Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Shapelessness Of Things To Come

That notorious flyer has garnered all the attention, and yet there are so many other reasons to be scared shitless of Supervisor John Burke's second term.

He has made clear that, in his view, public enemy number one is the Woodbury Village Board.

Rut roh!

A bit of background:

Those fine folks who run the bucolic Village of Kiryas Joel bought an illegally subdivided piece of Woodbury land adjacent to Gonzaga Park. They then knocked down an old stone wall and some number of trees in the Park, erected a fence, began to put up water towers and refused entry to Woodbury Building Inspector Gary Thomasberger.

Aside from being a brilliant way to make friends, they ignored a number of laws.

However (Lord, I hate these howevers) the law being what it is (gulp) it seems that, in the end, whether the Village of Woodbury spent lots of time and money in court making KJ file the proper papers and follow the proper procedures, they (the KJans) were going to end up with the right to build the water towers.

Yay municipal sovereignty!

OK, so the Woodbury Village Attorney tells the Woodbury Village Board that they can fight against the machine and eventually lose or they can work out an agreement that gives Woodbury some (very slight) input and lie back and accept the inevitable.

They pick the latter.

In all this, the Uncle believes, there was a third course which would have better served us - silence. Wait for the Planning Board to have its scheduled meeting, let them deal with it as the law maps out, stay out of expensive court battles and nothing more.

Woodbury would have lost the tiny bit of oversight that it got, but the Village Board wouldn't have come across (justly or not) as a bunch of wussies.

That being said, aside from the PR hit the board is taking, there was no real harm or foul.

But, there is that aforementioned PR hit.

The Republican Committee met and denounced the Village Board for the perfidy of reaching an accord with KJ's muckimucks. (Feel all better and manly now?)

But, as I say, all this is just prologue (sheesh Unc, you do go on.)

Even before the Republiclowns met, the Democraps had had their monthly confab.

It was there and it was then that smiling Bo Haviland, boy stop signal, introduced his resolution to condemn the Woodbury Village Board.

Only at this particular get together a member of the said Board, a Mr. Neil Crouse, was present.

Crouse explained his Board's reasoning, and the explanation was sufficient to get the condemnatory resolution dropped and to have, in its stead, a resolution condemning the folks who run KJ for the way they went about this whole matter.

Neither Bo nor John Burke was pleased. They were both still out for Village blood.

And so, when the resolution condemning KJ's actions passed (and it did) it was with Bo abstaining and Burke voting no.

Excuse me?

Did I just hear myself correctly?

Burke voted against condemning KJ's steam-roller tactics?

That he did. If he couldn't get the Dems to make "bad-bad" at the Woodbury Village Board, he was going to take his ball and go home.

When it comes to villages, John's credo is "Forget KJ, Screw Woodbury!"

Which all puts into perspective the lovely quote from John in the Times Herald Record Picayune Advertiser on November 3rd:

John Burke "said he would also use his position to vent disapproval with the decisions of the recently incorporated Village of Woodbury."

SO, we begin to see the future take shape. John Burke sees his role as Supervisor to make sure that the Town and the Village of Woodbury are at each other's throats.

Sounds like a fine recipe for municipal suicide.

But what do I know?


Anonymous said...

It's as if you were there UB- one minor sidenote- also in the audience that night were good old Ankle Biter Seibold, Steve Musich, Bill Mullooly and some other gophers.

UB- that infamous yellow piece of paper- could that be from the same stockpile that Carol Mullooly used back in 10/05 to print the reasons why NOT to vote for Geri??? Perhaps they got a discount.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why the Democrats sent out some of their stuff under the name of Woodbury Democratic Committee and some under Committee to Elect Woodbury Democrats. BOTH were registered under the name of the Dems treasurer, Valerie Hebel. So, was it to make it look like the Dems were soooo popular that they had two groups working for them? Or, do the Dems operate with an inner circle? Wow, Ralph must have lent them his playbook!

