Sunday, October 30, 2005

Burke and Hair?

OK, we've looked into Darleen, Henry (Hank) and, of course, Caruso. Posters have gone after Sheila, Gerri and Roxanne. But we've barely discussed Johnnie Burke. How did he slip through the cracks? Is it that Elvis hair? Is it misattributed respect for the King?

I have another theory. It is impossible to think about John Burke without falling asleep. Listening to him drone on, meeting after meeting, saying nothing that remains in the mind when he is done -he doesn't have sleeping sickness, but he's a carrier.

He is like a brick of shredded wheat. Dry, tasteless, hard to get down, but seemingly good for you. In truth, before the FDA started making trouble for the cereal makers, the nutritional value of shredded wheat was the same as the box it came in. So, is that it? He appears to be good for us (whether or not there's anything there).

So who knows John Burke? Who went to his school or worked there? Is it true that he spent hours a day in the parking lot waving at the cars bringing the kids?

"He's a good man who's done a lot for Woodbury." That's what his PR people say. So, what has he done for Woodbury?

These are real questions. Please let the Uncle know.

Or then again. maybe it is just the hair.


Anonymous said...

Ode to Woodbury Politics

We live in a town with hill and dale,
And all the amenities, besides which, others pale,
But the people who live here are a strange bunch indeed,
They are apparently satisfied to be led by greed!

Politics a plenty, characters galore!
Could there ever be a man who is a bigger bore?
Listen to the menu of dunkin’ donuts recited,
it is very hard to get excited!

As He stands before the mike, admonishing the town,
He lectures the audience with a serious frown,
He, like chicken little, says the sky is falling
But, with solutions none, this burke is calling!

Oh, woe is me, please save us from his litany
I think I’d rather vote for Brittany
We get more sense and reality from her,
Than we do from this unbearable cur!!!

Forget the hair, look his behavior,
Do you think this man is Woodbury’s savior?
His years of “involvement” are the same as in Nanuet,
His “parking lot” mentality is not the one to get!

Anonymous said...

thought i posted this here but cant seem to find it now...

i'm new to woodbury and trying to figure out the politics without having my head spin.

please list the positions of the following on the kj pipeline:

caruso v. donnery

conroy v. burke

the people running for council

diana v. edelstein

you have a very funny blog but i have no idea who's who. help a brother out.