Sunday, October 30, 2005

You're Either Part of the Solution or You're Part of the Precipitate

So, this set of questions was just posted. Shall we help a brother out?

Anonymous said...
thought i posted this here but cant seem to find it now...i'm new to woodbury and trying to figure out the politics without having my head spin.

please list the positions of the following on the kj pipeline:
caruso v. donnery
conroy v. burke
the people running for council
diana v. edelstein

you have a very funny blog but i have no idea who's who.
help a brother out.
11:12 AM

Mind if we expand beyond the pipeline and add annexation and other fine things from those wonderful people who run Kiryas Joel?

Caruso v Donnery
Caruso is for a moratorium and against the Brodsky project. The main fallout from those positions would be more large chunks of land on the market to be bought up by guess who. Caruso is the gofer for Bill Larkin, KJ's best friend in Albany. The Uncle agrees with the growing number of people who expect that Ralph hope to take over that position from bill and to get there he plans to be in a position to hand over the Western end of Highland Mills to KJ and then claim "Peace in our time."

Roxanne and Frank Fornario have been the two leading the fight against the Pipeline. They introduced the resolution calling on NYC to drop the plan (which was expected to go nowhere, but, with a major assist from SOCA passed 20 to 1) and they led the fight (along with Spencer McLaughlin) to force the County to sue to challenge KJ's Environmental Impact Statement on the Pipeline.

Conroy v Burke
Burke was asked for his plan to prevent annexation. He said "we have lawyers." No one told him that our delightful neighbor, Mr. Szegedin, has lawyers too. Lots of them. And oodles of money to pay them. We'd go bankrupt before they broke a sweat.

Conroy says that the strongest tool to use against annexation is SEQRA (the State Environmental Quality Review Act). She is considered one of the county's two major experts in SEQRA - the other is Mike Edelstein. She also took part in the talks held by SOCA At Work and the Kiryas Joel dissidents that ended with their dropping their petition to annex a chunk of Woodbury.

The People Running for Council

Gerri took part in the talks mentioned just above.

Queenan: Dunno

Haviland: Dunno

Henry (Hank): all we know is that he announced he would vote against any zoning change that any developer requested, which, by law, now means that if he were on the Board he wouldnt be allowed to vote, because he has already prejudged the issue.

Darleen: As posted here in lots of places - she has said "I don't care about the town, I just care about my home." (yes, she really did say that) and "I don't care if Brodsky sells it to K.J. What do I care, as long as they build at the current zoning." Most telling is the point that Swiller made. When Sheila and the Board got the dissidents to cancel their annexation petition, Darleen complained to the NY dept of state that they were holding illegal meetings - that's the lowest. She is willing to screw the town to score political points. Henry (Hank), for example, would be a disaster on the board, but that's due to stupidity and incompetence, I don't think anyone doubts that he loves Woodbury. Darleen, obviously, doesn't give a monkey fart.

Diana v Edelstein: Diana is in the tank for the powers that be in KJ. HE rolled over on every confrontation. When they filed their environmental impact statement, he sat on it for 6 weeks trying to run out the clock on any court challenge, when they made illegal sewer hookups, he said bad boys, don't do it too often and allowed the hookups to stay. He dragged his feet on suing and was forced into it by Frank, Rox and Spencer McL.
Edelstein sees the problem of expanded use of our resources, the question is, does he have any real answers? Dunno. The Uncle will look into that one and report back.


Anonymous said...

OIn your own very "uncle-like" way you have cleared up some of the issues for me (I think!) so thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

uncle betty,
i appreciate your detailed response. though not as simplified as a list of who's for & who's against, it gives me a better idea who to vote for and who to avoid.
because in my heart of hearts, i cannot vote for any candidate who uses fear as a campaign tactic. fear of the different; fear of the other.
for what is this whole kiryas joel expansion controversy based on but fear?
where would savemonroe or soca be without fear? where would donnery or fornario be without fear?
where are the protests against a target built on top of a walmart?
where are the roadside signs against timber ridge phase 4?
where is the outrage over construction of a new cosmos pizzeria and dunkin' donuts at the hellhole intersection of rts. 32, 17 & 6?
where are the blogs, where are the websites?
where is the anger against out-of-control growth?
other communities protest big box stores and corporations. in woodbury we protest people.
we hate the idea of more of them so much, we want to choke off their water supply.
instead of their living space expanding in conjuction with their population, we want to ghettoize them onto one side of rt. 105.
we use code words like "bloc vote" and "people of similar belief" when what we really mean is JEWS. orthodox jews. satmars.
let's not beat around the bush.
you sound like you like straight talk, so why don't you let it all out:
while orange county has the fastest growing population in new york state, you want to deny water to kiryas joel so that more of those coming aren't jews.

Anonymous said...

