Monday, October 10, 2005

Would you buy a used political party from this man?


Anonymous said...

where'd he get the hair?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that he was NOT relected to the town council back in the day? Did the people back then know something that we don't?

Cousin Louie

Anonymous said...

Cousin Louie i think the average folk knew back then and today something about this guy, which is why he has never been reelected nor ever will be elected to any other public office...its the idiots in the establishment that dont get it

Anonymous said...

He is just so distasteful. How did he and Mr. Stanise ever get so much control over the Republican committee? He's about as exciting, handsome and intelligent as ten day old meatloaf. He slithers around and lets (makes) everyone else do his dirty work. Unfortunately, I don't think he's hit his all time low as yet, since there are still four more weeks until the election, and we all know how he hates to lose!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Fester in disguise??