Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Campaign Short Takes

Last week's Photo News had the Woodbury Republicrat's ad featuring John, Darleen and Bo (remember him) as well as 15 different type faces and a misspelling of Darleen's last name. Now that's impressive.


The same issue had an ad for Ralph which not only didn't tell you what he was running for. In the photo, Ralph, the dark gray candidate, was against a dark gray background and he was nearly invisible. Good move, the more we see of Ralph, the harder it is to sell him to the public.


A recent T.H.R. carried a letter from Adrienne Burke (wife of the Democratic candidate) backing Henry (Hank) (the first and only candidate in the history of the "Save Our Town" Party).

During the primary, Henry( Hank)’s supporters were caught off guard when it was pointed out to them that they should list reasons to vote for the man. “Holy Crap,” they must have thought, “there must be some reason. The best they could come up with was “He attends meetings.”

Then, when they realized how really, really pathetic that sounded, they went back into a huddle.
Among the ideas that were rejected were: “speaks at meetings,” “speaks while dancing at meetings,” “reads what we hand him at meetings” and “often stays awake at meetings.”

They briefly considered Darleens’s suggestion: “Let’s just make something up.”

Then Ralph Caruso decided it was time to crack the whip. “You’ll come up with four reasons to vote for Henry (Hank) or I’m going to take the muzzle and restraints off Don Siebold and leave the room.”

It worked. Adrienne Burke was soon able to sign a letter to the Times Herald and/or Record explaining why Henry (Hank) was the way to go: “Hank Sullivan has presented positive alternative suggestions to such things as a safe location for the cell tower, the formation of a town ethics committee, more public participation time, tough questions for developers, etc.”

OK, the Ethics Board would be a good thing. It would also keep someone like, say, Ralph, from chairing both a political committee and the Zoning Board of Appeal (I wonder why Mike Erroneous didn’t vote for it).

“Tough questions for developers”? Okiedoke. The Uncle is thorough. I read through the public hearing transcript until I found a question by Henry (Hank). I found it in this paragraph:

“All these impacts suggested that they have a resolve by the developer. However, if we look close and check the proposed laws to be enacted along with the developer’s proposal, we find many conflicting statements. I will give you one: seniors, of which I am one, seniors are being taken care of. However, it further states seniors don’t have children. That makes someone else feel bad - the taxpayers. Seniors don’t have children, so their taxes will keep the school taxes down. Ask yourself; is this really helping us seniors?”

I agree, the developers would have a tough time answering that one. They might even have a tough time understanding it.

“More public participation time” Aw, for crying out loud. More? Offer less and I’d consider voting for you.

And at the head of the list of reasons to vote for Henry(Hank) there is: “Hank Sullivan has presented positive alternative suggestions to such things as a safe location for the cell tower...”

Yesiree Bob. Hank did in fact suggest putting the tower on Schunemunk Mountain. And while it turns out that reception wouldn’t have been so hot, it wasn’t a bad suggestion. But he made it SIX YEARS AGO! That’s how far back you have to go to find four examples of Hank’s “positive, alternate suggestions?”

Oh my stars and little fishes.


Anonymous said...

what page are the burke & caruso ads? i dont see them

Uncle Betty said...

Photo News, 10/28
Burke right side of 15
Caruso bottom of 33

Anonymous said...

They (Caruso, Burke and company) talk about spending...they must has spent at least $450 per ad, for what??? You can tell they are quite creative, and really know how to problem solve and think outside the box, ah?!? Picture it, John with his monotone voice going on, and on and on, then Ralph in the legislature, and no one shows up!!! Oh ya, they'll accomplish alot!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey who is this candidate "NOT" running with caruso?

Anonymous said...

i'm learning SEQRA so i can take over woodbury when sheila runs against county legislator caruso next election.

brodsky reserved a unit for me under the table.


Anonymous said...

dear uncle betty
I see signs for Herb Potvin. Is he running agaisnt Heny Hank? Please explain.
thank you

Anonymous said...

Herb Potvin are two people:

Carol Herb - Tax Collector since 1988
Desiree Potvin - Town Clerk since 1999

I think it is great they spent money on signs even though there is no one running against them.

Anonymous said...

You're an IDIOT Johnnie Boy Swiller. I think you like to hear yourself talk, cause no one else does. Go back to primary residence in the city. Nobody wants you here!

Anonymous said...

Aw Don, just when I thought we were hitting it off.