So what committee did Mr. Burke ever participate on?....oh, how about Henry Hank? ....oh, how about Miss Reveille¿...oh.
NEVER MIND!!!!! Got it!!!!
Maybe we could say they all are on the ¨VIDEO CAMERA at Town Hall¨ committee...¡Buenas Noches!

Anonymous said...

"highland bill"
Since you mentioned SOCA, I feel I ought to respond. The Uncle can do what the Uncle chooses to do.

Let’s start with anti-semitism. Yes, there is anti-semitism in Orange County. There is racism too. Neither is as rampant as in decades past, but they are there. As a Jew who, for years, has written about anti-semitism and racism and attempted to do what I could about them, I am well aware of this.

I am also well aware that there are also Jews who will act poorly and then blame the condemnation they receive on anti-semitism. There are Blacks who will act unfairly and blame the reaction to that on racism. And what this does is make it all the harder to point out real bigotry when it arises. It is a selfish and careless exploitation of one’s own people’s ill treatment to try and get away with something. And it stinks.

“Ghettoize”? How dare you? I and SOCA have said from the start (and so have many, many others ANYONE SHOULD FEEL FREE TO LIVE ANYWHERE. To say that I don’t want the corrupt current leadership (and it is corrupt) of Kiryas Joel to take over my part of Woodbury and make it part of Village where zoning is a joke is a far cry from saying “Jews keep out!!”
Am I afraid of annexation? Do I want others to be afraid? No, I believe that it can be prevented. But, I do want people to be aware and concerned and active in working to prevent annexation.

And you consider that bigotry? How is it bigotry to say, I chose to live in my town and that is where I wish to remain?

Who is pushing fear? Who is saying “newcomers keep out?” That is what I see Burke and Caruso doing. All the while spreading lies about “high density” while their underlings spread vile rumors about their opponents.

What should Woodbury be doing about Walmart and Target? They were built in Monroe, a town whose board is way too acquiescent to Gedalye Szegedin. SOCA at Work aims to prevent that from happening here.

And if you are bothered by Staples and Kohl’s and the rest, why are you asking “Where was the protest?” If you are the least bit sincere and if that mattered to you YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE PROTEST.

You say you value straight talk and honesty. Why don’t you print your name? I have. Until then I can only assume that you have a hidden agenda. If you are not one of the candidates (or one of their pack of attack dogs) telling us who you are shouldn’t be a problem. If you are, then stop trying to trick us.

Anti-semitism is enough of a real problem as is, without some figure in the shadows using it to frighten his opponents into silence.

Jonathan Swiller

Anonymous said...

you say there are "jews who will act poorly." who are these jews? are you painting the residents of kiryas joel with a broad brush? that's stereotyping.
you have to forgive me, i am trying to learn the history of the area in a short amount of time so please correct me if i am inaccurate: in the past wasn't kiryas joel accused of drying up the wells of monroe-woodbury? weren't they supposed to find another water source? now that they have, they are accused of what? getting too much water??? first too little water, now too much water. those silly jews and their unquenching thrist for water! what about our open space???
i see condos and townhouses and planned unit developments popping up all over highland mills. what is soca's position on these new homes? on the new big box stores & restaurants in central valley & harriman? are you trying to stop population growth in woodbury, or just the growth of a certain population?
if satmars were to start buying already-built homes in timber ridge, what would be your reaction? would you be okay with it as this would not be new construction, or would you start using code words for "orthodox jews" such as "bloc vote"?
i understand you are jewish but so were marx and trotsky, smart men, both of them. but some of the biggest anti-semites are jews themselves. and they are the worst kind of anti-semite because they give legitimacy to anti-semitism by showing their non-jewish neighbors that it's ok.
i am by no means implying that this describes your motives, but i do not know that it doesn't. the whole anti-kiryas joel movement smacks of classical european anti-semitism. i read an article where a town supervisor called the jews of kiryas joel "a parasite community." surely, as a researcher of anti-semitism, you realize the implications of this kind of terminology and the dangers that can follow.
please, if you are for slowed growth in our town, be consistent in your work. go after the new condos and big businesses with as much gusto as you go after the jews of kiryas joel.
otherwise, one cannot be blamed for thinking your inconsistency is based on a deeper character flaw.

Anonymous said...

I see now that who and what you are, Felberman. I will not play your moronic word twisting game. All those questions were already answered. But as ever, you pretend they weren't. You lie as you breath.
Felberman, you have a history of celebrating, even trying to provok anti-semitism so that you can then use it for political goals.
That makes you worse than a sonder komando.
May your mother curse her own womb.
You are pig droppings to all Jews.
Go from here and foul another place.
I apologize to all readers for this foulness that has crept in. Felberman is a vile excuse for human flesh. He is walking corruption. Give me a thousand Carusos before one such as him.

