Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Uncle received a very pleasant and non-whiney note from our Kodak Moment buddy. As a result he will, from now on, be referred yo as Jonathan. The Uncle is a sucker for good manners.

(By the way if you have any pix - or whatever - worth posting, send them to and they will find their way to the Uncle)

In part he says:

"I spoke with Bo Haviland last night and asked if he was still running. He said yes. I asked him about the signs on Burke's lawn and he said that I didn't check out the other side. I went back and looked and there was Bo's sign on the reverse side of Darleen's. I don't recall that it was there before, but I am not certain. What I am certain of is that there is a new sign added to the other two."


Anonymous said...

I think now that this sign is there, then any responsible members that may be left on the Democratic Committee should move to have Mr.Burke brought up on charges of disloyalty. How is it that the leader of the Democratic slate can have Dancin Hank's sign displayed on his lawn where everyone can see. But, the sign of one of his running mates is stuck behind the sign of another one of his running mates.

Why not take away Dancin Hank's sign and put Bo's sign there so everyone can see it? one should have to explain's called common there any of that left in this town???

Anonymous said...

Little common sense, but plenty of....NEPOTISM, which is defined as "Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business". Rumor has it that PETE STABILE will be REHIRING (during a supposed hiring freeze) a difficult past employee (and husband of an elected official)in exchange for DESIREE POTVIN hiring a new female employee (relative of the first elected official)....ah, nepotism at it's best, in a town where credentials don't seem to matter!! Too bad Civil Service doesn't check into these hiring practices! And too bad Jonathan Jacobsen doesn't check into what Mr. Burke is doing with his political endorsement of the Republicans when he is a sitting member of the Democratic committee, and the same with Bill DeProspo looking into Ralph's questionable backing of the Democrats, while sitting as the Republican Committee chair...but that's Woodbury for big can of WORMS!!

Uncle Betty said...

nice, make up a rumor, then denounce someone as if it were true.