Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Bo and Carlton Triumphant

Well, it appears that Bo and Carlton have won in Woodbury.

John (and Ralph) now control the town board (or will in January).

Things may get very interesting.

It is definitely time to start showing up for board meetings (or, a poor substitute, watching them on channel 22).

Congratulations winners.

And thank you for your work Lorraine and Mike.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see either Bo or Carlton as Ralph's puppets.

Anonymous said...

Is Swiller on suicide watch yet!

Anonymous said...

Here comes that enema!!

Anonymous said...

Face it folks, sometime change is good!

Anonymous said...

Lets just see how the other side enjoys getting blamed for everything again... We'll be watching!

Kieran Conroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bo is John's "minnie-me", however Carlton may actually surprise people, as he seems genuine and intelligent.

Anonymous said...

O.K we will see.

I hope what you say is true. Mike Q and Gerri are not beholden to any group of people or political party and I hope Carlton can be his own man.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to Woodbury. The voters will be singing, "If I Only Had a Brain". Seems not enough voters appreciated the intellect and diligence of Lorraine McNiell. Sheila's leaving was sorrowful enough. Sheila and Lorraine were extremely important in in getting the Pipeline Stopped. Lorraine continued to fight against the water tower. Blooming Grove appreciated a job well done. If KJ grows in Woodbury now you can thank the voters. Those of us in Blooming Grove know were the blame lies. In any event Blooming Grove thanks you Lorraine for everything you did.

Kieran Conroy said...

Change can sometimes be good, provided its a change for the better. For that, I'll have to wait and see.

Burke, despite his nice PR has spent years blatently working with Ralph to spread misinformation and political attacks, and accomplished little real change in two years. I have little hope for the stately qualities of a man (Haviland) who rants about the similarities of his foes to terrorists in a public newspaper.

That said, if ANY of the new electees can back their words up with action, seek harmony with (even while critiquing) the Village, and come up with creative solutions for our town, I'd be pleasantly surprised. You might even win votes where you didn't expect them.

Some hope Carlton is capable of this, and this could be a profound development. It would create a swing vote who thinks for himself and challenges both sides to think outside the box. Its something that takes courage, but could also earn him great respect and, just maybe help this community to come together. God knows we need to, if we've a chance of meeting the challenges ahead.

So I challenge you gentleman, esspecially Carlton to surprise us. Win Woodbury over, all of Woodbury, with open-minded thought and action that speaks across partisan divides. Only than can we hope to move us beyond petty politics.

Lorraine and Mike, thanks for the time and work you've given us... its impossible to please everyone forever, politics change faster than the weather. But for the commitment and time you've put in, you'll be remembered.

Uncle Betty, keep up the good work of bringing to light all the dirty laundry of politics for debate. Bash you as some may, arguments will always speak louder than insults. If a "spirit of healthy crique" is to come of this election, I trust you to keep it honest.

As for our Village officals, keep up the hard work... Government's a job where you're always taking the blame for something, but I hope we can come together to support you because there is still vital work for the Community Party to do. Attending meetings, staying involved and educating ourselves on the issues is important as ever. I'll be making as many as I can. Let this apparent setback be a wakeup call to all of us.

Kieran Conroy said...

I also want join those in Blooming Grove in recognizing the special efforts Lorraine put into supporting Woodbury's interests in the pipeline, annexation and so many other issues. I hope, in the long run it will be appreciated, but the loss of your experience will be deeply felt. I hope you don't go away, because Woodbury still needs you.

Anonymous said...

To those that lost in Woodbury, Blooming Grove could use more KJ fighters, come on over.

Anonymous said...

Kieran- perhaps a part of the resulting vote was a backlash of the Community Party?

Anonymous said...

Or could it be that voters are just apathetic and confused. Who the hell is steering the ship?

Anonymous said...

The turn-out was pathetic at best.

Anonymous said...

Look at the voter turnout, registered voter count and the amount of residents that live in Woodbury, most people go on with thier busy lifes and don't give crap whats going in in local government, it's not confusion, it's that most people don't realize (until it's to late) how much or how little local politicians really do, or how much they can screw up!

Kieran Conroy said...