Anonymous said...

i am not whoever you accuse me to be although i find it strange that suddenly your name has no link attached so i wonder if you are who you claim to be.

regardless, i would appreciate a civilized response to the points i made.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to see that Gedalye Szegedin has sent in his trained pig to this blog. And that he intervenes on the political side that I oppose.
Caruso and Burke have no idea what vermin has come crawling in to their aid, or even they would shudder and bathe.
Felberman is from Monsey, not Orange County. He is not Satmar, he is Bobover - much to that community's shame. He slithers up here to do his dirty work, leaving a slime trail that stinks for a month.

Anonymous said...

You have no right to demand civility Felberman.
You are feral trash.

Anonymous said...

wow. you really are insane.

you should put this stuff on your signs.

thanks for not answering my questions.

p.s. i am not "felberman." i actually am someone who moved here recently and have been doing research for the past couple of days so i know who the hell to vote for next week. thanks for helping out!

Uncle Betty said...

Whoa, deep breath time Swiller.
Though I see what you mean about word twisting. Whosever this guy is, he's totally uninterested in your answers except to pretend that you said something else.
If he is this Felberman (or even if he isn't) he is only interested in spreading lies. For example, he tosses in that you are "going after the Jews of Kiryas Joel." You said anyone can live here and then he pretends the opposite.

I suppose if he were anyone other than this Felberman jackoff, he could easily prove it by giving his name.

OK, I'm sold.

Uncle Betty said...

By the way Swiller, Since when do you keep thses hours, if I knew you were up I'd play cribbage with you online.

Anonymous said...

Whoever this creep is, that fact that he plans to vote against Sheila and the others says that the people in KJ who pay this a-hole's salary sure want Burke and Caruso to win.
Go get him Swiller!

Anonymous said...

We are not voting for Gerri and Sheila becuase they are anti-semitism! All jews should remember the supervisor and her buddy are working with builders to change the zoning and allow hundreds of homes to stop "jews" which they have being saying as they walk around town. They say do you want those people living next to you? Those people will take over our town? If they get that side on the mountain we all we be in trouble!Those people have 8 kids, if that is not anti-semitism you tell me what is? I am sure if they had their way they would want us to wear Stars on our Shirts! Any jew not just "satmars" should not VOTE FOR JEW HATERS!

Anonymous said...

This highland bill has to be a KJ operative. I agree with Swiller and others.

Again, i said it on here before...the Carusoites are getting desperate. We must all be doing something right.

We are now one week and one day from election day. This boys and girls will be one of the most historic weeks leading to what will be the most historic elections in the history of this town. The fact that KJ is starting to get involved should tell all of you what this election is all about. It's about saving Woodbury. Not from Jews or from whomever. I dont care if this was a group of Christians trying to annex my town!! This is about whether we are going to have a Woodbury governed by the people of Woodbury, or a Woodbury governed from KJ Village Hall...just like Monroe is. Are we going to have a Woodbury led by people who will fight to the bitter end to save our town, or a Woodbury governed by selfish individuals who care only about their future political careers...who will sell our town to the highest bidder.

All those of you out there that are democrats....i implore you to break with your party in this election. These democrats running are not real democrats. They are controlled by the Republican Chairman of this town. The Republican Chairman, Ralph Caruso who does not even support his own team because they stand for Woodbury not with him. This election is not about party. This election is about Woodbury. Vote for the Woodbury candidates, Vote, Conroy, Gianzero, Queenan, Donnery.

Anonymous said...

I do not live in KJ, but I do live in Woodbury and have for years. I recently had a visit from your three candidates Conroy, Gianzero, Queenan and I guess they failed to see my Mezuzah on my door. I was shocked to hear them speak about what will happen if those people get that land and the way they spoke with such hate for Jews it made me sick, my grandfather who was a survivor from the camps had heard them speak he would have kicked them right off the steps! We live in American where all people are to be free, if you elect this team I am sure they will allow KKK meeting next!

Anonymous said...

The depths that Caruso, Donnelly, Seibold, Sullivan, Burke and their gang will sink to in an attempt to hijack our town is absolutely abhorrent. To think that the good people, including Conroy and Gianzero and the rest of us have had to breathe the same air as you vicious, loathsome characters is enough to make me sick. Anyone who knows Conroy and Gianzero also know they would NEVER speak like you are saying...and if you're SO upset, why not state your name and file an official complaint. You're going down Ralph, and it will be great to sit back and watch! Can we listen for the screech "I'm melting!"???

Anonymous said...

