Friday, November 16, 2007

The Buck Stops Somewhere Else

John Burke takes responsibility for the for the infamous flyer.

Unfortunately, he has yet to explain what taking responsibility means.

It appears to mean "Hey, let’s talk about something else."

The Uncle would have loved to have been at the Town Board Meeting, but Smallville was on and there is such a thing as priorities.

But we have a received word from our crack cub reporter, J.S. Pieman and here at Uncle Head-Quarters we have taken his somewhat disjointed notes (you can’t get good help nowadays) and attempted to assemble a picture of what transpired (we could wait for the video to show up on channel 22 - but what fun would that be?)

The room, we are told, was nearly full. But missing from the crowd were Mike Aronowitz, Bo Haviland and Carlton Levine (that last is no surprise - the Uncle has long doubted that he actually exists).

Also nowhere to be found were such overly familiar faces as the Rump Roast, The Ankle Biter and Senator-Larkin’s-31-year-resident-of-Woodbury-Chairman-of-the-Republican-Committee-Aide Ralph Whatshisname. All three of whom managed to put in an appearance at the previous night’s Village Board Meeting.

Also M.I.A. were Democratic Committee Chairman Manny Manny as well as Bob (the Toad) Donnelly and Dancing Hank Sullivan (of these last two, it is widely believed that the latter was absent due to being eaten by the former).

The first half of the entertainment, the actual town business, was boring and uneventful. But this was more than made up for the by second half, the Public Excoriation Segment.

Maria Hunter led off by reading the Times Herald Record Post Examiner’s editorial which demanded John (Fuzzie-Wuzzie) Burke’s resignation. Ms. Hunter then asked John to resign.

Then came the Pieman who talked a lot (we have included his full remarks below, as an appendix, for those who are interested - hell, he sent them to us so what else are we going to do with them?).

Among the other speakers were Sandy Capriglione who pointed out:

that John admitted that he had approved the flyer that claimed that Mike Aronowitz and Lorraine McNeil had "approved the plan to increase (the Timber Ridge) Assessments."


that John had admitted that he knew that Mike Aronowitz and Lorraine McNeil had not "approved the plan to increase (the Timber Ridge) Assessments."

How, Ms Capriglione asked, did John reconcile these two contradictory things?

John then launched into a five minute digression on how, when you hire someone, you then become responsible for all of his future acts, statements, thoughts and dreams, forever (it’s sort of like when you save someone’s life).

When he finally ran out of gas, Ms Capriglione quietly pointed out that John had not answered her question.

At that point Fuzzie-Wuzzie did a Buddha imitation and clammed up.

The Pieman is uncertain about this, apparently still semi-numb from John’s little verbal ramble, but he thinks that Ms Capriglione may have asked John to resign.

Mickey O’Brien spoke of his long fondness for Fuzzie-Wuzzie and asked him to resign.

Bob Hunter asked John to resign.

Robin Crouse explained something or other about the Ethics Law and then may have asked John to resign.

Mindy Prosperi made an impassioned speech (the Pieman claims that he could not do it justice, but that it made his hair stand on end and urges readers to watch the tape) which ended with her asking John to resign.

The only respite that John got came when Neil Crouse rose to discuss the idea of the Town and Village working together on the Business Improvement District. John was so unbearably grateful to Crouse for taking attention away from the chorus of "resign, resign" that he appeared ready to devote the rest of the evening to the subject. The regret that John felt as Neil left the podium was palpable (that means you could feel it).

The Pieman returned and brought John back to Sandy Capriglione’s question. Taking responsibility for hiring someone is one thing, but words have meaning and the flyer (hell is it flyer or flier?) specifically stated that Mike Aronowitz and Lorraine McNeil had "approved the plan to increase your assessments."

Pieman: "Had Lorraine McNeil approved the plan to increase assessments?"

Fuzzie-Wuzzie: "No."

Pieman: "Had Michael Aronowitz approved the plan to increase assessments?"

Fuzzie-Wuzzie: "You interrupted me, I wasn’t finished answering."

PM: "I thought that you had answered."

F-W: No, you interrupted me."

PM: "Sorry, then please finish."

F-W: "No, you interrupted me, so I won’t finish."

PM: "So, you’re saying that because I interrupted you, you don’t owe an explanation for lying to the town?"

At this point the Pieman reports that he was so blown over by John’s weaseliness (our words, not his) that he failed to note the exact words that Burke used to say, in effect, "Nyah, nyah, you interrupted me, now I don’t have to explain why I lied."

Speaking of lies. The Uncle now realizes that he too will prove himself untruthful. I promised to include the Pieman’s little harangue here, but this entry is damned long enough, so look for it as the first comment.

Yes, yes, I could go back and edit out the bit where I say that I will stick it down here, but that would be revisionism.


Uncle Betty said...

The Pieman's words:
John, when I saw this flyer, my first thought was - this is so blatantly untrue, how can he expect to get away with it? But I was foolish. You have gotten away with it. And under the law, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. The only thing that we can do is congratulate you. You wanted to win. You were willing to do absolutely anything to win. You won.