I suspect its a combination of apathy (esspecially from those no longer seeing the Town Board as important) amongst other things. I would be curious in understanding it better though, from people who felt frustrated enough to change their vote.

If there is genuine backlash/sense of betrayal against the Community Party, though, I'd like to see that debated here from people who feel that way.

If they've changed their minds, what do they see as better about Burke and his people? Aside from their nice PR about "wanting to provide a forum for citique" and "address community needs," what is their real plan? What has Burke actually accomplished in office for 2 years, for that matter? (past supervisors, even without a majority have gotten many grants, handled vital issues with KJ etc). What has he done? Lets be very open about this.

My concern is that those dissatisfied with the current Community condidates are jumping on board an alternative without knowing what it really stands for.

But to anyone who was paying attention to his close alliance with Caruso and co, esspecially as it came out during the Village issue should NOT be forgotten.

Voting "democrats" in isn't going to automatically fix anything because huge chunks of those parties are rather blatently working together so Caruso and Burke can get power to achieve their aims. Are we aware of what those aims are, and is it a vision we want for Woodbury?

That is a question I would like to see discussed here, and as we have a chance to see what his people "do" on the Town board.

Anonymous said...

I say it was voter apathy. If an election was held in Woodbury, and nobody cared, did it ever really happen at all?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, off-election years often pull out few voters. And the comment that people often don't get involved until it is too late or the issue is right in their back or front yards is also true.

This election was also likely about disenchantment nationally with the Republican leadership--- look at the low national ratings. Although local government does not deal with those issues, general dissatisfaction can carry over.

Also one must not forget that behind the scenes Caruso still controls the Republican Committee, is supportive, behind of the scenes, of Burke and this crew in the Democractic Committee and has and is making attempts to win over the Conservative Committee in Woodbury.

As in the 2005 election, part of the Republican Committee did not support its own candidates and worked behind the scene for the Democratic Committee. Not having a full slate, i.e. a Supervisor candidate on the Republican ticket, also hurt in this year's election.

And lastly, but not insignificantly, the Democrats put out a last minute smear flyer to residents of Timber Ridge, falsely claiming the the Republican candidates supported the assessment changes of last year. Interesting that the full time supervisor who was in charge at the time was not blamed but then it was his party making the false accusations.

Very sadly, both in this election and the last, the dirty flyers political trick likely influenced voters. And both times, these flyers benefited a party (the Democrats) who ran inexperienced people that needed to distract people from that fact by smearing the more experienced candidates.

It is the tactics that should be of concern. Open and healthy debate is a good thing and people should present their views. But sneaky smear flyers, distributed on people's garbage cans in the stealth of the night speaks volumes about how low they feel they must stoop to win. Conroy, McNeill and Aronowitz never used such tactics.
Until the people of Woodbury open their eyes to and reject these cowardly tactics, we do not benefit from informed voters and high quality candidates. This criticism is aimed at any party that uses such techniques. Unfortunately, it Woodbury is is becoming the unsavory tradition of the Democrats. So much for their claim of "open government.

Anonymous said...

For those who were still stinging from the Preservationists' defeat, voting the Dems onto the Town Board was a perfect way to remedy or balance the scales.

I feel they were elected the same way the Village was passed- if you remember that turn out was low as well.

What people need to see is that now that Ralph and John have their guys on the Town Board, you can be damned sure they're going to go after the two Village seats even harder! In fact, I'm sure they've been "grooming" some of the particular "regulars" who have been attending the Village meetings. Watch and see who throws their hat into the ring. The ride ain't over yet!

Anonymous said...

All the more reason to get people out to meetings and involved...

Someone mind posting current times/dates, for people's conveinence?

Anonymous said...

The next meeting is tonight (Thursday, October 8) at 7:30.

Anonymous said...

One side in this town signs their names (Swiller, Conroy, Booth) and uses logic.

The other side only posts anonymously and all that they have to say is "yes, yes, ha, ha' and "you're a dick."

What does that say about the two sides. and yes, I'm posting anonymously. That doesn't change what I said.

Anonymous said...

To Swiller. Guess we missed the Oct. 8 meeting. This is November. Attention to detail is very important in many things.

Anonymous said...

Village meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

Anonymous said...