Sorry I will post my name when everyone else does! Botton line the three of them are:
Anti-Semitism was common in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s (though its roots go back much further).
On April 1, 1933, shortly after Hitler's accession to power, the Nazis, led mainly by Julius Streicher, and the Sturmabteilung, organized a one-day boycott of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany. A series of increasingly harsh racist laws were soon passed in quick succession. Under the “Law for the Restoration of a Professional Civil Service”, passed by the Reichstag on April 7, 1933, all Jewish civil servants at the Reich, Länder, and municipal levels of government were fired immediately. This was followed by the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 that prevented marriage between any Jew and non-Jew, and stripped all Jews, even quarter- and half-Jews, of German citizenships (their official title became "subject of the state"). This meant that they had no basic civil rights, e.g., to vote. In 1936, Jews were banned from all professional jobs, effectively preventing them having any influence in education, politics, higher education and industry. On 15 November of 1938, Jewish children were banned from going to normal schools. By April 1939, nearly all Jewish companies had either collapsed under financial pressure and declining profits, or had been forced to sell out to the Nazi-German government.

Anonymous said...

I think the Uncle should require those wishing to comment to identify themselves somehow. It's diffiult to make it known to which Anonymous I'm referring.
This is to the moron who would lead us to believe the total bullshit which is his or her comment!
Shelia, Geri and Mike did not spew the filth you're trying to make us believe. Anyone who knows the first thing about these candidates knows they're absolutely incapable of this hatred.
You should crawl back into the sewer where your stink won't offend the rest of your kind. You are an insult to humanity. Please, just slither away!

Anonymous said...

Caruso and gang have hit an all time low, and MUST be running scared, since it appears they've got someone with a knowledge of history doing their writing! Unfortunately, whomever is spewing the lies about Conroy and Gianzero forgot to react to what Caruso and thugs are trying to get away with in turning our town into a Village. They are quite loudly saying "STAY OUT", and costing us taxpayers hundreds of thousands to have to defend a lawsuit. But that's supposed to be ok?? Wake up Woodbury and realize that Ralph Caruso is a dangerous and treacherous individual, who, along with his loyal gang of jerks will stop at nothing to take over Woodbury. Since his pal Stanise jumped the border to Harriman, and Ralph became king of his secretive Republican committee, he has set into motion his ultimate plan to run everything, make all appointments to all our boards, put himself in as our county legislator, and finally replace his boss Bill Larkin. He has used and abused people long enough. It's time to say goodbye to the rhetoric and lies.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you that the mothers of Mentsch Makers will not be voting for those three!

Anonymous said...

As a mother of little ones myself, I would ask that you take the time to investigate there horrific allegations before reacting. Would you tell your children to believe everything they read or hear without trying their best to go to the source? Why not be objective and contact the accused individuals and discuss these charges? There is a certain degree of logic that needs to be used in these situations, like in the politically correct society that we all live, don't you find it funny that these charges against Conroy & Gianzero & Queenan only surface now, a week before the election when they have little chance to defend themselves? Were these tales true, don't you think the cry of injustice would have been heard loudly throughout the valley all summer? Give me a break, and realize that anyone can post on these sites, and be as vicious and immoral as need be to win an election. The responsible party sees the writing on the wall, and knows his Republican monarchy is slipping from his grasp. Just watch the firestorm of accusations and innuendo that he will unleash this week as he desperately tries to hold on, BUT truth and justice will prevail Mr. Caruso!

Anonymous said...

Careful Uncle Betty, as Mikie "the brown-nosed guard dog to Ralphie" Aronowitz has posted your IP address on his website. Are you scared yet??

Anonymous said...

To Highland Bill:

In one breath you are a newcomer who pretends to want information, on the other breath, you know way too much for someone new to town.
The fear that you refer to is actually the method employed by the Caruso/Burke/Sullivan gang NOT
by Conroy/Gianzero/Queenan.

You aks about the protests to various projects in town like the expansion of Timber Ridge, Cosimos the interchange, etc: Guess what, there was protest over those issues! Is the Thruway authority solely Jewish? Is Cosimo Jewish? (Olivetti was...)So, is your proclaimed anti-jewish sentiment the cause of that as well?

The issue about KJ expansion is about a development style, a lifestyle and other behaviors that the people of Woodbury have a right to refuse. Do you think that they should just sit like sheep and say "OK I don't like it, but because I am afraid that they will say I am anti semetic I won't say anything." ("Anti-semite" also means anti-arab; it refers to other semite people from the Middle East, so maybe you should be more accurate in your teminology).
The bullying tactics of the majority government in KJ will not be tolerated. And if you want to paint sincere, hardworking and courageous candidates like Conroy, Gianzero and Queenan with the brush of prejudice, then maybe you are the word twister Ari Felberman. I have heard you speak,Ari, and marvel at how you can twist the meaning of things. You are very good at it; that is why you are the "Hired gun" for the village. And another item, there are Jews who live in Woodbury, who just happen to not be Satmar. What do you say to those Jews? That they are self hating because, they too, do not want to be bullied?