Last week, when I and others asked you about this flier, you said, that I should I address my concerns to the members of the committee which put it out and that they meet at the end of every month. What you did not say was that you were a member of that committee. Is that an honest way for you to answer a question?

You have said that Carlton Levine and Bob Donnelly were responsible for the flier. Carlton Levine says that you approved the flier. Bo Haviland has said that he didn't see the flier until Monday, the 5th, no, Tuesday, the 6th, no, Wednesday the 7th. It is unseemly for the three of you to act like a gang of juvenile delinquents, caught in the act, each one pointing at another saying "He did it."

Your running mate, Carlton Levine has called this a non-issue. Do you agree with him that winning an election by putting out a flier which deliberately misinforms the public is a non-issue?

John, you said "I will take responsibility for our mistake." What does that mean?

When you were a school principal, if you had caught a student cheating on a final exam, and that student had then said the magic words "I take responsibility," would you have allowed him to keep the "A" that he got by cheating and considered the matter closed?

Is power so seductive to you, that in order to take control of the Town of Woodbury, as you have now done, and in order to take control of the Village of Woodbury, as your partners in the Preservation Party have sought to do, and are, no doubt, seeking to do again - is control that important to you that you are willing to lie to the people of Woodbury?

During the campaign, you complained that the other members of the board would not work with you, it becomes apparent that you meant that you could not control them.

John, you have the wonderful ability to come across as a really nice guy. But you and I both know that a really nice guy would not do the things that you have done.

Anonymous said...

Clarification UB- Ms. Capriglione did not ask Mr. Burke to resign.

Anonymous said...

Encyclopædia Britannica Article

Page 8 of 19

Features of constitutional government > Accountability
Under constitutional government, those who govern are regularly accountable to at least a portion of the governed. In a constitutional democracy, this accountability is owed to the electorate by all persons in government. Accountability can be enforced through a great variety of regular procedures, including elections, systems of promotion and discipline, …

Mr Burke please take note,the constitution supersedes WOODBURY "law"

Anonymous said...

O.K. here is what we know.

John Burke has now admitted he signed off on the flier. Or did he?

He said he takes responsibility for the flier. But then takes no responsibility for the part of the flier that blames Mike and Lorraine for the approval of the assessment by stating that since they or Lorraine hired the assessor then she becomes responsible for everything he does.
Are you confused?

I am. What did he actually admit to? All I hear is double talk or as Charlie Sierra has called it Woodbury two stepping.

Anonymous said...

I can see by ALL THESE COMMENTS .... what, 4 of them. That there are accually only four people that read this stupid blog. Unless someone wrote 2 or 3 times.(which is probably the case). What was so bad about that flyer, that all politicians haven't done before. What, he lied!!! A politician? I've never heard of such a thing! Get over it! Sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Geez, I'd think the last post was from Mr. Burke himself, except by his own admission, he doesn't use a computer!

Anyway, your comment is an asinine one!

Anonymous said...

Blah, Blah, Blah! face it folks, there is nothing you can do about what happened, Cry, bitch, whine, and snot all you want, Swiller (the DICK) and Co. keep writing those letters, it will get you nowhere, Burke is not going anywhere, It's a big shit sandwich (pie) and we all have to take a bite!

jonathan swiller said...

Unc, my middle initial is "B"

Uncle Betty said...

The S was for Swiller

Anonymous said...

Swiller, the "B" in your name is for bullshit! (what you spread around)

Anonymous said...

Just like they say. You Ralphlings hurl insults all the time, but you never ever have any facts.

Anonymous said...

Previous poster said: "....What, he lied!!! A politician? I've never heard of such a thing! Get over it! Sour grapes."

So repetition of an action makes it alright? just imagine this:
"Yes, he murdered someone, A gang member so what? They all do it! Get over it, so what if your son was killed?"

Don, you are such an asshole, and NYC should be grateful that you are no longer causing harm on the NYPD!

Anonymous said...

And he was in internal affairs, so you know he was honest and upright.

Anonymous said...

And if Teflon John has his way, that idiot Don will be the next police chief!

Anonymous said...

it would be an improvment..

Anonymous said...

Hey Don, be careful- the pedastal you and your croanies are standing on has some major cracks, and soon you may find yourselves tumbling all the way down.

Anonymous said...

Don't think so pal. John Burke is here to stay, and there is nothing you or Swiller & co. can do about it, maybe you can contact your local senator to help, ha, ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I get the joke. Our local senator is Larkin. Caruso works for Larkin. Burke and his stooges. answer to Caruso.
So, you're pointing out that my local senator is as corrupt as Caruso, Burke, etc. and we're stuck with these lying bastards.

Hey, that's pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

You said it!!

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight, not only did Burke lie, but I watched the board meeting the other day and Haviland said he didn't know about the flier until that very night, but later said privately that he knew about it before that meeting? Why lie, because you're on camera? Oh man, these three jack asses are in for a hell of alot a scrutiny once they take office.

Anonymous said...

hee haw!