Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Baaaaack!

Route of KJ's water pipeline might change
Chris McKenna

November 29, 2007Times Herald-Record

Kiryas Joel officials are considering routing their planned water pipeline through Woodbury rather than Blooming Grove as part of the extended environmental review they've been ordered to do.

The original plan to install the pipe beside Route 32 in Woodbury has been resurrected and will be studied as a possible alternative to the Blooming Grove path that replaced it, Village Administrator Gedalye Szegedin said yesterday.

One fresh reason: Going through Woodbury would make it easier to connect four Cornwall wells that the village has obtained since planning its pipeline to the Catskill Aqueduct.

An appeals court ordered the village back to the drawing board last month to flesh out parts of the environmental impact statement deemed inadequate — such as how Kiryas Joel proposed to treat the sewage that its new water supply would make possible.

Each side in the dispute over the water project found reason to cheer the Oct. 12 decision.

Critics, who persuaded the Orange County government to file a lawsuit challenging the environmental study in 2004, felt vindicated that Kiryas Joel would have to reconsider issues that had gotten short shrift.

But at the same time, village officials were happy that opponents couldn't challenge its new study, leaving no toehold to block or delay the project once the village's consultants finished their work.

So far, there has been no talk of further litigation. The lawsuit cost the county $126,806, or about half of the $250,000 allocated by the Legislature, according to County Executive Ed Diana's office. The village's legal expenses totaled roughly $200,000, Szegedin estimated.

The additional study could take Kiryas Joel considerably longer than Szegedin forecast last month. He estimated then that the remaining issues could be answered in about six weeks and presented to the Village Board for approval.

But with cold weather setting in, he now says the village might have to wait until spring to finish searching for wetlands or buried artifacts that the 13-mile pipeline cannot disturb.


Anonymous said...

KJ should only be allowed to draw water from aquifers within it's boundaries, like all other towns in Orange County. Why should other municipalities be made to provide water for them? Their self created hardships are getting old, and their disregard for the laws of our communities is disgusting.

If the water comes through, then Woodbury or any other town should be allowed to tap it. If it comes through Woodbury, maybe the Village Board can get to pick the paint color.

I'm afraid that the only "buried artifact" around here is common sense and honesty, may they RIP. I miss them.

Anonymous said...

You sound deliriously tainted you pour little Ralphling.

Anonymous said...

I heard Burke told them its ok,

Anonymous said...

I thought the Village Board had all this taken care of with their agreement with KJ. Just ask Swiller. I heard he and Neil Crouse agreed that the board had "crossed all their Ts and dotted their Is"

How bout it guys. We don't have anything to worry about Right??

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

I was at the Village Board meeting when Trustee Crouse did say the i's were dotted and the t's crossed. He was talking about the "WATER TOWERS". I have a copy of the agreement right here in front of me, and on page 2 it states "The Village of Kiryas Joel shall not drill any wells, or otherwise draw or receive, water from the Property or from the adjacent property presently owned by Zigmond Brach and identified as Section 213, Block 1, Lot 64.2, for any purpose". I count 9 i's and 9 t's! The article in the THR today talked about water lines coming down Rt. 32 from wells owned by Kiryas Joel in the Village of Cornwall. Spend your 25 cents and FOIL the agreement and become informed.

Anonymous said...

"But at the same time, village officials were happy that opponents couldn't challenge its new study, leaving no toehold to block or delay the project once the village's consultants finished their work."

Dear Unc, what exactly does that mean? The last time KJ prepared an Environmental Impact Statement, it was subject to comment (and Sheila and Lorraine did comment indeed, as well as the Pieman!) Why isn't it subject to comment now?

By the way, don't pay attention to the idiot that refers to the agreement about the Water Towers, which is not the pipeline.

Anonymous said...

In the decision on the Article 78 lawsuit that the county filed challenging KJ's FEIS (Final Environmental Impact Statement) on the pipeline, the court said that while KJ's plans to deal with the increased sewer water was insufficient, all that KJ had to do was offer more information - not reopen the whole SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) process.

However, if they wasnt to change their plans to put the pipeline through Woodbury - this is a major change to the FEIS and would (or ought to) require a reopening of the process.

While John Burke has shown that he knows very little about SEQRA, Woodbury does have one of the County's acknowledged experts on the process - Sheila Conroy.

Anonymous said...

No doubt it was one of the "informed" idiots about to take office that doesn't know the difference between the water tower agreement and the pipeline. Figures!! Boy are we in trouble!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I must be missing something. The pipeline is just going through Woodbury? Their not taking any water from Woodbury? Then what's the problem? Water pipes run from the Catskills to New York City, does this make everyone that lives and works in New York City evil? The real enemy to the residents of Woodbury is the residents apathy towards voting and keeping their Elected Officials honest and trustworthy. Woodbury is going to self-destruct from within, we do not need any help from outsiders.

Anonymous said...

Key word in your statement is JUST! Does KJ "just" do anything? Nothing is ever what it appears with KJ, and they have themselves to blame for that statement. Their words carry no honor or truth. There actions have provoked a suspicion amongst all their neighbors, and again, they have only themselves to blame.

Anonymous said...

I think I get what the crossing "t"s guy is talking about. Wouldn't the water from this pipeline go to the tower for storage thus making the loop hole the agreement forgot to plug (plumber joke)?

Anonymous said...

There was no loophole. The agreement was aimed at keeping KJ from drilling at the site of the water towers because that would hurt Amdur (sp?) Park's wells.