And to "Anonymous" who calls Conroy/Gianzero/Queenan "Jew Haters" you only illustrate the desparation of the Caruso/Burke team! Anyone who knows Sheila, Gerri and Mike knows that this is far from the truth.

Whatever happened to intelligent informed debate on the issues? Is that concept totally dead?

Thanks for the space, Uncle

Auntie M

Anonymous said...

Highland Bill, let me direct this at YOU... and anyone else who falls prey to your crap. I am not aftraid to tell you who I am..
I am Mindy Prosperi
1) A home owner in Highland Mills
2) A member of the SocA at Work executive Board
3)The Past President and Treasure of the Gombin Society (Look up my name on Google and you will see the historical and restoration work we have done for the memory of the Jews of Gombin, Poland)
4)I am the daughter of a sole surviving family member of the Holocaust
5) I am a member of the Monroe Temple Holocaust Memorial Committee
6)I am the mother of a Mensch Maker graduate who will be Bar Mitzvahed this year.
7)And YES, you guessed it I am a Jew!

Hey Billy Boy... accusing people of such crimes without signinging your name... slime! How dare you? I consider anti-semitism to be a really big child abuse and other hate crimes. Accusing someone as a political move is itself a heinous crime. Not politically modivated? Why not sign your name?

I more than think...I know that you owe Roxanne Donnery,Frank Fornario, Sheila Conroy, Gerri Gianzero and Mike Queenan a major appology for insinuating that they are protecting our lands because the people breaking the laws "might" be Jewish. I happen to know several of the people you accused quite well and I consider them to be friends. Any YES. they are very aware that I am a outspoken one at that. I think they ought to sue you..hey could that be why you don't sign your name???

The issues at hand are NOT religious issues and you know that too.

As for the mothers of Mensch Makers...please feel free to call me to talk about these lies. If you do not already know how to reach me... call the temple...I am an active member and they know how to reach me.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I am not signing my name, but Ralph is one dirty fighting pig f---er.
He counted on us being afraid, He didn't count on people like Mindy and Jonathan and I thank you both and Woodbury is lucky to have Soca At Work.
Ralph, read what people have written here. See what we think of you. You should know that the day you leave Woodbury there will be a celebration. Think of that, this town will celebrate that you leave. What does that say about you? What do all the unsigned entries say about you?
I hope that celebration comes soon. Go away Ralph. The day you came here was a bad day.

Anonymous said...

I'll buy the beer for the party and help pay for the catering ;-) What a glorius day that will be!!

Anonymous said...

thank you mindy for speaking up. everyone is absolutely right. it is coming down to the wire and burke/caruso/sullivan/mullouly/siebold are bringing out the big guns. they will say anything, no matter how vile it is to win. they would eat their young. this is not an anti-semite issue. THIS IS A CONTROL ISSUE. kj wants to control woodbury. ralph wants to control woodbury. it seems everyone wants a piece of woodbury and they are willing to spew whatever lies they want. conroy, gianzero & queenan are only looking out for woodbury. they want woodbury to remain woodbury, loyal only to the town of woodbury. they are NOT anti-semites, anti-black, anti-hispanic, anti-chinese, anti-builder, they are dedicated individuals who only want what we all moved up here for. they wan't to live on their little piece of property, go to work, go to school, raise their kids and go home at night. they want to wake up in the morning knowing that the town they moved into remains the same beautiful melting pot that it is, NOT A CLOSED SOCIETY WITHOUT ANYONE ELSE INVITED. So you evil lying dog, take your lies and crawl back in the hole you came from. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU>

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Uncle Betty said...

Highland Bill Felberman has been deleted. We will continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

wow. so many anonymous people, including the blogmaster and everyone's calling me out to reveal myself. how ironic!
i wonder how many of the anonymous people are really uncle betty him/herself. i do admit, your blog is rather amusing.
i am flattered that you think i am an insider. let me explain simply how i have come upon the secret knowledge of the woodbury / kiryas joel controversy.
i used the internet. i did a google search, a times herald record search, a blog search and i read last week's photo news. i came across this webpage:
which gave me a lot of background info on soca & kj.
in the photo news, i saw an ad by roxanne donnery taking credit for leading the fight against more satmars coming to the area by fighting against their water supply. a little more searching and i found fornario joined her.
i have not said anything bad about "sheila" and "gerri" and "queenan". i have no idea what their views are on this issue as the anonymous (irony!) uncle betty didnt really give much info.
i did question soca & savemonroe's consistency in fighting growth of one ethnic population while saying nothing about new condo developments or big box stores & chain restaurants. i think this is a very valid point.
i have been accused of being a bobover jew from monsey named "felberman". this is almost seinfeld-esque in its humor.
i assure you, i am neither satmar or bobover or even orthodox.
god god god.
see? would a frum jew do that?
hopefully, who i am NOT has been cleared up.
i do have more questions however.
why are you against caruso but not conroy, queenan & gerri? arent they on the same line? arent burke & donnery on the same line?
i see your points against caruso but why do you hate burke besides his hair? does anyone know anything about amidee & reville and their positions on this issue?
do political parties mean anything in woodbury or is everything blurred? (i am an independent so i dont mind splitting my vote.) also, are you voting for diana as he just won the suit against kj or do you think edelstein will take a harsher stance against the whole environmental thing? uncle betty mentioned SEQRA. what is this?
please answer the questions.

