Friday, November 04, 2005

A few interesting points

A few interesting points about the WP3 (Brodsky) project:

There will be 130 units for seniors. The town’s adult housing law forbids any sale of senior housing to non-seniors.

Brodsky has committed to develop new sources of water which will provide 340,000 gallons a day beyond what the development will use.

The new water connections and storage will improve water pressure for both domestic and fire fighting.

Brodsky must increase the capacity and upgrade the H L E sewage treatment plant at no cost to the H.L.E. residents.

The development will conserve 113 acres (28 % of site) as public open space outside the gated community.

The project is projected to generate approximately $500,000 in school tax revenue per year beyond what it is expected to cost the school system in new students.

Based on average per capita cost, wp3 is expected to net approximately $1,000,000 more in town tax revenue then it will cost the town because the project will have private roads, 24 hour gated security and two on site recreation facilities.

The projections are provided by the town’s independent consultants.

If you are adamently opposed to the project, anything said here will be dismissed and the Uncle is nothing but a sell out. If you are open to it, ask for proof, make up your own mind and realize that that is what the Uncle did. Up to you.


Anonymous said...

yes, congratulations to the women on the town board. it is a sad state of affairs when the females on the board have more cohones than the biological male. there is no doubt in my mind that they did the best thing for woodbury. at least central valley is protected. despite the fact that john burke opposes the project, he will reap the benefits. what makes me laugh is john burke, hank sullivan and their followers will be the first to complain about the taxes. their campaign strategy will cause your taxes to sky rocket. they naively think they can fight kj. they will enforce our zoning. how the hell will they do that? the only way is through the court system. guess what, that means years of endless court battles to TRY to preserve our zoning. years of lawyers. years of bankruptcy. yes, their strategy comes at a BIG PRICE. We the residents of Woodbury have to pay for the court battle. We who have kids in school, taxes to pay, homes to keep are supposed to keep doling out money for a court fight that WE WILL LOSE. why will we lose that court battle? because of RLUIPA laws, which protect those groups of "super-minority" status. the hasidic are one of those "super-minority" status. the courts go above and beyond to protect their civil rights. So Mr. Burke will have this town throw away our hard earned dollars to fight a fight we can't win. Just look at Rockland. they have lost every fight. So while Mr. Burke promises to uphold our zoning, KJ will scoff up more and more and just wait for the courts to hand it over. it's not enough that we have to fight for ace farm, now we have to worry about the sankowitz bed and breakfast. I hear they want some type of boarding school with over 400 students. i am sure glad I don't live over there. anyway, thanks ladies for standing up for woodbury

Anonymous said...

Sheila Conroy, above anyone else in office, has the foresight, intelligence, common sense and COURAGE to know what is best for this town. Her years of DEDICATED, TIRELESS service to this town deserve our respect and our votes. Can you imagine John Burke staying in Town Hall from 8am to 11pm on any given day completing the business of our town, researching documents and thinking outside of the box?? He can barely stay awake through the longer Town Board meetings. Remember folks, this is a FULL TIME JOB. That misleading flyer the Democratic ticket of Burke, Reveilee and Haviland sent out stated an increase in taxes of 25%...ya, when you take our fairly untouched rates and tack on Eddie Diana's overinflated, slush fund increases (those of which Roxanne Donnery voted AGAINST)...but we have been fortunate that in today's world, our Supervisor and budget officer have seen to it that our Town taxes have remained stable. Can anyone really complain that services have been cut? Oh, the employees, since unionizing, will say they are without a contract, but do the homework and the math. They really should be considering themselves lucky and take the 16% increase over 4 years with FULL health insurance. And so, come Tuesday, either vote honestly based on research into the last four years, or vote based on smoke , mirrors, lies, hidden political agendas and backroom deals.