Sunday, October 30, 2005

Wow- Mike Erroneous got it right for once. What are the odds? (Well, I remember this time in seventh grade...after that he got sort of odd.)

So here's what mikie has on his blog :

"Winston Churchill once said:A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen. That's the kind of leaders we need so Vote for Ralph Caruso!"



Erroneous admits that Ralph's big strength is to get it wrong and then make excuses. "That's the kind of leader we need"??????????????

Holy hemlock Boys and Girls. This is a keeper!


Anonymous said...

Mike "Moronowitz" certainly has a knack for sticking his foot in his mouth! Can we get him out of office the next time around? Or maybe, if he continues to make Ralph look so inept (which doesn't take much), ole Ralphie boy will turn on him just like his counterparts, and past members of his secret society (does anyone remember Henry Dobson??) and throw him out the door too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Aronowitz, you really need to look in the mirror with regard to that post on your site about "how low..." Come on man, your site was 10 times worse! You would lash out at anyone who contradicted you or your circle of friends. Besides the fact that you couldn't spell or put together a proper sentence, you had absolutely no humor, and no sign of intelligence. At least the Uncle has no problem showing that highly intelligent, darkly humorous people still exist. You may want to take some lessons.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, erroneous is the one who thinks that Ralphie Caruso and Don "Ankle biter"Seibold are brilliant! So what does that say about our boy Mikey? It says that he ain't too bright either. Listen to his comments, (and he even says this in public, on camera)..
"what ever happened to the newsletter.." and he is the chairperspon of that committee, which means, for those of you who do not connect the dots, that HE was supposed to be doing the newsletter.
Mikey says that he is not running again but we know that he will. These people just can't stay under their rock.

Anonymous said...

Run again? Im betting he doesn't stay for this whole term.

Anonymous said...

Oh but friends, check out Mikie's site now as he proclaims "I WILL RUN IN 2007"...excuse me while I have a good belly laugh. By then, he'll have dug himself such a deep hole that even Ralph won't be able to find him!

Anonymous said...

Again I make my case of anti-semitism !

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous with the charge of anti semitism:

So, because some is Jewish they can't be stupid?

Wow, YOU are prejudiced!!!!

Auntie M