Uncle Betty said...

My, how nice and reasonable you sound. How in the world could anyone have taken offense?

Perhaps it was your lines comparing Swiller to Communists like Lenin and Trotsky and your references to self-hating Jews.

Where are your specious lines like “I am by no means implying that this describes your motives, but i do not know that it doesn't.” I don’t mean to suggest that you are a thief and a murderer, but I have no proof that you aren’t.

Come on now. Tell us again that you have no ax to grind.

Swiller said: “ I and SOCA have said from the start (and so have many, many others ANYONE SHOULD FEEL FREE TO LIVE ANYWHERE.”

And you respond:
“ if satmars were to start buying already-built homes in timber ridge, what would be your reaction? would you be okay with it as this would not be new construction, or would you start using code words for ‘orthodox jews’ such as ‘bloc vote’?” As if he had not already addressed that. You are noy interested in answers to your questions. You are interested in preading lies and confusion.

And now you rush to defend John Burke. Why is that? You lie about Roxanne who never fought against Satmars.

You invent that “the whole anti-kiryas joel movement smacks of classical european anti-semitism.” as if just making such a vile accusation makes it true.

You accuse him of “go(ing) after the Jews of kiryas joel.” This is a vile lie. I have never seen Swiller or SOCA “you go after the jews of kiryas joel.” You invent a non-existent inconsistancy and then say that it points to a “deeper character flaw.”

And now you post as if you are a nice, innocent new-comer who just has some questions. You aren’t just full of crap, you are obvious about it.

Anonymous said...

Highland Bill, Highland Will, Ari Felberman, whomever you are:

Yes, Conroy, Gianzero, Queenan, and Caruso are on the same name only. Caruso doesn’t support his team because he bashes them all the time as being for the development off Dunderberg. He doesn’t support them, because they, like many of us are pro-Woodbury not Pro-Caruso. See, whomever you are, if you claim to be ignorant to what’s going on let me tell you how it is here in the Land of Woodbury. Here in Woodbury, you are either with Caruso or against Caruso. To him you are either his underling, or one of his enemies. There is no middle ground, no respect for opposing views, no lets talk things over. It is what he wants and if you aren’t with him on it you are against him. Even if you are a Republican, or even on the committee he chairs.

Yes, Burke and Donnery are on the same line. But i refer you to my previous statement. Caruso does not support his own team he supports whomever will do his work for him regardless of party. Due to the fact the democrats have sold out to Caruso that means Burke, Reville (and Forget Haviland...he is not really running) are with Caruso along with Independent Hank Sullivan, whom Caruso is on the same Independent line with.

You ask does party matter in Woodbury? Nope..dosent matter, because the two parties in Woodbury are not loyal to their own. In Woodbury you are not a Republican or a Democrat. As i said earlier you are a Carusoite or an Anti-Carusoite. Your with Ralph or you wanna run him out of town. That’s what this election is about.

And as for the Anti-Semite BS. Lets cut the crap. There are good people in KJ, people that care about the surrounding community. The ones that care helped by agreeing not to annex in to KJ the land that they owned. That deal was because of the so called "anti-Semites" Conroy, Gianzero, Swiller, and others went to bat for this town and some good KJ people stopped and listened. Maybe if we removed the Caruso's, the Szegedin's the Larkin's and all the other troublemakers, we could bring peice and stability to our respective communities. Because if the dominant KJ sect keeps stirring the pot...then yeah the real anti-semetic stuff is gonna start and that’s where it is not going to be good. Not good for anyone in either community.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious who's behind the Highland Bill/Will character, so the best thing for us all to do is treat him like a spoiled child, and ignore his bad behavior. Remember "The least said, the easiest mended". Truth and honesty will prevail. Only 8 days to go.

Anonymous said...

you write:

"if the dominant KJ sect keeps stirring the pot...then yeah the real anti-semetic stuff is gonna start"

two questions:

1. does "stirring the pot" mean reproducing, moving in, or drinking water?

2. is "the real anti-semitic stuff is gonna start" a threat or just a warning?

Anonymous said...

Is anyone out there listening? Why give this individual any fuel for his fire? His ignorance should be our bliss. Let his babbling burn itself out by ignoring his inflammatory remarks. Good people of Woodbury, don't fall prey to this nonsense. We all know what is best for our future, and we will show it in the voting booths on election day.

