Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This Space For Rent

Swiller (yes, yes, I swore that if he was a good boy I'd call him Jonathan, but there is a 4 year-old named Jonathan close unto the Uncle (one might even call him a nephew) and while I have the warmest of feelings for the little fellow, it is hard to read anything associated with that name and not look for the finger-paintings - so "Swiller" will have to do) where was I? Oh yes - Swiller has sent two more things that he wants posted up front and apologized and asked permission and offered to go away and was honest enough to say that nobody (well hardly anyone) reads his site and everyone (well, yes, everyone) reads this one and would I mind? The truth is that the more that he sends, the less work there is for the Uncle. Maybe I'll just start renting space here and retire to the Dry Totugas or wherever.
So, in a bit, I'll put one of his things up (the one with the pictures - pictures are so much more - um - um - picturesque than blocks of type).


Anonymous said...

Good Evening UB,

I have heard much about you! Not normally attracted to sites such as these with any political agenda's,I was reluctant to visit. However your over-all reputation has piqued my curiosity and I am visiting you for a first this evening! So howdy!!!! Ive read some of your works and must admit I fell into gut hardy laughs.You are amazingly witty and creative in your writing and description yet, rather insensitive at times to some of the famous "personalities "who frequent the Town Hall. After the election,when news CAN get stale and you may need to rent space....(smiling smugly) it would be an amusing game to play in guessing what's "Uncle Betty's line? Alfred Hitchcock may lend a hint to your age,,,and maybe not. So what do you say Uncle B are you on?

Uncle Betty said...

On what?

Anonymous said...

what if someone else wants to post to the main part of the blog?

would you print it?

Uncle Betty said...

I might. Here are some things I'd want:
Swiller signs his name, nobody else does. That makes a difference to the Uncle.
Also he can write and his stuff is usually (though not always) interesting.
so, send it, sign it and see.

Anonymous said...

Hi Again,
Geeezz.. are you up burning the mid-night oil or what? Jonathons pics took that long to load?

I ran across this thought from M.L.King Jr.and thought I'd like to share this with you and your visiters.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about
things that matter."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

If the shoe fits Uncle?..Just Keep on Talking!!

Uncle Betty said...

Hello Anonymous,
Are you the person who posted almost everything that's been posted here? If not, you might want to pick a specific name, just to set you apart.

As Jack Nicholson once said "I'll have the chicken salad on whole wheat toast, hold the chicken salad."

Anonymous said...

Ok, Uncle, I'll admit to being the 1st and 5th anonymous commenter on this posting. I'll give some thought to becoming an un-anonymous name ok?
Can the Uncle guess who said this?

A day without laughter is a day wasted.

And don't even try to tell me it was Ralphie or Malloly ok?

Uncle Betty said...

1st and 5th? that's the east village isn't it. back in the day, down around thompkins square, a great many folks were both laughing and wasted, so it needn't be an either/or.

so i'd have to guess george boole

Uncle Betty said...

By the way, although Boole was born, out of the limelight, some 200 years ago, in Lincolnshire, far from the city lights, when cyberneticists created the logic "gates" that make binary computing possible, they required boolean logic. His marriage of logic and mathematics (or the mathematical expression of logical statements) was the progenitor of the algorithms programmers work with in modern times. He never completed his second major work - if only he'd had a secretary and been a great dictator we'd have more of his thoughts to build on today.

Anonymous said...

Very good answer Uncle....I'm howling!!
Someone here would like to know if you heard if ONE of the Town Board members was at thompkins square getting wasted?

...TA DA...That past quote was by the one and only Charlie Chaplin so scrap George!

Uncle, I know you're pre-occupied with pre-election local news, but in branching out a bit.. Did you hear the news of the passing of Rosa Parks,The Mother Of Civil Rights Movement?

I wonder what Rosa would say if she were to be here and witness the Town Politics in Woodbury???

Rosa Parks

She died of natural causes at the age of 92. Her legacy of quiet strength remains an inspiration to us all.

In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. Her brave act of civil disobedience sparked the Montgomery bus boycott which helped propel Dr. King to the forefront of the civil rights movement.

Activism remained central to her life and she created The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development in 1987.

She was bestowed many honors including the Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal.

Uncle Betty said...

Dear 1st and 5th. Reread the second posting on Boole and see if you can find the references to 4 of charlie's movies.

Sometimes the Uncle says more than is obvious.

Anonymous said...

Thanks For the run down on Poole. I'm sorry that his work wasn't completed. Was he frugal with his money to hire a secretary or what?

Anonymous said...

WOW.......(clap,clap)I'm impressed! Take a bow Uncle, because you've earned an A!

In truth Uncle,upon first reading The kid's comment "By the way"
this Woman of Paris, questioned the sanity of the Uncle's mind...

In a test of sanity and what Psychiatrists think about a
personality style, which of the following desserts does the Uncle like best?