A few posts were questioning whether people voted against the candidates that were endorsed by the Community Party because of their displeasure with the Village Board. But I believe you are mistaken, if you remember Burke, Havilland and Levine had their flyer with a word play on "community team" giving a false message that they were affiliated with or endorsed by the Community Party. The voters then came out and did what they thought was the right thing to do, endorse the party that won a resounding victory over the malcontents and trouble makers, unfortunately as with every thing else that happens in the political arena in this Town/Village, they were duped and lied to by those that they just mistakenly put in office. This coupled with the false fliers sent to timber ridge shows that Levine has no more ethics or credibility than the rest of them. Shame on all of them for having to stoop to such low levels to win an election. Congrats, you have shown that cannot be trusted even before you take office. God bless the politicians, they makes us lawyers look honorable.

Anonymous said...

Yep, It's November. Just shows how tired I am.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan has protected this Town again and again with the pipeline, with annexation, with Gonzaga, with Seven Springs Mtn Road. He has always tried to bring people the truth. Every time that I've talked to him he has said "Don't take my word for it. Look it up."
He may be the most honest person in Woodbury.
And All that John and Ralph and their lackeys can do is insult him and make accusations without ever backing them up with specifics.
That says a lot about John and Ralph.

Anonymous said...

The a-holes keep saying that he is a bullsh-er, but they never, never, never can point to anything that he has ever said that isn't true.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that since the voters of Timber Ridge were blatantly lied to by the Committee to Elect Woodbury Democrats, that they should ALL show up at the next Democratic Committee meeting, to be held Monday, 11/26/07 at the Senior Center at 7:45pm, and DEMAND answers from Mr. Mangual, Mr. Burke, Mr. Haviland III, Mr. Levine, and all the rest of the committeee members who approved the mass distribution of false information just before the election!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine and Mike didn't lose, Woodbury did.


Anonymous said...

It will be interesting if John and company begin criticizing the Village Board. Perhaps the Village Board should not be so gracious and share some facts with the people of Woodbury.

For example, most people are not aware that the Village turned back over 75% of its revenues from the sales tax to help offset taxes in the Town budget. They could have kept all of it had they wanted to which would have hurt the taxpayers.

And it saved the police department since Burke had not budgeted for that department correctly and was almost a quarter of a million dollars short for the year. But most people did not know this since Burke kept the budget process so secret by having budget meetings during the day when the public and even some working Town Board members could not attend. Guess it depends on how you define "open government."

The KJ water tank matter rests squarely on Burke's shoulders. In his own words, he sent 2 letters saying that the subdivision of the land for the tanks was done improperly. And then what? He did nothing. No follow-up. Why? Because besides talking and blaming others, he didn't know what to do. Now he tries to shift the blame to others.

And then during 2 elections Burke shows that winning justifies lies about his opponents. Oh, one does hope that Burke and his cronies start to "speak out" so the real facts can come out.

Anonymous said...

At the top of this blog, someone said they had not seen Bo Haviland or Levine be Caruso's puppets.

Well, Bo has shown that in regards to the 5 laws. Just as Burke admitted at a Town Board that he had not read the all the laws, Bo simply mouths the same thing.

Don't know about Levine yet but am disappointed that he didn't do his homework and find out assessing works before letting a flyer go out with lies about his opponents. That does not speak well for him. Either he didn't bother to find out if the information in was not true or he went along because that is the way to wind--smear your opponents to cover up lack of experience. He has already made one big false step. Hope he begins to do his homework, talk to others besides the Committee and his running mates. If not, he is just a rubber stamp.

As someone said the other day, people who become involved in politics before they learn about public service become little more than political cronies. People will be watching.

Anonymous said...

I hope residents intend to put a stop to this kind of election nonsense. Burke, Haviland & Levine need to be held accountable!

Anonymous said...

gosh you people really take defeat bad sorry !! the people have spoken and the developers are very worried that is enough for me to be GLAD

Anonymous said...

"...the people have spoken and the developers are very worried that is enough for me to be Glad."

Developers are worried? Sorry to disappoint you Bo,John,Manny and the rest of the Raphlings...the Town Board no longer has jurisdiction over the developers. It is in the hands of the Village.
You remember, the one YOU created using misinformation, lies, and fear tactics!

So who's worried now?