Anonymous said...

I will answer your two questions, and then yes i will agree with a couple of others on here and no longer respond to your babblings.

If KJ cares they will control their population, and their useage of water. They would seek land in other areas and start new communities. Instead of thumbing their noses at us and telling us they they will in essence do what they want and take what they want.

As a christian i do not support violent acts against others. I do not state that the real anti semetic stuff will start as a threat on my part but as a warning. We have seen it time and time again in history that when people feel their backs are to the wall they will lash out. I fear that day is coming to our area.

The only people that can stop that from ever happening are the dominant leaders of KJ. They can say enough is enough. No more expansion. We will seek land elsewhere and start other communities. We want to live in peace with our neighbors. That would be a nice change of pace wouldnt it??

Anonymous said...

Highland Will you know full well what stirring the pot means. You've done a good job of it since you began your b.s.
You are not a man, you are sewer slime. Your only intent is to stir up trouble and slander good people. You are the stinking muck from a cesspool. You attack fine people with lies then try to act innocent. You are the flatulence of a thousand camels. Slither away and be gone!

Anonymous said...

you write:

"I do not state that the real anti semetic stuff will start as a threat on my part but as a warning. We have seen it time and time again in history that when people feel their backs are to the wall they will lash out. I fear that day is coming to our area.

The only people that can stop that from ever happening are the dominant leaders of KJ."

did you really just blame jews for anti-semitism?

so you also blame women when they are raped?

they brought it on themselves, right?

when do you hold the perpetrators of an attack responsible for their own actions?

Anonymous said...

I, for one, do blame you for anti-semitism. You seek to create it and then use it. In every age and in every culture there will be those atavistic few, those sociopaths who don't give a damn for the repercussions of their actions.
as to your laughable proof of invoking God's name to prove you are not you - it proves nothing. You value nothing. You believe in nothing. You are nothing.
Tell Szegedin you failed. He'll have to explain that to Larkin,

Anonymous said...

Please stop being drawn into his game. Read between the lines, and see what he is doing. Think back in history. Let his words fall away without meaning. Refuse to pay attention. Focus on the election, and what is best for OUR town, then pull the levers.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan-you are an intelligent man. Do not allow yourself to be taken in by this nonsense. Difuse it by seeing through it. Yes they'll keep trying, but you'll try harder. It's in your nature. Stay focused.

Anonymous said...

I think this SOB is part of the election. He pops up with one week to go along with some anonymous poster and tries to smear Sheila, Gerri and Mike.
This is tried and true Caruso Crap. The scary part is that he's called in a guy who works for KJ's bosses to do the hit for him.

Anonymous said...

Caruso IS scared. We never stood up to him before. anonymous or not. now he sees how many people here hate his guts.
he was always the one calling the shots. not this time.

Anonymous said...

Changing the subject.
A Note To Don Siebold.
This afternoon you unintentionally swerved your car directly at a member of the SOCA At WORK Board.
It had to be unintentional because no sane person would do that on purpose.
She thinks you must have been lost in heavy thought because there was a crazy grin on your face, with all your teeth showing.
For everyine's sake, try not to think and drive at the same time.

Anonymous said...

i did not smear convoy, gianzero & queenan. i know nothing about them except what you told me: that conroy used environmental loopholes to slow down a water supply for thirsty jewish children because an empty field is more important to her.
i like empty fields too. sometimes i take drives on 94 between 32 & 208 and see tons of open space.
but a growing population needs water.
at least i dont see conroy taking out full page ads in the photo news bragging about how she is leading the fight against water like donnery is.
donnery, fornario, soca & savemonroe. these are the ones to look out for.
these are the leaders of the extremist movement against one community. a community with no violent crime, solid families, a love of god.
sure, they use shoprite. they drive on 44. they even want services from their government!
what kinds of citizens are these???

first they came for the satmars, and i didnt say anything because i dont wear a black hat.
then they came for the orthodox, and i didnt say anything because i dont believe in mixed seating.
then they came for the reform, and i didn't say anything because i dont believe in playing organs on shabbos.
then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
so i asked roxanne donnery to help me out but she was busy giving kickbacks to developers to build brigadoon XVII and the rt. 32 strip mall.
luckily i realized that no matter how i tried to get across the 17-6-32 intersection, i would be held up in traffic. i was told it was the satmar's fault that there was so much traffic but knowing when i get off rt. 6 and turn onto rt. 32, the traffic doesnt just end at nininger when all the satmars turn off, but rather the traffic goes all the way to the woodbury common exit. imagine that. box stores & mall = traffic nightmare.
i'm glad soca is here to fight for our rights against money-hungry corporations destroying our beautiful landscape.
not one inch to corporate welfare and the fear and intimidation of developers.

Anonymous said...