You may only choose one!

1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue
4. Vanilla cake with Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate on Chocolate
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake

The great director, The lime light, modern times and city lights convinced me the Uncle IS a King of New York. Only a king would know who appeared every Monday evening from 1951-1957, at 9:00 pm and lived at 623 East 68th Street,but was actually in CA?

First & Fifth....

Uncle Betty said...

I prefer mousse and perhaps you are referring to the Mertzes.

Uncle Betty said...

Actually, the Uncle is not that much of a dessert lover. Some say, that I eat like a bird, although they could mean a vulture.
I would compare myself more to a swallow, or its cousin, the swift. if you've ever put out a high feeder, 20 feet up or more, you can watch as a group of swift dive at it and barely kiss the beef fat. They don't gorge. No offense mate, but this is a very well fed town.

Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Uncle,

A fellow insomniac or maybe menapausal?

Bravo! The Mertez's & Ricardo's it is!!! Speaking of chubs,Ethel, alias Vivian Vance, was actually only a year or 2 older than Lucille, however her contract called for her character to remain at a minimum of 20 lbs overweight, so that she appeared much older.
The towns people are well fed. Did you know the average female dress size in America is a size 14? and also the size of Marilynn Monroe.

Uncle, you are being difficult! Mousse was NOT on the list. If you cant choose from the selection I gave you,I'm unable to give you valuable information. How about a birth sign?

The vulture loves road kill,

The cousin "Swift" is District 6 Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Council.
Today's Quote is:

Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.

-Albert Einstein

First & Fifth

Uncle Betty said...

Don't rush me into the change, and if you must have a choice from the list, brownies appeal at the moment.

Yhe birth sign that comes to mind is the unfortunate one on one hospital that said "All Deliveries Through The Rear,"

Anonymous said...

Hello Uncle,

NO,I certainly wont rush you into what my Mother called "the curse"....it lasted some 30 odd years and then, still cantankerous,she claimed it was the tail end of the "damn curse"!!

My thoughts travel back to the cold winter evenings with every window in the house having to be "just cracked a bit" ..yaaa right....(window sills were loaded with ice!) to soothe the hot flashes..

So,,then not knowing (yet)if you are in deed REALLY an Uncle OR a Betty? OR perhaps a wee bit of both??

I think it would be be safe to say that in either case a "rear delivery" is not be the ideal way to go~! Why not ask the candidates their opinion??

Ok, here is the verdict on your choice of dessert...Ready? OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what research says about

BROWNIES: You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of
underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out
your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and
direction. You tend to be very loyal.

So Uncle is this description accurate?
First & Fifth

Uncle Betty said...

The Uncle would never harm a dragon.
They are on the endangered species list.

Anonymous said...

Haunted by Skeletons in the Closet?

What a wonderful topic with Halloween right around the corner!

I see the uncle was kept very, very busy today with the current news from Jonathon? What a wonderful helper.... is he not?

Uncle I was out tonight where there was a large crowd and heard in conversation of people discussing your site and quite tickled with what you say....some were taking wild guesses as to who you are..They asked me if I knew, I said of course...Alfred Hitchcock...

In just listening to them, for the most part , you are quite the popular!! Noses are pasted to their computers screens,waiting with anticipation to see what the Uncle has to say next???
I somehow knew the Uncle would not like the bit about slaying dragons. The dragon is actually my chinese horoscope sign.

If uncle would care to tell the year of the birth, I would be happy to tell uncle a chinese animal sign and even a Feng Shui horoscope? And if not ask Jonathon, I would be happy to do his as well. Maybe we should do ALL the candidates and see what their signs reveal about them??

First & Fifth

Uncle Betty said...

I prefer reading the ka-ching, a modern version of the i ching. If you give me the last 4 digits of your zip code and of your home phone number I can discern much about you.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Betty,

Thanks For your offer of "ching" analysis, however,I'll decline for the moment.

I am however saddened in reading some of the judgemental & critical nature of the comments which have transpired and been posted here over the weekend. Whether fact or fiction, this ridicule appears to have gone down another level and is distasteful to many of us. Is the playful banter of this site gone?

These candidates & political figures have children and family members who are subject to peer pressure and ridicule.

It is in working with children, that I am concerned and aware of what cruelty other's are capable of implementing..Sometimes this negativity is taught to them by their very best teachers; their parents!!

We are all with out imperfections and have skeletons in each of our closets have we not?

My hope is that all opinions expressed here can be fair, professional and without "south of the belt line" slander... Or do the current day politics need to include hitting below the belt??

Perhaps two valuable lessons can be thought about here?

1) In any debate, it doesnt matter WHO is right,but rather,WHAT is right.

2) If you need to learn something about someone's character, listen to "HOW" they speak about someone else.

Without Malice,
First & Fifth