Anonymous said...

That will be a great day when JS leaves our town!

Anonymous said...

It's so funny how clueless you really are Johnnie boy. There are so many people out there that don't like you and you don't even realize it because you are oblivious to the obvious. Everyone knows that you are doing nothing for this town, except stinking it up! You are such a disturbed individual Johnnie boy. SEEK HELP IMMEDIATLY!

Anonymous said...

Hey UB why don't you look into JS or is it that UB is really Swiller?
We all know that he is a double agent, working for the other group in KJ I am sure they paid for the gas when his group took the signs!We all know that SOCA stands for Stealing Other Candidates Assets!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous (the one who refered to JS as a double agent)

Are you going to start the stories about the blood sacrifices now? That tactic DID work during the Inquistion, a proud time in history.(sarcasm impied, in case you are too stupid to get it!)

Cousin Louie

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Hey UB why don't you look into JS or is it that UB is really Swiller?
We all know that he is a double agent, working for the other group in KJ I am sure they paid for the gas when his group took the signs!We all know that SOCA stands for Stealing Other Candidates Assets!

10:07 AM

Dear Uncle Betty:

Does this sound like the Ankle biter himself?? The man that is so stupid he thinks...he thinks.. wait a minute, he doesn't.

Love to Oz

Auntie M

Anonymous said...

Dear Cousin Louie :
Go steal some more signs!
SOCA stands for Stealing Other Candidates Assets!

Anonymous said...

Listen Auntie M AKA:( Mindy Prosperi) you and your friend Binder should just move because we are getting the land anyway! Your friend Bill will sell it to us after your weak board members give him what he wants. Because we will offer him 3x times what we gave for the farm.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous,
If you're going to attack Swiller, how about signing your real name,or are you afraid that Jonathan will kick the living shit out of you?
He's obviously much smarter than you and you know it, otherwise you wouldn't hide in the shadows like the wussy you are.

Anonymous said...

Now let the boy be, Auntie M. You know the therapist said Don needed a hobby and this is a lot better than trying to ram people with his car.

(And you thought he was too emotionally damaged to play nice with others.)

Anonymous said...

You too Moonwalker. Don just doesn't take well to criticism. He'll just start ranting again, something about a bow hunting trip and a pair of banjos and then he'll start making those annoying pig squeals.

Anonymous said...

I tell you, it is hysterical to see Ralphie boy and company running so scared, isn't it? For years he's delighted in the misery of others, and now he just has to be sweating bullets seeing the obvious end of his empire...can you go after Erroneous next??

Anonymous said...

Hi gang! Check out Mikie's website, where he triumphantly announces "A Big Zero for Woodbury!" Maybe if his boss, Ralph Caruso would allow our town to apply for anything other than what Mr. Larkin wants to dangle during election time, we'd have some of that $$ too! Get off your ass Mr. Aronowitz and apply, since it just doesn't fall in your lap you know!! How many times has Roxanne Donnery urged the town to apply, but then from the back of the room Ralph's hand touches his ear or his nose, or slides off that greasy head of his, and YOU see the signal and jump up and down, stating one false reason after another why, oh why it wouldn't be in the best interest of Woodbury to apply. Hey pal, you can't have it both ways.

Caruso says he's a proven leader and done soooooooooooooooooo much, then why has he effectively stopped you guys from even dealing with the county, wasting precious time and grant money? Sounds like he's held us hostage long enough, the arrogant jerk.

Anonymous said...

I have always been disgusted by what a hateful little shit Don Siebold is.

The part time resident as you call him has done more for the town and the county in one year then you've done in your life.

If there is a stink in the air it's the flop sweat from you and Caruso as you see everything you built on top of your mountain of hatred and envy collapse.

You really are a worthless little puke.

Some people poked fun at Robin because she is short. She is a giant inside. On the other hand, Don, you are stunted through and through.

You want to tell me to leave too? I came here before you were born you bed bug.

Go bite an ankle.

Great Uncle A

Anonymous said...

Say it isn't so, UB really Swiller! Wow, what a suprise. He must really love to talk in the third person.

Anonymous said...

You know they say when you keep making fun of someone, you must really like them. I guess we all know who J.S. really likes!

Anonymous said...

That's the best you can come up with Don???

Anonymous said...

It's you Don. You and only you, you tease!

Anonymous said...

FYI Also running for Legislature
is Frank Palermo on the Independence Line...anyting to keep Ralphie boy off