A page right out of the "How to be a soldier in the Ralph Caruso Army"... lie, smear, fabricate scenarios, twist the whatever it takes to get elected. Ha, Ha, Ha. Highland Bill/Will, you're so transparent. I'll let you in on a little secret, NO ONE is listening. Ralphie's little trick isn't going to work. We're not afraid anymore. We know who speaks for truth and honesty, and we know who will best protect our future. Goodbye Ralphie, we're glad to see you go!!

Anonymous said...

Defusing this time bomb who has chosen the name Highland Bill or Highland Will is simple. He only speaks to those who will listen, so let him talk to himself. He obviously has a vested interest in seeing that Caruso, Burke, Reveille and Sullivan are elected, so use THAT as your food for thought. He has no interest in the truth (sound familiar??), or Woodbury's future, so let him ramble on, and eventually he will fade into oblivion with Ralph and his band of wretched lackeys.

Anonymous said...

I smell the stinky hand of Lawrence of haKirya in the Highland Lowlife.

Anonymous said...

it's simple.

until the enemies of kiryas joel's expansion similarly fight every new condo, every new planned unit development, every new townhouse, every developer who tries to blackmail woodbury into bending the the zoning laws, every new chain restaurant, every new big box store, until soca and donnery fight all these tooth and nail like they fight the satmars, the faint, but unmistakeable taste of bigotry will linger in the mouths of all those watching.

because in this hypocrisy lies a deeper motive.

and the only way to defeat the ugliness of discrimination is to be consistent against growth and not single out certain neighbors who basically want the same things we do: a safe place to raise our families.

good luck in the elections. may the candidates with the more unifying vision win.

Anonymous said...

If I say something incredibly stupid and you notice, you're a bigot
Highland Shrill

Anonymous said...

If I'm Robert Lawrence and you figure it out youre a bigot.
Highland Bar & Grill

Anonymous said...

You "Highland" things are running just as scared as Ralphie Boy, and ain't it a thrill. To know that this town will finally be rid of Ralph and the morons who follow him. Oh, and for the record, the county legislature has nothing to do with our town's zoning laws, oh intelligent one. Ya, that's right, we're not all as stupid as you and Ralph hope we are...although, since Ralph IS trying to make zoning a legislative debate, perhaps HE is as stupid as he appears to be!!

Anonymous said...

Highland Phil said:
"..until the enemies of kiryas joel's expansion similarly fight every new condo, every new planned unit development, every new townhouse, every developer who tries to blackmail woodbury into bending the the zoning laws, every new chain restaurant, every new big box store, until soca and donnery fight all these tooth and nail like they fight the satmars, the faint, but unmistakeable taste of bigotry will linger in the mouths of all those watching."

Dear Uncle:
Let's look at what he said. He makes a direct correlation between an absolute denial of every project/town/village and denial of one that is a radically different development style in a CLOSED society. These do not correlate and logically, one CAN reject the style of KJ and their aggressive antics whithout being intellectually counterfeit.
And he states that a developer is blackmailing Woodbury. If that were true, Dear Uncle, would have Elliot Spitzer heard of it by now?

Thanks for your time,

Auntie M

Anonymous said...

I have been reading this blog for a while now without comment. It doesn't take a genius to see that Highland Bill is on the mark. I am African American and my husband is the son of Chinese immigrants. My family history can be traced back to South Carolina where they were slaves. I don't care much about the Jews, they don't bother me, I don't bother them, but I can spot racism a mile away. This Donnery and her cohorts reek of racism, the way they act towards the people of KJ. I hate to see how they'd react if a bunch of African Americans were to move up here.

Anonymous said...

I have never read this Blog before, in fact, I'm not reading it now, but I'm guessing that whoever wrote the other stuff that I posted using a different name must obviously be right.
I am 1/8th Korean, 1/3 Yugoslavian and 3 tablespoons baking powder and I never even know any Jews before I was relocated to Woodbury in the witness protection program.
But it is obvious to me that this Donnery must be a terrible awful person. How dare she run against Ralph. He deserves any office he asks for and anyone who stands in his way is a bigot or worse.
And if that isn't bad enough, I bet she doesn't know the difference between baking powder and baking soda!

Anonymous said...

it's interesting how you try to alienate potential voters instead of trying to convince them to vote in your favor.

Anonymous said...

They're just part of the precipitate, and they're not even funny Uncle Betty! Now, please explain to me his campaign literature, Ralph Caruso exclaims how he stood up in front of the ENTIRE legislature to DENOUNCE the KJ PIPELINE!!! Isn't that a little self-serving and confusing? Is he saying that denouncing the KJ Pipeline is good,but only if the decision comes down in the favor of Roxanne and Frank??? Hypocrite Ralph!

Anonymous said...

By the way, does anyone else realize that besides donnery and Caruso, that Frank Palermo is on the ticket for Legislature on the Independence Line?