Friday, October 21, 2005

Well, the Uncle was there, but, things did not go as expected. The town workers turned out, first picketing out front and then quietly walking in to Town Hall. The Uncle was so proud of his namesake who spoke for the group, firmly but with dignity. Neato! Well done!

Sheila had to leave because of a family wake. But she was there long enough for Carol Mullooly to turn the proceedings back into a farce. Yippee! Good job Carol!

Mullooly came close to matching her all time best line ("I can't keep coming up here to make a fool of myself."). Tonight's entry came close: "It's a waste of the Board's time listening to my issues."

Then, in Darlien's (yes, there is a new contest - how many ways can you spell her name?) absence, Mullooly took up the "Can I Get The Town Sued?" challenge.

Basically, when someone, the Uncle for example, has an application to do something (build a chemical weapons testing facility perhaps) before the Board, the Board has to follow legal procedure in dealing with it. They'll hold public hearings where scardie-cats will say why I shouldn't get permission and I'll tell them why I should.

The one thing the Board can't do is discuss my application, in public, without me there to answer. That includes public comments.

Now this is not such a hard concept to grasp. Don't talk about me at any public, official proceeding when I aint there. If you do, I'll sue the pants off you.

For some reason Reveille and Mullooly don't get this. It's been explained about thirteen gazillion times.

Reveille will say " The Uncle's chemical test...oh I can't talk about it? OK, it's just that the chemical test site...oh, OK, sorry...I just wanted to make the point that the chemical test...oh...sorry, sorry...all I was saying was that when our soldiers in Iraq are dying for our right to test chemical weapons...oh, I see, sorry, sorry..I'm just saying that a test site for chemical weapons..."

Mullooly's take is to demand her first amendment rights and the Board tells her that she can talk about it anywhere she wants but not at an official Board meeting or the Town will get sued.

And the Town Attorney tries again and again and again to explain to these nitwits why they can't talk about an application and they are either too thick to get it, or they just want to show that the Board is made up of fascists who refuse to allow free discussion (well, not quite free - after someone sues them the price tag will be pretty hefty).

Roxanne Donnery was there and she got to talk about Rosenwasser's decision to tell KJ that their Final Environmental Impact Statement on the pipeline wasn't as Final as all that and they had to go rewrite it.

Since Rox was one of the people who forced the issue into court to begin with she had reason to smile. If Ralphie had gotten up after that to talk about giving poll watchers bathroom breaks (why does he keep bringing that up- poll watchers are allowed to pee- honest - I checked) he would have looked kinda silly. And Ralph doesn't like to look silly - that's what he's got Henry (Hank) and Mullooly for.

But Henry (Hank) fell down on the job. He didn't perform nor John nor Darlean nor Ralphie himself.

And Swiller had no one to react to so he didn't say a peep - but he was having a high old time anyway because everyone (well not everyone - but Sheila and Gerri and Rox) all thanked him for SOCA and SOCA 2 and SOCA 3 and all the baby SOCAs yet to come for helping get the pipeline stopped.

So all in all it was pretty tame stuff and the Uncle was bored and so this entry is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay boring because why should the Uncle suffer alone?


Anonymous said...

As the Uncle stated, Lizzie you were great. We love you. Too bad the Board was sleeping and had no responce to our questions.

Anonymous said...

Roxanne also thanked Joe Ferguson who was Chairman of Southern Orange County Alliance during our big (and victorious) mail campaigns and he should get included here as well.

Anonymous said...

UB I am glad you brought up Ralph and his poll watcher crusade. Did you know his wife is a poll watcher? So he rallied to get his wife a raise! Not that the poll watchers didn't deserve it. I am glad to see them get one, but should Ralph be the person asking considering his wife would gain from the raise?

Anonymous said...

Question for johnathon swiller ..what are you going to do with all the Caruso signs that you take ? Are you redecorating your bedroom and want to have him near you ? or maybe you give them to mrs. Donnery for a bounty ?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous #3, I'll tell you where El Cheapo's signs are...take a ride over here to the other part of District 14! It appears one, or even two signs per spot aren't good enough. For some reason he feels if he puts enough visual pollution before our eyes, maybe five or six signs per spot, we'll vote for him... when pigs fly!! Unlike Woodbury, he's not jamming himself down our throats, Aide to Larkin or not!

Anonymous said...

Gee Don, can't you even spell the name right. It's Jonathan. And I have other plans for Ralph's signs that don't entail moving them, changing them or blocking them in any way. And by the way, are you the one pulling up the "Not One Inch" signs. and if so, are you saying that you want the town annexed?

Anonymous said...

If what Gerri states in the THR today,10/22/05 is accurate, then why are the employees complaining? Hell, I pay 100% of my family's health care, which is over $150/WEEK...and most of them will get it free? 4% is about average for those who are lucky enough to even get raises! If you're not happy, find another job, or get a 2nd job like the rest of us! Better yet, cut back on your coffee breaks and SAVE that money!

