Friday, October 27, 2006

Demand Answers

Would you go to a doctor, a dentist, a car mechanic who refused to answer your questions?

Would you buy a tv, a chain saw or even a pound of hamburger meat from a merchant who refused to answer your questions?

Would you hire a house keeper, a dog walker or a gardener who refused to answer your questions?

A political campaign is an extended job interview. The candidates are asking you to hire them. You are the boss and you should demand answers.

So far Ralph Caruso has ducked having to answer questions in public. When his one-on-one answers have been quoted, his anonymous supporters denounce the quotes as lies.

If any of you run into Ralph question him.

He can't duck all of you.

Here are some questions that demand answers:

Why does his first "Preservation Kit," the one he used to convince us to vote for a village, state repeatedly that he would not change zoning while now he says he would "tighten zoning" or change "vague" parts of our zoning law, or, to quote one of his running mates "tweak" it? Why didn't he mention "tweaking" the first time around?

Why does he still insist today that the village can pay $1 a year for town services even though we now know that, by the end of 2007, his village will get the lion's share of the revenue that now goes to the town?
Since he touts how well he researched the village, why didn't he let us know about that before hand?
Why has he still refused even to acknowledge that this is happening?

Why did he suggest that creating a village would somehow prevent annexation when state law is clear that the procedure hor annexing land from a village is exactly the same as the procedure for annexing land from a town?
If he claims that "if you read what I said carefully you'll see that I never claimed annexation couldn't happen" ask him why it was necessary to "read carefully?"
Why does a candidate rely on fine print and weasel words instead of telling us the truth clearly and openly?

Ask him why, at the fire company's forum at the IBEW, when the fire company legal specialist explained how the fire company would be dissolved, did Ralph again and again and again say "No you're wrong" without quoting facts, without quoting laws? And if he says, as some have reported, "afterwards the lawyer came over to me and said that I was right." ask him how that was possible when we all saw the lawyer leave long before the forum ended or Caruso ever left his seat? Ask why he won't say that in public, where he can refuted?

Ask him why he refused to go to the debate before the voters at the high school, and if he claims that OCEAN was biased against him ask him about the Times Herald Record's repeated assurances that the Record was in complete control of the format and the content. Why was this good enough for all three other mayoral candidates, but not good enough for him. And if he doesn't trust the Times Herald Record, why did he ask for a hidden debate, behind closed doors, attended only by the Record's editors? Is it OCEAN he is afraid of or the public?

If he says that he just didn't know any of this, ask him why every time that someone tried to explain it, Ralph loudly and repeatedly said they were wrong? Why didn't he listen and check things out instead of blindly stumbling forward, never once doubting his own certainty? Is that how he would act if he were mayor? Is that the way he "researches" the law?

Ask him if he'll put his answers in writing.

Let us all know what he says.

Post his answers here - if you get any.

And if he slides around the questions, if he changes the subjects, if he talks but says nothing, if he says he has no time, tell us that too?

Would you hire a mayor who won't answer your questions?


Anonymous said...

Hey Unc- Did you get your new blue piece of toliet paper? The same old Preservation Party crap with a new blue cover sheet. Looks like they will never answer the questions, only try to redirect the attention of the voters by lying some more. Poor, poor Ralphie...looks like he's starting to crumble in desperation. Still can't believe he actually made DEMANDS on the newspaper. Just another excuse for not answering the public. Poor, poor little man.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that our County Legislator, Roxanne Donnery sitting in the audience at last night's forum??? Funny, she cared enough to attend and listen to the prospective candidates, and yet the same man who tried to get her job TWICE (but FAILED) just didn't think it was important enough to show up! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!Grow up Ralph and realize that Woodbury nor the World revolve around you! Never did and never will!

Anonymous said...

Ralph Caruso and crew did not show up for a number of reasons and they had nothing to do with Big Bad Ocean.

First, his team, handpicked to be under his "guidance" cannot function without being prompted. Ask people who have asked them questions--they can't, don't and won't answer.

Ralph likes to have his "surrogates" in the audience to attack and go after others so he can swoop in and make his prepared speeches, misquote the law and contradict every authority. He also does not trust the newspapers unless he can control what they write and plant his stories against others. Last year's election was a perfect example of misinformation.

Last and most importantly, the Preservation Kit is falling apart and he did not want to answer questions about his own printed words. We now know that his $1.00 per year contract with the Town for services is a joke. The Village will be getting a major chunk of the Town's revenue--could be as much as $1,000,000--which the Town uses to pay for these same services. So the Village will pay the Town $1.00 and keep the $999,9999 which the Town loses. Do the Math. What does that do to your Town taxes? The Town taxpayers have to make up the difference.

Reviewing all the zoning will also cost money not shown in the Preservation Kit either. First, the zoning was to remain, next it was to be reviewed (all of it) and then John Burke's daughter says the 5 laws should be repealed. Do you see where we are going here? The sand is shifting uder their feet and if we elect them, we will all fall into the sink hole with them.

Anonymous said...