Anonymous said...

Another major issue with the pipeline:
Getting water from the aqueduct in itself is a problem because the aqueduct is shut down on occasion and if KJ becomes dependent on that water supply without having a back up system, that wouldn't fly either.

So that and the substantial change in the plan (changing the route) makes for COMMENT.

I hope Sheila is listening....

Anonymous said...

they can have that crappy amdur park water...

Anonymous said...

So Johnny is agreeing that KJ should have had the towers all along and it doesn't matter how they'll fill it. So much for your not one inch. Perhaps the "Repubercrats" are right after all...Swiller side with Village Board in letting KJ get there way.

Anonymous said...

to the previous poster:

What the heck are you trying to say?
How can you make a quantum leap from not one inch to the village letting KJ get in the way(not true)to Swiller
letting KJ get in the way (not true)?
Oh wait! you can't make a quantum leap, you don't have the mental capacity to do so.

And thank you Ralphling for admitting that there are Republocrats, just like Manny admitted the reps influence over him.

Is this town/village mad?

Anonymous said...

quamtum leap, now there is a show I miss!

Anonymous said...

quantum, sorry!

Anonymous said...

From another blog, a thing of beauty, Ralphlings vs. Swillerites, both evil bastards! couldn't have said it better myself!

Kieran Conroy said...

So Johnny is agreeing that KJ should have had the towers all along and it doesn't matter how they'll fill it. So much for your not one inch. Perhaps the "Repubercrats" are right after all...Swiller side with Village Board in letting KJ get there way.

I'm also not even sure what you're trying to say. Where did Jonathan write any of this?

In any case, all this focus on the Village obscures Burke's inaction when the ball was in his court. Why did he not even inform the Village board when it took office of this vital issue in time to do anything about it? (Except through a self-serving press release a year later!)

Why did he send just two letters, rather than taking proactive steps like contacting multiple county agencies when the ball was in his court, so Woodbury might have had some legal ground to stand on?

Focusing all the blame on the Village is like blaming a new President for an invading army the last President let in with stern glares and a slap on the wrist.

Anonymous said...

Okay pal, the very mention of your last name congers up frustrating images of in-descision and over analysis, and perhaps one of the reasons, were all stuck with this jerk off to begin with!

Uncle Betty said...

Oh, come now, it would be unfair to deny Ralph credit for the last minute flyer that he and Burke put out the day before the election, lying about Sheila's record.

Kieran Conroy said...

Well, at least you have the decency to criticize my mother without cursing everyone out or spouting vague conspiracies. Don't get much of that around here, so I at least appreciate your honesty.

I don't consider it my job to defend her at every turn (or think I need to, given her record), but I admit I'm a little curious to hear reasons besides the months of political attacks and misinformation people thought made John a better choice at the time.

Don't want to lose the focus of this thread, but if you want to explain your view (examples always helping), I'm willing to listen.

Anonymous said...

Your mom couldn't stand Swiller either! just ask her!

Anonymous said...

Nice deflection

Kieran Conroy said...

Ok, so apparently anonymous #27 knows people's mothers better than their own family members. The pain!


Anonymous said...

Now everyone needs to know that the funding is not quite there yet for the pipeline. It has to go before an appropriations committee early next year. You all should be writing both Senators (Schumer and Clinton) expressing your dismay NOW. I would also send a note on to Congressman Hall's office. One can mention things like reducing the acquifer, ripping up highly traveled roads, etc. that effect our way of life here in Woodbury. This might stop the funding. It is worth a shot letting them know that they have irked a few people just so they could get the block vote. By the way, I have been told that email works the best for these political offices. Finally, I would not blame either Board as it is really up to us to make a lot of noise with our representatives. Quit bashing everyone and get to work!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last blog, but speaking about other politicians may upset some of our Woodbury woodchucks, remember they only like to speak or spread bullshit too, and about Woodbury on this site.

Kieran Conroy said...

Continues ignoring anyonymous posters with strange rodent obsessions.

Thanks for practical steps we can take, this would be better publicized in a new thread or something Ocean could help organize, I think. Shall see if I can get some direct links to websites, though better organized guidelines for people writing (so they even know the name/project in quesion) would also be good. Maybe a form letter for those in a rush.

Of course its being planned before the environmental reviews are even done... wonder how legal all this is. Something to watch closely too.

I'll drop an email now to Uncle-B in case he missed this.

Anonymous said...

"...our Woodbury woodchucks..." Mr. Donnelly, haven't you learned yet that EVERYONE knows your signature buzz phrase???

Anonymous said...

How dare you mention another politician from outside woodbury on our good ole boy site!

Anonymous said...

Who's the politician from outside Woodbury???

Anonymous said...

Bo isn't from out of town, but he is from another planet.

Anonymous said...

Clinton, Schumer and Hall, not good ole Woodbury people, remember, on THIS blog you can only talk about Woodbury matters, How dare anyone else mention anything or anybody not related to our BS problems, Your only welcomed on this blotter if your a town/village employee, you back the current village board! (ha ha) you support Swiller or you have very little ability to see past the nose on your face. How dare you!

Anonymous said...

And I suppose the nose on your face part pertains to you--

Anonymous said...

what are you saying?

Anonymous said...

Bobo the circus chip!

Anonymous said...

But back to something really important, What color will the water towers be?

Anonymous said...

Don't be an idiot, idiot!

Anonymous said...

Who cancelled the meeting?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

25 or 6 to 4