Anonymous said...

UB- Burke always runs to the papers and John Sullivan to rant and rave- why don't you call Mr. Sullivan and have him report on the midnight delivery of the "Flyer of Lies" that Burke & Co seemed to have approved just before the election?? This is the kind of stuff that the residents need to know about, and if Burke can use the papers, then why can't you?!

Anonymous said...

can we PLEASE get rid of the campaign signs now!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I spoke with Sullivan today. It appears that the lies told to the people of Timber Ridge will be written about.
I hope that the story is covered honestly and fully.

Anonymous said...

Burke and company understand the meaning of limited growth as per the Master Plan. The people we just got rid on the town board think increasing 140 homes to 450 homes is limited growth. They made a mockery of our master plan and have done irreversible damage to this town. The old tree hugger who is now on the planning board should take a look at The Junction on Dunderberg Road. She is another one who can't interpt a simple phase such as limited growth. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is the people who gain election by lying to the voters who have reason to feel shame.
The question is, are they and their supporters incapable of feeling shame?

Anonymous said...

By the way, the Master Plan specifically refers to the Dundeberg property and envisions precisely the type of project that's being built now.
But then, since when does reality have anything to do with what the anonymnous snipers post here?

Anonymous said...

What is LIMITED GROWTH ??????? Maybe you and the old tree hugger can define the word LIMITED.

Anonymous said...

How about if we let the Master Plan, which it seems you haven't read. define it?

At the bottom of page 34 of the Master plan (adopted almost 20 years ago) there is a list of a number of areas in Woodbury including “areas adjacent to Dunderberg Road near the High School complex” - that is where Woodbury Junction is being built.

Continuing at the top of the next page: “As the Town grows and in order to maintain the integrity of the overall plan concept, one or more of these latter areas may be considered for extension of the Suburban Density portions of the hamlets. This provides the plan with the flexibility to allow limited growth without changing the Plan. To do this it would be necessary to ensure sufficient water supply and/or sewage treatment capacity to allow logical extensions of municipal utility systems.”

Suburban Density is defined as “approximately one dwelling unit per acre...”

You anonymous snipers either have no idea what you are talking about - and should learn the facts before speaking - or you are purposely lying to people - in which case you should just be quiet.

I am long past being patient with those of you who use lies to win elections and who slander those people who have worked hard and with honor for this town.

Is power so important to you that it doesn't matter how you harm Woodbury in order to get it?

Anonymous said...

There is such a thing as the truth, real and unchanging. There are those people who understand this and there are those who don’t

The truth is not there to be called upon when it’s convenient. A person is either honest or he is not. You can not be “somewhat honest” any more than you can be “a little pregnant.”

Anonymous said...

very well said Mr. Swiller. Now get some sleep. you will need it.

Anonymous said...

Its speakes to Dunderburg RD but it speaks to limited growth. What is limited growth? I can tell you it's not increasing 150 homes to 450 homes. How the tree hugger and her flip flop board member sleep at night is beyond comprehension. Good bye and good riddance. What is limited growth? Who is the tree hugger? Who is the flip flopper who just lost the election?

Anonymous said...

First you claim that the Master Plan was violated, and then when I quote the Master Plan and show that the it was followed, you just ignore that.

Does the truth interest you in any way?

Does it matter to you that the election was won because of lies?

Is there any chance that you will even give your name?

Or is that name Donnelly or Siebold?

Kieran Conroy said...

I'm still just cracking up that this person is mad at tree huggers and developers being on the same side.

Clearly it must be a sign of the apocalypse!

I define limited growth is growth Woodbury has the ability to limit. Lets start counting houses if that land leaves Woodbury's zoning because its leaders were utterly inflexible. Hope you can count higher than 450!

Also lets remember how a percentage of these houses are senior housing, not placing any burden on our schools, but paying for them! Or the new sewer system being paid for by developers to support them, and the community.

I think it would be great if we could stop all growth on Woodbury's open lands. But unless you're willing to buy it yourself or start a Communist revolution, its going to happen. The town board couldn't do either, so they tried to creatively protect Woodbury.

Feel free to present a better plan than the one our town officials negotiated. But since you didn't address Jonathan's points, I suspect mine will go ignored as well.