Anonymous said...

You may or may not have been there, but your lackeys definitely were -- probably Handy Sandy and her handy(sandy) dandy steno pad. You forgot to read all of it though. JB said prior to the vote that the edict soley on KJ would be totally useless and a waste of time. That's was the reason for the "NO" vote.

However ( I know you don't like howevers) the actual letter of condemnation identifies both KJ and the Village People as co-conspirators. Maybe they (the Village) should have fought on. Seems that Nancy Calhoun has also thrown down the gauntlet or have you (Probably on purpors you biased bastard) forgotten to inform all of that??

Anonymous said...

Twas the night before Elections, when all through the Town
Not a Politician was stirring, there were none to be found
No Burke, no Haviland, nor Carlton was there
No Ralph, or his wife, hey whats up with her hair?

But that crew were not nestled, all snug in their bed
There misinformation, soon would be read
And folks in Timber Ridge, just waking from their nap
Will soon be bombarded with more Big John crap.

When out in the street there arose such a clatter
People sprang from their beds to see what was the matter
Little yellow fliers were snatched up in a flash
With lies that were useful for only the trash

McNeill is the reason for your problems you know
She approved the assessment, with Aronowitz in tow

When what to my wondering ears should I hear
But Burke denying he knew of the jeers
With nothing to say, cause hes a lying little p*#@k
He struggled for words, guess he isn’t that slick

More rapid than eagles, Swiller called out the name
Of Bo in the audience, and asked him the same
Who wrote the flier, who put the fix in?
Don’t lie now, remember poor Nixon?

From the top of the roof, to the end of Town Hall
Your lies and deceit will be known by all

As the board room became quiet John Burke sat by
Then Swiller stood again, and Burke didn’t know why
Sit back in your chair, your talking is through
All I did was stand up, I apologize to you!

And then theres Caruso, always so aloof
Why isn’t he screaming out, WHERE IS YOUR PROOF!
McNeill didn’t approve any assessment in Town
And Aronowitz, poor guy wasn’t even around

You know he won’t do that, cause he’s one of the schnook’s
Who approved of the flier, boy he’s as dumb as he looks
The people in Town should all turn their backs
On Burke and Caruso and their whole list of crap

McNeill, and Aronowitz didn’t think it so merry
But remember they did it to Sheila and Gerri?
The night before elections they get up and go
With lies stuffed in garbage cans, where they belong you know

The Towns in a quandary, its bearing its teeth
And the lies of John Burke, encircles us all like a wreath
We need to do something, not just sit in Jays Deli
We need to expose their soft under belly

Burke may be thinking that he is top Elf
But don’t you be fooled, its Caruso himself
And Bo and Carlton your hanging by threads
Cause you’ll take the fall for the lies that they’ve spread

If you think that being on the Board is hard work
Just wait till we tear you a new one, like Burke

Republican, Democrat, whatever you prose
You just can’t sit by and keep your mouth closed
It’s the people in Town that will ultimately fall
For the lies of these men that we were told to us all

But I’ll ask one more thing, to John Burke on this site
How can you possibly sleep well at night?

Anonymous said...

Great job! Kudos to the author of the poem.

Scary that everything in the poem is true. I hope they make a holiday card out of it and send it to all the residents of Woodbury!

Anonymous said...

To the one that lost his sheep- you might want to be 100% sure of yourself before you start throwing around accusations- as usual, your failure to check your information will cost you.

Anonymous said...

What sheep? What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

Christmas comes early this year! Thank you for the sweet gift of truth. Send a copy to everyone on your list this year.

Anonymous said...

Especially those naughty boys!

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight our lying Supervisor John Burke voted against a resolution that condemns KJ for it's illegal actions because it didn't include the condemnation of the Village of Woodbury Board as well?

He is all about vendettas. Keep your eyes and ears out for him. Watch the things he votes against. Is it what's best for Woodbury or is it to get back at someone.

