Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Limited Time, Sign Your Name, Show How Smart You Are, Post


Here are the rules.

Wanna show how smart you are?

Predict the outcome of any (or all) races.

Sign your name.

Unsigned comments go bye-bye.

The winner gets something (Public acclaim? A sandwich? Dunno yet.)

Take your best shot.

Woodbury or elsewhere.

Contest ends when the results are announced (gee, really?).


Anonymous said...

Unc, nobody wants to go out on a limb.

I'll predict that Elaine Slobod, Myrna Kemnitz, Brandon Nielsen and, in Woodbury, Lorraine McNeil and Mike Aronowitz will all win.

Anonymous said...


I think the District 7 race is too difficult to predict. Townsend has three lines so naturally the night should be his. But Kemnitz is trying to tie Townsend to KJ so perhaps that might be enough for her to overcome Townsend's ballot spots. I predict it will be close there. If you held me down to a pick I would say Townsend...just again because of the three lines he has. Will also be close in BG but I concur that Brandon will win as will Charlie Bohan. I also expect Lorraine and Mike to win reelection here in Woodbury. For Supreme Court I expect Elaine Slobod to definitely win and I believe Judge Sherwood will as well. The third seat will come down to Judge Bellantoni or Judge Nicolai.

Kieran Conroy said...

I guess I'm just too superstitious to say anything till the polls close... though I might reconsider based on the caliber of that sandwich. :P

Kieran Conroy said...

Ah, what the heck, its been awhile since I broke my nose tree climbing.

I've got faith that Aronowitz and Lorraine will hold their ground. Burke will win, with higher than normal number of write-ins given the lack of alternatives. A few stubborn (but awesome) people will give a symbolic vote to my mom, as they have since Burke took office.

I haven't been able to follow the other elections as closely as I'd like, though I'm hopeful we'll at least one Orange County rep on the Supreme court. I've heard good things about Elaine Slobod, and she seems to have good odds.

Kieran Conroy said...

I suspect that may have affected the turnout... but the Town board isn't completely irrelevant, as we saw how important communication could be in the issue of the Towers.

I'm glad to hear its close still, here's hoping my vote will help.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Anonymous said...

Better go out and really crank up the bullshit spreader now Swiller! you DICK.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you'll be giving uncle betty more bullshit to spread? 'Cause he's only been giving us the best points of yours!

Anonymous said...

Why don't all of you get off your asses and start attending the meetings- then you'll get your info first hand!

Anonymous said...

Anything would be better then reading the bullshit that you spread around Swiller, you DICK!!

Anonymous said...

Nice mouth moron. UB & Swiller have provided a forum for honest debate, that is, until know-nothings like you decide to jump into the mix. Why don't you stay in the closet with Ralph.

Anonymous said...

UB honest, Swiller providing honest information! Yea, only if you support his ideas, were against the village, support the current Village government, support Mike A. & Lorraine, and lets face it, You hate KJ and everything about them, Honest my ass!

Kieran Conroy said...

*Leaves point about those who can't do more than insult to support their arguments against UB to stand for themselves*

That said, the most recent poster actually tries to make a point? Does Uncle Betty have his biases? I don't think he's ever tried to hide them, certainly, but he's never stiffled debate. People who on "the other side" politically are always free to post their views, but they seem to throw insults and vague attacks instead, which makes them look worse.

That said, I'd like to see more debate around here, if this sites really going to live up to its ideals. I challenge you to continue to challenge our views in the future, it doesn't help if we all agree with each other here.

And for what its worth, plenty of people here seem to be critiqing the village. We're also debating people's opinions against KJ/how to approach problems with them. We're not of all mind, by any means.

Kieran Conroy said...

"Not all of one mind," that is. Bleh. :P

Anonymous said...

List one instance where Swiller's facts were not honest. If you would take the time to read, and see that he clearly states when things are his opinion vs fact, then you would also see that he is honest. And before you revert back to your throwing of slang anatomical parts, I am not Swiller, nor a Village board member, nor their relatives, etc. Just a resident who DID vote, and who DOES pay attention...you, sir/madame should try doing the same thing!

Kieran Conroy said...

Exactly, the other side seems unable, for the most part of doing that... I would most heartily like to see more poeple who can point out, or at least intelligently debate their perspective.

Take conspiracy theories for example... the community people are repeatedly (anonymously) blamed for "selling the town out do developers." Have they any proof of this? Have any of the people voting for those laws suddenly started driving aroudn town in Porches? If you can find me evidence of legitimate corruption, I will here you out; otherwise I have to assume they honestly believe what they took at stand on is for Woodbury's benefit.

I allude to Ralph and Caruso's alliance between parties, but it has been observed many times over, such as the the Republican committee leaving the seats unopposed or times when its own candidates faced backlashes for not following Ralph's agenda. And it became abundantly clear during the Village elections/issues that they were working together, in their "packet".

On their end we are given cause to suspicion because so many misinformation and smear material has been put out election after election to benefit them. If they truly believe their plan is best, why not debate it openly? But we all saw how that went when Caruso debated the lawyer during the Fire-District discussion.

Anonymous said...

Debate? What debate? I must have been asleep. Always helps to have proof sources when debating.

Kieran Conroy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kieran Conroy said...

It wasn't a formal debate, was referring to their extended discussion at the massive Village meeting at the Electrical Workers building just before the Village creation vote. Half the town showed up, but I should have been more specific.

I'm trying to find a record article if you missed it, may have been covered in more depth in the photo news, but they don't seem to archive stuff back earlier than this year.

Anonymous said...

The lawyer explained that with the creation of a village the existing fire district, under the control of its commissioners, would have to dissolve and that the village would re-form the district under their (the village board's) control.

Ralph repeatedly insisted that this wasn't the case.

I have heard (but have no proof) that Ralph later claimed that after the meeting the lawyer approached him and "admitted Ralph was right." This couldn't have happened, because the lawyer left long before the meeting ended.

Now we see that the lawyer was right and that Ralph was wrong.

Ralph wrote a "My View"
pretending that he only insisted that the village was allowed to have a volunteer fire department.

No one ever doubted that Woodbury could have a volunteer fire department and it was blatantly dishonest of Caruso to pretend that that was the point that he was arguing.

As to my own honesty or dishonesty. If anyone feels that I have been dishonest, please quote me and show me where.

Also, to the elegant writer who repeatedly has pointed out that I am a "dick." If you post your name it will help me find your book of collected essays at the library. Should I look under "D" or "S"?

twins said...

Swiller said: "I'll predict that Elaine Slobod, Myrna Kemnitz, Brandon Nielsen and, in Woodbury, Lorraine McNeil and Mike Aronowitz will all win."

Well, congratulations Swiller on the Kemnitz, Aronowitz and McNeil wins!

Anonymous said...

That is why I am not a betting man.

Win or lose, I am still proud of the candidates that I backed.

Anonymous said...