I will be voting for the Preservation Team, but only if I can get a guarantee from them---all of us who receive a Village tax bill for over the $84 shown in their Preservation Kit can send our bills to Ralph and he and his team will cover the difference.

Also, they will make up any increase in the Town Budget due to the Village taking the Town's revenue.
cc: to John Burke to help pay this one since he is in charge of the Town's budget and put a letter of support in the Preseravtion Kit flyer and in the newspaper supporting all of this.

If they will put their money and their homes up to guanantee all they said in their Kit, they have my vote.
How about it Preservation Team and Burke?

Anonymous said...

I iwent to Ralph's web site.
He says We offered an alternate debate for the 4 mayoral candidates. The Times Herald Record agreed to host the debate at their office October 30, 2006.
There shouldn't be an alternate debate.
Why should Ralph get to dictate a different debate IN PRIVATE.
Does he also get to choose which questions are asked.
The other candidates will be screwing all of us if they agree to this phony debate.
Don;t let Ralph call the shots. He is already power mad as is.

Anonymous said...

Once again Ralph is demanding that the rest of the world has to play by his rules.
He is playing the Record for suckers.
If any other candidate agrees to go I will definitely NOT vote for him or her and if they all agree then I'm staying home on election day or else I'll write in Harry Truman.
Someone, some time, has to stand up to this bully and say "NO!"

Anonymous said...

The Record didn't even put the story about the debate at the High School on their web site.

They rolled over for Caruso and Larkin.

Anonymous said...

Vote Larkin out Nov 7th

Uncle Betty said...

No Ralph sightings?
Is he hiding deep in his lair?

Anonymous said...

how's my hair?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Chris Mele is letting Ralphie boss him around!!! Chris is not a stupid man, so it can't be that he is fooled by him!

And note to Timber Ridge:

Larkin was the one who wanted to change the way condos and townhouses are assessed, essentially raising YOUR taxes, way more than anything Roland Tiffany could have done to you.
ALL of you in Timber Ridge should make sure that you vote for MCBRIDE for Senator!

Anonymous said...

larkin had nothing to do with roland tiffany's unfair assessment

WHO appointed tiffany to town hall?

people associated with the COMMUNITY party!

a vote for COMMUNITY is a vote for further unfair assessments for townhouses in the new village

if COMMUNITY wins, people in timber ridge will be forced out of woodbury and may sell to KJ buyers

Uncle Betty said...

If we hope to have an effective village government we need to vote for Ralph Caruso and his team.

If anyone else is elected, Caruso will harrass them until they are unable to function. He will spread lies and try to generate rifts.

But if he and his puppets, I mean colleagues, are elected, none of that will happen. All the people who might want to sabotage the government will BE the government.

Only by electing Caruso can we guarantee that the government won't be savaged by Caruso.

There are some people who will try to call this "giving in to extortion."

To that I say "yeah, so?"

Anonymous said...

People associated with the Community Party hired Tiffany? My fellow friend and (neighbor)from Timber ridge, you are sadly mistaken. As a matter of fact I do believe some of the candidates from the community party were at the same tax grievance hearing at the senior center as us.

T. Ridge 2

Anonymous said...

who hired tiffany?

Anonymous said...

Who appointed Tax Re-Assessor Roland Tiffany?

Wasn't it Sheila Conroy who is openly campaigning for the COMMUNITY party?

I'm glad this issue was raised.

We can't afford another reassessment under the COMMUNITY party and their friends

Anonymous said...

Ya right Boob, I mean Bob Donnelly!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of affording. How much money did your lawyer pal make for a day and a half of work Bob? $20,000, $30,000?
Did you get a cut? Did Ralph?

Uncle Betty said...

And yet, still and so far, absolutely no Ralph sightings.

Where are you hiding? We just want to ask a few questions.

In public.

Anonymous said...

Lets review:
And note to Timber Ridge:

Larkin was the one who wanted to change the way condos and townhouses are assessed, essentially raising YOUR taxes, way more than anything Roland Tiffany could have done to you.
ALL of you in Timber Ridge should make sure that you vote for MCBRIDE for Senator!

larkin had nothing to do with roland tiffany's unfair assessment

Larkin supported the bill in the NYState to change the way that condos are assessed. This is a separate issue and another attack on people who decided to live in condos instead of a house for this very reason. This was a State action not a local one. And Larkin was behind it! Vote for McBride!!!

How quickly people forget....

Anonymous said...

As far as the assessor goes, he answers to the STATE! When will you people in Timber Ridge start to THINK and not believe something that a very stupid and evil man tells you?

Anonymous said...

Vote Row D
The Bottom Line for Truth
The Bottom Line for Integrity

Thank you Stephanie, Mike, Pat, Joann and Neil for a job well done!

Anonymous said...

The Preservation Team did not stoop to lies and deception of the people of Woodbury like the community party did! Do not be fooled, they want nothing but to disolve the Village! Do not trust the community party!
The Preservation Team has stated the truth and only the facts!!
Join me tomorrow and:







Experienced individuals who are honest, hardworking and will keep this Village/Towns best interest at heart!!