Sunday, November 18, 2007

Flog That Blog

The Pieman is right once again (see below). Sweeter than pie, I swear.

Write it down.

Print it out.

Spread it around.

(No "WWW," mind you.)

Write it on bathroom walls.

Or just tell people to Google MeetUncleBetty (no spaces or you'll end up with a Heavy Metal group that seems to have stolen your Uncle's identity).

The more who show up the more folks to chip in on the pizza.

jonathan swiller said...
I love you like a brother (or at least like an uncle), but in one way the Ralphlings are right. There is a very limited audience for this blog.
I don't know if you can track this, but how many people actually come here and read what we all have to say?
Is it just a few dozen?
If people care about Woodbury, yes they have to come to board meetings, and to the Democratic Committee meeting next week, but at the very least, they should be telling everyone they know about this blog so that more and more people of Woodbury can take part in this discussion.


Anonymous said...

So let me understand:

1) Sending out lying fliers about your opponents is just politics as usual and we should let it go.

2) Sending out lying flier a day before the election so your opponents have no chance to correct your lies is okay.

3) Sending out lying fliers to a specific part of the Town/Village (and to no other sections of Woodbury), a day before the election in a way that upsets and inflames those residents because of what they felt were unfair reassessments and incorrectly blaming your opponents as being responsible for this is okay.

4) Sending out lying fliers in the 2005 election, with no author identified, and inflaming and upsetting people so that Supervisor Burke could win was okay.

When are we going to say enough? If we accept such behavior from our officials, we show everyone that we accept this. We say to our kids, it is okay to lie and cheat to get ahead. Heck your elected officials do it and it works. Even a former principal does it .

Do we sweep it under the rug or do we say enough is enough? It's up to us, isn't it? Guess who is watching to see what we do?

Anonymous said...

Teflon John

Anonymous said...

When a community cares, mountains can be moved, and King Ralph and Prince John can be de-throned.

Anonymous said...

The problem is who would replace them. All previous despots were just that. Who would step up to the plate to take the abuse this position seems to gravitate to. Johnny boy already said no. Unc won't. He/she/it would then have to reveal their identity and close this blog. Lorraine shouldn't...despot category again.

Who Who Who (and no that wasn't an attempt to impersonate an owl.)

Anonymous said...

almost all of the abuse came from John himself and his cohorts - and they are now discredited.
John had it easy for the past two years (but i'm guessing that thats about to change).

Anonymous said...

Nothing will change, it will all blow over.

Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourself that, just like the lies the Ralph & co keep repeating....

Anonymous said...

Some of the lies are coming from a closer source. All you have to do is look in the Town Clerks office to find the author.

Anonymous said...

what are you saying?

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that the town clerk is spreading all this bull?