Anonymous said...

Conroy left because she did not want to hear from the workers. Where was the blonde women running for office last night, even Bo was there? Question for Roxanne thanks for the pipeline but what else have you done for us? Swiller where is Joe F? Carol why dont you meet with Conroy? Aranowitz why did you move your seat? Gerri who does your nails? Why is Cambell not running? McNeil do you really ride a hog? Ralph why not run for Supervisor? Soca why dont you all wear shirts like the works "not one inch" ? Betty can you set up a fund so we can all chip in and buy Conroy some outfits and a day in a spa ? Has Hunter ever won a election? Can we get Robin a step stool? Betty when do you think we will get a contact? Who has the most signs in town? Hank will win! Is Michael Q really Uncle Betty?

Anonymous said...

Who gets 16% over fours years and free insurance and they want more Gerri do not give them any more the taxpayers thank you!!!!!

Uncle Betty said...

Lessee - so many questions to choose from - in no particular order:
Gerri doesn't get to decide what the workers get -she is only one vote out of 5 - the blond was hiding because she can dish it out but she can't take it - if she was on the board and she had to deal with someone like herself she'd cry through every meeting - Sheila really did go to the wake of one of her family's closest friends (Uncle mistakenly thought it was a relative) Friday was the funeral - Swiller doesn't have shirts because SOCA is operating on a shoe string, mostly on the SOCA board members' plastic, Uncle felt guilty and just made a $25 donation (through an intermediary - must preserve the secret identity or house would be set on fire) - you should give them money too -Rox has gotten woodbury a bunch of grants - helped secure undeveloped land for the town at very very low prices - worked on the traffic problem, pushed eddie diana into promising to give woodbury a better deal on the split of commons taxes, halted the pipeline - other than that she's barely done anything - yes Robin is below average height and Uncle regrets any of his cheap shots because , well, they were cheap shots - she is good people and I have yet to see her pull the misleading crap that the caucus pulls (they have earned any cheap shot that come their way) - considering the crap the board has spewed at them twice a month (Carol (queen of the cheap shot) Mullooooooly comes to mind) is it surprising that Colleen wants out (also, she heard that there are people out there who get to live real lives and she wants to give it a try) - winner for most signs is chris scibelli - hank won't win squat - he has already said he is against any zoning change which means that he will have to recuse himself from EVERY project that applies to the Board (no kidding)- otherwise it's lawsuit city - the Uncle generally won't answer identity questions due to the national security issues involved, but as to mike q lessee - he is running for office - chairs the planning board and is trying to make a living - yeah that leaves tons of time for doing this. oh- and- yes - lorraine's got a harley and knows how to make it purr (and growl)

Anonymous said...

i can't believe it. the town offered the employees 16% and free health insurance. what is wrong with them (employees). I haven't had a raise like that in years. I had to take a second job to support my family. who is going to help me pay my taxes to support your 16% raise. you have the nerve to whine, you should be ashamed of yourself. so what do you plan on doing, bullying the town. how dare you threaten us with not plowing the streets. there are plenty of decent people who would be thrilled to take your place and get free health insurance and a 16% raise. you sound like spoiled, greedy, ignorant jerks. I don't know who is advising you but they must be bigger morons than you.

Uncle Betty said...

Picky, picky picky! OK, the organization is, formally, SOCA At Work and it's web site is

Everybody happy now?

Uncle Betty said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous # 6, the better question is what has Ralphie boy ever done for us???

Anonymous said...

Depending on who you talk to, he's threatened us, investigated us, stolen credit from us, gotten even with us, back stabbed us and pissed us off

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just called Gerri then I called Colleen to verify and unless you can't add the raise that was agreed by both parties was 3, 3 1/2, 4, 4 1/2. That to my calculation when compounded is over 16 percent. If you want to work midnights, holidays and weekends like the dispatchers then maybe you should get what they get. Otherwise get a second job like the rest of us and stop bleeding the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

this is a joke. you people have no right to claim that you havent had a raise in two years. all you need to do is stop being greedy and be grateful for that wonderful raise they offered you. It's because you wont settle that you haven't had a raise. if it was me I would jump on it. It seems the only reason the town has spent so much money is because of your greed. stop whining about other people and what they rightfully get and get on with your life. if you are looking for sympathy you won't get it from me. i work two jobs to live here. i work two jobs to give you your bloody raise. grow up.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps is's time for someone to follow the highway duds around with a camera and snap pics of them leaning on their shovels and timing their coffee and lunch breaks.
Sixteen per cent raise and free medical? Give me a break!
Let's face it, their job doesn't exactly require extensive amounts of gray matter. Sounds like they're already overpaid and definitely ungrateful.
If they're actually that unhappy maybe they should get a real job where raises are based on performance. The should know, however that they'll not likely get 4% per year and they'll find out real fast how much medical benefits cost, if they can even get them.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the work ethics (or lack thereof) of many, not all, in the highway department goes back many years. The lazy attitude and lack of accountability was there even before George Weyant took over, and has pervaded the department for decades. With each new hire, it's like they get a crash course on how to do the least amount of work, and find the right hiding spots, but get the most amount of $$...I doubt things will ever change until someone with a backbone and ethics is elected to be their super!

