they got elected because the town was sick of what took place with palermo and kelleman. please let history guide you. these mopes got voted out of office. don't put them back in. as far as jim booth, what is his deal. he sits up there high on the hog condemning ralph but he himself is another political junkie just waiting for the moment to get his chance. what has he really done with his life except crique politicians.

Anonymous said...

I say let some NO NAMES with NO political affiliations take a crack at it...they couldn't be any worse than those who have been voted in and out of office (KELLMAN, GALVIN & PALERMO), or those who have wanted desperately to hold office (CARUSO, DONNELLY and SERRA)!! I don't think any good can come from putting these people, or anyone else currently on a board or commission (Sewitt, Cataggio, Conroy, Bompensiero, Hunter,Petersen,Ottavio,Siebold,
J Gianzero, daCunha, Lopez, Menduno, Simpson, J Stabile & Ungerer). Or anyone on the REpublican, Democratic or Conservative committees (list too long to type). They all have political ties that need not be dragged through to the newly created Village. (Look closely at those involved with that Preservation Kit...all tied to the Republican committee!)If this is a rebirth, then lets start fresh with new attitudes and professionalism!

Anonymous said...

ooops...forgot Mickolajczyk! He should not be considered either, as he is on the zoning board and the Republican Committee.

Anonymous said...

I say we get the Fire Commissioners to run. From what I understand, they have kept fire taxes pretty much lowest in the County. Must be doing something right, and then we wont have to worry about a board that has political ties or agendas on any sides. And I would bet they would do it for free like they do now.

Anonymous said...

I think that sounds like a very interesting idea. Who's on that board?

Anonymous said...

U can be damn sure that whatever good names are tossed around, Ralph and his henchmen and henchwomen will cut them down before they get a chance. That's the problem- who the hell wants to put themselves thru that crap.

Anonymous said...

i'm voting for henry "hank" sullivan for mayor

Anonymous said...

I think Swiller the "Swill " would make a great mayor as he loves the limelight !

Anonymous said...

Not really sure exactly who is on Board of Fire Commissioners, that's why I like the idea. Have never heard much about them, so I think they would do what is right, and not for their own gain or public praise and ego boosting. Imagine, a Village Board with no political ties, favors to pay back or hidden agendas. We shall call it "Woodtopia". Besides, dont imagine how they could do any worse than has been done around here.

Anonymous said...

We'll Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous person who bashed Keleman, Palermo and Galvin...where were you on the Ace Farm deal?? Why didn’t you come to a town baord meeting and propose a PDR idea?? I love it when citizens blame the elected officials for when everything goes wrong...citizens have a role too ya know!! So why dont you come out from behind the mystery door reveal yourself and explain why as a citizen of this town you just seem to be able to criticize but offer nothing else. Why dont you put up and shut up and declare your candidacy for the village board!! And as for Jim Booth, thank god we got someone with the balls he has to be able to be sitting high on that hog holding that Ralph Caruso accountable!! Here is someone who is a young man who could be doing allot more in life, but is helping all of us clean up YOURS and the rest of the Ralphlings messes. Your just jealous because you couldn’t compare to great men like Booth, Keleman, Galvin and Palermo

Anonymous said...

If Kellman, Palermo and Galvin are such great men, where have they been since they lost their respective elections? To me, the sign of a truly dedicated person is when they don't disappear into the woodwork. They should continue to attend meetings, etc. Instead, they have stood on the sideline and in the shadows and offered potshots at everyone else. Ya, they're great men alright! I agree with the other guy who said the Village candidates should be No-names with No political affiliations or agendas, and no favors to repay- pure, honest government (if that isn't an oxymoron huh!?!?) Do you think that's possible?

Anonymous said...

For the record, those behind the Woodbury Preservation kit were NOT tied to the Republican committee, but to the "bi-partisan" group of Carusoites who've been spreading misinformation and attacks against anyone who stands in their way, including the sitting Republican board members who Caruso backstabbed in the last election while pretending to be their chairman.

There are decent people in both parties and a variety of other places (as already noted the firemen, though I don't know if an ALL commissioner board would be very balanced either, and I'd guess at least some of those people would want to continue to serve with the firemen). What we really need is to see a group of honest, accountable people who really do care about Woodbury's future come together to counter the "Preservation" group's dishonesty and power-games.

Anonymous said...

So wait a minute- are you saying that Gianzero, McNeil, Queenan and Aronowitz were PRO village? That doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

Or, are you saying that the group of Carusoites are attacking the above list of town board members? The way I see it, once someone cuts the apron strings from Ralph, (the way the above list of board members did), then Ralph makes sure they will pay the price. Caruso is a very vindictive person, who seems to stop at nothing to get his way. Lies, rumor and innuendo are just a few weapons in his arsenal that he uses frequestnly to get back at people. It's no surprise that he used them all in getting this ridiculous village thing passed. The real surprise was that people actually listened to him, knowing his history.