He has it out for his fellow board members because they voted for the five laws, he has it against the Chief because the Chief did not recommend his son for a job,he has it out for Sheila Conroy because way back when Sheila was Planning Board Chairman she did not vote to appeal a decision that was made by a judge in Westchester to allow Cosimo's to be built.
I for one am glad that my tax dollars were not wasted on a law suit that only about five people wanted us to fight. BTW I love eating there.
I could go on about Burke and his wicked streak but I will save it for another post.

Hey author of the poem... Good job!

Uncle Betty said...

To the Anonymo who offered this warning: "you might want to be 100% sure of yourself before you start throwing around accusations"

Two thoughts:
if you have the facts, please share them
haven't John, Bo and Carlton set the bar at 25% accuracy?

Uncle Betty said...


The Uncle is slowing down.

That WAS aimed at Bo, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Slowing down" is right- even I got that one!

Anonymous said...

The most remarkable thing about this blog is that in two years, it has become an experiment in sociology.

The amount of times that people (and it is my assumption that all the anonymi ARE people)rush to make insinuations, accusations and pass along totally wrong information out of fear, guilt or humiliation is incredible!

What drives us as humans to lash out whithout truly having all the facts. Do we assign guilt by association? Do our predetermined judgments of others take precedent over fact?

Whatever it is, there seems to be a troubling degree of this behavior running rampant amongst our elected officials and political committees, and hopefully, once it is exposed for the general population to see, they will lose whatever imaginary power and control they believe they have. It can't happen too soon for my liking!

Anonymous said...

"the actual letter of condemnation identifies both KJ and the Village People as co-conspirators" So who got this letter?

Anonymous said...

Just some thoughts:

If John Burke voted no and Bo Haviland abstained about the motion to condemn KJ for its illegal action on the water tanks because it would do no good, how come they were ready to condemn the Village which also would have done no good? Could it be that the real purpose it to go after the Village before upcoming elections in the spring so that they can take over that govenment with lies too? Beginning to see a pattern here?

Two flyers distributed the day before the election with false information that would influence the election towards John Burke and his team. Another pattern--- politics over truth. And anything goes as long as Burke and company win. The hell with the truth.

And beneath it all, we really only a one party system in Woodbury right now. The Democrats with Burke and Donnelly and Manquel are working behind the scenes with Caruso and Siebold. In the last 2 elections, the Republicans did not endorse a candidate for Supervisor. Why? Because they wanted Burke to win. In 2005, Conroy submitted petitions to get on the ballot but had her own party working against her. The danger of too much power in the hands of too few is clear demonstrated here.

Anonymous said...

Well I should hope that a good number of people from Timber Ridge show up to the Democratic committee meeting for answers, as Mr. Burke instructed them to do on Channel 22!!

Anonymous said...

In the 2005 election Gianzero wasn't endorsed either and had to run a primary. Won the primary and went on to win her election in a five horse race.
How do you then explain that? She also had her own party working against her and had 3 other people running against her (the fourth was Queenan who was on her team). They both took the election.

Anonymous said...

Explanation- Ralph was too busy getting his ass kicked by Roxanne- he had leave it up to the Democrats, and their choice of candidates was questionable at best.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. Are you saying these candidates were any better than the last slate? Bo was one of them and they had John at the head of the ticket then also.
Your reasoning would also apply to Conroy.

Anonymous said...

Do not throw the entire Rep. Committee into one pot. There are those on the Committee that would love to see Caruso go away. He has historically NOT endorsed Republicans running for office. That includes encumbents running unapposed. He refused to endorse McNeill, Conroy, Gianzero, and Queenan. Two of whom are on the Rep Committee. Ralph and his team of brown noses on the committe are there for one reason, to say yes Ralph, of course Ralph. And the biggest yes man is Seibold. The only people Ralph endorses are Democrats. Like John Burke, Levine, and Haviland. Your on the wrong Committe Ralph. See if Dems can get you into their group.