Anonymous said...

I think its time to get new members from each side to start working on the new contract. Two years is a long time so both sides get new members to bring to the table and just get it done.

Anonymous said...

Raises to be bigger in '05
Companies expect to pay higher raises -- but not that much higher, according to survey.
September 21, 2004: 1:13 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Here's the good news: your pay raise next year should be higher than it was this year. Now the bad news: just barely.

Those are a few of the findings from a recent survey by Hewitt Associates, a consulting firm specializing in pay and other employee issues.

For employees not entitled to overtime, so-called salaried exempt workers, the average raise projected for next year is 3.6 percent, up from 3.4 percent this year, Hewitt's survey of 1,185 companies found. The picture will certainly be brighter in some cities than in others.

For employees who get overtime, also known as salaried non-exempt workers, and for nonunion hourly workers, the average hike is projected to be 3.5 percent, up from 3.3 percent this year.

Executives, meanwhile, can expect the biggest pop: 3.8 percent, up from 3.7 percent in 2004.

"We may never see base salary increases in the mid-to-upper 4 percent range again," Ken Abosch, a senior compensation consultant at Hewitt, said in a statement, referring to the boom years of the 1990s. Pay raises hit 4.3 percent in 2001 and tumbled in the three years thereafter.

"Cost containment is still a focus in 2004, which led to a status quo in base salary increases," he added.

On the bright side, less than 1 percent of companies expect to impose a salary freeze. That's lower than the 3 percent that did so this year.

Location, location, location
Hewitt also found it pays to live in some places more than others.

While the national average for workers not getting overtime is expected to be 3.6 percent, companies in some cities are projecting above-average raises.

In Washington D.C., the figure is 4 percent, in Los Angeles and in Boston 3.8 percent while Dallas and Minneapolis workers are expected to get 3.7 percent.

And predictably, companies in some cities forecast below-average pay hikes: New York (3.4 percent); Atlanta (3.5 percent); Chicago (3.5 percent), and Milwaukee (3.5 percent).

Anonymous said...

Salary council releases locality pay recommendations
By Karen Rutzick

The average locality pay increase in 2006 will be 1.21 percent if recommendations made Monday by the Federal Salary Council, an independent body of salary experts, employee representatives and federal officials, are approved.

The council endorsed a 2.1 percent across-the-board pay raise coupled with the locality increase, which varies by city. The most expensive area--San Francisco--would receive a 2.29 percent locality increase to supplement the general raise.

These recommendations depend on Congress and the president approving a 3.1 percent total pay raise. The House already passed a bill with that figure, and the Senate is preparing to vote on a 3.1 percent raise. President Bush, however, has proposed an overall increase of 2.3 percent.

While 31 cities are set to receive more locality pay under the council's recommendations, the rest of the country is lumped into a single "Rest of U.S." category and will get a 0.8 percent locality increase.

The council removed three cities from "Rest of U.S." status, recommending individual locality pay rates for them, and bumped three other cities in the opposite direction. Raleigh, N.C., Buffalo, N.Y., and Phoenix will receive higher increases, while the Kansas City metropolitan area, St. Louis and Orlando, Fla., would get a 0.8 percent increase, along with the rest of the country.

Raleigh is set to receive a 1.15 percent hike, Buffalo 1.0 percent and Phoenix 0.93 percent.

Additionally, the council supported a proposal to include 15,000 federal employees currently in the rest of U.S. RUS category in higher locality pay areas starting in January. These employees live in areas adjacent to cities that already have separate locality pay.

The council rejected a proposal to split the Los Angeles locality pay area in two, with one for coastal regions and another for inland areas. Proponents of the split said inland labor is less expensive, which causes recruitment and retention problems for higher-cost areas such as Ventura and Orange counties.

Cities with high locality increases include: Hartford, Conn., with 1.78 percent; New York, with 1.98 percent; and Houston, with 1.6 percent. Indianapolis fell at the low end with a recommended increase of 0.84 percent--slightly above the rest of U.S. standard.

The council's recommendations will go to the President's Pay Agent, a board made up of the heads of the Office of Personnel Management, Office of Management, and Budget and Labor Department. Board members will consider the council's stance and submit their recommendation to President Bush by Nov. 30.